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<br /> �- -°�--�_� - 1�i055N0 � -
<br /> 3
<br /> -- ----- NON-UNtFOftM COVBNAN'X'S. Aamnwer and I.ender PurtFw:r covanant and a as followa:
<br /> l7� Fwnda�yre Procedura lf l.enderrequirea immediate payment in fu underparu�raph 4,Lender mpy invokc U�u
<br /> pow�r of salc wnd any dhcr R�����K�bYh(7,�includinW b t no�t Ilmit�i�l toereia�sonable a't�tamoys f��dicasu�a�Y
<br /> i�por�ufn�tho rr,rriedies pro p�W'�P �
<br /> --.-- ---� tftb eviAence. _
<br /> 1�the wer ot r�le V(avaked,7Yu�alwll�record n aotke of defAUlt in each county lo whkh any part of tho
<br /> p �'�j°�q�aud�iull rwil copiee o�auch notke la!he maener prescribed by a Iicabk I�w to Ba�rawer aod
<br /> �pe ud
<br /> to Ihe other penons prescribed b9 aPp�k+�bk la�. ARer the time required by app ble law.7lruske ehall give
<br /> pub10c aaks ot ak to t b e persour pn d i n t h e maaner p re�c�ibed�by e p plkable uw 71ruetee�wilhout denuind on
<br /> Barrower,ahnll eell lhe Property at publk auclton tn the h l g he�t b i dder pt the thne and piace pnd uader tbe tern�e
<br /> --- „ � dtxi�atcd la the noNce at eale In one or more panels And In any order 7lrustee dNerm;nea 7lrustee may pastpone
<br /> - snk o��11 or�ny p�rcel of Ihe Property by pubfk oanaincement at 1Ue dme and place of any previour+ly�c6eduled -_
<br /> ssk. L,ender or Ifs de�lQnee nuy urcbase the Property at an�ysale.
<br /> Upoa recei�p�t o� In�,����d���16��i bin��ac�e�evideaceeo�t uth o�the sta�temden�ts m�ade�there�ine.
<br /> Propert3. Tbe t
<br /> qy.uatee sbaU app�y he proceeds ot the eale in the foNowia�order: (a) to all costa nnd expenses ot exerclsin� the
<br /> Qower otede,and We Anie,Inciudia the payment of the 7lrustee's Peea s�ctu�lly incurred,not to ezc�ed f ive `�
<br /> n
<br /> of the pr�incipal �nt of the n e at the lime ot the declpration ot deiAUlt,And reasonable Attorneys' fees as -
<br /> -� rmitfed by I�qw;(b1 to�II�um�secure�l by thi�Securlty lastrumeatt and lc)ony excess to the person or per�oa� _
<br /> �11y eatitlM to it Lender sh�ll requeat 7lvstee ta
<br /> 18. Reconveyance. U�n poyment of ull suma secured by this Secu�ity Inswment,
<br /> reconvey the Property tu►d ahall xurnender this 5ecurlty Instrument and all nateg evidenclng debt sccured by thia Secu�ity
<br /> Instrumenl to 7tuctee. 7tustee sha��reconvey tFie Propeny without warranry and without churgc to the person ar persons •
<br /> �' le�ally endUed to it. Such per�wn or peraais shall pay any rccordaNan costs. --
<br /> 19. SuMlltute 7Y�ustee. Lender,ut its option,muy from timc ta time rca�ove'itustce and appoint a succcaxar lruatee
<br /> to any 7tuxtee appointed hereunder by an ingtniment recorded in the county in which this Security Inatrument is recorded.
<br /> Wflhout conveyance of the Propeny,the successor truatee:hs+ll succeed to all the dt�e.power and dut�ec conferred upon
<br /> - � 7tustee herein end by app�licable luw. `
<br /> — Z0. Requesl for NoUces. Borrower requests that copias of 1he notices of default and sule be sent to Bomower�
<br /> = address which is tite Property Address.
