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<br /> '��-_..�. ..��
<br /> �93•� ��4�.�
<br /> S. H�zsM or Prupe�ty lnwmioa. Borrower eholl I�ecp tl�e improvcmenu now oxf�ting oc hereafter etecl�d on ihe
<br /> Propaty i�uurrd a�ir�t Io�s by fire.haz�rd�includcd witdin tho term 'extendcd wve�o" ead any other haz�de. faclnding
<br /> flooda or floodin�,for which[.ender requi�fnsu�►ncc.7'hl�insunnce ehAll ba maintoined in the rrnounta anl for thc pedads
<br /> tlwt Leadcr requj�. The inwrance carriu provlding the insurw�ce�11 be chasen by Borrawer subjoct to Lender's Approvrl
<br /> ------ which�hall not be unreasonably withheld. If Borrower fails to maintain rnverage descrihal qbove. Ler�ciet may, s�t Le�der's
<br /> option,obtain aovew�e to protect i.ender'�d�hts in the Proppcty•in��rdunce with pa�graph 7.
<br /> All incumncc policles and rcnewals ehall be acceptable tq Lcnder and ehall include a swndard mortgage cl4use. l.ender
<br /> " _ - - �� slwll have the d ht to hold the 8cies and renewAls. If Leridar
<br /> Q po reqqinas..8c►rmwer�shWl promplly givo ta l.ender�II receipt�of -
<br /> poid pramiums u�d renewat notices. In the event of i4ts.Qcttrawer sh�ll�pive pmrnpt naice�o�ha insuranao c�rrier and Leada-
<br /> I.encter may make pmof of lou if not made promptly by Bnrrower.
<br /> Unle.w t.ender wnd Borrower otherwisc agroe in wriNng, inwrancc procaodn ehpll,ba AnpHad to restoration or repnfr af Iho
<br /> �-_- — Property demegai.if the rcstorRtion or repeir ic en►nMnicRlty feeait►le nnd I ende�'�ces•u�I�y iq�wtt la�coed.If the reworatlon or —_
<br /> n�pair is not eoonomically feasible or L.cnder's savrity wcwld bc Ica�ixvl,the inFUrnnca pr�xeai9 ahull bc applial to!ho wms
<br /> aecurod by thie Sccuri�ty Inaln�mcnt,whclher or not thcn duc, with ony cxccyw puW tu &�rn�wcr. Ii A��rrawcr�twn�k�tw tho
<br /> Propeny. ar claw not anawer wi�hin 30 daya a noNce frnm I.ender IIw1 Ihe inr�urunce�:aRier hax��fferod to uetdu�elAim.then
<br /> LeMer rtuiy coiloct the inxuru�ce praceds. Lend¢r may uzc thc pnKavlx 1�► �epuir ��r rest•�rc Ihc Pr�►perty ur lo p�y cwno
<br /> aecurod by thi�5avrity Instrument.whether or�wt thcn duc.7'ho 3U-duy perhwl wili hcQin whcn�he nwice IK givcn.
<br /> Unlcw Lender w�d Bnrmwer dhenvlre aproe in wrilin�, pny Appliculion of pr�KOalw �o principal sh�ll not cx�end or
<br /> pauponc 1he due date af the monthly paymcnts refemod t��in par��ruphN 1 And 2 ur chwiQc Ihc umnunt,of tho pwymentr. If
<br /> unde�p�t�raph 21 Ihe Ptoperty is ocquired by Landor. Borrowcr'b right tu�ny inbur•rnca p�rliaier and proaoeda reaulting from
<br /> - danwgc to the Pmpeny prior ia �he w;quiai�ion shall�pasa to t�:nder to tho cxtan�of the�cump�cured by thie 5ecurlty loatn�ment
<br /> immodiotcly pdor to thc acqui�ition.
<br /> 6.Oav�wacy,Pre�ervatlon�11�Intenance wnd Protection ot the PropcMy;Borrower's l,onn Appliaatbn;l.easehold�.
