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<br /> perioda thut L.endor reyuiro�. Thn insu�nco carrier provlding the inxuronce Khall be cha�en by Borrowar swbJ�t,t�u�ndc�
<br /> 1 �pprovpl w6ich ehall not be unrcnsonably wl�hheld. If Borrower fails to molntain cuverage dexcribed wbove. �
<br /> I,�ider�s option,d�t�in coverapa to prokct I.enderk riahts in the Property in wccnrduncc wi�h paruQraph 7•
<br /> -f All insunnce pollciea w�d r+enewAig Ahall be���ptu��e to Lcnder and nhull inrlude n xtunJard morlgwge clou�e. Lender _
<br /> Rhall have the�ight to hold�he puliciex and renewals. lf Lender roquire�,Bnrmwe�Khull promplly give to l.eader all roceipte
<br /> of paiid premiums und ronewul notices. !n Ihe event of loss,Bamwcr shnll give promp�rvotice to�hc inrurwue carricr und
<br /> L„eixler. L.ender may malce praaf of loss if not meda prompUy by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lendcr axl 8ormwer ahervvise ugra in w�fUng,insurnnce proceeds shull hc upplied to rost�tian or rcp�ir of
<br /> -� ' the property d�unaged, if Ihe rextorutian or repuir ic cconomicully fcasible and Lendrr++ �ecurlly ix not Icg�ened. If Ihc
<br /> - restarati�n ar rcpair is not exanomically feasibte or Lender'a securlty would bc la+:+ened. the inwurunce praceeda shall be
<br /> � applied tu 1he qums secured by thie Secu�lty Insl�uinent,whclher ar nat then du�,with any excexs paid ta Bortowcr. If
<br /> Borrower abandons tha PropeAy,o�doea not answer wi�hin 30 doyg u natice from Lender�hat Ihe insurunce cwtier 6es
<br /> ofFered to settle u cluim.then Lender mpy collect the insumnce praceeds. Lender muy use the proceeJs ta repnir or restore
<br /> _� �e property ar to pAy sums secured by this Security h�s�rument,whe�her ar not then due. The 30-day perial will beQin wlrcn
<br /> _ the notice is giveo. lic�tion of rnceeds to principul rhall not extend or
<br /> l s �� Unlesa Lende�and Bortower othetwlse ogree in wri�ing,uny upp p
<br /> _- __ postpone the due dutc of the manthly pAyments rcfc�red ro in puragmphQ I und 2 or change the amount of the payments. [f
<br /> under pw�ag�h 21 the Propeny is acquired by Lender, Borrawer's rigbt �o uny insurAnre policiex und procecds�esul�ing
<br /> J A� from damage ro the Property prior to the acquisitf an shull puss to Lender to the extent of the suma r,ecured by Ihis Securily
<br /> ° inslrumc�it i�t�mediutcly pnar to the acquisition. -.
<br /> -- f. Occupancy� PreservAtlon, Maintenance and Protectlon of lhe Properly; Borrower's I.as�n AppllcWian;
<br /> Leeseholdr. Borrower shnit a�cupy,establish,nnd use�he Property us Borrowerk pdncipi►1 regidence within sixty duys after
<br />~-�� °-- °' the execution af this Secu�ity Ingtniment and shall continuc to occupy�be Pro�erty ax Bormwer s principal residence for ut
<br /> _ -_::-�a least ane year ufler the date af occupancy, unless Lender athenvi.r•e ugrees in writing, which consent shall not be
<br /> ,,� unreasonably withheld.ar unless extenuating cireumstAnces exist which um beyond Barrower's control. Borrower xholl not
<br /> -= destroy.dnmage ar impair the Property.allow the Property to detedorote.or commit wuste on the Propetty. Bonower shall
<br /> ��� - be in defuult if any forfeiture acdan or prceeeding,whether civil or criminnl,is begun tha� in Lender+ga«1 fuith judgment
<br /> _�__�„y-��� could result in forfeiture of ihe Piroperty or otherwise materinlly impuir the lien creuted by thix Secu�ity Inrtrument or
<br /> - ` Lenderk security inrerest. Bortower may cure xuch a defnult und minatu�e.as pr�vided in p�rogroph 18,by cuusing the nctian
<br /> or proceeding to be diamissged with a ruling thut,in Lender+good fui�h determinution,precludes for�eiture��f the Barrower!s
<br /> —;�� interext in the Property or oiher muterial impuirment of�he lien created by Ihix Securiry In�trument or Lenderr secudty
<br /> '� .� iAtcre�t. Borrawer xhall nlso be in defuult if BaROwer, during thc loun upplicntion procexs, �AVC I1IAIMIQIIY FpIR@ O�
<br /> inuccurute informotion or statements to Lender(or failed to provide Lender wi�h any meteriul informution)in connection with
<br /> �--�-� the Ioon evidenced by the No�e, including, bu� not limited to, reprctientutions cancerning BoRnwer's occupuncy of the
<br /> ------ property uc a pdncipnl reciJence. If this Security Instniment is on a leuxchold.Borrower sholl romply wi�h all the provigions
<br /> af the iease. li 8an�ower acquira:fee title to!!te Pn.yx rty,�he�evschold wNl the fee title tihall not merge unless Lender ugrees
<br /> � to the me�gcr in wrf�ing.
