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<br /> •� r�aitals in �uah do�d o! ariy wt��r� or laats sh�il b� aonaiusiv�
<br /> proo! oz tho truth�uinoaa tharaol. �ny poraon, inalu�inq, �
<br /> - r without iiaitation, Trustor, Trusts� and e�n�tioiary, aay
<br /> ,... .,,.�o.,�.;." �- purahaoo ati auah ��1� ar�d Trustor har�by aov�nants to varrar�t and ---
<br /> _ .,,��+r ,. d�t�nd tlt� titl� o! �uch purchas�r or purahas�rs.
<br /> �';t:���'�
<br /> --�_�-�.;�: (b) 11a aa�y b� p�saittQd by law, altar daduatinq Trwts� —
<br /> �:��:_.-;.��^: . F��� in tho amount o! $500.00, Truats� shaii apply ttu psocoads
<br /> ��`�"'°"'' ° o! tho aal� in tha loilowing order: (a) to all rea��nabl� aosts �
<br /> ,� � u � and �xp�o�s o! th� sai�, inaluding, but not liait�d to, trustp �"
<br /> �=��L�:L`�:''�> la�s of not uors tha�n 1/Z o! 1= ot tbo gross sal�s prias,
<br /> �_�����u;,":'�' ' rea�onsbi� attornsy�s la�s and aosts o! titl� �vid�no�i (b) to
<br /> -- —"`'�'"`=... all auafa aeaured by thia Deed o! Trust t (o) to �hh� pay�nt o! �-
<br /> �����:_`���,�. iur�ior Trust aods, �ortqaqos or othor li�n hold�rst a»d (d) th�
<br /> � �-'•�.� balana�, i! any, to th� porson or p�rsons l�qally �n�itil�d =��
<br /> = .��� :� .� th�r�to. � -
<br />_-_�,,� ��• � ; �,. (a) Truatao may in the maruior providad by lsw, pos�pone ___
<br /> •+� � �`-� anl� o! all or any portion ot ths Trust Estate.
<br /> ��.�'•• � �..�^n,�.... ��� —
<br /> :�-� 1S. Aations 11fleating Truat E�tetn. Should Borrowor lail to
<br />- `' � . �:.�f maka any payment or to do any �at aa and in tho mann4r providad ��
<br /> '�' " ���� ����� irt any o! the Lca� Inatrumants, Lender �nd/or Trustoa, �aah in
<br /> �� ���•. ---
<br /> _���>��� '�.ti:�} �� its own discretion, without obligation so to do end witiiout =-
<br /> ,. • '�;�„�'��� ;• • notia� to or demand upon Borrownr and without r�l�aainq Horrower �•
<br /> .'�;s �_� :.w � !r� any obl igation, aay mak� or do tha aam� in auch aiann�r and
<br />_ - �.� ��;?�.. to sucsh oxtont as oithor may dee� nsaaa4ary to prot�at ths
<br /> v:.ti�' : Y- saanrity horoof. Borrower shall, im�nsdiaEsly u�wa c��and
<br /> •„ ," � �, thoralor� by iar.der pay all acata and oxpenaa4 inaurrad by Iwnd�r �� �
<br /> � •� � � in aoru�Qation with tha exercise by Lendor o! the loragoing
<br /> "�" right�, including, without limitation, costs o! avidence o! �
<br /> ' : titlo, court costa, appraisals, aurveys And a�ttornQy�s foes. 11ny '
<br />