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<br /> �pplicable law mxy �pecify far reinetatement)before�le of the Property pursuant to any power of wda coauincd ln thir
<br /> — Secu�ty Inctrument;ar(b)cntry of a judgment enforcing thie Security Inruument. Thocc conditiana iue that Borrower. (A)
<br /> —. =— ' poyr L.ender wll cume which then would be due umicr�hir Se�:urity Inctrumcnt and thc Notc on if no accelerelion had -
<br /> '—;�T accumed;(b)cures any default of any a�her covenants or agrecmenta;(c)payx ull expen�ea incurrcil in enfarcing�hia Security
<br /> Inspument. includfn�,but not Umitad to, reosonablB anameye'fcea: vnd Id> takea nuch acllon �s l.encler m�y rcuwnably
<br /> - — requiro to asaure that Ihe Nen of this Secu�ity Instnimenl,Lcnder�d�hta M tho Property und 8urrowcrk obllQadon to pay tho
<br /> ��''—�� ° ' bYlllfl SCCUPCIJ I1y Ihix Securlty Inutrument shall conNnue unehnnged. Upnn reingtetement by fi�xmwcr. �his Sacurfty �
<br /> -- Inauument and the obligaliona recured hereby:hull rcmain fully effective as if no accelerwlfon hwl occurred. Hawov¢�.�hir
<br /> �i�ht to�einstate ehail not apply in the cose af accelerytion under paragraph 17.
<br /> '� 19. S�le of Notei Choa�e ot l.own 3ervker. The Note ar a pArtial interest in thc N�Kc (togclher wi�h Ihia Security
<br /> Instn�ment)moy be sold one or more tfines witl�out priar naice to Burrawer. A sole mny rexuU in u chonge in the entity
<br /> _-� (known as the"Loun Servicer")thot collects monthly payments due uoder the Note and thi4 Security fnstrument. There ul�a
<br /> "�;:;, may be one or mare changes of the I.oan Servicer unrelated to o sole of�he Nae. IP�here is a change of the Loan Servker,
<br /> -- ° °° �� Borrower will be given written noUce of tt�e change in accordunce with pamgrnph 14 above and applicable law. The notice _
<br /> ""= will awte�he name und address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which peyments should be mnde. The notice will
<br /> �"�,�; also contein any other infortnation required by applicable law.
<br /> • �'� 20. HAZardoue Subsfaaces. Bortnwer ahall not cuuse or pertnit the prese�ce,use,dispawal,stomge,or relense of any
<br /> — Hazardous Substances on ar in the Property. Borrower aholl na do,nor ullow anyane else to do.unything affectfng the
<br /> ----�--°��� Prupe�ty that is in vialation of any Environmental Law. The preceding two semences shall mu a�►ply ta the presence,use,or
<br /> �:%'� storago on the Properly of small quantities of Hazardous Subslances thet are generally recognized to be appmpriate ta normal
<br /> --. --'-` residential uses and to maintenance of the Propeny.
<br /> r .; <•�..-�-'-
<br /> •� .��' Bortower stiell promptly give Lender written notice of any investigution,cluim,demand,lawsuit ur uther action by any -
<br /> i •' , governmenlal or regulatory agency or private party involving the Property and uny Hazurdous Substance or Environment�l
<br /> � x.��'• [.aw of which Borrower hos actual knowledge. If Borrawer leorns, or is notified by uny govemmenwl or regulutory
<br /> '' '�`a_. nuthority,that any removal or other remediation of any Hazardous Substunce Affecting ihe PropeAy is necesxary,Borrower
<br /> �� . :� shall promptly talce all necessary remedial uctions in accordance with�nvironmental Law.
