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<br /> 'fOdEi'HER WITH rll the impmve�nentr nc►w on c�rcaRer e►ec�cd on�hc property� +md all eaxcmenu,pFpurteniaxxs,
<br /> uul flxlurcn now or hercaiter a pwt of tlw pmpcAy. All rcplaceme�ts and edditianri eh�ll olro bo cav�cd by Ihi�3acurity
<br /> Inrwmont. Ali of the furc�oin�ir rcfertcd to!n�htx Skcu�lty In�trumcnt aa tho"Property."
<br /> BOItROWER COVBNANTS tlwl Bortowcr i�I�wfuliy reisa!of tlw eRlalc heneby convcywl wid tww thc ri�ht ta q�nt
<br /> --"-' �nd convoy thcPropcny amt that Iho Pmpchy iw unut�cumbrral.c,�c�{N li�r encumbrunecs of recoN. 9cmawcr warrents�nd -
<br /> will doFenil�enenliy the Ihlo to 1ho P�+��crty aQafnnt dl clwim�wnd demandM,rubjccl lu�ny cncumbnuKC�of raurJ,
<br /> - - °� THIS SECURt7Y IN37'RUMG�NT combinea uniEcmn cavenante fur natlonaf uxe unsl non-unlfam mvenwntr wi�h _
<br /> Ilmited vwrfa�fon�by Jurirdktic�n to can�li�ute a unlfam.ocurUy inw�sument covecin�rerl propsny.
<br /> '- ---' UNIt�OitM CUVE�NAN7'S. Hurn►wer�nel l.ernler wvetwnl an�i�grcu ub fullaws:
<br /> "� 1. P�yment of PrlacO�i a:�Inteer�ti Prep�ynteat�nd L�te CbwrQd. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the
<br /> prLteipat of and intereat a�the debt evldenced by tho Note and uny prepayment and late chargew due under Ihe Note.
<br /> 2. F'uAd�tor 711xei�ad Insurqnce. SubJect Io applicable law ur to o wdtten walver by l.ender,BoROwer shall ps►y to
<br /> - Lenckr on 1he day monthly payments are due under�he Noto,until the Nwe ia paid in iull,a num("Runds")for:(a)yearly
<br /> -��,. taxes and assessme�ts which may attnin prfority over thic Security Instrumenl as a lien on�he Propcny:(bl yearly leasehold
<br /> ___ _ ,� payments or ground rents on the Praperty. if any;(c) yeu�y huzurd ar property insurnnce premiums; (d) yewrly flood
<br /> _- insuranca premiums, if eny; (e) ysarly mongage lnsurance premiums. if any; and (fl any sums payable by 8orrower to
<br /> :_,�. Lemkr,in accotdsnce wilh the provisfons of paragraph B, in ficu of the paymen►of mortgage insurence premiums. These _
<br /> =-=.� items ere called"E.gcrow Items." Lender may.at any timo,collect und hc�ld Flmda in en arnount not to exceed the mciximum
<br /> r°,-,e amount a lender for a federally reloted mortgage loan mey requlre for Horrower�s escrow account under the federul Reai
<br /> �-=� Fa�tatc Setticmenl Proccdures Act af 1974 as amended from tfine to time,12 U.5.C.�26(11 et seq.("RESPA"),unless andher
<br /> =��J law lhat applies to thc Funds sels a lesser amuu�G If so.Lender may.at eny time,collect and hald Funda in an�unw�u n�t to -
<br /> _�,,� excced �he lesser amount. Lender mey estimate the emount oi Funds duo on the basis of current data and reasotuble
<br /> -_ eatimatea af expenditure.c of futura Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law.
