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<br /> - 7'OdE7'H8R WITH ell the improvcmenlr now or Ix+rcwfte�erected on the propeKy.and pll cASementa.appurtenances,
<br /> - u�d fizturer now or hercaflcr a part of thc propeny, All r+eplaccments and additiona rhall alco bc covered by thir Secu�iry
<br /> laKtrument. All of the fongoing is refeRCd to in this Security Inrttument w�the"Property." -
<br /> ru
<br /> -�--��-� BORROW�R COVENANTS that Bonower i�lawfully sciced of�he estate hcrcby canv�yed and I�as thc rlQht to QrAnt -
<br /> ..—__T and convoy the Prop�ty und th�t the Property is unencumbercd,except far encumbrances of rcconl. Borrowec wamntr wid
<br /> wilf dafend generally�he title to the Propeny a�alnst all cluims ond demaoda.subject to wny encumbranas of rocord.
<br /> - THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combfnes uniform covenants for natienel use ond non-uniform cove�antc wlth
<br /> '- � —�� fimited variationa by jur�sdiction to consti�ute a uniform necuriry inbwment covering reat pmpeny. --
<br /> " UNIFQRM COVENANTS. Bomower and Lender covenant and ugree us folbwa: -
<br /> ���� 1. I9�yment of PrincipW and Interesti Prepayment And Lotc Cbt��es. Bortower shall pmmp�ly pay when due thc
<br /> -r� principaI of and inrerest on the debt evidenced by the Note aod any prepayment c�nd late chnrgec due under the Note.
<br /> --' �. �nda tor 7hxes pnd Ineurance. Subject to applicubte law or ro a wrftten waiver by I..ender,Botrower shall pay to
<br /> - u'� Lender on the day monthly payments ure due under the Note,unUl thc Note is paid in full,n sum("Funds")for.la)ycsuly _
<br /> _ : . -__.��'= �� taxes and aaseasmenta wBich moy attain priotity over this Secudty Instrument es a lien on the Prapeny:lb)yearly le:ssehold _
<br /> � puymenta or ground rents on �he PropeAy, if any; (c) yearly hazerd ar property inxurnnce premiums: (d) yearly flood
<br /> - `�""° ' insurence premiums,ff any; (e) yenrly morlgage insurance premiums, if eny; and (� any sums paynble by Borrower to
<br /> - --"��� .� [.ender,in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 8. in lieu af 1he puyment af mortgage insurance premiums. These
<br /> ---� ��� a items are called"Escrow Itcros," l.ender may,at any time.collect and hold Punds in an Amount not to exceed the maximum
<br /> -- --�_,.._ ____
<br /> ._.--.:���K.�.' � qmaunt a lender for a federally related morlgage luan may reauire for Bormwer�s escrow account under�he federnl _
<br /> � Estate Settlement Praccdures Act of 1974 as emended from dmc to time,I 2 U.5.C.�2601 et seq.("RFSPA"),unless another
<br /> ---.-�.;p;��,'°'_ Iaw that applies ro the Funda set�a lexser amount. If so,Lender may.at any time,collect nnd hold Funds in an amount not to
<br /> _° - --_-:�, : exceed the Iesscr amount. Lender may estimate the amount of Funda due on the busis of currcnt data end reasonable _
<br /> - --.�:a�4,m;�F��,.. estimates of expenditures of iuture Escrow Itema or otherwise in accords�nce with upplicnble law.
<br /> - The Plmds shall be hcld in an inatitution whose depo.cits are insured by a federel ugency. instrumentality,or entity
<br /> �� " �"'� (including I.ender,if Lender is such aa institution)or in any Federal Home Luan Bnnk. Lendcr shall apply the PWnds ta pay
<br /> 6���_��:��` y ; the Escrow Items. l,ender may not charge Borrawer for holding and applying the Funds, unnually nnalyzing the escrow
<br /> .--�,��;�3'""'�f'� accaunt,or vedfying the Escrow Items, unleas Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds und applicuble law permits
<br /> '"�"""�`�`=' � Lender to meke such a charge. Howevcr, I.ender may require Borrower to puy a one-time charge for An indepandent real
<br /> . ���'��`��= estata taz reporting service uxed by I.ender in cannection wiih this loan,unless applicuble law provides otherwise. Unless en
<br /> �-�'-'''-="�=�' agreement fs made or Applicable law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall not be requircd to pay Borrowar any interest or
<br /> �.r:...
