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<br /> , peticds tint L.endet[equuies.�.`lUe ios�uanoe curier pca�vidiag t6e insurance sha11 b�ch�sen by Bormwu sub ject w Irq�det's ` '
<br /> � � apquval whic6 s6all not bc unrr�sanably wiW�eld. If B�svwa fai'Is to mlinain caverage descri6ed above,ta+�dertnsy:at - _
<br /> — I,rnder�s aptioo.obtain coverage to p�qtat Lender�rights in the Prope�ty in xco�with pangnPh 7. . „+ �P��J
<br /> - - - - -- _- ..�_� .:,.:m_ ..w�..a�F��a.���y,..��_�ht��n�rndri�dshalEinctuc►e�staiNlandtixxi��_eCl�t-- --- --
<br /> _ — - -- - - � ��r`ur u�swa��z Ervaa�...a a..,.........�..��.,........���r�_�_�� -— —°� .
<br /> -- . �st�f3 i�re the right to hotd thc p�lici�aad ceaewals. if Lender reqvi�s.8orraxG7 sh�if pmmptlx pve to l.�der aU reaipis .
<br /> of paid p�etc�imns ats�1 tenewal narses..In the event of toss,Bortawer shall give prompc nocica to t[x insar�nce cartier u�d
<br /> ` Le�tder. Lende��ay make proof of toss if not made 1�ro�nPt�Y by Bo�tawer, .
<br /> Unkss Lender and 8ocmwer ot6�rwise�.in wridng.�nsurance�roceeds ci�ali be apptied co restoration ar Yepair of
<br /> tl�propetyr damagod, if the itstaadon oc repair is economicaliy feasi6le nnd L.ender's security is ndt tessenal- If tt�e
<br /> rcstoration ar repair is nat ecaiomically feasibte or Lender's sa�unry waotd be tessened�.the insu�arxe praceeds shall be
<br /> appT�ed tQ t!�surns savred 6y this Securiry insd�umenG whether or not dx�ilue.with any excess paid to 8arower. If
<br /> = gorroyver abandons the P�operty..or daec not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has
<br /> f�-Y' offercd to settte a claim.then Lenler may collect the insurance proceeds. Leixier may use the proceeds to e�epair or restot�e .
<br /> `:.�t. the Ptope�ty or w pay sums secured by this Security Inmument,whethcT ar not then due. 11ie 30�day pzriod w9116egin wben
<br /> ` . the twtice is given. ' �
<br /> � Unless Lender and Borrower ott�e�wise agree i�writing,any apgtic�tion of proceeds w principal shali not extend o�
<br /> ., . postpone the due date of tt�e monthly paymenu iefemed w in paragrapUs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> ` ': .� �'P�S�P�►2t tbe Pc�nperty is,acquired by Lende�.Bonoaer's right to any insurance policies.and pnoceeds�esulting
<br /> ; from damage to the Pmperty prior w ihe acqu�s�t�on shall pass w Leader to the extent of the sumc secured by this Securiry
<br /> u L�stnnneat immedately prior to the acquisition. � -`-,��_
<br /> 6. Occupancy, Prrservation. Maintenance and Protection ot tde PropertY; Borrower's I.oan Application;
<br /> Leaseholdc. Bormwer shal!occupy,establish,and use the Ptopecty as Borrower s{uincipal residence within sizty days after --- ___
<br /> : f the esecutian of tlus Security Incnument aad shaU continoe ta occupy tbe P►upe�t}+as Burro�!er's principal.cesidence for at !_`"__
<br />. . '.� (easE.vne year after the d�e.uf accapancy.;unless l.eirdr� ntherwise agiees ut v�titing, whic6 consent shall not be �_�_
<br /> • umeasonably wzthi�etd,or untess�tatenuating ca�eaist which are beyond B6mbvrer's corttcoL Bvrrower shai[not � _-- -