<br /> ,nh_.i
<br /> ;�,; Ridere to this 3ecurity instrumen� If or�e or more riders ure executed by Borrowcr and recorcicd together witti thfs
<br /> ��;�,� Securiry Instrumenl, the covenants af each such rider ahall be incorporated into and shall amead and xupplement the
<br /> -��;� covenanlx and agrcements of this Security In�uument as if the rlded$)W�re in a purt of thiR 3ecurity Instrumen� _._.
<br /> --.^,,`.� (,Check appiicable box(ea)]. -
<br /> `�a� (irnduated Po ment Rider �orowing Equity Rider
<br /> =- �Candominium Rider ❑ Y
<br /> �s�
<br /> �� �Planned Unit Develapment Rider a Other(Specify� ADJUSTAQLE RATE RIDER __
<br /> �.
<br /> �.;.<a
<br /> "� aY SI(lNiNCi 88LOW, Borrower uccepts und ugrees to the terms contained in puges 1 through 4 of this Secu�ily
<br /> -�._�� Instrument ond in any riderls)executed by Borrower nnd recorded with it. -
<br /> _ � f ases: —
<br /> �,':� e� �/J � >
<br /> -_`''� W�� 1�S'v���',o� . (ScaU
<br /> :.E.v�r.-'�'�
<br /> �,� ALAN K JONES eono"°`
<br /> -- �.`�;..,� �l?1].__/�_iv�/SC.�,��91-!�.i�(Scal)
<br /> CASSANORA L JONES Bormwer -
<br /> ���'��
<br /> -6'A,� lScal) -
<br /> =-'"'` "?� eortower
<br /> ..,-..a
<br /> _:;:.
<br /> �,��,`, (Scai)
<br /> _—6-° Bonower
<br /> —=.-ua..,tri
<br /> H� �
<br /> --� .7
<br /> -'�. STA'I'E OF NEBRASKA. Coun�y xs: HALL
<br /> h--::-
<br /> `��{' On this 22� d�y°f AugUSt. 1991 .heforc me,the undersigned, a Notary
<br />�:'�'�''�' Public duly commissioned and yualificd for said county,penonully ramc
<br /> �..�. .,; � Y
<br /> - _ _ , to me known to bc thc
<br />�`T��•w��:r� identical pen�on(s)whose nume(s)ure xubsrritnd to tix fure�tuing insirument unJ ucknuwledged 1he exccution thereof to be =
<br /> � : t he i r vnl untary act and dccd. _
<br /> " Witness my hund und notrrial scal al GRAND I5LAND in said county, the
<br /> ;,;��.;'..
<br />..�:,�,�y;,t:,k.�. dntc aforcsaid. ��
<br /> _':s' ' :�° � I�C.tL� ✓) � e c�
<br /> - - • ':�'on ex ires: Nwury PuMk �
<br /> ' U�����.gq���� R09E TA L REED -
<br /> ."��';'�`�`�`` ' ROBEN�A L qEED
<br /> _-_ ,:�a+� ,- I�'MrO�.iaEaR1M/30�1891I REQLtESTFORRECONVEYANCF. '
<br /> _ �.
<br /> _ : �' TO TRUSTBE: �
<br /> . :•e•��� The undersigncd is the holder i�f�hc notc or ix►trti+crured by�his DceJ ol'7ivst. Suid notr or nu�es,togethcr with ull _
<br />� othcr indebtednesti sewred by�his[kcd of'Ihist,hav�Ixcn paid in I'ull. You ure hercby dircctcd lu runrrl �aid nnte ur ,
<br />� '+;`;^`�:�., notes und thix Deed oC7tus�. �rhich ure dclivcred hcrcby,unJ a�re��mvcy,without warranty,ull�hr cctatr now hclJ by you �
<br />- o �'•„ under this Deed nf'1}us�to Ihe pcnon or perxnnr�legully cn�iticJ thcrcto.
<br />- . 1 Date:
<br /> _ ,�.. o. _,
<br /> . •��.au�i ° �/wgr�,�l+ra¢ru _
<br /> �i4h� � _
<br /> .�..... ,�..
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