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<br /> _� �Sp�ce Above T6b l.I�t Fbr Rtcadiq D�I�I
<br /> -� - --T ' DEED UF TRUST (�
<br /> �N'� THI3 DBBD OF TRUST("Secu�ity Inswment")is made on Auguet 15. 1991 • `
<br /> ��- Theaustoris Marcus J. Snow end Pemele H. Snaw� eech in his end her own right��O
<br /> �-_;� end ea spouse of eaah other �^Borrower"). Theausceeic �
<br /> -
<br /> ��' Earl D. Ahlschwede� Attorney �''
<br /> , :___;� (".IFu�tce"). 7'hc bencficiary is �
<br /> --�-� —
<br /> _f=:� The Equiteble Bulldiny �.nd L.en Associetion • _
<br /> - •_ which is organized and existing under the laws of t h e S t e t e a f N e b r e e k e .and whosc uddre�is _
<br /> �Y•�-� —_
<br /> 113-115 North Locuet Street� Grend Islend. Nebreske 68801
<br /> -� ;.:_�a ("Lender'7. Borrower owes L.ender the pdncipal sum of �
<br /> . �....,�,�: ''yy _
<br /> _.5�� - � _����.�_�������..���•��^_�"�
<br /> _i;� One Hundred Seventy Two Thouse�d and no/100 - �.�
<br /> .��;�.?.;.� ���(U•s•S 172.000.00 ). This debt is cvldenced by Borrower�notc dated the same date as this Secudty _ _
<br /> ---�.7isi� Instrument ("Notc") which providea for monthly payrnenta, with the full debt, if not paid earlier, due and payable on
<br />---�M��sry:_� SeptembeT 1� �L008 , This Security Instrument secures to Lender. (a) ihe repayment of the debt —
<br /> —v -- cvidenced by the Note,with interest,and all rencwals,extenabns and modiFcatiuns of Ihe Note;(b)the payment of all aher
<br /> ,���;iF�;�; suma.with interest,advanced under puragraph 7 ia pruicK:t ii�n,e�urity of th{s�ecurity fnsirument;snd{c?she{xrformen�e�f
<br /> � �' �� Borrower�s covenents und agreements. For this purpose,Borrower irrevacably granis and canveys W 7tu�tee,in trust.with �_
<br /> power of sale,the following descrlbed praperty located in H e 11 ��
<br />`' `�'._.•�� County.Nebravka: �E�_
<br /> �; ,,� �� �x�^ A trect of lend comprieing e pert of the North He1f of the Northeast Quarter �
<br /> .�-���-�=--� •. (N�NE�.) of Section Twenty-Five (25` � Township Eleven (11) North, Renge Nine s., ,
<br /> ���°.-�p=�s (9) West of the 6th P.M. � in Hell County, Nebraeke� and more perticulerly =�
<br /> '��..,.-.��. —
<br /> _.�,�.-,;__-�_. deacribed es follows : -
<br /> '�� � Beginning at e point on the North line of seid North One-Half of the North- �..
<br /> �::,�°,;�. ���:, �-�
<br /> =-?��: eaet Querter (N�NE'y.) � said point being Nine Hundred Fifty-Nine and Forty-
<br /> �• ��•{� Three Hundredths (959.43) feet West of the Northeast corner of seid North E4=
<br /> , �t ; One-Helf of the Northeest Quorter (N�NEi) ; thence South 90 degrees 00' 00" _�
<br /> �'.,�: :.
<br /> �►� ° � West (esaumed bearing) along end upon the North line of said fVorth Une-Half �,.
<br /> r�:�;J_,..; .
<br /> of the Northeast Querter (N�NE;) � e diatence af Three Hundred Sixty (360.0) �..
<br /> �,��::��' _ feet; thence South 01 degreos 00' 00" Eaet e distance of One Thousend Two =-
<br /> �'"°'y'�' ' Hundred Thirty (1,230.00) feet; thence North 90 degrees 00' 00" Eeat perellel
<br /> �:�.��•:�
<br /> .`-��'��<���° � with the North line of said North One-Helf of the Northeast Querter (N'�NE:) . ��•
<br /> ,"��'-<�'�::-�''. e diatence of Three Hundred Sixty (360.0) feet ; thence North 01 degrees 00' "
<br /> `�.�:��=�� 00" West, a distence of One Thousend Two Hundred Th�rty (1�230.0) feex to �__
<br /> "� ��� the point of beginning� "u,
<br /> ,•'';��� whichhustheaddressof Route 6� Box 198, Grand Islend ����y�
<br /> :,� .� �suc�q �"
<br /> ?i'�'" �� ' Nebrnska 68801 C'Prvpeny Address"); ��
<br /> "6'' „ .. IY.ip r���I o`_
<br /> �:_
<br /> y , � ` NCBRA5KA-•Singlc Famlly•-Fannie Moehhddk Mac UNIFQRM IN!iTRUMF.NT Fwm J02!{ 919D I��x�'���(n I'�x�'•�i ---
<br /> - � - ITEM 1916 Imt�) 41ea1 IMe�BwNror panr.l�r-■ —p;-
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