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<br /> ���; ' �pp8cablc lew m�y ipeclfy for rcitwrtement)before erle of the Property pursuwnt to any power of salu contrinad in thi�
<br /> - Secudty Inwument;or(b)enqry of�Judgment enf'orcinR thir 3ecu�lly Insuument. Thoce conditiona Are that Borrower: (a)
<br /> �_ ' p�y�Lender �Il �ums which �hen would be duc under this Securlty Instrument and the Nae w+ if no�ccelerAlfon hod
<br /> � � occurted:(b)cures Any dei�ult of nny dher covenwtta or agreements;le)pays all eapensea i�rcurrecl in enPurcing�ti�Security
<br /> a_,,�,,; Inattument. includi�g,but aot I fm i t e d to.reasona b le u ttarneys'fees;u n d(d)t o kes such action as Lender ma y reasanabl y
<br /> -� � reyuiro to�wsuro that the lien of this Securiry I�ctrumenl,Lender�rights in the Propeny and Borrawerk obliga►ion to pay 1hc
<br /> �,�; �unu securod by thia Securiry Insuument shdl cantinue unchanged. Upon reinslatement by aorrower, this Security
<br /> -_�--_-- - =_--� Ins�uument and the obligutions securcd hercby shall remain fully eifective as if oo acceleraifon had occuRed. However,thia
<br /> �� d�ht Io rcinatate ahall not apply in tho cese of acceleration under paragraph 17. --
<br /> `� 19. SAIe o�Notei ChaaQe ot I.wm Servker. The Note or a partial intercat in the Nota(together with this Security
<br /> -�- Instrument)may be cold one or more times wilhout prfor notice ta BoRawer. A sale may result in u change in the entity —
<br /> ___;r,� (known as the"Loan 3ervicer")that collecis monlhly payments due under the Note and this SecuNty Instrument. 7'here also
<br /> �_� may be rne ar more changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated ta u eale of the Note. If ther�e is a change of the Loan Servicer, �___
<br /> Botrower wlll be given written notice af the change in accordance wlth purogroph 14 above aod applkable law. The natice
<br /> �"'-"- ti,� will state tho nemc And uddress of thc new Loan Servicer smd thc address to which payments should be mada. The notice wili
<br /> _ ___;_:;� �I�o contain eny other information r+equired by applicable law. —
<br /> _, ��,�,,� Z0. Hasprdous Subrtancea Barrower ehall not cause ar pertnit the presence,use.disposal.storn$e,or relense of any —
<br /> ______ Hazardoue Substances on or in the Property. Barmwer shall nat da, nor allow anyone else ta do.anything affecting 1he
<br /> �r�.�.
<br /> �"����_� Pmpetty that is in violation of any Environ�rc:ntal Law. The preceding two sentences ahaU not apply ta the presence,use,or ��-.
<br /> -s-- ---����^`.�, stor�ge on the Properry of small quantiUea af HazardouA SuhRtances that are generally recognized ta be appropriete to normel �
<br /> �,Y.,,�. —� reside�tial uses and to maintenance of the Property. __
<br /> .�..,,,.,a.,-,,,' ; Barrower shall pmmptly give Lender wrltten notice of any inva�tigation.claim,demand,lewsuit or ather ection by any
<br /> -�- =�`"-'~y�'�� �" � govemmental ar regulatory age n c y or private purty invulving the Property and any Hazardaus 5ubxtance or Enviranmental � -•
<br /> a-n1,4i��L.�.��_�_,...• . -_
<br /> ,�� - —� ,� , L.uw of which Borrower has uclual knowledge. If Borrower leums, or is notified by �ny g�vemmental or regulatary �::
<br /> --Y�,f:'���^ I authority,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substance affecting the Pro�ercy fs necessary.Borrower —
<br /> .�",�,,,`�, . j shall promptly take ull necessary�medial actions in uccordonce with�nvironmental I.aw. --_
<br /> °- As used in lhis ps�agrnph 20,"Hazurdous Substances"are Ihose subslunces def ned us toxic or hai.tudaus substences by �i'
<br /> �. ;
<br /> _ �_�.+---� ' Environmentel l.aw and the following substunces: garoline,kcrosene,other ilnmmnble or toxic petealeum praiucts,roxic
