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<br /> — _ c _. ' ,-- _ _- __ '. .__. .._.. ."__""__—"_'- ' ...' _'_ _-___"' ' ' _
<br />- —� - --- --- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - — -- - -- -. .. -_ .
<br /> � _ � i,_, _ , : , . -
<br /> ��
<br /> � -. � ...� , < <• . �i�� �
<br /> � - � - - �_��----105�44�_
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<br /> -. �rocE�Ee wm�l.0!�e:m�ma�ts now or hen�«octoa an Jra pmp«cg.�nd,u`e�a�ts.appu�.. `�. -
<br /> �ad fiut�aes taw or haeaftar a put of the p�opetty. ./Ul�aad,additions s�all atso ba coveaod..by this Securiry' . .
<br /> _ __,�_______ _ � � _ ins.tr_um�.t_All of the fat�is_nfetred w iu lhis Secariry_Instrument as the"PropeAy.° ` - `-- . �- - ---
<br /> • - =- '
<br /> � • 'SUR[tOWE7t COVENANTS tdat Ramwer is Lawfulty seised of ttte estate he�ebY conveyed aad Aas the right to gfan�. -
<br /> aad cwmrcy the$toperty and thu the Ptoperty is.wrcncumbcced.except forrncumbrarces o�recosd. Bamwer`wanana:and �
<br /> - w�i11 defrnd geeeraily the 6ck m�f,e Propeny a�asnst ali cl�ims�,�d demands.subjoci w any enc�mbra,xes of neaxd. ,
<br /> -- -- THIS SECIIRITY INSTRUM�NT com6ines unifarm Qoveoaats.fa eatiatal use and nou-aaifortn covenants with�
<br /> - . � limitai�uiatians by jurisdictioa to consatut�a unifam sa�urity instrument cavering`ral p�opeccy.� . � -- -
<br /> - — � ppiPORI�[CpYE1�TANTS, Bomnwer and Leades covenant and agnee ac follows: -
<br /> — — L Aty�t at Pri�cipat aad I�hr+est,Yrepa9meat ard�.ate Ciartes. Barrower siraU promP�Y paY whcA due the _
<br />--- p�inc�poii of aod inte[rst ua t!u debt tvidenced by the Note and anY PreP�Y�t and late charges due under the Note. '
<br />-`'.Y 2.. Etitlt tor Taxes a�d I�ra�a Subject to applicable law o�to a wriuen waiver by Lende�.Borrowa shall pay to
<br />�"'.�";= t.ender an t6e day mo�tblY PaYmeQts arc due under the Note.unW the IVute is paid in fuil.a sum("Funds")foc:(a)Year19 - . .
<br /> -- tues and a��n++�a vvhich may attain priairy over tttis Savrity Insuument as a liea on 1lre Ho�etcY:lb)Year1Y Irasehold .
<br />' psyrt�us a giround rents aa the Pto�ty. if any: tcl yearty hazud or property insurancc permiums• (d)Yeuty tioad
<br /> insunnce prert�inms,if any le)Y�Y�S�Se insurance p�emiums.'sf any.and(��nY sutns PaY�ble by Bortower ta _
<br /> i.�der.bt accad�nce with tLe p�uvisioms oi�l�B�Ph S.in liw of tbe payment af mortgage insurance premiums. 17�ese . r ---
<br /> - itetns are cailed"Esccow Iuats." Lender may.at atry time.collect and hold Funds in an amo�mt twt to excad the ma�cimutn —
<br />.���" unaimt a ieader for a federalty retaud mortgage toan may reqnire far Borrower's esc(ow accoutu under the federa! Reai -
<br /> Fstate Settlert�ent Procedunes Act of 1974 as unended fran time to dme,12 U.S.0$2601 et seq.("RFSPA"),untess a�wtt�er �'�
<br /> _ law that�pplies w the Funds setq a tesser amount..If so,Lender may.at any time.collect and hald Funds in an amatnt not to �:
<br />- exceed the lesser amounc L.ender may estimate tbe amounc of Fnnds due op the trasis of curnnt data and reasonabte =���
<br /> � - esdmates of expenditures of fi�wre Escc�w Items or atherwise in accondasice with apFlicable law. :��_
<br /> ^ The fands shall be held in an institudon whose deposits aoe insured by a federal agency,insdumentalicy.a entity r4;z#."',�__
<br /> _ _ � . (includiag Lender.if Lender is such an iastiwtion)or in aay Federal Iiorne l.oau Bank. I.ender shari apply the Funds w pay _:,�:.
