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<br /> �, cc►�demnwtion ar ahcr lakin�od any purt of�he Propehy.or tur convoywn�w in li�u uf coixlemnuUon.ur.+lureby aKwi�{ned wuJ
<br /> " �Iwll he puid to Le�uler.
<br /> — In ihe event of� total toking of Ihe Propeny,the proceedK Hhull he uppNcd la the xumw xccured by ihis Sccurity
<br /> _`��- -- Inx�n�meN.whethc�ar nw thcn due,wIU� Wny crceh.r puW to[ioRawer. In thc cvent af a puniol suking of the F'ropeny in -
<br /> ;� which the fnir market valuc uf the PrupcRy immediulcly befbre lhe luking la cyuul la or grcAle�Ihun Ihc umoum uf Ih�xumx
<br /> r+crumd by lhix Secu�i�y Ins�mmeM immedia�ely before the taking.unle.x sorrower und Lcndcr othcrwi+c ug�ec in wrliing,
<br /> the numr seeurcd by Ihi4 Security Inatrumen� Khull be rcduced by the umnunt��f IIx pr�xeeds mul�iplied by Ihe Potlowing
<br />--°� ---=--=, GacUix�: lul the tc►tul um��uni af ihe sumx sccured immeJiutely hcFom�he Iukinp,diviJcd by Ih►ihc fuir mnrkct vulue uf�hc �
<br /> _ Propeny immediately t+efore Ihc wking. Any balunce ahall hc puid to dorruwcr. In �hc cvem��(u puniul iAking of ihe
<br /> Pr�pcqy in which the fair murk�t value of the Propeny immediutcly hefore the�uking is lewa than Ihc umounl af�h�xum.r
<br /> ------- "'°� �,ecured immcdiutcly before Ihc �aking,unlesa Borrowcr und Lendcr othcrwi+:c ugrec in writing or unless applicubie law
<br /> "� oti�erwir+e pruvidea,the pmceeds shall bc opplicd ta the sums rerured by thix Security Inrtrum�:nt whe�hcr or nrn�he.ruma are
<br /> "`° Ihen due.
<br /> - - If ihe Pn►peny is ubundoned by 8arower,nr if,ufter natice by I.ender�o Borrowcr thut the rondemnor offen lo muke
<br /> .�g_ •� nn aworcl nr r,ctde u claim for dnrnages,Borrower t'ails to rexpond ta Lender within 30 dayx of�er the dute the natice ic given,
<br /> - Lender is autharized to collec��nd apply the proceeds,nt Ils option,ei�her ta rcxtorution or repair uf ihe Properly or to the _
<br /> ---"� aums s�cur�ed by this Sccurity In�trumcnt,whether or not then duc.
<br /> __- �i Unlesc Lender and BoROwer othervvise ugree in writing,any upplicution of praceeds�o principal shall not extend or
<br /> '�`�""' �u ne the due date of the monlhl a ments referred ta in uru rn hti I and 2 or chnn e the nmount of xuch a ments. -
<br /> -.--.,� .. po po Y P 9 P B P � B P Y
<br /> °• �� 11. Ibrrnwer NM ReleA�ed; Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Exten�ion of the time for puyment or
<br /> ;� madificution of umortization of the sums secured by Ihis Security Inwrument grunted by Lender Io uny succesxor in interext
<br />�T �;. � of Borrower shull not opernre to rele�.se the liability af the originnl Borrower or Borrower a succexson in interest.L.ender -
<br /> el�all not be required to commence pracecdingx Again�t uny succe,so� in inte�est or refuxe t�extend lime for pnyment or
<br /> - �•"��••=ti�� '• otherwise modify umonization of ihe:�umx secured by thix Security Instrument by rcu�+an af uny demund mncte by the ariginul
<br /> Y=,�fi�`:•,':
<br /> ��G,�;,;+�q, Borrower or Borrowerg successors In interest. Any farbeurnnce by Lender in exercixing any right or remedy ahull not be u
<br /> �,;,.;,:,` ti�'' waiver of or precludc thc exercise oi uny right or remedy.
<br /> -• '�'= �' �' l2. Successore And AxslQnv Bouad;Joint pnd Sever�l Llablllty;Casigoers. The covenantx und ngreemeMs of�his
<br /> �� r�,:' Security Instrument shull bind wnd benefit thc succexsar�nnd axsign�of Lender unJ Borrawer,subjcct tu thc provisionx of
<br /> -��n��':r• .; purngruph 17. Borrower w covenonts und agmements 4hull he joim und scverul. Any Bortower who co-tiigns this Security
<br /> =.,�j_��°?�- " Ins��ument but does nat exewte Ihe No�e: (a)iz co-signing thix Securiry Instrument only lo mortguge,grunt und cunvey ihu[
<br /> `�' f�' Borrowerk interest in the Property under the termx of�hix Security Inurumenr Ib1 iz not pen�mally obligu�eJ to puy the sum+
<br /> =�;�� . recured by this Securi�y Inst�umcnt;und(c)ogreex thut Lcndcr unJ uny other Barcower muy u�trec�o exlrnd,malii'p,tiinc�ar
<br /> •�-„� �.�,� or muke uny u�:cummodutionx wkh regurd �o ihe terms�if Ihis 5ecu�ity Inxtrumrm or the Nnte wilhoul Ihol Bnrcowcr+
<br /> —'�� con�ent.
