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<br /> ' condemn�tian ar oti�aking o�aay p�t o�tfie P�opertY.a far 'rnmeyanoe in lieu oi'coa�on.�rc i�ec�ebY sss�Ened� < .
<br /> s`dai!be p�id 1a�ender. `` � shall�e w t6c sums secured by tT»s Socuricy
<br /> � ' in the evetN of a tata!roking of tht Properiy.the p[oueeds aPPt�ed .
<br /> - - .. tnsrrimxn��w�e�iKr or t�t�due:with any eacas paid to Barower. In the event o!a partial taking.,of.fttnr.,s���ums
<br /> which ihe fair muket veiue of tiie rop�Y�mmadiarty-b�f`�etfi�ta�i�isoq�r'�ttu�cgreater thar�th�.^.�..�-��� - --
<br /> •secu�ed by tAis SccuritY Inmuaunt imrtKdiacety beforc tfie tal�ing.untess Bariower and i.end�otiierwix�g+'ee in writing. ,
<br /> �s����y��u�ty Insdument stiall be teduced by thcamo�u�t of the p�cceds muRiplied by the fol4owing .
<br /> fraction: (a)�he tatat amwnt ef t�e°sams secumd immediatety befo�e the taking.divided by,lb)the fair maricrt vaiue of the
<br /> Pivpetty imrtied'�atety btfarc tbc taki»g,. My bataaee sh�ll bc pan4 ta.$onmw��Jn the tvent af a p�tia1 t3icing of the ,
<br /> phppetty in whidt tUe fair madcet value of the Phopeity immedi�tely befae the talcin�is tess than the amou�lt of the sums
<br /> ` _ secund imaKdi�dy befae the ta�ing.uniess_Raaower aid Lender atberwise agree in writing av urtless appUca64e i�w
<br /> othecwise p�wides.the proc�eds shatl6e ap�lied w the sums seccued by this Security tasuument whether or not the sanis ase
<br /> dmn due• offers to malce
<br /> , . If the P►nperty.is abti�la�ed bY Batt°vyer.or if,after catice 6y Lendcr to Bonnwcr that the candemnor
<br /> au awud crr settk a cLvm for damages;Barnwer fa�'!s,to respond to i.en�er within 30 days after tiie date the notice is given,
<br /> Leader u swti�orized w wl3ect and apply the F�aceads•at its aptia�,eithar tu restoration or n�ir of the Property or to the
<br />- sums secured by this Securiry Instnunen�whether flr nnt then due. - shall not extend or
<br /> = � Onless Lender and Barower otherwise agn�e in writing.any application of proceeds to principal
<br /> = postpane�he due date of the monthlY PaYme�ts refemd to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of sucli payments.
<br /> - 11. Sarra�rer Not Releaxd: Forbearance BY �' Not a Wairer. Fa�tension of the time far payment or
<br /> " ted b l.ender to an succes.wr irt inte�est -
<br /> "'` modification of arnortization of the sums secured by this Security Insunment gran Y Y -
<br />�_•. of Borrowa s4aU nat operate to r�etease the liabilita;i�the.origina!Bo�rvwer or Bor�wers successws in irceres�t.Lender .
<br /> shall nat be.=equired to cantt�ence pmceedin8s a�:`sF a�Y s�c�in interest or refuse to euend time for�ayment oF.,.� -- _
<br /> - othetwise n►odify amortization of the sums secoQed bq tl�uSecas�t�L�:�ment 6y c�son of any dcmand made bya the ori�:;::.", -_
<br /> = Bamwer oi Bortvn��er's suc:c�sors in intes�s� At►y fosbearance b�:#:e n d e r in er�isin g an y right or cemed�t st�aR nc►t be_a:.�. . ____---
<br /> ,-" :�;',waiver of orpnecinde tbeexercise of any right a cen►ec�Y- . : 71�e covcnanu and ag�eesnents of this
<br /> ._..:� 12: S�oces�ors a�d'�Baand;Jdat aad Seveai Lia6ility;Co-s�aers. _,.._-
<br />- _ '` ��y tnsuuma►t s1�a}1 bmd and benefit the successo�s and assig»s of Lender and�ornawer:subject to the provi.nons of ���_
<br />;_;,;:`` ;� paragraph 17.Borrower:s covenants and agreements shalT be joint and several.My Horrawer who casigns this Security �..,___;�.
