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<br /> - periad��hat Lsndcr rcquircA. The insurancc currlcr pmvfdinQ tho inxumncc xhall hc cho�cn by Narmwcr�uhjoct ro L.endcrl+
<br /> - � u�mval which rhull nut he unmuxanubly wUhhcld. If 8orruwcr fuilH tn mufutaln covcraac Jcxcit�cd alx�vc,l,cixWr nwy.�t
<br /> �-- -- Le�ukr�x aption,e�aln rmerage to pmtect Len�krk dahtw io thc Pm hy in uccnnlunc�with pa�ug�uph 7.
<br /> _ _- All in�urw�co polici¢�und rcnawulx xlwll Nc uecep�ublo a�Lc�r u�ul�+hull incluJv u rtundurd m�xtguyc cluuwc. l.cndcr
<br /> chdl havc thc rlght�o huld�ho pnpcica wNl rcncwulK. 1(Lendar n�yui�cx. &►rrowcr whwll pnxnptly Qiv��u l.cndcr all nx�f{wK
<br /> - of�wid prcmium�und rrnawul noUcc�. In Ihu evem uf laxx.H�Hr�wer xhull�Ira rrumpl nudce tu Uw inwurwkv cwrfer wxl
<br /> • L�nd¢r. Lcndcr muy mnkc pmcif�if lasx fi'nnt mude promp�ly by H�iRawcr.
<br /> - Unlenx Le�ier wnd 8aimwcr�Nhorwi�c u�rcr hi wrHiug,fururwkc pnK�tid�yUull I�r W►pt1�J lu��.turuUur�nr repair af
<br /> : �- �he Pr��peny dwnugal. if'the re�tnradon or repair is ecunomicully feuriMe unJ l.enQeri. µrurfiy iw n�K Ic,�.rned. If Ihe
<br /> _=� res[orutian or re�sair iR �at ecanamicaily feasibie or LendrrR xecuri�y wcwld he Ira*cned, �hr in�uruncc pnn:��d, .rhuN be `
<br /> _= upplled to the sums necui+ed by this Securily Ina�rament, whether or niH thcn duc,wUh uny excexx puid tn Bormwer. If
<br /> ----��-,� Barrawer ubundons thc Propeny,ur duex not answ�r within �Q dayx u nWicc fram l.rnder�hul�he inxuruncc cuRicr hus
<br /> - �,�. offercd to i;eqle a claim,lhen Lender muy collect the insurunce prcxeed�. I.ender muy usc ihe prcxeeJx to repoir or res�ore
<br /> — the PrapcAy or to pay suma�secumd by this Securi�y Instrument,whether or nat�hen due. The 30-ciuy pe�iad will beyin when
<br /> __,�.y.� ti�e notice is given.
<br /> Unless Lender nnd Borrawcr otherwise agree in w�iting,uny upplic��ion of proceed�to principal �hull nat extend or
<br /> --'��`R:� postpoae the due date of the monthly payments retemed to in parugrAphK I and 2 or chunge the umuum ot'thc pnyments. If
<br />_ -.____-__. ,-.,.��.; under paragraph 21 �he Property is ucquired by Lender,Borrawer ti right ta uny inxurnnce �xiliciex und prnceedx resuUing
<br /> from damage to the Property prior to the ucquisi�ion shull paxq to Lender ta the extent uf the sums xecur+ed by this Secu�ity
<br /> __,:a�,�;: .` Instrument immediately prior Io the ncquisition.