<br /> --��*. . 13. I.�wn Chory�er+. If ihc loun urureJ by this Sccurity In�irumem iw .ubjeri �o;� luw whlrh xi� muximum I�►un
<br /> w�:=-�--.::::,•� -� churgc�.und ihut luw ix tmalfy��xerprckci tio�ha��hc in�crc��nr rnhrr iaun churgc.adlrct�.i o� fo Ik'.i�iIIcCICd{ti CiitliiC+::i:ui
<br /> _ �.•�F�� wiih thr I��un e+ceeed�hr�xmthl��l lintily.Ihen: I�U uny�uch loun rhurgc+hull I+e reducrd hy ihc um��un�nerr.+ary io reducr
<br />. �--�!_' Ibc churgc�o�Bc�xnniucd limit:unJ Ihl c�oy+um,ulmudy roll�rtcd I�om B��in�wrr which cxcce�kd�xnniu�d limi�s will Ix
<br /> — �:•`p�:��' h t'undcd lu Hum►wcr. Lcndcr may rh�w„�lu mukc thi+nfunJ My reJuring thr pmuipal owrJ unik r�hc N��tc ur hy nwkin�u
<br /> --- '' direct puymem ti�Borrower. If u rel'und redurr.principul.thc mJucii�►n will Ix�rruted u�u purtiul prepnymrnl wqhuut uny
<br /> .�-�,� �. ` "; ,': prcpuymcm rhurgc unJcr�hc Nuk.
<br /> '��°�:%r�°;�t�'' !4. Notkes. Any notice to B�►rn�wcr proviJcd tirc in ihi, Suuriry Inslrument .hull Ix givrn by iklivcring it or hy
<br /> : _ .�": ::%�'��° .. mailing i�by fint clu..�muil unl�:�x�pplicubk law rcyuin+uxr of im�whcr mrth��l.'Thc noticc+hull hc directrd to the Pm�rty
<br /> - � .R���•�� •� Addrcxs or uny other udJrca.Burrowcr Jc.ignate+by nuticr to l.rixkr. Any notice io Lendcr�hull Ix given by fir�t clutis _
<br /> ��"�...�,,.�;,,�;;:;+}.. �• moil to L.cndcr w uddres.sluted heRin�x uny i�ther udJre�ti LcnJer dc�ignui�ti hy notice to Borrower. Any iN��ice provideJ ti�r
<br /> '�..����•`�• ��•�*r in ihiz Security Inswmcm zhull Fx� deemcJ to huve Ixtin givcn �o Burrower or Lcnckr when given a. provided in �hi.
<br /> _ .�,.�,. :...
<br /> --.-�. .'�,�� .... puragruph.
<br /> """"` t3. Governing I.aw; tieverablllly. Thi.S�curity In.trumem.hall he gov�rncd by fcdeml law und Ilx� luw of thc _
<br /> =�-`'=''`""�°�� jurisdiction in which Ihe Prapert y ix Icxu�eJ. In Ihc rvent thut uny provixiun ur cluu,e�if�hi�Security M�trument or 1he Note
<br /> ?`��.r,. �.—,��-_'='"''�'"`-- conflicts wilh upplicuble law,such contlict�hull not ufl'ect otl�cr pnwisiun+of��his Securi�y In,trument or the Note which rvn _
<br /> ` _::;�:���° be given effect without Ihe confliriing provi.ion. 'R�this end the pnwi,ionti ul'this Securiry In.trument und Ihe Note ure -
<br /> �;����:,4 declored lo be uveruble.
<br /> '"�"��_a�;` :'•" 16. Borrower's Cupy. Bi�rrower+hull Ik given one conf'ormrd copy of the Note and ot'�hix Security In+trument.
<br /> 17. 71rAnsPer oP Ihe 1'roperty ur A Reneficlal lntcrcwt in Borruwer. 11'►�U or uny p•rn nf the Pm�xrty or uny intcre+t in
<br />-'�� s'�' +��%�.-==��� il i�soW�x transfcrnd (or i(u hencliciul imrrc.t in Borrrnccr�� soW or tr•rn,fcrrcd unJ B�►rroa�er i, rnn u nalurul pcnonl
<br /> :•:�¢-�_;:�.•-.• ,;E:, • -
<br />=°=,�� .:5 • • wilhout Lender's prior writtcn runsent.Lrndcr muy.au i�.r oplinn.rcyuire immcJiutc p:�yment in I'ull of all�um.r�cureJ by
<br /> - �"'�`� �� ihis Security In�trumcnt. Howc vcr,thiw uptiun+hull not hc ezeni,ed by Lcnder it'cxcrci+c i.prohibi�ed by feckrul luw uti��I' �
<br /> -�i,;;�.,, ., '. '�'�': 1he Jute of this Sccurity Inslrument.
<br /> f'�* :;'4° If Lender exrrcises thi.optian.Lcndcr shull givc Burniwcr nuiice��f ucrrlen�liun. Tlx notKC tihull pr��vide u perial of
<br /> ""� ' ncx less Ihun 3Q duyti fmm Ihc Jmtc Ihc nntirc is JclivcrrJ��r mnilrJ within whirh Burruw�r mu�t puy all wm.sccurcd by thiz
<br /> �� ��;� . .
<br /> Security Inxtrumcm. If Burrowcr fail,to piry these sum� prior to thc rapirution �d' Ihi� periixl. Lcnder muy imoke uny
<br />���� • remedies permittcd by this Sccu rily Instrumenl wi�hout 1'unhcr noticc�►r Jemund on Norrower.
<br /> : ,�;., . . 18. Burrower's Right to Reinslate. ll'Borrowcr mcrl+ crrlain condi�ion., liarra��•cr •hall have Ihc riFhl to huve
<br /> . cnforcemem of�his 5crurity In�wmrm Ji.cuntinurJ at any�imc�rior to th�rarlirr ut: �ui 5 day.�or wch odxr p�:ri�xl us _
<br /> .. tiinpk F�n11y••Fqank:Nae/F'reddie►furUhIF/1NN I�til'Nl•�IF:\1'-�I:niGmu e'neenum� YIVO I/wgtJn/nprkc�i •
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