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��1f, �L:�� -�...�` �".�;t. ' __ <br /> '��" � - - - __-. <br /> ��-��,` . 105667 <br /> = t. �1._.. <br /> - t. <br /> - -- �'_ �ppllcabk I�w mny rpecify for rcfnclatcmcn�l hoi'orc R�Ic of Ihc Pra�ny purxuwn io pny�wer oP rwle a�nt�inuJ in Ihir <br /> - -� Sautity Inruumem;ur(b)entry oY a judpmenl eM�KCfn��hi�Se�:uri�y Inewmcnt. Tluwc cuntlillon�ar�Ihat Hnrmwer. i+�) <br /> '� �wy� l.�ncler all numx whfrh thon �wuulJ bo duo under Ihls Secudty Ineuument und 1he Nota as if nu qccelernllim had <br /> occumed;(b)cwra nny deGult of any dha cavenanw ar upr�eementr;lc)payr�I)oapenaer incumeA in enfbrcin�tMr Socu�ity <br /> _- - ---- ----__ lnatrununt. inrludln�.but not 8mfted m,rcnxonable annmcya'fceR; �nd ldl twkcr ruch ocUon�r Lande� rtwy r�e�ton�bly _ _ <br /> roquiro to wawre�iwt tho lien of'�hir 3xurity ins[rument.l.encier'�righta in�hc Propeny and Borrowcrh obN�aUon w psy the <br /> ; sums �ecured by this Security Inst�ument ahall continua unchanged. Upon reinstotement by Burtower. this Securfty <br /> ° ` In�pument ond the obligationa recurcd hercby shail rcmain fuliy efi'eclivn�if�w�cele��Allori hAd occurred. However,thja - <br /> �' �� ri�ht to relnstate shall not epply in the case of acceleration under parngraph 17. �_ <br /> ,_ 19. Ss�le ot Notei ChwaQe oP Laa�n 5ervice� The Note or t�perliel inter�xt in the Nute(�ogether wilh thiw Sccu�ity <br /> �-�� Insuumentl may be s�ld one or more timea without pr�or notice to 8orrower. A selc may reault in a change in thc entity <br /> __—_. .___.� (known as the"Loan 3ervicer")�hal collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Secudty Instrument. Thero also _ <br /> may be one ar morc clwnges of the L.oan Servicer unrclated to a sale of the Note. If there is a change of Ihc l.oan Servicer, <br /> ___ -- Bortower wiM be given written notica of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and appflcable law. The notice <br /> �_ ='�� ' wfll stete the name and address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be made. The notice will - <br /> �� _ aiso contain any other infartnation rcquired by applkable lew. <br /> --�'�'��=:.,R,.� � 20. Hat�rdous Su6ataaces. Borrower shall not cause or pertnit die presence.use,disposal, stornge,or releasc of any —" <br /> ---_=—"""` Hazerdous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do,nor allow enyone else to do,anylhing uffect�ng the ___ <br /> "�''"�`� Property thaNs in violation of any Emironmentai Law. 71ie preceding two sentences shall not apply to the pnsence,use,or <br /> --9,;,.�;��. -,:�� storage on the Property of smaU quandties of Hezardous Substances that are genarally recognl�.ed to be appropdete to normal <br /> - ---��' residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. —�- <br /> � �`�==-•�:_. Borrower shalt promptly gfve Lender wntten notice of any investiga�ion.claiu�.demand,lawsuit or other action by any G- <br /> ;� � govemmental or rogulatory agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental <br /> —° '�?"��'=� Law of which Borcower has actua! knowled ge. If Borrawer leams, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory --- <br /> �-���.�•`}��:_-3'=.'• ' authority,thet any nemaval or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is neceasary.Borrower �LL <br /> �T:.����;:', � shall promptly take all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. <br /> :�c.�—`` As used in tliis paragraph 20,"Hazardaus Substarices"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances by _ <br /> - °" �• Environmenul Law and the following aubstances: gasoline. kerosene,ather flammable or toxic peuoleum products, ;oxic -- <br /> ���,�-�I���. pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materlals containing asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materials. As �- <br /> =. _ �,�,},.I. ' used in this paragmph 20."Environmental Lnw"means federai laws and laws of the judsdiction where 1he Property is located � <br /> �, �'�',�•� •�+,. that relate to health,saiety or environmenta!protection. __ <br />,;�' �. , � NON-UMFOItM COVBNANTS. Borrower and I.ender funher covennnt and agree As follows: _ <br /> ���- �•••�'•;"`" . 