<br /> �����;'-, '11rc Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits are insured by a fedcrel agency. instrumenu�liry,or entity
<br /> �._��� (including Lender,if Lender is such an institution)or ln any Federal Home Loan Bunk. Lender sha0 apply the Funda to pay
<br /> ._ the Escmw Items. l.ender may not charge Bortower for holding and applying the Funds, annually sinalyzing the escrow
<br /> - account,or verifyfng the Escrow [tems, unless Lender pays Barower interest on the Funds and upplicable law permits
<br /> �,��:' � Lender w make such a charge. However.l.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an indenendent real
<br /> -�•;�;�` : • estate tax repoRing service used by Lender in connecdon with this loun,unlesa applicablc law provldes otherwisa. Unle�s an
<br /> ` agreement ia made or applicablc Iaw requires interest to be peid.Lendcr shall�ot bc required to pay Borrower any intcr+eat or
<br /> _°���� earnings on the FWnds. Borrower nnd L.ender may agree in wdting,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> -• .-` shall give to Bortower.without cherge,an annual accounting of the Funds,showing credils end deblts to the Funds and the
<br /> -�,';,;f pwpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Flmds are plcdged as additional security for nll sums secured by
<br /> .,_.�.��;':� thiaSecudtylnslrument.
<br /> �"4� If the Funda held by Lender excced the amaunts permjqed to be held by applics�ble luw. Lender shall account to
<br /> ---- :-�,_
<br /> '�' Borrowcr for thc cxccss Fu�ds ia accordance uith�he nquirements of appli�eble law. !f ihe umount of the Funds heid by
<br /> ��-s.:�1.:�. l.ender at any time ia not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender mey so notify Borrower in writing.and, in
<br /> r,_.�,�""`;�'� ` such case Borrower shall pay to l.ender the amoum necessnry ro malce up the det"iciency. Borrower shall make up the
<br /> _.{:. �.;'."a � deflclency in no more than twelve monthly payments,ut Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> -_,;:;,�,�., Upon paymant in full of ull sums secured by�his Secudty Inatrument,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> FLnds held by Lender. If,under parngrnph 21,Lender shall acquire or sell the Propeny, Lender,prior to the acquisi�ion or
<br /> ���-�+�= sale of Ihe Property,shnll apply any �nds held by L.ender at the dme of ucquiaition or sale as u credit againgt the sums
<br /> _,�-?+�`�': secured by ihis Securfry Insdvmem. _
<br /> _. � - 3. ApplicatMn of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all puymems received by Lender under _
<br /> w`,;,���� pivagraphs I and 2 shell be applicd:fir:�t,to any prepayment cherges due under the Note; second,to amounts payat+le under
<br /> �--�—u�,�, paragraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to p�incipul due;nnd lost,to any late charges due under the Note. _
<br /> __��:�,;:._.
<br /> �1� '�1����� a. Chor�es; Liena. Borrower shall pay all taxes, a�sessments, chnrges, fines and impasitfons uttribuwble to the
<br /> .__,;;,�_v ., Property which mey attain prlority over this Securlty Instrument,und leasehold paymems or ground rents,if any. Borrower
<br /> __�� ' � shell pay these obligations in the monner provided in paragraph 2,or if not pnid in thai manner,Borrower ahall pay thern on
<br /> --- time directly to the per�on owed puyment. Hurrawer shnll promptly fumish to Lender ull notices of amountx to be paid under
<br /> _ __ ,�._�,��, this paragrnph. if Borrower mukes these payments direcUy,Borrower shnll prompNy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> _'�:;>:�i the payments.
<br /> - =���:• Borrower shall promptly dlschArge uny lien which has priority over thfs Secudty Instrumem unless Borrower.(a)agrees
<br />_;�"~:':�a�'.N�.. in writing to the payment of the obligAtion secured by the lien in u manner ucceptuble to Lender,(b)contests in goad faith the
<br />-_;�� , ,:�-,�-�� lien hy,or defends agninst enforcement of the lien m,legal proceedings which in the Lender's apinion opernte to prevent the
<br /> � *� enforcement of the tien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an Agreemen[satisfactory to Lender subordinuting ih�lien
<br />-=��:.;"�i:r•�w, to this Secudty Instrument. If Lender detertnines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may uttain priority -
<br /> �A'":�:�-' over this Secu�ity Instrument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying the lien. Horrower shall satiafy the lien or take
<br /> �� � � one or more of We actions set fotth above within 10 duys of the giving of notice.
<br />-'' �� ..yl�° 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrower shall keep the improvemems uow existing or herenfter erected on the
<br />= . •• •' ,; Property insured against loss by fire,hazerds included within the tertn"extended coveroge"and any ather hazurds,including
<br /> ,,; '°'; floods or tlooding. for which Lender r^.�:�!!es insurance. This insurnnce shall be mnintained in �he nmounts and for the
<br /> �-��.
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