<br /> -��--
<br /> '••�'� ';;. � t6e Escraw Items. Lender may not cS�arge Bocmwer foc kold'png-aad applying the Funds,annually aaalyzing the escrow -�;:�`r[�;°„
<br /> t � ' accoun�or verifying t3�e�Escmw Itemc,unless t.�s pays Bonower interest on 1he Funds and agplicable taw permiu .; rt,� �
<br /> `�-Y�. -
<br /> Lender to make such a c��rge. Howeve�I.ender may requine Borrower to pay a one-time ciiasge for an ic�dependent real ; ., ,-:_
<br /> _ �,,. . ,.. estate tax repo�ing seriiice-usect by Lend'er in co�inecuon witTi this loan.untess appticabte taw pmvides o�ist. Untess an
<br /> ' agntment is made or appHcabie taw reqrnres intemst to be paid,Lender shaU not be required to pay Borrower an}r interest or � � _—
<br /> ;�'�� eamings on tl�e Funds. Borrower and.Lender may agcsee in writing.hawever.thaE interest sha{1 be paid oiti the Funds. Lender . � —
<br /> . • -��1"~`•;:'� . shall give to Borrower.wUhout charge.an annual acaaanting of the Fands,showing cm,dits and debits to the Fimds and thc ' -'- --
<br /> '��:';t .. .. � _--
<br /> =_• - purpose foc which each debit to the f�nds was made:''t]►e Punds are ptedged as additional securiry for all swns secured by - • ' --
<br /> •;•-`k, this Security lnstrumea� � --."j�' --
<br /> `�'f'•-�'`= � If the Funds held by Lender esceed the amaunts permitted to be heid by appiicable law. Lender shall account to
<br /> ;:c�''',:;..::.::
<br /> ''� Borrower for the exc�s Funds in accosdance with the requiremenu of applicable law.. If the amount af the Funds held by "``r' :' '
<br />'' ; � l.ender at any wne is nat su�cient to pay ihe Escrow Items when due.l.epder m�y so natify Borrower in writing.and.in �4=::* .; �;�`
<br /> � � _ . such case Harmwer shali pay to Lender the amuunt necessary to maice up the deticiency. Borrower shatl make up the � '`��� � -_
<br /> �_-,:�,;:. : deficiency in�a more thaa twelve monthly paymen�s.at I.ender s sole discretian. - • _�
<br /> �' Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrumcnt.L.ender+hali promptiy refund to Borrower any �
<br /> �••t " . Funds held by L.ender. lf.under paragraph 21.l.ender shall acquirc or scll the PrapeRy.Lender.prior to the xquisition ar ���-.'�...=
<br /> , -_ r,;:r ��- saie of ihe Property.Fhall apply any F�unds held by Lender at the time of sicquisitian ar tiale ar a credit againxt the�ums •� :,�
<br /> seeured by this Security instrument. :
<br /> ' _ • 3. AppNcaUon af Pi�yments. Unlc�s appltcable law provides otherwisc, atl payments receive d by l.cn d er un d er
<br /> - '��"` paragraphs l and 2 shal{be applied:first,ta any prepayment charges duc undet the Note:second to amaun�c payable undcr ; • --
<br /> � , � ,�� puagraph 2:third.to interest due:foudh.to principal duc:and IaS�to Any latc charge�due under the No[e. . -
<br /> 4. Charges; Lkns. Borrower shall pay all taxes. acsessments.charges. Gnes and impositions atiributablc ta the
<br />, .�`'"���' Property which may attain prioriry over this Secuflry Instrument.and tcasehold payments or grnund rents.if any. Boaower . � �-
<br /> '`' �`�':�=• s h a i l pay t hese o b iiga nons In t he m a n n e r p r o v i d e d i n p a r a g r a p h 2.o r i f n o t p a i d i n t h a t m a n n e r,B o r r o w e r s h a i l p a y t h e m a n ,
<br /> -'` �'' ' time directly to the penon owed paymen� Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender all natices of amounts to be paid under ' ��
<br /> _:�;:;.:,,. :.
<br /> this paragtaph. If Horrower makes these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing • • •
<br /> .:;'-`�.�.,``;.:' . �p�yroents. _ . r;a.�.:
<br /> E.t..,:.�.`a. �� t , � �-��.
<br /> �` ' Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priarity over this Security Insuument unless Hoaower.(a)agrees � .
<br /> ''�•�: ,� in writing to the payment of the obligaiaan secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender,(b)contests in good faith the • .,::���,'-,;
<br /> ;A:+� ' lian by,ar defends against enfacement of the lien in.tegal p:oceedings which in the Lender�s opinion aperate ta prevent the �� . . ��'`
<br />