<br /> ��.___._
<br /> --zs_ 6. Occupancy, Preaervation� Maintenance and Protectlon of the Property= Bor�ower's Loon AppllcAtlon;
<br /> �� Ixaseholda. Borrower shull accupy,establish,and use the!'roperty u.c Borrower�principaf residence within sixty days after
<br /> ___;`�.._� �he execution of this Securlry Instrument ond ahall con�inue�o occupy�he Prapeny a.c Barrower4 principul residence Por at
<br /> .��_ ___ _____�_...� lea�t one year after the dnte of nccupancy, uoless I.ender otherwir,e agrees in writing, which con�ent �hall not be _
<br /> �. �.:=5�:.;�, unreasonably withheld,or unless extenunting ci�umstances exitit which ure beyond Borrower:s cantrol. Borrower shall not
<br /> �-�-��°�` destroy.damAge or impair the Propeny.allow thc Propeny to deteriora�e.or commit wustc on the Property. Borrower shall
<br />- x`��"bry�_-:. �� be in defnult if any Yorfeftur+e uction ar praceeding.whether civil or criminal, is begun thut in Lenderk goad faith judgment
<br /> -- �.�;;"-, could result fi forfeiture of the Properly or otherwlse muterinlly impuir�he lien creuled by this Securily Instrument or
<br /> ,�,•_�. '�-- l.ender'.s cecurity interest. Borrower may cure such u defAUlt und reinsta�e,nti�xovided in pnragrnph l8,by cautiing the action
<br /> _ .�c-�;x. '.
<br /> ; � or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling thul,in Lender i good fuilh detertninution,precludes forfei�ure of the Borrower's
<br /> '���� intere4t in the Property or other muteriul impairment of the lien creuted by �his Security Instrument or Lender's security
<br /> v � � � interest. Borrower shall ulso be in defnult if Borrawer, during the loun upplicution pracss, guve muteriully Pulxe or
<br /> - �` �jr inaccurate informotion or statements to Lender(ar fuiled to provide Lender with uny muteriul infurmution) in connection wlth
<br /> '�-�'"':'"'<?'• the lonn evidenced b Ihe Note, includin but not limited ta, re resemations concernin Borrower's occu nnc of'the
<br /> :��;�; .- Y B• P 8 p Y
<br /> '`'' "'' ' ' Propeny as a principul residence. If this Security Instrument i�on n leurehold.Barcower shull comply with ull the provisions
<br /> � 1�``�.: �` �' of the lense. lf Borrower acquires fee title ta the Property,the IeASehold and�he fce tide shAll not merge unkss l.ender agmes
<br /> -�,��•_1 k,x'
<br /> Yg ,__ �-"-� IO i=i�Ui�i'g@I ifl Wllil�ig.
<br /> �':''� �.. �:. ;��'�� 7. Prolectbn of l.ender's Ktghts in the Property. If Borrowcr fuils to perform the covenuntx und ugreementc _
<br /> ;:F,���� _^'~' ''����` contuined in Ihis Securit Instrument, ar Ihere iz u Ic al rcx:eedin thut mn +i nificanU ut'fect Lender's ri hts in the v
<br /> „: 7., Y B P R Y •' 8 Y F
<br /> --° � �•, •,> . Propeny(such os u proceeding in bunkruptcy,prabate,for rundemnutiun or forFeiwre or to enforcc luwx or regulutions),then
<br /> _,..•.,
<br />_�;.,,��� � - Lender muy do and puy for whutcver is necesrary lo protect Ihc vulue of�hc:Propeny und Lendcr's rights in the Pruperty.
<br /> `�=Y `•`�-''-�-�" ' Lender K uctiann muy include puying uny sums,ecurcd by u lien which hus prioriry over�his Security Inxtrument,uppeuring
<br /> ��.,;`' ''�`• ° in court, u m reawnoble uuome + feex and entcrin on thc Pm n to make re ein.Althnu h Lender mu tnke uclion
<br /> � P Y� R Y�'� 8 !x Y p' K Y
<br /> �'���.' � under�his pu�ugraph 7,Lender d�xx not huve to do so.
