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-�f:v '�� : <br /> ' ,S, <br /> � <br /> .�..... . .. ' i __. .__".___- _--_ _.. _-..-.. _.. _.... . � <br /> .. _ _ a � �93-' .so��s <br /> p�yn�ta m�y no longer ba required�at Uro option of Lendor.if mort�a�e inwr�cc cuver�e(in the wmuM+md for the p�aiod <br /> thpt(,ader requi�ts)p�+uvidod by on insurer approval by l.ender�ydn becoma�vdiAble�nd fi obWned.Horrower�h�ll pky <br /> - t6e prpniunr requirod to rmi�win mortpBe insururce ln effect,or w provlde a Im�s rcxerve.untll tho requiranw�t for a�ottNp <br /> irou�ce ads in acenndanca wlth�ay written ABtoetneet betwan Borrower and i.ender or applicable law. <br /> !leqiecflon.L.ender or ite age�m�y mAka rauon�bla entrie�upon and inspectiona of the Property. Lerder�iull Sive <br /> Barmwor nodce at the tink of or pdar to an inspection�pxifying reasonable cause for the inspoclion. <br /> 10. CoadematNoo. 77�e procad�of my awud or cloim tor dsrn�ger, dircct or conaequential, in cannectian wilh �ay <br /> ,��.�_ rnndertuwtlop or other Wclna of any port of�he Pmperty.or far conveywrce in Iku of candemrwion,ue hercby wl�ned�nd <br /> �11 be prid to Lnder. <br /> In the oveat of��ot�l taking af Ihe Aropeny.the procoods riall be AppNod to tho rums socurod by thi+�Socuri�y Ins��ument. <br /> whether or not then duo. with�ny exceu ppfd to Borrawer. In the event oi a porUal takin�of the Pmpeny in which�ho fdr <br /> muket vduo ot�he Property inunaliutely beforo�ho tAkin�i�oqwi!ta or Qreater ttwn the amcwnt of�ha sumr�avrod by�hi� <br /> — --- cnruri�y Inwn,�n�+nt Imm�liw�ly hrf�ur tho lekles,enle��IM�mw!�r am1 I.endcr dMcrwfae oaree in urrltinp.�he wau�cun+A hy � <br /> _ th{� 5xu�lty Imlrument dwll lne roducod by the amount af tho proceod� multiplied by the fnllowinp fraction: (�) tho wtul <br /> iutxwnt of the aums�ocurcd immodiately beforc tho taking, dividod by (b) tho fair murket value nf thc Property imrmdiately <br /> before lhe talcing. Any bnlance siwll be pAid to &►rrower. In tho event oP u patti�l wking uf the Property in which the f�ir <br /> markct valuc aE the Property imrtxdlately before�he tnking is le�s�twn the cimount oP the suma sccu�d immediotely before the <br /> taking,unles�Bornower and Lendar othcrwise agroc in writing or unlcss epplicable law otherwisc provldea.the procaedo ctu�ll <br /> be Applied to the sums securod by thia Secu�ity lnstrument whether or not 1he sumv are then due. <br /> If the Property le abandoned by Borrower.or if,after notice by l.ender to Borrower that the candemiror affen to make�n <br /> _ - _ award or settle n claim for demages. Borrower iails to respond to Lender within 3Q days after tl�e date the notice la gfven. <br /> - Lcnder is nulhodud to collect and apply thc proceads,at its option,cither to restoration or repair of thc Property or to the sums <br /> �ocurod by Ihis Security lnstrumcnt,whethcr or nat then due. <br /> Unless L.ender and Borrawer athernise Agree in writing, any Applicutian af proceeds ta principal shull not extend or <br /> postpone the due datc of the manthly payments referred to in pnrngrnphs l end 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br /> '� Il.BomAwer Not Releaced;Forbearaoce By l.ender Not a Waiver. Extension oithe timc for payment ar madification <br /> � of amortization of tho sums secured by lhis Security Instrument granted by I.ender to any successor in interest of Borrower sh�ll <br /> not operate to release thc liability of the ariginal Borrower ar Barrower's ruccessars in intcrest. l,ender shall not bc required to <br /> commence proceedings again.0 any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amonization _ <br />"+• of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instrument by reason of pny demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's <br />- successors in interest. Any farbearance by l.cnder in eaercising any�ight or remedy shall nat be a waiver of or pmclude the __ <br /> -- - — exercise oP any right or rerne�ly. <br /> 12. Successors anA Ass(Qns&►und; Joiret and Seveml l,iabilily;Co-si�ners. Thc covenants and agreementa of this <br /> ,.. Security Itwtrumeni sha�l bind and benefit the successors and assigns of l.ender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of <br /> - pa�graph 17. Horrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security --. <br />,�'. 4 ;!�; Insttument but dces not execute the Nute: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mongage, grnnt and canvey thet ` <br />. Borrower's interest in the Property undcr the tenns of this Security Instrumenr. (b) is not persunally obligated to pay the sums <br /> secured by this Secudty Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bonower rnny agree to extend.modify,forbear or <br /> "��� make any acrnrnmodations with regard to the tertns of�his Security Instrument or the Note without thnt BoROwer's consent. <br /> �,.�r,�: <br /> .�,.��� 13. Lo�n Charqes. If the loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is subject to a law which sets moximum loan charges, _ <br /> "' and that law is Gnully interpreted so thnt the interesl or other Inan charges cullected or �o be coliected in connection with the = <br /> _ � . ; loan exceed�he permitted limits, then: (p)uny such loan rharge shuli bc reduced hy the amount necessary to reduce the charge _ <br /> 'ti' to the rmitted limir and(b)an cums alread rollected from Borruwer which exceaied rmittcd limits will be refunded to <br />'.�.�i� � y J P� Y• Y Pe -- <br /> � ��° Borrower. l.ender may choose to muke this refund by reducing the principni owed under the Note or by making a direct __ <br /> �` ```�''°�`� payment t� Bc�ROwer. If a refund reduces principul, the reductiun will be ueated su u partial prepayment without any <br /> , � �- <br /> .., t�,.:r• = <br />��r' " ;��'.'i� prepayment chnrgc under the Note. - <br /> '�`��� � 14.Notkes.An naice ta&+rrower rovided for in this Securit Instrunx�nt shull be iven by deliverin it or b mailin <br />.::a�:' ,: ,. ' �?�':, 9 P Y F� 8 Y 8 _ <br /> • ;' '�''�'����• it b first class mail unless a licablc law• re uires use of�rxNher muhod.The nntire shull be directed to the Pra rt Addresc - <br /> h��,;rr����.:� Y PP� 9 � Pe Y � <br /> �.,4f�u <br /> � ,r5`�np`••.•.. •s., nr any othcr address Botrower designates by notice �a L.endcr. Any ncxicc to L,endcr shull be given by first class mail to � <br /> •t� �: Lender's address stAteJ herein or any other uddress L.ender designuteti by notice to &irrower. Any nutice provided for in this "'? <br /> � � Security Instnirnent shull he deemed tu have t►cen Riven to Borrower nr Lendcr when given u.+provicicd in this parngraph. �_ <br />'.�;, � �;;:;:.r:K....:.' <br /> K`�"1 '�� �`�'�; > l5.Governin� law; Severabillty. Thix Security Inr�trumcnt �hall Nc govemeci My feJerol luw and the luw of the ` <br /> - . ��i��„ jurisdiction in which the Praperty iti locuted. In thc rvem thut uny provision or rlautic uf thi�Security Instrument or�he Note <br />