<br />. Horrower shall occupy. establish,end use�h�Property as Borrower's pr�ncipAl residsnce within sixty daya aflar the excxution of
<br /> this Securiry Instrument and shall continue to accupy tha Propeny ax Borrower's p�incipul residence fur at Iq�u;t one year after
<br />��,� the date of occupancy. unless L.ender otherwise agreea in wdting, which conrent shall not be unreascmably withhold. or unkss
<br /> extenuating cinvmstenccs exist which arc beyond Sorrower's comrol. &�rrower shall not destroy, dnmage on impalr the
<br /> � Property, allow the�erty to dete�larate. or commit wasle on thc Propany. Borrower shall be in defaulb if any forfeiture
<br /> . action or proceodjng, whether civil or criminal, is begun t6at in l.ender's goad fai�h judgment could resul� �n fo�feiwre of the
<br /> „ Property or otlurwise rnaterially impair the lien creuted by this Security Inr,truma�l or Lender's sewrity inter+est. Borrower may
<br /> -�s _ cure sueh a default and rcinstWe.ac provided in paragraph IS, by causing the uction or proceedinR to be dismisse,d with a n�ling
<br /> � `�`l�;;n? thot, in L.endet's gaod faitb determination, precludea forfeUure of the Borrower's intra�st in the Pit�perty or other matcriet
<br /> �':�4�4��t�:• impairment of the lien created by this Securlty ]nstrument or Lender's �ecurity intcreat. Burrower sMail a�so be in default if
<br /> .�;�t�'.�,.+t,•=�'� Borrower,during the loan application process,gave mnterially false or inaccurate informalion or statements ca l.ender(or failed
<br /> . �" "'��: to provide Lender with any materiul information)in connec�ion with the loun evidenced by the Note, including,but not limited
<br /> '� "��'�_ �. to,repre.sentations canceming Botrower's occupancy of the Property u.g a prineipal residence. ff this Security in6trument is on a -
<br /> ` �'�s;��' • leasehold. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of thc Ieuse. if Borrower acquires fee titie to the Property. the
<br /> ` f.,Yy�,:�.
<br /> r,.: ,
<br />. .;� .. ��.w..^:,,;.s��r leasehold and the fce title shall nat merge unlass Lender agrces to thc merger in writing.
<br /> ,�•° j
<br /> , ;4,;+�:�:•,.,•-, :;�;:.���:`� 7.Protectbn ot Lentler's Rlghts in the Prn{�erty. If Borrowcr fails�o perf'orm the covenante and agreements mntained in .z,,;,;
<br /> •''�-�+.�`•���'��s�; this Security lnstrument,or�here is a legul praceeding that muy xignificantly affect Lender's rights ia the Propeny (such as a �1.--
<br /> t�`��' '"�'�'``r��`" roceedin m bunkru tc robate, for condemnution or forfeiture or to cnfnrce luws or re ul�tiuns►, then Lender ma do and �.'�
<br /> � �„�<: �•.•!•r!.v 4� P S� P Y• P
<br /> �•_�,x . y.1 6 Y -
<br />'�= r ' ��'_ � •� s',��, pay for whatever is necesstiary tc�protect �he vnlue of the Pmpeny and Lendcr's rights in�he Property. l.ender's actions mey �r-=
<br /> i include a in an sums secured b a lien which huti rwrit over this Securit Inntrument, a �'
<br /> �1xan.�t.�;.;.,� P Y B Y Y P� Y Y PA�ring in rnurt. paying �__
<br /> t � - :';��:�;'.;,.+
<br /> .�;�,a�c.�•t•.•,:�;..;=;,;��;a reasonable attameys'feeb and entering on thc Propeny to muke repain. Al�hough L.ender may take action aeder this pnragraph =•°
<br /> .�t. ,�; �_-•
<br />- �,+�!p;;�j*' ' „�',;;�+,�;� 7.L.ender does not huve ta do so. �___
<br /> • �. � �E�`t Any umnunts disbursed by Lender under this pura�raph T sholl l►ecome udditionul dvbt of Burrower secured by this
<br />