<br /> - InsauitxM 6ut dces not execute the�Note:'(a)i.S co-signing this Security Instrumem only to mortgage,grant and canvey that �'°"
<br /> �___,�
<br />� - • Borrowerk int�est in the Yroperiy under the te�ms af this Security Instrumen� (b)is not personaity obtipted to pay thc sumc �_��
<br /> - secured by this Securiry Inswmenr,and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to extend,m�d�fy.forbcar �,�
<br /> �' � � oc make atty acrommodations witb regard to the terms of this Securiry Inatrurnc�nt or the Nate without that Borrower's =°,n—=
<br /> ' consent. • `_ -
<br /> 13. l.o�o ClwrSes. lf thr toan secured by this Security lnytrument i,rubjcrt ta a law whicf�set�m:ucimum I�an � _���=_�
<br /> chuges.and that law is finaUy intcrpreteA so that thc intere�t or othcr laan rhargec ca1lc�Ked or ta be coltectcd in connectinn �_,_
<br /> � with the loan excecd thc permitted limits.them. ta)any auch toan ch�rgc.hall be rcduccd by thc arrx�unt nccex,cary to reducc- �-_._
<br /> tht charge to thc pertnitted limit:nnd Ibl any hums alrcaciy collected fram Bortaw�cr whieh excceded JkrmitteA limitc wil!t+e �-�.-�r_
<br /> �-��-.�--`�.-
<br /> rcfunded to Bannwer. l.endcr rt�y chaosc ta make this rctund by reducing the principal awed under thc Note ar by makiag a _
<br /> direct payment to Borrower. li a refund reduces principal.ttu;rcduction wilt be treated ac a partiat prepaymem withaut any �- ^
<br /> T= re nt char e underthe NMe. ����`'-�
<br /> P PaY� s 6 Y S y r•-'� -
<br /> � �� . 14. Notices. Any naticc to Borrawer providcQ far in this Security [nstrument rhall be �vcn�b deliverin ii o�b -y��'s<*=r•_
<br /> • r mailing it by first alass mail uaiecs applicablc law requirec use of anotfier method.The notice�haU be directed ta the Pmperty :-.,.,
<br /> � 'j� Address ar any ather address Barrawcr detiignatec by noticc to Lender. Any notice to Lender shaA be given by first cla`s ':: :
<br /> � `- mail to I.ender.address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bormwer. Any notice provided for ,y,+ `.
<br /> ��,� in this Security [n.stniment sha0 t+e deemed to have been given to Barrower ar l.endcr when given ati pravided in this ...�
<br /> <,r P��Ph .
<br /> 15. Governing l.aw; Severa6ilit}. This Securiry instrument �hall be govemcd by federal law and the law of the
<br /> --- jurisdietion in which the?roperty is lacaiecl. tn tfie event thut anY Provision or clause af this Security lnctrument or the Note ,` =:�_:
<br /> ,� . eonflicu with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other pmvision�of this Security Instrument or the Note which can ,. ��, ;�._ ;��._
<br /> �. be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the pravisions of tbiti Security fnstrumene�nst�he Note are
<br /> � detlared to be severable. � . • -•
<br /> �� 16: Borrower's Copy. Eorrower shall be given one canformed copy of the f�ate anA of bhis Secumy(n�trument. . •�;;,_.
<br /> :'+' 17. 7lransfe�of the Property a'a Senetic�a��nterest 3n Borrower. If al{or any pan af the Propeny or any interest in •,..:;:;
<br /> ' � it is sold or transferred lor if a beneficial intere.a in Baaower is sold or[ran�ferrcd and Borro�ver is not a naturul person) =z':Y�y�`_
<br /> .; ��� without l.e[ider's priar watten rnnsent.l.ender mzy,a�it�aption.require imm�iatc payment in full of all r+ums�ecured by : .,,
<br /> � f��' ' this Sec�ity Inytrument. However.this option shall nat tie exerei,ed 6y,l..cndcr if exercise iti prohibited by fedcral law as of �`��• �� -
<br />. ,` ' ; the dacec�r this Serurity lnstrument. - � '
<br /> �� !f Lendet ezercises this option,l.encler shall give Borrower.r�otice of acceleration. The natice shall provide a period of
<br /> �''' nvt less than 30 days from the date the notiee is delivered cn n�aited within which p�R�+wer must pay all sumti�ecured by thiti . ..
<br /> Seeurity in�trument. If Bortawer failc to pay these sumr priar to thc expiration of thi� peric�d. Lender may invoke any
<br />!•' ' M � temed;e;permitted by ihi!�5ecurity Intitrument withnut fuAher notice ar demand on 8��rrower.
<br /> -�f,; .
<br />� 1& 1{orrower's Ri�ht to Reiactate. IP 8orrower mcety cettain condilic�nv. B�srr��wer�h:�l! have Ihe right to have .
<br /> �, . , enforeement of this Security In�trumcnt di.rcantinued at any dme pri��r u►thc carlicr of: (a►5 day+l�,r.uch other period a�
<br />.� Singic Pamiiy.-iannie�faNFrcdAk Nac C�IYI)R\11�tiTRf ttE:V'i•-l�mfurm Covcn•rut, 919s �/a�gr 4 a(/.pti;�u , .
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