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: r -- �i.. �` ������' .. .-�.__ �_ <br /> •+.�•.�wi ` - ' -__ _ <br /> . ....°T'�i.� � ' ' �. .. . .:�,� .. . _--_ `- _. <br />' . . . ...'Y �i... • . -.K'-�__ .- � �'1����. <br /> M..L.. .�� -+� r` � . <br /> y V / ��^n�,\ _ <br /> ---_-_ --� •��\ �{/�{� � � -. <br /> _ � � <br />' ' periods that l.ender requirc�. Tho inxurance c�+�ricr providing the inxurwtce�hall be choxen by Burt'owcr xubJec�to l.cnckrk <br /> � apprav�!which�II not be unroawnwbly wUhheld. If Borrower fuils ta maintafn cuvcrugc desc�fbcd abovo,Lrnder <br /> ________ __ _ , Lender'aoption.ubtain covemge to protect I.end¢rK rlghtx in Iho Pmpeny in occordanco with p�uu�mph 7. <br /> All inaurance policies and rcnewals xhall be accept�ble lu l.ender w�d�holl include a stundurd mortga�{e clauxe�. I.eniier �____ <br /> sl�all have the tight ta hold the pR►licfes wnd renewals• If Lender rcquirca,Bortawer xholl promptly�ivc to L.ender all receiptr <br /> of paid premiums and renewal notice�. In the event of lass,Bamwer ahull Qive prompt rw�ke to the inKUr�uo cuaier wu! <br /> I.ender. l.ender may make praof nf loss if nat mada prompUy by Borrower. <br />- - � -�=� Unless Lender nnd eorrower dhenvir,o agree in w�ting,inxurance proceedx xhull be applied to reriarudon ar rcpai�of �__ <br /> the Property dunaged, if the re.rtomtion or repuir ir economically feaxible und Lenderk securi�y is nu� lesse�d. If ihc <br /> restoration or rep,►iir fa not economically fea�ibk or Lender's security would be le�r,enr.d, the inxuranee proceeds eholl be <br /> '� appUcd to the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument, whether or nat then duc, with uny excess paid to Borrower. If <br /> - Borrower abandons the Property,or dces not onswer within 30 daya a notice Prom L.ender Ihat the insurence carrier hus <br /> - offered to setlle u clAim,then L.ender muy collect the insurance proceeds. Lender muy u+ce�he praceeds to repair or rcstore <br /> = the P�opeRy or to pay auma cecurcd by this Secu�ity Inatrument.whether or nut then due. The 3U-duy period will begin when <br /> - = -- "3 the notia is given. <br /> -"'� Unlesa I.ender and Horrower othenvisa agree in wrlting,any application af proreeda ta principAl shuil nut extend ar - <br /> --''�'� postponc the due date of thc monthly puyments refemed to in pnrngruphs 1 ond 2 or chonge the umount af the payments. If <br /> � under pw'ugraph 2� the Property is acquired by Lender. Borrower's rfght ta any incurance policies und proceeds regulting <br /> ;� from damage to Ihe Praperty prlor to the ucquisition ehall poss ta Lender to the extent of the sums secur�d by this Security <br /> - - - - -- instrument immcdiately pdor to the ac uisilbn, <br /> �_� <br /> 6. Ocenpaacy. Preservation, intenance +�nd Protection ot the Property; Borrower'a Loan ApplicaBon; �- <br /> - ,°=-_-- <br /> :;� I.easeholda Horrower shall occupy,establish,end use the Propeny as Borrower R pnncipal residence within sixty duys after <br /> -_�� the execution of this Sec:urity instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property us 8onowerg principai residence or at � <br /> .