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<br /> condcmnAtian ur other takin�of any part of the Proparty,or for conveyunce in lieu of condemnatfun,an�hereby agsi��ud And
<br /> � Rh�ll be pAid to Lender.
<br />- °-�°°�-°----=_-° _° In �hu evcut uf u tutal lakinp� of the Propeny, the Pmceede shnll t+e app�led ta thc xumx s+ecured by Ihix Secu�ity
<br /> = Insuument, whe�her ur not then duc,wilh uny excerx puid�a Bom�wer. In Ihe cvcnt of u purtiul �uking of Ihe Pa�peny In
<br /> which the talr morkct voluc ai the Property immcdiutcly 6cPi�re�he tuking i�equul�u i�r greutcr thun�he umu�mt of�hc xumK
<br /> xccurcd by lhi�+Security Inxln�ment immcdialcly tx�liKe Ihc tuking,unlcxx Hom�wer unJ Lendcr atherwik ugrec in w�iting,
<br /> ---- -- ---� thc.rumy hccured by �hi� Se�uri�y Inxuument xhull Ix� rcducrd by �he umoum oi ihe pnxeeda mulliplicd by ihe fi►Uowing c
<br /> fructiun: lul ihc tuml amount uf thc�um�Kccurcd immediulcly tx�forc ihc taking,divided by Ib►the liiu mu�k��vulu�uP tl�c
<br /> -- - — Pn►pchy immcdiuiely beforc�he tuking. Any hulancr ahull F+c puid to Burrowcr. In �he event uf u puniul �uking uf�hc
<br /> _ ._ Property in which the fuir murkci valuc oP the Property immcdiutcly Ix:fo�e�he tuking 1+Ic�ti�hun�hr umoun�uf thc rum�
<br /> nccunsd ImmcdfAtely hcfare �he iaking, unlcKS Burn►we�und Lendcr ahcrwitir uRrec in writing ur unleti� upplicuble luw
<br /> ��therwine provicieK.the pnx:cedx Khull hc upplied tu�hc xumr�curcd by Ihia Security Imtrumem whe�hrr or not the xumx u�
<br /> -=a then due.
<br /> �__•__-- -� - -_'�., If the Pn�peAy ix abandoned by Bc�rcuwer.ur iG ut'tcr nodce Ny l.cncicr�o Borrower thut the rnndemnor offcr�to mukc
<br /> ==� un awurd or xettle u cluim for dumageti,Burrawcr fuils to rc,p�md to Lendcr wfthin 3n Juys uticr thc dotc the notice ir given,
<br /> -"-�� Lender ix uulhurized Io collect und upply thc proceeds,ut itg option.either to restorntian or repair af the Prc�peny or to the
<br /> --°"°��j� sums secured by thix Security Inxtniment,whether ar nut Ihen due.
<br /> �;� Unlesx Lender und Borrower otherwi�e ogree in writing. uny upplicution of proceedx to p�incipul xhall nat extend or �
<br /> �xistpcme the due date of the manthly paymentx refcrred to in purugrnphs I und 2 or chunge the umount af such pnymentx.
<br /> - --�.�:� 11. Borrower Not Releasedi Forbearance By Lender Not a WAiver. Extenriun uf �he time foi payment or -
<br /> --''8-` modificutian of wnonization of the sums secumd by this Security Inatrument grunted by Lender to any succe,sar in intercst __
<br /> _.�__ ...- -- .:---
<br /> of Borrower shull not up�rule tu releur,c thc liability af Ihe original Borrowcr or H��rrower5�succexsun in interest. Lender �
<br /> L���a��Y.�,~ ahall not be required ta commence praceedings uguinxt any succeKxor in interest ar refuse to extend time tor puyment ur
<br /> - _"""";�►.�^,s�;.:
<br /> Y ��; otherwise modify amortizution of the sums aecured by this Security In!�trumcnt by reason oF uny demand mudc by thc origina
<br /> _ :-,_�;�,:_ :;;a Bnrrower or Barrower's successars in interest. Any farbearnnce by Lender in exerci.r•ing uny right or remedy ghull nat be a �
<br /> `� 4- � waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> - L:,�' 1Z. Successurs nnd As.glgns Bound;Juint and Several Uablllty;Casigners. The covennnts und agrcememti af Ihis
<br /> -- ,��;�,. :: Security Inawment shall bind�nd bene�t the successor�und ussigns c►f Lender und Borruwer, subject ta the provixionw uf _
<br /> --- �•;`' pnrugraph 17. Borrawer g covenunlx und ugmements shall be joint und xeverul. Any Borrower who co-signx this Security
<br /> '=—'"����• lnstrument bu1 dcex not execute the Nu�e: (u)ia co-signing thi+Security Ins�run�ent anly ta mongage,grunt and convey�hut
<br /> ��`����������. Borrower's interest in the Property under the tem�ti af thl�Security Inswmcnt; (bl is nnt per�unully ohliguted to puy Ihe sums _
<br /> '«s �+ � " ' secured by�his Security 1nstNmenr,nnd tc)ug�eex that Lender und uny other Borrower muy agrec to extend,mcxlify,forbear -
<br /> �
<br /> '`��r, ��" � or make uny uccammodatlons wi�h regnrJ to the termn c,f this Securily Instrument ur the Nae withuut thut Borrower's
<br /> :wu.'.-_ "�;� . consent. -
<br /> .w.�,�;t T ��t�N;s,�'''�f'F� t3• Laan ChArges. If�he loan secured by ihi� Securiiy luali'llill�iii is .r•ubjcct to a !a►v �shich setz muKimum !r►nn
<br /> ���;- .� ; � charges,and that luw is finally inte�retrd no tha� the intcretit ur other loan charges cnllected or to be collcc�ed in connection
<br /> " `r��4-;°.� with the loan exceed the permuted I�mits,then: (iU uny such loun churge xhall be reduced by�he mm�unt necesxary w reducc
<br />:=� �'� ' ' .'�:�;r�'` ' the charge to the permitted limit:und(b)uny sums alreudy coUected from Hurrawer which exceeded permitted limilx will be
<br /> " "" � � refunded to Borrower. Lender muy chcxise�o muke�his rel'und by reducing�he principul owed under the Note or by muking a
<br /> - � '`� '"`"'�"''`'�'' � direct payment to Barrower. If a rcfund reduces principal.the reduclion will be treuled us u puniul prepuyment wiihoW uny
<br /> • "";��;�;•..>.`' ' prepuyment churgc under the Note.