<br /> � — 7. Protectbn of Lender's Rights in the Property. If Borrower fuilti to perform the covenunts and ugreemems
<br /> � =�:.�t � � contuined in this Security Instrument, ur Ihere iti a legal pr�eeding thut muy +ignificuntly uifect Lender's rights in the
<br /> �� --- propeny(such iu:u proceeding in bunkrup�cy,probute,For condemnu�ion or PorPeitun:or to enfnrce luws or rNgulutions►,�hen
<br /> ya.ie��:� —
<br /> ==._a,,,�._ �� Lender may do und puy for whatevcr is necezsary to pro�ect the vulue of the Propeny and Lender i rights in the operty. _
<br /> Lender's uctions muy include puying any,um��ecurcd by u licn which hus priarity over thi+Security In,irumcnt,appeunng
<br /> =����r. in coun,puying rcaconuble auomcyl:'fee.und entering an the Propehy to muke rcpuiM. AUhough Lender muy lake uc�ion
<br /> '���'� under this purogrnph 7,Lendcr docs not hnve to d�i sa.
<br /> �:�:���`�� . Any amounlx Jitibursed by Lendcr under Ihis purngrnph 7,hull hecome udditionul debt of Burmwer xecurcd by�his
<br /> -''•�� I Security Instrument. Unless Born�wcr und Lender ugrce to uther tertns oC paymcnt,thc.e i�mounts shull lxur interest from thc
<br /> �- dute of di�buncment ut the Note rutc un d x hall be pu yublc,with interest,u�m notice 1'rom Lender to BoROwer reyuesting
<br />�LL'�'��. I n ment.
<br /> ---�=-'� � p y S, Mortgage Insurance. If Lrnder n:yuired mon�!uge insuroncc u.u condi�iun ol'muking �he loun+ecured by�hi,
<br /> -_ :�..,���. I Securi�y Im�rument, Borrower zhull puy �Ix prcmiums rcquirrd�a muimuin the mohgagr inwrunce in cffect. IG for uny
<br /> reuwn, the mortgugc insumncc coverugc rcyuircd by LcnJcr lap�es or ccu�es io Ix in efi'ect. Borrowcr �hnll puy ihc
<br />--�_��'��L i premiums reyuired to obtain cavcr:igc suM��nmially �yuivulent �o �he mungugc insuruncc previously in cffect, ut u co,t -
<br /> . _`�'� ' xubatuntiully cyuivalent to Ihe co�t to Born�wer uf Ihe morlgugc in�urunre prcviou.ly in cffe�t, from un�I�ernule munguge
<br />-_�..�� �„�.�+ inxurer approved by Lendcr. If subtiwntiully cyuivulcm murtgugc in,uruncc ro�•rra�r is nw uvuilublc,Borrowcr.hull puy to
<br /> -- -:_.���__ . Lender euch mon�h u wm cyuul to onr-twclfth ot'�hr ycurly mart�uge in+urunrc prcmium being puiJ by Borrowrr when the
<br />-��_�:�—;�;� 'I inxurunce coveruge lupsed or c�n+cd to Ix in ci7ect. Lrnder will ucc�pt.use anJ retam�he�e payment�us u lo,�re�ervc in licu
<br /> -- of moriguge inxunmce. Losx rctierve puyment.muy no I��ng�r Ix reyuired.al �he uptinn of LcnJrr,if morlgage insuruncc
<br /> =:=;y.,��.--`� � covernge(in�hc umount und for thc peri«1 that Lrndcr rcquirr�)pruvKlyd hy un in+urer upprov�J by Lender uguin l+cromes
<br /> �=.f..s,�`'�'�`�. ,�,: avuilubl�und ix obtuincJ. Borri►wcr shull pay thc prcmium,myuired lo muinlcim m��riguge imurcmrc in et'fcc�.or to provide u
<br /> . ' ��J �,.•j. -
<br /> '-'?�-`'''' losx re+ervc,until�he reyuimment for mongu}c in�urunce rnJ�in nrcordunrr with uny wrinen ug�emrm tx�wcen Bormwcr
<br /> ,..:•,�.c� �
<br /> .�T;},;,iM• . und Lendrr or upplicable law.
<br />.:;,�: ;�,,,�'. e•. 9. Inspecllon. Lrn�kr ur i��agcnt muy mukr rc:nimnblcrn�rie,u�x,n��nd in.�krtian,ut'thc Pru�hy. LrnJer•hull
<br /> .,,:..'' � give Bortowcr noticr u�ihc timc�il'ur prior to an in.�xction.�xril��ing r�a,unaMr rau��li�r Ihr im�xrtiim.
<br /> 10. ('ondemnatiun. ri�����,«<�•�,���►�,��:���•:�rJ ur rlaim li�r damaEcti.dir�d��r conscyu�ntiul.in c�mnertion with uny
<br /> , , �.�I Singk Frmily..Fnnnle�f�e�l•Yrddk Nw t'\IF/IR�t 1\ti'fRl'11k\1'-•l'mtunn t'u�cuaut. 4/411 ip��¢r!��/���ti�x�•��
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