<br /> - �i��_,. �";. . -__
<br /> pesticides and herbicidex, volAtile solvents,muterials�contuining usbestos ar iormaldehyde,und rudiouctive muierials. Ax
<br /> '��'�,��� used in this paragruph 20,"Environmental Luw"mcuns feder�l laws and lawa af the ju�isdic�bn when:�he Prupeny is lacu�ed —
<br /> .�.,s--r- that relate t�hcul�h.xufety or enviranmental protection. ��
<br /> '�' `''` NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BoRC�wcr und l.endcr funhcr cavcnunl und ugrcc ux f�lluwR: �`
<br /> _�._^�.Y
<br /> - �� 21. Arcekrplioni Remediea. l.ender xludl Qive notke te Borrower prior to�ccelerption fdlowinR Borrnwer's __
<br /> '��°'�� '� breoch ot any coveapnt or wgreement In this Securlty In�trument Ibul not prior lo nccekratlan under pwrqgrvph 17
<br /> "�'" °��__ uale�applksbk law provWe�otberwie�el. The notice sbpll epecify: I�I Ihe dePaulti Ibl the acUun reyuired lo cure the
<br /> -�':,°:;;,;�,�;�. detaultt(c)A dwte.not lesx thon 30 days from the dAte Ihe Batke Ix given to�torrower.by which the dei'ouit musi ix
<br /> ----�" ��'c• cured;and Id1 that fpllure to cure Ihe detault on ur before the dale flpecfRed in the oMice moy resull in ArcelernHon of —
<br />_���' _ q Ihe aums secured by thls Security Insl�ument And�le oP the Pruperry. The notice shall further in�orm Borrower of
<br /> _«;� �' � •• � the right to�einslAte nher acceleration�nd lhe right tn bring a court�ction to Assert Ihe non-exiatence of p�:fault or
<br /> =°-��•. -;�i . any other defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. lf the defaull i4 not cured un or betore the dAte specit7ed In —
<br /> -=:t�" the notice,Lender at i1s opdon may require Immediate payment In full o�all sums secured by thi9 3ecurity Instrument �,.
<br /> �•"`�•` without iurlher detnand and mAy fnvoke the power of sale and any other remedies perm6tled by applkable law
<br /> -�� ' • Lender st�ll be enlitled to collect all expen�ses incurred in pursuing the remedfes provided in this psx�Qraph 21. � '
<br />''''`'° ��'`' � ' including.but not Ilmited lo�reasonable atturneys'iees And costis of tille evidence. -
<br /> ' �-'�--�--��^y°* IP the power ot sale is invoked.7Yustee sbwll record a notice aP default in each county in which any paM of Ihe m*•
<br />-=r�;� ��;� a.� Property Is located And shall mail rnpieg of such notice M the manner prr�cribed by applicable low to Borrower and to ���
<br /> _- ._: :�fi; � the other persons prescribed by ppplic�ble law Aller Ihe time required by applicabk Ipw.7Yustee shall give public `�
<br />-�'� °�� notke of sale to the persons and in the manaer prescribed by applicable I�w. 7lrustee.wNhout demand on Borrower. �°:
<br /> ,.�� �I � :.' shaH se0 the PropeMy al pu6Uc puction to the hiqhest bidder at the time and plACe and under iNe terms designated in �'�
<br /> ' =� ' "' the notke ot sale in one or more pArcels and In any order'I�ustce determines. 71�ustee m�y poslpone sale of all or Any �
<br /> ���;".� °"`-�"� parcel of the Property by public announcement At the time and place uf�ny previously scheduled sale. I.eader or its
<br /> �^:'�; •:cit:�ei;.vr"_ --
<br /> ,, deaignee may purchasc the Property at any sAle.
<br /> �--�� � -- ��`.`_ Upon receipt of payment ot!he price bid,'I�estee shall deliver tn Ihe purchaser'I�ustee's deed conveying the �::-
<br /> =_:v�" ;' � ', , . Property. The recNals in the 7tustee's deed�h�ll be prima facie evidence oP the truth of Ihe statemen�4 made therein.
<br /> �-- '�" '�'�• -' � 7lrustee shall apply the proceeds of the s�le in the PoMowing order: (a110 op costs And expetu+es d'exerclsiag the power �-�.
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