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�, ----�"---"'---f - _ <br /> -_�.��,�. - - -- <br /> p_ _ ,-__ti.; . .� , . <br /> ... r. <br /> .i�l� ,'-'�S! �I�w/!�^ : ��;t��- <br /> � � .� �iwf _ . _�... ___-. �.��. _ <br /> • � .. —"_. � �' —___--___— ._. . <br /> /. 1 <br /> 4"' .��.Lra._._.� ' <br /> - ---=-- _ _ __ ���' �o t��l v ic�i 17 .- <br /> ,� — <br /> — - <br /> �-� �uymenlr,whlch aro referml t��in Pivagrr�h 2, i►r chon�to�ha�m��un�nf*uch pwymen�x. Any exceRx pracoedx uver an <br /> __ti �rt�auntrcq uinr!tu pay dl aulrl�ndln�indobtedno�umior�he Nao wwl�hir Siauri�y Inwromen�rh�ll ho p�id�u�he en�ity <br /> � '. kOdly oalflled�ho�l�. <br /> -��- 6. �iaw l.�:nci�:r�uwy cullecl fecx and chs�r�cr+►utFwNcrJ by tho�iecrotrry. �_ ._ <br /> - � 9. llrouad��or Aca�eMnlloa of Ikbl. <br /> '� � (MI Def�ult. I.en�ler may,nxcept w�limited by regulwl3an+�ixrurd hy thc 5ccrc�wry in Iho coro of paymenl Jcf'ault�, <br /> w requiro Immedfotop�ymenl tn full of wll wum+►kcurcd by�hix Security InktrunKnt if: <br /> ,;'- (il Barowar dcfKUUM hy GIIinQ 1�pay in full Any mamhly paymcat rcyuf�rd by thix Siexurity Instrumcnt priw <br /> � .++- p�or on Ihe duo dr�o of thc ncx�munt6lY puYmcnt.ur <br /> �r' �� (iil9�mowcr dofwuUr by iuilinQ,for a pc�f�xl of thiny peMortn eny athcr obliQu�iuny cwn+�i��eJ in�hir �- <br /> - Secud�y Inetrumem. <br /> =°�%�+�" . �b)Sa1e Wlthout Credlt Approvpl. Lender Khull,if permitted by upplkablc Inw and with thc prior upprovul of the __ <br /> ```�""':�� Secret�ry.roqulro immediule payrn�nt in full of ull the Rums securcd by thia Secu�ity InKtrument if: �•� <br /> --�--...., � (i)All or pw�t af�he Pmpeny,or u beneflciol intercat in a�roet owning all ar pwt of the Property,iY sold or !�_ <br /> ��:���•tt r otharwise Iran�fcrred(��ther than by devixe or d�xcenq by the Borrower.and —_. <br /> ��+ (ii)'ll�e Property is not occupied by the purcha�er or grpntee av his or her principul residence,or the purchaticr � <br /> --- �.��;:�. or grantee daa xo cecupy thc Properry but his or her rredit hs� not been approved in accorduncc ---- <br /> _K_�== with�hc reyuircmenta af the Secretary. <br /> --���,s�.1� (c)No Wilver. If cincumewaces occur that would permit Lender to reyuire immediate payment in full,but Lender -- <br /> ._,�,;,,t���,� doea not require auchpwyments,Lender das not wuivc its rights with respect to subsequent events. �Y <br /> _ �___-____-_�_��- (d)lte�ulallons o1 HUD Seeret��y. In mony circumstances regulationa iasued by the Sec�rtary will limit C.ender's �1 <br /> - �� . rfghts,in the case oY payment defaulta, to rcquire immediute puyment in full and foneclose if not puid. This � <br /> -:�4��'�+�'-' Security Mstrument dces not authodu acceleration or foreclosure if not pennitted by regulations of the Secretary. �--� <br /> - �'�'�;'•`��' ' (e)MortgAge Not Inaured. Borrower agrces that shnuld this Securlty Instrument and the nole secured thereby not �` _ <br /> ..,�., <br /> -.�� ��_;,_,.i •�' be eligible for insurance under the Nalianal Housing Act within month from the ���' <br /> _ ;-„ s, �'-"'"•'��` " date hereof,L.endor lt�option and nawithslunding nnything in�grapli�require immediate pnyment in __- <br />�^t�a F ;�;�;;:•!:�, , full of all aums secured by thix Security lnstrument. A written statement of any euthorized agent of the Secretary �,,:, <br /> ''-.�: '�•,d`;"'� �", dated sub uent to from the datc hereof,declining to insure this Security �-' <br /> � -� ���A�' n ";.. . seq � months __.. <br /> '�-'�,�� . .