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� r�� �y�.r.'.� . "� <br /> �j�`,'Y ' . ��� 4 .. • . ,�'7i.� <br /> � ��..i ' <br /> _ <br /> — <br /> . . �oca� � -�..._� _ _ _ .-. -___. _- . . <br /> � .--'-�.__•__y"a� <br /> -----=a , <br /> 91-105524 <br /> perioda thut L,ender requires. The insurance ca�rier providing the insurnnce shell be chosen by Borrower subject to L.endarR <br /> approval whlch shall not be unreasonably wilhhcld. If Barrowcr fails to maintain coveragc descdhed abovc,Lender may,wt <br /> ' Lender�s option,ahtein covemge to protect Lenderh rights in�he PropeRy in accordance wlth psuagraph 7. �._ <br /> All insurwice policies and renewals shall be acceptable ta l.ender and shall include a stundard mortgoge cluuse. I.ender <br /> ahsll huve the dght ta hald!ho policies and renewals. If L.endor requires.Borrower shall promptly give to L.ender all receipt� <br /> of paid prcmiums and renewul natices. ln tha event of loss.Bnrrower shall glve prompt notice to the inaurance curNer ond <br /> — l.ender. Lender may make proof of loss if nat made promptly by Borrower. — <br /> � - - ' Unless Lender und Borrower otherwisc agrc�in wriung,insunuKe pra:eedK shall be applicJ to rc:starutian or repair af �= <br /> _ the I�roperty damuged, if Ihe reatoration or repuir is economicully fea�ible sind Lender is secu�ity ix not lesaened. If thc <br /> _ restaration or repui�is not econamically feusible or L.enderk �sccuriry would bc leasened,the insurnnce proceedK xhull be <br /> applicd to the eumx secured by ihia Secu�ity Ins�rument, whether or nix�hen due, with any exress puiJ �u Borruwer. If <br /> Borrowcr abanduns thc PropeAy,or daes not on9wer wi�hin 3l1 duyx u noticc fmm l.ender that �he insuruncc carrier has — <br /> _-= offered to setpe a claim.�hen Lender may collect�ha inwurunce praced+, l.ender muy u�ce the prcxec�W�o rcpuir or mxton: _ <br /> __ _�___ , �he Piropeny or ta pay xums Recurcd by this 3ecurily Instrumcnt.whe�her or not�hen due. The 3U-day period wlll bcgin when <br /> the nntice ix given. <br /> �.� Un1eAS Lcndcr und Barrower otherwine ugree in w�ilfr.g,uny uppllcutian oi praccA:dx to principul xhull nut ex�cnd nr <br /> - -_� poxtpone thc due datc of the mamhly puymema referred to in porugruph� I und 2 or chunge�he umaum of tha puymcntx. if <br /> under purogruph 21 Ihe Prnperty is acyuired by Lender, BoROwcrk right ta uny inr+urunce policics ond pracecdx rexulting �, <br /> from damugc to thc ProFx:ny prior ta the acquixition shull paxs to l.cndcr 10 the eatent af the sums r�ecured by thfa Securily <br /> �� � —_=J Inetrument immed�ately priar to�he acquis�itian. _ _ - <br /> ___,,,� 6. Uccupancy, Preservptlon, Maintenance and Protectlon oP the Praperty= Borrower's Loan Applicadon; _- <br />---- --=� Les�sehold�. Barrower shal!occupy.establish,i+nd ur,e the Rnperty us Bartnwer K principal residence within sixty days ufter __ <br /> the execution of thia Secu�ity Insmiment ond shnll cantinue la occupy the Pro�x:ny us Borrowerx principUl residence for at <br /> leuxt one yewr after the date of accupancy, unless Lender othenvixe agreox in writing, which consent xhult not be <br /> -_�ar�:..:v:k.