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r� .c::,r.�a�a:.._�_:._. � <br /> � __._. .. <br /> - - - - .-��..�. . Wze,e+;��.M <br /> . l, M w..... . Y� �il�/�S{-__ <br /> . }; �4 <br /> _ -- -- : � • . . .^'�a s:�ih��� � . � --- <br /> . !�f', i . ,--.- . _ -- . _-___ __-_ _ - -_ - . . <br /> � e � ' <br /> � <br /> --:�.��- - - - - . . .. • n 1054'75 �_ -_ <br /> ::_�s � � �y�� __. <br /> '��. • v <br /> —I <br /> in�.H��� <br /> .H � c-_.,'_ _-._ <br /> ..4 <br /> .n --_ <br /> r.:�� tlu �v�nt th� Iwnd�r aoru�u�ts to any �uch obat�qa in ovn�rship, <br /> � ��,,,r aontroi or dis�alutiion or transl�r o! •11 or ar�y part ot th� c - <br /> • ��. �. proprrty, th�n I,�nd�r say at it� option aajwt tih� int.�r�st ra�t� <br /> .. �•""�= � to th� pr�vailir�q rat� o! int�r�rt that is c4arq�1 on n�w �oaur�d �- -�- - <br /> �r'"'�"".' � loens o! th� t �saured by tlsia Trn�t Do4d at ti1h� tia� ot 1:hs — <br /> �.��. ]� �:=�=� <br /> �.�'��,��',; chanq� in ownor*hip, aontrol, dissolution or transt�r and ne�y _ <br /> �:�,;� _ � oharq� a trar�sl�r l��. w <br /> __--rv.,�,;v��p, �.�- <br /> ,m-.. . - - <br /> - -�`���:' ,�s:: 13. U�on 8orrowor�� br4ach o! any aov�nt or sqrs�nt ot <br /> —_=��er.;,: ;�. Borrow�r in this Tru4ti Doad, inaluding ttw aovanant� tio pay whan <br /> - _ -- ?�t�`" du� any �uss nsaurad by tdis T=vat Da�d, L�nd�r at its option aay <br /> .�--- _-.���.,.�.:.� dealar� all of fhn su�► �Qau�c�d by thia Truat DaQd to be -- - - <br /> � "�' �--�`�� imaadiatai du� and s abl� without lurthor doaand and aay involt� - - <br /> "�Y�='. f-�~d:� �`"' � the power o! eale and/or any othor ra�sdias pormitt�d by °.—_._ <br /> �� �'::" '„ „ applicabla law inaluding th� right to loroalos� this Trunt Dopd —•- <br /> ;�.�; ''" ,� in tha mannar pravidsd by law !or tha loroclosur� o! aortqaqa� on <br />_ �„ �• ° � raal estata. Isndar shall ba antitled to aollsat all re�sonabls � <br /> _:=:;";'�. �.;�; ';�: aoat� and oxponoea inaurr4d in purauinq auch ramadiae inaluding, --. <br /> ''�" " � ''�%�'�� • but not limitad to, and to tho axtont permitt�d by law, E�°== <br />._,-=3 .' ��.�,�'.. . , ' roa�onabl� attorney l�es. <br /> ��� Upon detault the Lander mey aither in person or by aqor►t <br />._ y:�,.�'.... �*�. <br /> .��^ • �ith or without brinqinq any action or proaosdinq, ar by a �� <br /> - • '�'";" , racoivor a�ppnintQd by a aourt and without raqard to th� adoquaay <br /> �.u,. <br /> _ '� ' o� �ts soaurity, �ntar upon and te�k� possossinn o� th� Trust �=��,.: <br /> ''"� � `� , ��° E�tata, or any part thereof, in ita own namo or in tha name o! '`� <br /> � ��� ��. ��. Truatao, and do any act� which it de� necaa�ary or doairablo to �, � <br /> �� , prQServe the valus, merkatability or ranta�bility o! tho Trust <br /> ;.,,,._ �'.� Eetat�, or part theroo! or interoat therein, inaraase the incomo � <br /> _ . , theralrom or protact the sacurity hereo! ancl, with or without �-'� <br /> . �" ' takinq poaaQSaion o! the Trust EstatQ, sus !or or oth�rwis� a;�.�;,_.: <br /> �. n;:M aollaat tho rents, issuQa And prolita thoraol, inaludinq thoae � 'C <br /> ' �� ^ paat due and unpaid, and apply the same, less aoats and oxpansea !^,U��.� <br /> ' "„ °��� � o! oparation and aollection including attorney�� laes, upon any �� �� � <br /> . indobtadneaa seaured hereby, all in suah ordar aa H�naliciary asy <br /> datarmin�. Tha antaring upon and takinq posaossion o! th� Truat � . <br /> ��� � � Eatats, th� aolleation o! auah rants, iasuoa and protits and th� <br /> ,.�_- <br /> � �.; ,�� '¢4- appliaation thereo! as nloresaid, ehall aot aura or waiv� any � . <br /> �� �:� <br /> � �� ��` delault or notia0 0! delault hereunder or invalidat� any aat done � � <br /> ...._ in response to such default or pursuant to suah notiao o! dalault ; �� <br />�`� ��� ' ana, notwithstnnding the aontinuance in poasesaion o! tha Trust I <br /> � � � Estato by Borrower or tha aolleation, reaeipt and applicstion o! �_. <br /> "�• ' `� renta, iesuas or pralits, Trustes or Seneticiary sht�il ba ; "�' <br /> . entitlad to axorciso overy right provided for in nny o! tho Loan ��`� r <br /> ,, ;. ° inatrumsnta or by 2aw upon occurrenaQ of any event o! dolault, ���� <br /> .' � . inaludinq the right to exerciaa thQ power of aale. ,'�''�;� <br /> ,� . <br /> 14. Foraclosure by Powar of Sale. Should Beneficiary elect �t <br />. � � . to lorealose by exeraise o! the Power of Sale herein aontained, ! <br /> �. � Henaficiary ahall notify Trustea and shall deposit with Truatas � <br /> thia Deed of Trust and the Note and auah reaeipts eod avidenea o! �, <br /> - � expenditurea made and seoured hereby ae Truetee may raquira. <br /> � (a) Upon receipt of such notiae from Benefiaiary, Truatoo . <br /> ehall cause to be recorded, published and delivered to Trustor <br /> such Notfce of Defau7t And Notice of Sale as then required by law <br /> and by this Deed of Trust. Truatee shall, without demand on <br /> Trustor, aPter such time as may than be required by law, aell th� ; <br /> ' Trust Estate at the time and place �f sale lixed by it in such <br /> � Notiae of Sale, either as a whole, or in aeparate icta or parcols <br /> � � �^ Y or items as Truetee shall deem �expedient, and in such order as it . <br /> may determine, at public auction to the highQSt bidder Por cash � <br /> ' in lawful monoy of thQ United Statea payabla at tho time of sa1Q. <br /> " Trustes ahall deliver to euch purchaser or purchasers thareo! its <br /> + .. qood and sufficient deed c! deeds aonveying the property so sold, <br /> ' but without aay aovanant or warranty, expraaa or impllQd. ThQ <br /> t ( <br />