• Instrument and the note secured thereby.shall be deemed conclusive praoi af such ir.eligibility. Notwithstunding �,,r <br /> -__,�,�;,�:� ,,. the fnregoing,this option moy not be exorcised by Lender when the unav�ilAbility of insurance is salely due to = <br /> „-:;�.-.- <br /> ��;��� Lender's failure to remit a mortgoge insuronce premium to thc Secretary. � <br /> ��'�. ' 10. Relnatntement. Borrower ha.g a�ight ta be reins�nted if Lender hns requircd immediate payment in full becausc �:� <br /> T�,' �.�" • of Borrower's failure lo pay en amount due under the•Nate or this Security Instrument. This right applleti even after � <br /> _`��� '��, '' forec�osure proceedingR ore inRtituted. 'Ib �ein�mte the Security Instrument, Borrower ghall tender in u lump sum all <br /> _ " ` ""�''���' amounts required to bdng Borrower�uccount curcent including,to�he exrent they are obligationa of BoRawer under this = <br /> '�''��'°� Sexu�i�y lnstrument,foreclosure costs und r+cavonuble and wctomary nttameys'fee�and expensea praperly uxrociated with �- <br /> �-��. .�-� -. <br /> ,: ,-,.,�,,.,, the fareclosure roceeding. U reinstutement by Borrower,this Secu�ity Inslrument and the obfigatians that i[secures �: <br />-�,�:,.�. �. ?;t ;:;':�. shall remain in effect as if I.endPer hud not required immediute payment in full. However,Lender is not required topermit <br /> __ •,;.�;,, •.„"• ; reinstetement if: (i) Lender ha4 accepted reiostu�ement aiter the commencement of forecloaure proceedings within two �. <br /> ^ . y e a r s i m medintely precedin g the commencement nf u current forecloxure proceeding, (iil reinstutement will preclude !�.' <br /> :_ �,,��. foreclosune on differem grounds in�he fuwre,or(iii)rcinstotement will adversely aFfect the priority of U�c lien creoted by E'•=' <br /> ., thiR Secu�ity Instrument. �``s <br /> '.I��, .�� ' ' 11. Borrower Not Released; ForbeArance bY I.ender Not a Waivea Extension uf the dmc of payment or <br /> �.. .., �..� <br /> - ;�,;Y � modificution of amonizution oP the xums secured by thi�Security Intitrument grunted by Lender to any succeasor in interest <br /> . .;.', ' :6• ' • of Borrower shull not upernte to nleu�e the liubility of the originul Borr�wer nr BoROwer�successor in imere�t. Lendcr � <br /> .'�•; , �,�;;,,,, � shull not be requireJ to rmnmence pnxeedings +igumst nnX+ucce„or in intcrcst or refuse to extend time far payment ur �,,,,,.� <br /> .::: otherwixe maiify amoriiialian of thc sumti securcd by �hix Sccurity Instrument by Rason of nny demund mnde by thc � ., <br /> ,���,t. °.-� 'o `` ariginal Borrower ur Bormwcr's tiucccr�ur�in interctit. Any fiirbcuruncc by Lcnder in exercising uny right or remedy xhall .rr:._ <br /> - • .,�: ���. not be a waiver uf��r Excclude thc exerci�c uf uny right c�r Rmedy. �'�= <br />. ;' f• °',,� � ' 12 Successors ond Asqlgns Houndi Jolnt ond Sever�+l LiobiNty; Co•Slgnerw. The covenantn und ug�eements of �,� <br />_„�,..;. .,,,,�,,,r this Security Inntrument+hull binJ und lx�nefit thc xuccesson und u+xigns of Lender und Bortower,subject to�he provisMns � <br /> � ___ ,; - of Parngruph 9.b. Borrowerk covcnunt� und agrcementx,hull tx:joint und sevcral. Any Borrower who ca-signs this �; <br /> ��"� Security Instniment but daes not execute thc Note: (a) i�co-signing this Securiiy Instrument only to martgage,grnnt and <br /> ��� "'�+{ ,r��' -'�• convey that Borrower�in�ere.r•�in Ihc Pmperty under�he ternn of Ihis Securi�y Intitrumenr,(b)is not personnlly obligated to <br /> '�",.y •:.