<br /> • s � ' •� '�� 14. Notices. Any naticc �u Barrowcr provided liir in �hi.Securiry Imtrument ,hull t+r given by dclivcring it or by _
<br /> ��� � ' � mailing it by firs�clas�muil unlesti applicublc luw reyuires use�if unuthrr mcth�xl.The noticc shall bc Jircc�ed�o the Property
<br /> . !-`�-:�:' • •• Addrewa or uny ather address Burcowur dctiignut�+by n�nirc ro I.end�r. Any nntice to Lcnder shull be given by firrt cluss _
<br /> ��'� � `�,. �� ' �• mail to l.cnder+address 4luted hcrcin or nny othcr uckiresz Lendcr dcxignutrs by nnticc to Bonuwer. Any notice provided for =
<br /> � �t •':`��� in�his Securiry Instrument shull tx� Jccmed to h�ve txen given a� Borrower or Lender whcn given u� provided in �his =
<br /> . `' ��� � .:, purugrnph.
<br /> '`��^�':c�' � � 1S. Governin�Law; Severabillty. Thiti Srcurity In.trwncnt shull hc govemcd by Pederul luw und �hc luw �if thr
<br /> �{'. � ' ,jurixdiction in which the Propehy is I�xured. In the event thul uny provihion i�r cluuxe��f this Security Instrument�x thc No�e '...
<br /> • '�!•'�•, conflietx wi�h applicuble luw,sunc�ontlirt xhull na�ut'1'ec�uther pruvixionx�if this Sccuriry Intitrument or the Nae which cun i
<br /> be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end thc provi,ion�ul'this Security Instrument und the NcNe ure _
<br /> ��.�:�- �� declured to tx:s�vcruble. �
<br /> � �.. •
<br /> .;,��; : l6. Bo�rower's Copy. Burruw�r tihull Ix�Ei�•cn onr ronf��rmrJ cupy al'Ihc Notc und ol'Ihis Seruriry In+tnrment.
<br /> r���r� - �c ` 17, 71�unsfer of the Property or a Renefirial Intcrest M Borrow•er. If all��r any pi�rt ai'thc Pm�xrty or uny interest in
<br /> y
<br /> , it is sold or trunxfcrtcd (or iF u heneticiul imrrc.t in Bormwer is solJ ur trumCcR�d and Bortowcr ix rn�t u nmural personl
<br /> F��_�
<br /> �. ....• without Lender's prior writtrn con�ent.Lender muy,a� it.��pti�in,require immrdi:uc puymem in full of ull.wnz secured by
<br /> , =�'"'dL""`�"" this Serurily Inslrwmnt. Howevcr,this option shull not Ix cxerci.rrJ by LrrKler if exercinr is pri�hibitcJ by fedcrut luw as of
<br /> • �`' •-�-.`:' thc dutc of this Sccurity Intilrumcnt.
<br /> , a�y4.�..
<br /> ;�'°'`•��� � .. If l.ender rxcrci+es this op�ion.l.cndcr shull�ivc Borrowcr nwicr„f uccelcration, The noticc.hall pravide u periixl of
<br /> �::�;• • � nat Ictix thun.i0 duys fr��m the dutr�hr mnicc i�dclivcrcd nr muiled wi�hin►ti•hirh Burrowrr mu�t pay ull tiumti,ccureJ hy Ihis
<br /> . 6,.° � •`'o Security In+trument. II' Butrower tiiils �o pay thrse sunn prior �o thc cxpiruii��n uf Ihiti �ri�xi. Lrnder muy invoke uny
<br /> ,t � remedics pem�ittcd by thi�Security In.trument with��ul 1'unhc�noiirr ur dcmunJ un Hurrowcr.
<br /> � 18. Borrower's l2iRht to Reinxtute. If Borruwcr mcrt. cen+iin rundilion�, Borrow�r .hull huvc thr right tu huv�
<br /> ° ' . . �• ' eni'oreemem uf this Securiiy In,lmm�nt Ji,c�xi�inurd;u an�•timc priur lo IIk rarlicr ol': lul 5 d•ry.1�►r.urh athrr�xriod n�,
<br /> . '; . Sinµlc l�amd} ••Fwnnk�tur�F'rcddk�tuc l�\IPIIR�11\ti'I'Rl'�IF:\1' 1'mwim t'u�rnant. 4�411 ip,��r J�,J��/�x�'.��
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