��....'A.Y•i" -_ <br /> --- -_;�,�:� least one year after the date of accupancy, unlesr Lender athenvise ngrees in writing, which consent shall not be �_ <br /> _:;rY}�,a,:.. unrea4ona61y unless extaauating ci�cumstances exist which Are beyand Borrowerk control. Borrower shall not <br /> � <br /> —��"=�^-n_;...,. , desiroy,damnge or impair Ihe Prapeny,allow the Propeny to deterioratc,ar cammit was�e an the Property. Borrower shu <br /> — °-,;�Fi�: be in default if any forf'elture action or proceeding,whelher civil or criminal,is begun thot in Lender c goad fuith judgment � <br /> _: �. ., <br /> ';`3$�':;�;�,�,�, could result in forfeiwre of the Property or otherN'ise materiAlly impnir the lien creAted by this Security Instrument or <br /> �u`�S�r.,�4:. Lenderk secudty intenest. Borrower msy cure such u defuult ur�d reMstate,ar�provided in pamgraph 18,by causing the action �-_ <br /> �--�:�.--= or proceeding to be dismissed with A ruling that,in Lender'.s good faith detemtination,precludes fort'eiture of ihe Borrower K _ <br /> -�.'�"�+' interegt in the Property or other material impuirtnent of the lien cren�ed by �hiti Security Inxtrument or Lender r security __ <br /> • -�`�%�.� interest. Borrower shnll also be in defuult if Bomawer, Juring �he loan applicution pracess, guve muteriully ialse or — <br /> — s���� � innccurate infornw�ion or statements to Lender(nr failed to provide Lender wi�h any muterial information)in connection with _ <br /> =-�'-�,;$._� — <br />_ -__�.___^ � the loan evidenced by the Note, including, but not limited to, repnesentA�ionx conceming Borrowerti occupuncy o t e <br /> � propeny as u principal rexidence. If thi4 Securiry Inxtrument iti on u leusehold,Barrower shull camply wi�h nll the provisionx <br /> _, .• ,.=..-ry�� of the leutie. lf Borrower ecquirc�tee uife la the i'�upeny.ihe inu.rci�ulJ and the i'cr title::ha!!nos mer�e unkss LendPr����e� <br />'�"`;`�- ...-'i'.:, to the mergcr in wrfting. � <br /> �u;. „ ;,. ,- 7, protectbn of l.ender's RiRhts in Ihe Property If BoROwcr fail� �o �:�t�mn �hr c��vcnun�y and ugreements <br />:�'.r.�ax�l• • contuined in thix Security In+trument, ur�here iti u Ic�tul pr�xeeJing �hut muy tiigmticundy uffra Len�kr: ri}�hts in the <br /> ���-d���� pro�xny(xuch uK a pracecding in bunkruptry.prohWc.lirc c�NiJcmnu�iun ur foNcitun�►r to cnli�rcc luwx ar rcgulatinn,>.�hcn <br /> � '"'�� Lender muy do onJ puy for whAtcver ix nccc,+ary a�proicci ihe vulu�ot'�hc Pn►peny unJ Lcndcr: rfght,in thc Propeny. <br /> :�,, l.enderk acNanx may incluck puying by u licn whirh huw priurfty uvcr thi.r Security In�lrument,appeuring _ <br /> _ in c�wn,pnying rcuuinuble uu��mcyx'1'ce+und en�cring�m�hc Nro�xny tu mukc repuirs.AUhough LenJer muy take ac�iun <br /> -� �� � � unJt:r Ihh purugtuph 7.l.cnJcr dcxr not huvr�u du�o. __ <br /> �;, .. Any umoun�w disbun.ed by Lender under this purugriiph 7 �hull Fmcome additionul deM of BuROwer tiecured by Ihiti �. <br /> �'-�`"`�'� Sccurl�y In.r�ru�mnt. Unle.s Borrowrr unJ l.cnJcr ugrcc w�►�hcr tcmi+��P puymcnt,ihc�c umoun�y tihull bcur interext from�he <br /> ..'