� unreavannbly withheld,or unless extenunting clrcumatunces exist which urc beyond Bormwer�control. Borrowor shnll not <br /> destroy,danagc or impair Ihe Property,allow the Property ta deteriorntc,or commit watite on the Property. Barrower shull =`=- <br /> —__s�,� be in defuult if any forf'eiture actlon ar praceeding,whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lenderis good fai�h Judgment ��- <br /> could result in forfeiture af the Property or otherwine materlully impair Ihe lien crented by this Security Ins�rument or <br /> ="'_��%:� Lenders security interes�. Borrower mny cure xuch a defnult und reinstute,us provided in parngraph IS,by causmg the uction �y: <br /> :;� or proceeding to be dismissed with n ruling thnt,in Lender?s good fui�h determinutian,precludeti forfeiture af�he Borrower� ��� <br /> -�:��,.� interest in the Properiy or ather mate�iul impuirn�ent of the Ilen creuted by ihis 5ecurity Instrument or Lender� tiecuriry �-_ <br />__ __m��,,;,;;,� interest. Bottower sholl als� be in default if Borrower, during the loun upplicntion process, guve materfally fulse or �_ _. <br /> inaccurate informution or statemen44 to Lender(or fniled to provide I.ender with uny muterial informution)in cannection with <br /> �-�_=��-'� �he loun evidenced by the Note, Including, but not limited to. representutions concernin� Borrower�c occupuncy of the =_ <br /> ��� k.. i'ropeny as a principui rc�idntrce. if tiii,Se�urity instrument is on a lea�:eholcl.Borrower:hs!!comply wflh a!I the provici�nc � <br /> __,.__�• of the!ea�ce. If Borrower ucquirex tee tiUe ro the Pmperty,the leuschold ond the tee tiHe shull not mergc unlesx Lender agrees _ <br /> to the merger in writing. �s. <br />�� °''�'��. 7, P�otectlon oP I.ender's Right4 In the Property. If Bcxrower fAilz to perform the cavenunt� und ugreements s <br /> �• ,�r�� contuined in this Securfty Intitrument, or there is u legul procceding thut muy significuntly affec� Lender; rightti in the <br /> . ���1��Y-�` R Property(such ux u proceeding in bankruptcy,probute,for condemnution ar forfeiture or to enforce Inws or regulutions),then �'` <br />:�:_,:=.,t a "' <br />��!�:.�,�,a�',;°, ' Lender moy do and pny for whatever is necessury ta pmtect the vulue oi the Praperty und Lender+rights in the Propeny. � <br />+��:�.�:� Lenderk uctionx muy include payfng uny sums secumd by u lien which hux priority over this Security Instrumen4 appeu�ing � <br /> °�""` „���%.�ti `• in court.paying reaconublc uttorneys'fec,und cntcring on the Property to mAke repain. Although Lender muy take ucdon =-- <br />;:�,�__�°�: .. <br /> -.-- ' under�his puragraph 7,Lendcr dces not hnvc tn do so. ��• <br />� t:,,'�':II� 1 Any umounta disbuned by Lender under thi� purogruph 7 shull hecumc udditional deht of Borrowcr secured by thi� �,T- <br /> �t'�°°�y"-�'�`�% Sccurity Instrument. Unless Borrowcr und Lender ugrce to oiher tennr of puymcnt,lhese umountti shall hcur interest from the � <br /> .a�a�,�,=w date of disbursement ut the Note rutc und xhall be puyuble,wilh interest,upon notice from Lender�o Borrawer reyuexdng �'+��;- <br /> �:7'.A�.,F:fG�..1�"1. �.