<br /> ,;� . dempY.damaSe or unpairtt�e Avpeciy alt�ahe Rvperty to deteritxat�orcarnmit waste an the�i�p�t�c. Borcnwec sbatl �;-=�
<br /> '.t"�:�: - ' be in defauIt if any;forfeinue ac�ibn ar pcn�eedii►g,wDeth�.civit.or criinufal,is begun that in 1.e�8e:r�gaod faith judgm`ent �;:.,�_-
<br /> � � - CcxiF3 tesuh in focfeiture o8�s�ruperty ar,otherwise m�e�ially impui the Iien creai:.d 6y this Sexvricy Instru►nent or
<br /> i �x�:-
<br /> I.eit�er's security interest. Ba�r;ower may cure such a defaule�d�+eeinstate..as provided i��S�Ph!8.by causing the action . �Lf ro ,
<br /> _-` .ur proceediag to be di.�with a niling tha�.in Lender's good faith de#erminaticx�.�:riudes forfeinu{e of thg Bottotver s _ . -r�= _
<br /> ue
<br /> ' , �,� irtterest in the,Properiy or other material impairment of the lien ereated by this Secus�cy Insinjrceeat oc l.ender's security . `.��_�''�;`.-`:
<br /> � t''�=�� interest. Borrnwer shall also 6e in default if Borrower. during the Iaan applicatian pracess, gave materially false or :t,��;:�:s;{',.,:-.
<br /> ..�a:H
<br /> � ��� � inaccurate informasion ar statements ta Lender(or faited to provide Lender with am maleria!infarmaaon)in connectian with •.<�';`- _
<br /> �. ..:_.,_: .
<br /> C'�-��.`:�• ihe loan evidenced by the Note, including. but not limited to,representations conceming.Barr�wzr's accupancy�f the '.. ;.�
<br /> �' ��` f� ' Property ac a prinripal resider�ce. lf this Seeuaty lnswment is an a leasehold,Barrower shall comply with all the proviyions �.- .::: ;
<br /> � •� . af the lease. If Borrower acquires fce title to thc Property.the teasehald and the fee tittc shall not merge untess L.ender agrees � �'� =�'--
<br /> � �' ..`;,.,..
<br /> • ., , :. . to the merger in writing. � . -�*:,'�'•s•�_-
<br /> � ' 7. Protection of•L.ender's RI ts in !he Property. If Sorrower fail+tn �rfi�rm the covenant� and agreements -
<br /> Rh :��� .:°-
<br /> � ,,,,�,., . � cvntained in thiy Secerity lnstrumen� or therc i�a tegal pnxcrding ihui�nu�y yigmficantly affc�t I.cadcr+rigbts in the. ,-:�''r. _::,-�
<br /> � :••=�:" �. ' Pn�perty Itiuch�ti a praceeding in bankniptcy,probate.for candcmnatiun ur fnrfeiture ur to entorce lawti or regulati�n.i.the� �.•.;, _,
<br /> . "" r'" l.cndcr may d�and pay fi�r whatevcr i�nere��ary to protcct�hc w.itur�+f thc F'ropcny and Lendcr�rightti in the Proprrty. -
<br /> � ` Lcndcr.:ictiun.ma indude a�ia an �um+.reured b a licn w•hich buti rinrit•��vcr thi+Sccurit�lmtrumen4 u arin �� -'
<br /> ' = �� � Y P 5 S' Y Y" P S } PP�' � ,.;�_ .
<br /> :� � ,; ' in cuun.p:tying rca+�maMe auumey.'fec.and catcrin�un thc Pn�peny ti+mal�e repair..Atthough l.cnder may takc acti�m • �--�
<br /> ;�,',� . • under�hi�pamgrapb 7.Lender d�x+nut havc tu do.u. ` ""'`+:
<br /> Any amaunt�di+Muc.cd by Lcndrr undcr thi�paragr.�ph 7,hall hrcumc adJiti�inal dcM of Eii�rroµ•rr ticcured by�hiti � `,_
<br /> • -�-_t�' Sccurity In�trument. Unte�.Borr�wer artd Lendcr agrcc t���nhcr tcrmti��f puymcnt.thcrc amauntti.rhall bear intere+t f'rom�he . _
<br /> '. . ,,ti�",`:;%i' datc of�ii�hur+cmrnl ut the Nnte rate and+hall hc payable.with intcrcy�.upnn notice fram Lendcr t<�Horrower reque+ting �r��_ _
<br /> _ �•.._,. . paymcm. ':;;��.
