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_�I . , ..'_ . . .,::t" I YM�w'..,. R .C"�'^'�^'�..'�"""'" . .. . ... �. .':s+�— - <br /> �. . <br /> , EY <br /> � . .. <br /> � .._ .�_.._. <br /> . � ,� � r � ..,. - ----- <br /> `, .� ; _ ...�.-..—_...—.------ <br /> �� <br /> -:.��:__�.�..�:� . . .. � 91-- 105475 <br /> _ ; <br /> —�� • . <br /> .���o ---� �_ <br /> 'u� ^ <br /> ��� <br /> �° -`'.��x paraqraph stzall require Lendor to wak� any ouch disburs�nt� or r <br /> .!`, talc� any aation whatso�v�r. <br /> -- _�_�. �,� 7. Landsr may malco or cauaa to ba a�d� r�a�onabl� wntri�s � <br /> �-�-v----°;� upon and inspeatfon o! the Property. , <br /> .E,�_.�c:,.coLa . <br /> - --�°�-:�� � 8. The Froaaeds o! any award or alai�n tor damagss, dirsat � , <br /> -u��_, �-.�n,� - <br /> �_=�,:i���_ or aonsoquantioi, in aoru�aation with aray aondemnation or oth�r � <br /> '�`-�'�• takinq o! th� prop�rty, or pert thoreot, or !or aonv�yana� in <br /> ''�-"`�` li�u o! aondamna�tion, aro hareby aaaiqnad and ahall b� paid to <br /> �,:,.,�. <br /> ���� IwrW�r to th� �xtont o! th� fuii amount o! th� r�aininq unpeid <br /> -� -�v:�� . ind�bt�dn�sa ssourad by this Truat Da4d. <br /> `.,i��3�r"��"• - <br />--��--�- ____�T..=y�,�.- -� 9. IP the Lender iesuea a partial reloas� o! thia Trust - - <br /> "�"-'"���°`� ' D�ed, tho proaaada reaeivod tharatoro ahall ba areditod to the �_� <br /> ar.��d��c`r� e <br /> -�;,> >;,,, last aaturing inataliment� o! tha indobtednos� soaurod hor�by. <br />; . �, . . <br /> ;�."� ' �>;.. � <br /> ;�.•�m Y <br /> z- . 10. It tha L'endar oithor voluntarily or involuntarily <br /> -�T'*�� �, �, bocomo� a party to �ny suit or laqai proaeedi�q brought by or -- <br /> '��'ra� #F e gainst th� b�rrower rolatinq to tha property, Hote cr this Trust = <br /> —���.s i' .,: <br /> �� r;,�4r " D�ad, thon 8orrowar will roimbursa tha Lende� Por all aosta and, <br /> � F . .;,,„,�:,;�.: to th� �xt�nt parmittod by law, reasonabla dttornoy laos incurr�d --- <br /> i� <br /> °�. ��� - •• ' by th� I�ndor raiAting to suah Buit or legal proceadinga and 4aid <br /> .lr. V�l <br /> �=:� '� sums shall aonatituta additional indabtadnaaa aoourQd by th s <br /> _"'� �-�,,;�ti.; Trr-u�� Da�d a�►d 1�ar tntazast at the rate payable ut�der Ch� No��, �- <br /> '�y}' �, until paid. <br /> -�. .�. ..��,,r� <br /> 1"" '� .�ir�;. �• � 11. 11s additionai aQaurity Borrowar doas hereby aseign, <br /> ''��' � translsr snd sot over to Lender, in aase o! doPault in tha <br /> � •'�'�-�:''' ���` � portormarfa� o! any of tha twrms or conditions of this Trust Desd, �_, <br /> : �. ;° - tha Noto, or tba terma of any indebtednesa aeourod horoby, all o! �= <br /> ���`��' th� rent4, r�vonuea and eny inaome o! any type whataoever to bo <br /> � "�� � - � darivod from tha Pro ert , includin land aontract a anta. <br /> :::�`.. .- • P Y 9 P Ym r�_. <br /> � , L�nd�r, in parson, by agent� or by reasiver, without raqard to =�_ <br /> � th� 4oiv�nay or iaaolvenay o! the Borrower or tha value o! the <br /> • � � �4�` �- �• proparty shall b� �ntitlad to taka pooaoasion o!, ropair and r�nt �• <br /> , ,�,�� ,��' th� proporty and to aollact the renta, revenueB and incoao � <br /> .,. o ,, thar�trom and it may pay out of eaid inaome all axpensoa o! — <br /> "' ropair and coata inaurred in rentinq dnd mnnaging tho proporty = <br /> � ��:�;�.:� � and aollsatinq rontdls and !or paymant o! insuranas pr�►ivas with �.,; <br /> ' t�«�•.• any ramaininq bnlsnao to ba applied to the laet maturing payments <br /> � ��'�� -�� � o! tha dobt sacurad hereby. Upoa prasanting a aopy ot thi� Trust � <br /> Doad and dnmaed to t�ny lease, tanant or contraat purchasar of tho !-. <br /> ,.yh <br /> �� � . ._ . � proparty, suah paraon ohall pay all rante, paymonta and prolita F <br /> . '.. �� aaaruod or th�r�altqr aacrufng to tho Londer until lurth�r notias I,�' <br /> .. � � .. �. lr4m th� i�nd�r. _ <br /> �= <br /> �o • iZ. Z! all or any part of the property or any interest ����� <br /> �. �� therain i� daeded, eold by land contract or otherwise convoyeal, � <br /> - alionatad or lurthor onaumberod whether vcluntarily or , <br /> ., ' involuntarily without I.ondors writt0n consent, or if Borrower is <br /> a corpordtion �nd thara ie a change of ownership o! 50� or more �� <br /> • o! tha aorporation atoak or i! the Borrower ia a partnorahip and <br /> ° thero is a ch�nqa in memberahip of diesolution o! the � <br /> --� � pe�rtnorahip, oxaludinqs � <br /> ' (]1) A trenslor by operetion oP law upon the deeth of tha � <br /> ,:. joint tonant <br /> . �. <br /> � (S) Tha grant o! any lease hold interest not containinq an <br /> option to purchaoQ with the 1Qase term of two years or less : <br /> ;,�fu (C) Any changa occura in the condition or alfairs <br /> , (linanaial or othorwiao) ot tho Sorrower or if any Guarantor of � <br /> truat dend whiah, in tha opinion of tha Lender impairs the <br /> Lendor�s aacuritiy or incraaaes its risk with respect to trust <br /> daad nota, than Landar may, at ita option, declare all swas <br /> ' socured by thi4 Trust Dead to ba immedfately due And payable. In , <br /> , <br /> � � <br />