<br />�-•�.-. � ��-�= Any umoums ditibuned by LenJrr under�hi+purugruph 7 shull heci�me uJdi�ionul dcbt nf Bc�rmwcr serured by this
<br />_ - �,.�YI.�
<br />::���R. �. , Srcurity Instrumcn�. Unks,Burrowcr und l.cnder agrce�o othcr icnm��I'paynun�, thexc umuun�s,h�dl lk��r interext from the
<br />_':,F�`' ' . ,._.. dute uf Jisbur+ement ut�he N�Ne rule unJ xhall hc puyut►Ic, wi�h imerest,upim noticc from LcnJcr tu Bortawcr reyuesling
<br />_ w � puyment. _
<br /> �_-�%=;�, ' 8. MorlgAge Inruranee. IF Lender reyuiroel mortgu�te imuruncr a+a cnndilion of muking the loun xecured by�his
<br />-���•�a-�`--'�'-�-_z° Security Instrumcnl. B�xr��wcr zhull puy �Ix� prcmium� rcyuircd to muintuin �hc mortgu�c insuruncc in cffcct. If, fur uny
<br /> F�' , reu,on, the mortgagc inxur�ncc covcr�gc reyuired hy LenJrr lup.es iir cru.c� to hc in efl'ect, Bom�wcr shull pUy �hc
<br />�=�'��� -.�,���... .�- prcmiums reyuired to obtuin covcrugc suhstanliully cyuivulcnt to thc mortgugc in.uruncc previuusly in cffect, ut u coxt
<br /> -=`�'��a:� � subs�antiully eyuivulcnt�o the c�►s� to Bnrrnwrr of ihc mon�u�tr intiurunce pre�inusly in rffrct, from un ultemute mangage
<br />"-��-,� inxurcr uppn�veJ by LcnJer. If sub.iantiully cyuivulcnt mongo�!e in,uruncr ruveru�e is not uvailuble,Born�wrr,hall pay�o
<br /> - ,' ="--�-�' Lender euch month u.um eyuul lo onc-�wclflh ul'the ycarly numgugc in�uruncc prrmium heing puid by Bormwer when ihc
<br /> `�°' �`'`��+u insurunce cuveraRe Ivp�ed or crruJ to tx in el'fect. Lendcr will ucrrpt,u�c und Rtuin then puymrntti us u losr rcticrve in lieu -
<br /> �'%'b , of murtgugc in+uruncc. l.oss rescrvc puymentti may nu lun�cr lx royuired,ut ihr oplion oi'L��idcr, if monguge inxuruncr -�
<br /> -•..� .,-
<br />-__,;,;y�^�,; .. .��. covcrngc(in thc unwuut and fur Ihc period Ihul LrnJcr reyuire+)proviJcd hy �n insurcr upprovrd hy Lcnder ugain lxcome+
<br />�,_.�y�:� �. ° uvuilablr und is ob�uincJ.B�irrowrr,hull pay�hc prrmium.rcyuind tu muimuin mungu�r in,urancc in eff'eci.or to proviJc u
<br />,•�� ��;r � • loss reserve,until Ihe rcyoirement for morlFugc inxurunce end,in ucwrdunce wiih cmy writtrn ugrcement between Bormwer
<br /> ,..�,! •� . � und Lende���r uppliruhle luw.
<br />-��'�' ';�. _.�v.:�:�'.�-. 9. Inxpectinn. Lcnder or itti agrnt muy makr muwnablc rntrir�u�x�n aiKl ins�x:rliom of tik Pm�xny. Lrndcr shull
<br /> ,� „� �tive Born►wcr notirc ut 1hc tim.nt�or prior to:m im�xclion��xcif��inti rcu,onuMc ruu�r tiir thc in+Fxctii�n. -
<br /> '�. 10. CondemnAtion. Thc pnxced.ul':uty:iwurd ur rlaim lirc d:mu��r.,�iirert ur run.cyucntiul, in runncrtiun with any g`.
<br /> ., o tiinpk I•amilr•-Fupnle\1rc/Frnldk 11�r l'NIFIIR�f I�iti'I'Rl'\IF.N'f..l'adomi Cu�cnam. YN10 qni¢r.t n/�,pi�,•�i �
<br />. � � �:ma�I�rr+ww�rcae Imm.mr.■ r•.
<br /> - To�11�Mt I;all 1�81p'J1f►B999("'I YA%01&TNI•I 1:11
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