-'._ <br /> :,A;�.. payment. <br /> °�'•"—••_='.= S. Mortga�e InsurAnce. If Lendcr requircd mortgagc insurunrc us u cundition of muking�hc loun secured by this ��t,. <br /> ..;,�_�. .� .r <br /> ,u•��`'" Security Instrument, Borrawer shull puy the premiums required to muintain thee mnnguge inxurunce in effect. If, for uny [�:=: <br /> `�"'^�-_�-- =- rea.r•on, the mortguge inxurum:e coveruge reyuired by Le�xicr lupses or ceuse� to l� in effect, BoR��wer shull pny �he <br /> ��:r '""' premiums required to obtuin rover�ge sub,tuntiully equivulent tn the mungugc insuruncr prrvinusly in effect, at a cust �'� <br /> '��°' � subsumtially eyuivalent ro the ca+t to Bormwer of the m�mgi�ge in+uruncc previau.r•ly in effect,frcxn un aUemute mortguge �'� <br /> �� u <br /> �■�����:. insurer upproved by Lender. li'substuntiully cyuivulen�mortg:igc insurunre ruveruge iti not uvailable.Bomiwer zhull puy to W:__ <br /> �:��=�,,,;�,.,�,� Lender ench mon�h n sum equul to onc-twclfth of�he ycurly mortgu�tr in.uruncc p�cmium tx:ing p•rid by Borrower whcn thc <br /> ?�� F�;�.,�•� insurunce coverage lup.sed or ceused to he in effert. Lender will iirccpt,u�e unJ retuin thr,e puymentx uz a loxz re,erve in lieu �-- <br /> �`�7��� � of mort u e insurunce. l.oss rexervc u mrn�.mu no lon��r Ix rc uircd, ul thc o wn of Lendcr,ii'mon u e insuruncc <br /> •,r:i'��_;,�y,al.-`i ';,.. S B P Y Y 6' 4 M� R 8 _ <br /> -�4_ .�:-.._• 6 coverage(in the umount and i'or�he periocl thu�Lrnder r�yuirc.)provideJ by un insurcr uppmved by Lender uguin bccomes � <br /> ��r uvuilublc und ix obtuined.Borrawcr shull ps�y the prrmium+rcyuircd tu muintuin mongn�c rosurunce in ef'i'ec�,nr�o pnwide u ■��, <br /> yT�.•,.y, .a'..�"•' <br /> loxs reserve,until d�r requiremen[For mon�u�e in�uruncr arcorduncr with uny wriurn iigrcrmcn�hetwecn Borrower ■$ir: <br /> ,;+�x ' �� -^ � und Lender ur upplicublc luw. � <br /> ��t:..:�i..: 9. Inspeclion. Lender ur i�s agrnt mc►y muk�m�i,onahlr rntrirs u�x,n nnd inx�xrtiom uf�h� Pn�perty. Lender shall �;.;. <br /> -• • give Burrowcr nMicc:�t thc timc of nr prior lo un in��xcliun x{kcifyin�t rru+onuhlc cuuu tiir thr in+�xrliix�. E�- <br /> , . � 10. CondemneNon. The pnxccd�ul'any:�wurd ur rl:iint tiir dumage�. dirrcl or ci� a�nncr�i�m with uny ►`,;.. <br /> .. Sin�lr F�wnfly-•Funnlc�fuNF�eddlr�Iwc U\IFlIR�1 I\ti"I'RI'�1M:Y1'..UnUum�('u�.uum. 9/90 qM�¢r.t uJ��/r,�c�•..� t' , <br /> . . Im'all.�trnbu.lm'�•F�ww�.lnr ■ <br /> - T�Ihdn I:all I�bDli�IF93B9 O MA%6NF791•1171 <br /> �4: <br /> -: . -_ .- _ �I,.- <br /> ' " . '. �—�,�-•-•,rr .-.c-•t,._�-�.• �---' . . '-- ,, - -�°---� , -. , . : " .. :1�7R1L'.a'"�W:��� . . . . . '- - <br /> � .t..,� . . . • . <br /> ' . '7}i.l . . .. . <br /> ..:=.+wi.M . � - '• � <br /> .. � <br /> --�` .._Yrri�"t.�•"__ `_ __ _._ � .. .. .. .._ .. .__. . _!`_ - <br /> � �� <br /> —_. ___--_r______._ _._.._ __ _ _".__�.._.- . _ . .. .. . .. �. . . . . . __... _�._. <br /> V <br /> r. ,. ,� <br /> . , ' , <br /> , U`...� , <br /> . .. t � <br /> . .. ; . , <br /> . � � , <br /> . , . <br />