�'";,�.�_.`� dote of Jisbuncmr:nt ut�he Note rutc und xhull Ix;puyuMc,wi�h intcres�,u�xm nu�icc from Lcndrr to Bomowcr rcyucs�ing ___ <br /> �t.�. <br /> -.�c.�:���:_:- • puyment. —= <br /> � :�. 8. Mnrtgage losuronce. li'Lcnder reyuircJ mongage imurunre •r+u condition of mukinF�he loun �ecured by�his � <br /> .:� ... <br /> _���`�«� Securily lnstrument, Borrowcr.hull puy thc premium. reyuired to muintuin the mortgagc in,uruncc in eftec�. If, for nny �.�-- <br /> � reatii�n,the mongugc insurunce covrruge reyuired by Lendcr lup�r� or ccu+c, to lxr in effect, Borrowc� sholl puy �he <br /> �eti',��,,1,°�� " ` prc�riums reyuired to obtnin cuvcrugc tiub.rlunliully cyuivulent to �he mungugc in+uranrc previou,ly in effecl, ut a ro.i _ <br /> �=_,��;�. ;r'�`„ substwxiully eyuivulcnt�o the ca+t to Born�wcr of�hr mcmgugc in,urunce prrviuu�ly in cffect,frum un allemate munguge � <br /> �.., �• ---- <br /> �,,�;�_,,,�y__ inxumr npproved by LenJer. If tiub�tuntiully cyuivulent mon�uge in,urunrr co�rrugr i�not uvuil,�hlc,Bonower shall pay w <br /> -�""'=-�"' � Lender each munth u�um eyuul to unc-iwcltth ot'thc ycurly mongugc intiurnncc premium t►eing puid by Borrower when ihe <br /> =��4:�� . � insumnce coveruge lu��ed or cra,ed tu tx�in effcct. Lcndcr will urrep�,u�r unJ retain dx+c paymcm,u.u losti rc+crvc in licu !_ <br /> - ;���.;•. <br /> - ^�.- of moAgLgc inxurunre. Loss re�crvc paymcnl+may nn lon�cr Mc� reyuirrd, u� �hc��p�ion uf LcnJcr, iP mor�gc�gc m�urance <br /> a:. :�;.,,. <br /> � ro-m:,.,.•<`�t_ ,r ,^ covernge (in Ihc umount und for thc prriuJ�hul Lcnder reyuire�)pnrv�deJ by un in+urrr�ippmveJ hy l.encler nguin hkromes �.. <br /> : x�,�-:��t, availut�e und is obtuincd.Borrowrr tihull p:►y Ihc prentium�rcyuireJ lo muinli�in marlguEr intiurancr in et�fcct.or�o providc u �: <br /> ; .�,. � loxx rexerve,unlil the reyuirement i'or murt�uge in�urunrr enJ�in ucc�irJuncr wi�h vny wri��en u�mrnunt tntween Bcxrowcr <br /> .� nnd Lender�ir:�pplicuhle luw. �,� <br /> . 9, InKpection. LcnJer or il�a�!rnl muy muke rcu��mabl�cmric��qHm and in.�xrtiun.nt'thc Prupeny, Lender tihadl <br /> � . ' . : givc Borrowrr�x�ticr at thr tim<<d�ur priur tu:ui in+�xclion.�xrifying r�a,on;iMr r:w.�li�r Ihc in,�xrtion. � <br /> , lO. Condemnutinn. Tlir pnxrcd.ul':�n�•.��v;�rd nr rl:iim li�r damugr�.Jircrt ur connrc�ion with uny �_ <br /> ".. ' � SinKlr F•rmily•-F�nnle Nwe�Frrddk N�c 1'�IF'11R�f I�ti'1'NI'�tE�1' -1'nilum�Ca�.nuo�. v!411 yr,�xr?../n p,�qr�i -- <br /> . . I�n'al�tndnr.+4��m..Im � � ,. <br /> fn�4iMr1'.all tAIIM1!1'pFA9&9t1YA%IIIK7111•11'll _. <br /> ,��y A, —'-- <br />�-- .�s_w. ....'�+' :r....;.t, � '— ..—••— ��---_' ' _ - � ..,.��....,r,*l�1R�iP'.,�"'�f'+'�►'1a�'_'�Nw°.��,Lai�—�^^"'��• <br /> .. � � - <br /> ,� <br /> .5dr3es_:ule:e�, _ - -- _ - -`- - ---. <br /> .� . <br /> ;�,;. .. . <br /> . , f. . • <br /> i � <br />� R: , . `� . __ ._.__l _ _ _ � <br />