21. Accelention; Remedies. I.epder shall give aotice to Borrower prior to acceleraUon following Borrower's _ <br /> -��=� •��r!r;?x,•� breach of aay covenant or agreement in tpia Security Instrament(but not prlor to acceleration under parAgrapb 17 - <br /> -�_-`'� m w:;;_Ly j�;� . untess A�pBeable Ipw provides otderwise). The notice shall speciPy: (a)lhe dei'ault;(b)Ihe action required to cure the ` <br /> -,,,�•�.��:.Ykx�;,�„�:...._ . deiAUlt;(c)w dwte,not less than 30 dAys from the dnte the notice is given to Borrower,by whtch tl�e deipult must be <br /> ,�3T� �-` 4'. cu:edi A�d id)ti�t tAB�,re to cure i1►e defauit os ar Irefare ttie ds�te speclScd!a thc satice may sesult ia scceteral�ou of - <br /> the aums secnred by this Security lnstrument and sale of the Property. The notice sh�U fu�ther iaPorm Borrower af -- <br /> ^ ��•+�•" ' the right to reinstate atter acceleration and the right to bring a court action to assert the non-existence of o deFault or <br /> • ,,,�;. � ��^ °� Any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and ss�le. IP the default is not cured on ar bePore the date specitled in <br /> "; .;��,.•�• , the notice, Lender at tts option may require immediate payment in full oP all sums secured by this Secu�ify instrument __ <br /> �t�,� � �� wlthout fuMhe�denwnd and may fnvoke fhe power oP snle and any other remedies permitted by applicable luw. _ <br /> r ;�;,; :: . Lender ahaM be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies pravided in this poraQrAph 21. -_. <br />�:�,�• ^ �� including. but not limited to.rewwnnble Attorneys'fees and rnsts of dtle evidence. = <br /> �y�`'! `�� �. It tbe power of svle is invoked,7lruslee shaU record a notice oP default in e�ch county in whkh Aoy p�rt ot the i Y� <br /> ' ""' ^ Property is localed and shnll maN copies of euc6 ni�tice in the m�nner prescrlbed by applicable low to Borrower And to �`` <br /> ���� "'"�=�"' � '''�` the other ons rescribed b � licNble Iww. Af�er the time r uired b � Ilcr�ble law.'1lrustee 4haN give ublic <br />`-�a. ` „ s,,�t,,s. P� P Y Pp �1 Y Pp P -� <br />��:�'� nolke ot sAk to Ihe perxons and in Ihe monner prescrN�ed by Applicable law. 'I�ustee�without demnnd on Borrower. ■r:�, <br /> ,�,,,;. . <br /> •..•.� -���� �• shall sell the Property al publk puctlon to the highe:4t bidder�t the time And plycr And under the term.v deslRnwted in <br /> �_�� ""�`'�,,;�, , , the notice ol sale In oae or more parcels�nd in�ny order 7Yustee dete�mines. 7lrustee may postpoae wde of s�N or ony <br /> �:;�•.,,, pArcel of tlu Property by public announcement at the Iime and ploce uf any previuusly scheduled ss�le. Lender w itr �� <br /> :4:'�. ��� ;�f �� de9i�nee may purchase the Property At uny sale. - -- <br /> _-'�' `�`' ' �. Upon receipt of�wyment ut the prfce bid.7lrustee sholl deliver to the purchwser 7lrustee's deed conveyin�the <br />�`'j" Pro rt The recitals in Ihe 7lrustee'4 deed�hall be rimp iacie evidence of the truth of the statements made therein. � <br /> ::.�.. ;�•:��'.., .,,.�,: :; Pe y P <br /> -r�•�r• ���.r=•.^�.� . 'I�ustee sh�opply the proceeds of the Anle in the�ollowin@ arde�: lp1 to wll costs wnd espenses uPexercLviag the power ..... <br /> _ �,,�. �;�:�:�" .. � n ___. <br /> .�. . <br /> - �� .�, R- <br /> .`� .`.. , ., � � � <br /> , ._ . �' <br /> � �_: <br /> . � � <br /> ' FiKm W21{ 9/90 f/uXe S u/A puxesl <br /> . .'^___. .-, ... . .. , , . .. . .%toBiiP�i��in►DML,ir,�db.+�: <br /> � .� . .. .. . <br /> , . . � .. <br /> . ! i <br /> � � � � <br /> . � <br />