<br /> �}- ;� � S. Mort�ge lnsurance. If l.ender reyuired mortgage inrurance a�a c�m�3itian uf maki»g the loan secured by this . • - --
<br /> r . .�
<br /> �-}� � - Secutity Inrtrumcnt.8orrawer�hall pay the prcmiumti requircd to maintain�hc mangagc inruranre in effect. If.for any `� "':
<br /> . . rea.can. the mongage insurance coveragc required by Lsnder laprry or rea.re. to hc in effcct, $orrower +ha11 pay the .
<br /> premiumti reyuired to c,btain caverase substanti;+lly equivalent to the inor�eage in.rurance previuu+ly.in effect, at a cast • , , .
<br /> � , � substantialty equivalent ta the cayt to Born�a•er�+f'the mortgage inrurance previaurly in effer�.from an aiternate mopgage �. ,
<br /> J.:.�� • iasuter approved by Lendcr. If sub�tantially rquivalent m�rlgugc insurancc rnv��rage i�nut available.Bnrcower shall pay to . • . _''�
<br /> �.� - �.� Lender each manth a sum eyu:�l t���ne-t�velfib of the yeacly m��ngage in�ur.mce premium being paid hy Hc�rtoµ•er when the � , v- •�
<br /> ,. ....,.. 'i;,�,�_
<br /> ' ' '-'�1 in�urance cavcrage lapsed ar ce�a�ed to he in eifecn. l.cndrr will acccp4 u.e:md retain the�c paymentti.�ti a iarti reserve in lieu , . '';�'�=
<br /> t..__`i.'. , �: ". ..�3,rrT.'.�.v_
<br /> . .• .•f?� ' oP,me+rtgage in�urance. Lasti rescrvc payrticnt�m.iy nn tongrn c�requireJ,at thc uptiun of l.cndcr. ii mongage in.urance i . _ ,
<br /> � t � cnvetage lin the amoum.�nd frn ihc periud that I.cnder rcyuire�►pravidcd by un intiurcr appruved by l,cndcr ugain Aecomcr
<br /> ,'�'�w , � ' ���`' ` available and is nbtaincd.Bom�wrr+hall pay thc premiums nquind tu maintain m�+ngagc imur.�ncc in effert.or to pmvidc a
<br /> � �,�".. � ,
<br /> � t?' � • , toss reserve.unti)the requiremem for mortgagc in�ur.mcc end.in arrardance«•itb any written agrecment between 8unnwer � � •
<br /> , � and l.cndcror:�pplicable luw.
<br /> _ ' ��� . . 9. Inspection. Lender�r it,agcm may makc rea,onahlc cntric�upun:md in�pcctiun.ni'�he Pro�xny. I.cndrr tihal! ,
<br /> . givc Borcowcr naticc At thc limc oi��r pri��r tu an in�prcti�+n tipccifying rca.unablc cau.c tor thr in.pcctian. �
<br /> :;s ,.. � . 10 l'ondemnadon. The puxeed.nP:my a�vard or claim fi�r damagr,.dirrrt ur eun�rNuenli:+l.in cuunectic�n aith any ,
<br /> . ' Singlrhuaily�•1LnnkSl��t'rrddic�lucl'�IFI)N�11��1Rt't1F:�I•-1mtu:iulu�cu.wn 9�411 ��r,�qr,tn/41„i�rZ!. j.
<br /> - � . . . ' f,rr.d L�tr.Pi..iara.hQro.Iaf � � , ' .
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