�• � puy the sums secured hy�his Security Im�rument:und Icl a�rec�Ihut LenJcr und uny othcr Borrower may�grce to extend, <br /> modify,forbeur or make uny Accommalution.r•with regurd io the term+of thi�Serurity In�trument or the Note without thut - <br /> ' ,::h' ' � Borrow�r i cunsent. - ° <br /> ';.: .'� .. . �• � 13. Nottces. Any notice to Borrower provided for in thi�Sccurity Inx�rument shull bc given by dclivering it or by �_ <br /> _ • . !'•• mailing it by first cluss muil unless applicuble luw Ryuire. utic�if unuther meihal. Thc notice shnll be directed to the �;: <br /> ��r ' , <br /> _ ;�,. �.. Propeny Addrexs or uny�►iher uddres�Barrawer designntex by noticr tu l.cndcr. Any notice to L.ender shull be given by �: <br /> 6r�t clas4 muil to Lenderk addre.s ,tuted hercin or uny adJress l.cnder de.itinu��, by nutice to Borrower. Any notice <br /> � " Provided for in this Securiry In�trumem tihull Ix deemcJ w huve tx:en Fiven�o Horrowcr or l.ender when given a+provided �, <br /> ^ . ".. in this parugrnph. <br /> ,,,:',� 14. 4nvernin�q Sever�bNity. This Security In�trument +hall hc �uvcmrJ by �derul luw und thc luw of the ��- <br /> ,:,:;;.� :, jurisdiction in which Ihe Pmpehy i�kxuteJ. In Ihc cvrnt Ihal uny provi+ion��r clau�c ot'thix Security Instrument or the ��;; <br /> Note contli�ts with u�liruMr luw, wrh rontlir�.hull no1 aftect u�hcr pruvision, n(thi� Security Instrument or�he Note •;i <br /> . . which can be givrn rftccl wilhou�the cunllicling pr��vi�ion. 'lii thi,enJ the pr�wisinn�of this Serurity Instrument and the - <br /> ' . Note ure declun:d tii he�everuMe. <br /> . 15. Borrower's Copy. Bcirrowrr,h:dl hr grven une cnnfornicJ rupy uf 1hi.Securiry In.trument. <br /> � °<� 16. As.rignmenl of Renls. Borcowrr unrnnJitionally as.i�m and�run+frn u�Lendcr all thc rents und revcnuex af the <br /> � � � Property. [iormwer authorir.c�Lendrr ur Lrndr��agents to r��llcrt thr renl+;md r�venue.und herchy dimcts euch tcnunt of F <br /> - _ -- �hc Propeny �o puy dw �cul,tu LruJ�� ui Lendc�;J�!�Ill+. IIU�PCL'C�.prior to Lendcr�.notire to Barran�er of 8ntmwer� � <br /> . ' brc�ch of any covcnan�ur u�:Remcnt in�he Sccuriry In.�nimcni.Horrower.hall rul lcc�und rereivr all rem�and revenues of � <br /> � the Propeny u�trustcr ti�r thc hcnrfi�ol'LrnJer�md Burr��we�. Thi+uticignmcm ot'rent.romtitule�un ubsol:.�r a�xignment <br /> ' � :. , ' und not an ussignmrm fur udJitiunul ucurity unly. <br /> � If Lender givex nntirr uf M�uch ta H��m�wcr: lul ull rcm.rcccivrd by Burruaer�hull F►c Ikld by Borrower u.r�ru�tre � : <br /> for bene�t of Lendcr onlY. to lx upplicJ I�i the +um+�rcumJ hy Uie tirruri�y In.tniment Ib)Lrndcr ,hull lx entidcJ ta <br /> collect und mccive ull ot'�hc ren�s i�f thc Pruperty;un�l(r1 eurh trn:mt at the I'rapcn}•.nau pay•rn ren[,uuc anti unpaid�o �• <br /> �'.. • Lendcr or Lender��gent un Lender:wrincn dcmund�o thr trnunt. � <br /> ' BoROwer hu+ iwt cxccutcd uny prior ussignment nF ihr rrnt.and hus no�unJ �vill not prHinm :uiy urt thul woukl i <br /> ' prevent Lender fn►m exerci+in�t i�x rights under thi.P,irugruph I6. � <br /> • Lender shall not Ik rcywrcd to enter uEx►n,tuke cimtrol uf ur muintuin the Pro�xny 1►cfurc ur at'ter giving notice of , <br /> • brench�o Borrowcr. Huwcvcr, LcnJcr or a judicinlly up�wintcJ rcccivcr muy Ju.0 a�uny time th�re i. u brcuch. Any � <br /> � • • upplica�ion�if n:nt,shall not curc or wuivc any defuuU��r mvuliJotc uny uthrr ri�h�ur r�mcdy uf Lcndrr, This ustii�nmrnt <br /> of rems ot the F'roEx:ny shull lemninn�c when thr debt serun�J hy Ih�Security In��rumrnt i.paiJ in I'ull. ; <br /> � j <br /> . . qhlgr 1�p J pnRPU <br /> l <br /> .# , � <br />