<br /> -�;'�M�' eatnings an the FLnds. Bcxrower und Lender muy agrec in writing.however,thot interest sh�ll bc paid an the Funds. Lendcr
<br /> � --- �',t shall give to Borrower.withaut charge,un annunl accountiog of the Funds,xhowing credits and debita�o the Funds And the
<br /> �i '�� purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds urc pledged us additional security for all sums secured by
<br /> ---'��.. .:':�' ,-
<br /> -.����.,3���'�_ _ this Securiry Insuument.
<br /> =;° ��--�-- It the �nds held by Lender cxcee�i ti�n u�i►vunis permitted ta bc hcld by applicable law. Lender shal! eccrn�at to
<br /> _-.-'''�� °•� '°. Borrower for the excess Funds in acwrdance with the reyuirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> °y` � Lender ut any time is not sufflcient to pay the Escrow pems when duc,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in
<br /> •�'_��`' w"•;�"�.., o Lender tix umuunt necess lo make up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the
<br /> �,-�,. �h''+' ' ., such case Borrower shall pay t �►►Y
<br /> -=�� �~ �. ;•• , :;' deficiency in no more thAn twelve monthly paymenis,at Lender�sole di.scretion.
<br /> - � Upon puyment in full of all sums secured by thix Secu�ity Instrument.Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> ' � Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21, Lender shnll acquire or sell ihe Property,Lender,prfor to the ucyuisi�ion or
<br /> �"�i `.°�.�,'"` ,I,`;� xale of the Property,shall upply uny Funds held by Lender ut the time oP acquisi�ion or sule os a credit against the 4ums
<br /> � .'.;�, ., . . secured by this Security Inswment.
<br /> . ,.�,,,._......,.�. 3. Appllcation oP Payments. Unls�cs upplicublc law provides atherwise, vll payments received by Lender under
<br /> . • �,c:,.••�-s parugraphs 1 und 2 xhall be upplied:first,to uny pn:puyment chsugex due undcr the Note;second,to nmounts paynble under
<br />- ; �° ., paragroph 2;third,to interest du�;fourth,to principal due:and Inst,tu any late churges due under the Note.
<br /> ; 4. Charges; Liens. Borrower ahall pay ull tuxc�, a�sessmenls, charges, �nc� and impositions uttributable to the
<br /> =r�il�`fi�:, . Propeny which muy attnin prioriry over�his Securily Instrument,and Ieasehold payments or gmund rents.if uny. Borrower
<br /> ��.�'. � � shell pay these obligations in the manncr provided in parAgruph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Botrowcr shall pny them on
<br /> time directly to the penon owed puyment. Borrowcr shull promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts to be puid under
<br />. ''�'�•.� • this paragraph. IP Borrower makes thetie paymrrns directly,Bormwer shnll promptly i'urnish to Lender receiptg evidencing
<br /> the payments.
<br /> �` � Horrower shall promptly dischurge any Ifen which hes prlority over this Securiey Ins�rument unless Borrowcr:(n)agrees
<br /> �' . ;.,:�r
<br />- - �r� in wridng to the payment of the obligalion secured By the lien in u munner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in gaad faith�he
<br />-f �� � lien by,or defcnds against enforcement of the licn in,Icg�l procccdings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> � .;�;.
<br />• �y�-;: , enforcement oi the lien;ar(c)secures from the holder of the lien an ogreement satisfnctory to Lender subordinuting Uie lien
<br /> � . �• to Ihis Security Insuument. If Lender detertninex that uny pan of thc Property is subject to u lien which muy attan priority -
<br /> ' over this Security Instrument,Lender mAy givc Borrower a noticc identifying the lien. Borrowcr sholl�atisfy the lien or take
<br /> ' one or more of the actiona set fonh ubove wi�hin 10 dnys of�he giving of notice.
<br /> � . �°� , ' S. Nazard or Property IasurAnce. 8orrowcr shull keep the improvements now existing or hercaftcr crected on the
<br /> .„ � „ Properiy insured s�gainst loss by fire,hazurds included within thc tcrm"extended rovcrngc"and any othcr hazardx,including
<br /> .. � • tloods or flooding,iur which Lender requires insurunce. Thi� insurnnre shnll be maintained in thc amount+and for the
<br /> . . •� Pam J02M 9/90 �I�+x�=nj�Iwxes► !
<br /> • � ' � � �
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