<br /> '�'r��- As used in this purugraph 20,"Hazardous Subslances"are those substances defined as taxic ar hazardous substances by
<br /> � ;
<br /> �� � Environmentul I.aw and the following subsmnces: gasaline,kerosene,other flammable or loxic petraleum producis,toxic
<br /> "�`��"`• �� �. pesticldes und hefiicides,volntile solvents, moterials contuining asbestos or formuldehyde, und radbnctive materiuls. As
<br /> •'� .' � used in this pnragrnph 20,"Environmental Law"means federnl laws und laws of the Jurisdiction where the Property is located
<br /> , ���'���� • thal relate 10 health.safety or emironmentul protection.
<br /> �• -� �' y:• ' NON-UNiFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender furihcr covenant und agree ns follows:
<br /> � 21. Acceleratlon; Remedtes. Lender shall give notice to Bor�ower prior to acceleration following Borro�ver's
<br />_ _ �,��„°•,: brescl��t Rny coYenent or�gre�mc,nt in thW Secu�ity Instrument Ibut not prior to acceleralion under pAra�raph 17
<br /> •-"' • unless nppllcable law provides otherwisel. The notice shall specify: lal the dePault;lb)the adion required to cure tAe
<br /> '��°��+�:, default;(c►A dute.not less thpn 30 dpys from the date the notice i�given to Uorrower,by x�hich the default must be
<br /> ` `' ' ' '��{;,�,J��. . cured;and(d)tbAt fAilure to cure the default on or bePore the dAte speciAed in the notice may result in acceleratbn of
<br /> ;. .t,;' � '' �',;;:. • the autns secured by this Security Instrument and sale ot the Property. The notice shall furlher inPorm Borrower of
<br /> ""'� " "' the right to reit�stAte atter s�cceleraHoa und the rfght to bring a caurt ection to Assert the non•exlstence of a default or
<br /> � � • • •"�• any other dePenae ot Borrower to Acceleratbn and sale. If'the dePwult ts not cured on or before the dwte specifled in
<br /> � i the notke,Lender At its�option mey require immediate payment in full of all sums secured 6y this Security Instrument __
<br /> '�"`""'"`,; " wilhout further demand and mpy invoke the power oP ssale and any other remedies pe�mUted by ApplicAble law. _
<br /> V:.�.� -
<br /> Lender shall be enlitled lo co0lect all expenses locurred in pursuing tNe remediea provided in this parAgraph 21.
<br /> � '*' "�"' Including,but not Ilmited to.reasnnable ettorneys'fees and cos�g ot title evWence.
<br /> _ • •�"`:.�"�
<br /> . . „ If the power ot sale is invoked.7Yustee s6a11 recard u noNce of defaolt in each county in which any parl oP tAe
<br /> •�� :,_ . Properly Is located And shall mail copfes aP quch noNce in the munner prescribed by appl(cable Ipw to Borrower and to
<br /> ;r��: , '' the other persons prescribed by applirable I�w Aner tMe lime required by Applicable law,'IYustee shaN give public -
<br /> .,;A�.:, � � " notice oP sale to the per4on9 and in the manner prescrfbed by applicable lew. 7lrustee,without demand on Borrower. �
<br /> ehAll sell the Property af publk auction to the hiRhtwt bidder at Ihe time and place and under the terms designated in
<br /> "' ' ••� ��'� �� the notice of sak in one or more parcels and in any order 7Yustee determfnes. 7lrustee may pogtpone sale oi all or any
<br /> � • '- �l:� parcel of lBe PropeMv by public unnouncement at the time and plWCe of any previourly scheduled!�ale. Lender or it4
<br /> �' '' .;"}t:.�r.. de.9ignee may purchwse the Property at any w+le.
<br /> ' ,;�, ," �,<. Upon receipt oP pAyment oi'Ihe price bid,7Yutitee 4hall deliver tu the pu�chaser Trustee's deed ronveying the _
<br /> . � �,� � Property. The recitals in the'IYustee ti deed shall be prima facie evidence of the trutb of the statements mede Iherein.
<br /> ••� 'ibuatee ahell apply Ihe pruceeds of tqe sale fa t6e fullowinR urder: lul lu ull cusls und expenses ui'exercixing Ihe power
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