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<br /> -. , �S��r��, .���ooc c�ur providing the insuiance shal!lic choset►by Bocrower subju�to Lerder's '' ,
<br /> . - apprc►val which s6al1 aot 6t unreasonably withheld. If`Borcower fails to maintain coi�erage descdbed a6ove,Lender may,�it,
<br /> � p Z._ „
<br /> -:--- --- - - — - -,.p....,._• LcadeFt ngtits in the Ftagecty in�co�dance wrth paraBraPh ------- ---
<br /> - - - -�,�,s�ption.ob�a coveca�ciagmtect - _ _. . .-
<br /> - • All iasurrnce pPrcies aad irnewals shal!be acceptable to Lender a�-st�ialTirtT-tde a sTandata=norrgage c�aa�a.ca,�,�,- -
<br /> shall have the right to hotd the policies and renewals. If l.ender requites.Borrower shall promptly giye to I:ender aft noeipts .
<br /> - — of pa�d pc�emi�ms and.ie�ewal noaces. I»the event af toss;Borrower shail give prompt iwqee w tde iasur'rnce cama�d -
<br /> .-- -. Lender. l.a�der may make pranf of loss i��t made P�omPUY bY Bortower: ' .
<br /> Unless Leader and Bmrawer otheswise agrce in wridng,insursnce proceeds shall be app�ed ta restaratian us rtpur o€ -
<br /> the property damaged.tf the iestoration or repair is economically feasible and Lender's secunty is not lessened• If 1he
<br /> � restoration or repair is not economiCatly feasible or Lmder's secunty wouid be t�ssencd.the insarance Pro�����
<br /> a�p�����ms serured Dy this S¢curity[nsaument,whether os nat then due,with any excess paid to Bo(rower. If
<br /> --- - Bomnwer abando�u the Praperty.or doFS nW.answer within 30 days a natice fi+om lxnder that the insurance earrier has
<br /> �� offcred ta settte a clamb d�►Le�deriinay collecR the insuraace proceeds. be�ide.r'may ase the proceeds to npair oc zesm� .
<br />_a;�%�' the P�ropecty or to pag satns se�by.this Security lnstntment,whether or nat'then due:�The'�0-day period vrnll i�egin whep .
<br />=:. - .the�adce is given.- = . , . . -
<br />:4-:`.J iJntess Lender�and Borrower alhetwise agsee.u�writing,any aPPlication af proceeds to principa!shall not extend or
<br />_ postpone ihe due date oY the mornhlY paymeaits refei�c�ed to in paragcaphs 1 aiid,2 or change the amormt ofthe pa�n i�f
<br />� -,• � under.pat.agcaph 21 the ProPertY is acquued by Len�kr.Borrower's nght to any uLSnrance policies az►d'p�s 8
<br /> - � fram cl�inage to the Huperty ptior to tfle acquis�tiun shait pass co Lender to the eatent of the.sums seeu�d�3iy=lhis Security_
<br /> Instmm4nt immediately prior ta tfie asquisrtton. -.
<br /> �: 6, Qcc�pyincy, presecvation, Maintenance �d Protedioa oT We Propetty. Bortvwer's Loan Applkatia�;
<br /> -< � I,easeholds. Borrower sha11 occupy:establish.aad use the Properey as Borrowec's principat'residence within sixty days a�ter =
<br /> t6e exeeation of this Seeari.ty Inst�umeni and shall continue to occupy the Propecty as BocraWer s P�ne�Pa�r�sidenee for at _
<br /> . tea,ct one year after the date af oecupancy. uniess Lender othecwise a�es;'°in w►iring. whiet� ronsent shall not be = -
<br /> unneasonably withheld,or,untess extenuating circamstances eaist which am 6eyonc!Barro�ver's�ontml. 8arrower shall not —_
<br /> � . desuoy.damage or impair ihe Property.allow the Property to deteriorate,di commit waste an the Praperty. Aarrower shaA _
<br /> -- -,: �- be in default if any forfe.imrc action or proceedinS.whether civil or crimin3l,is begun that in Lender's•goa!faith judgment �.
<br /> � could result in forfeiture of the Property ot othenvise materially impair the.lien created by thia Secarity �nstrument or ��_�
<br /> F�� � Lender's•security int�esL.Soirower.tnap Care sueh a defauli and reinstate.ac.piovIded in Parab*raPh 18•by rsasing the action ���:�:
<br /> � or proceeding to be dis�nissFd with a ru�inS tha�in Lender's good faith deterinidation,pcectudes forfeiture af the Borrower's � �_
<br /> ��;`;:.....
<br /> inte�rest in 1he.Property or other material impaimient of the lien cre�ated by this Security ln�trument or Lender's security _ ,-��
<br /> � `" Interest: Bormwer shari also 6e in defaWt if Borrower,�uring Ihe loan application �nacess,.gave matecialIy false ar .-i�t":';-,'�r,`
<br /> `;��,-`.
<br /> <;,�''�,• inaccurate infoimatiun ar statements to l.ender Ior faited to provide Lendec wi[h any material infortnatian)in connectinn with :. ,.�;4�.•_�o..•
<br /> :�, , , the laan evidenced.�'y the Note, including.but not limited to. repre.r•entauons conceming Bonawer� accupancy of the • s-;,,'::_
<br /> , Pmperty as a principat tesidence. If this Secarity lastniment is on a lea+ehold:Borrower shap comply with aU the provisions ���:`�s�f�=
<br /> 4�'_'
<br /> • • of the te�se. If Borrawer acquires fee title to the Property.the tea+ehold and the fee titic shall aot merge anless i.ender agtees �y��__
<br /> _t�.: to the merger in writing. `' ''��'' _
<br /> , 7. Protec�ion o�I.ender's Rights in the Propecty. if Borrower fails to perfartn the covenanty and ageements , �
<br /> �� `�'-`•� contutned in this Security Instntmen� or ihere is a legal proceeding that may sign�fcantly affect Lenderw rightti in [he _:�'�`, ��
<br /> •r f�
<br /> � ;:� `�` .' Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,probate.far candemnation ar fort'eitum or to enforce laws or regalations),then `.�_�,>i: ,--_.
<br /> �;, ��`.til�.��' l.ender may do aad pay for w6atever is necess.vy to protect the value of ihe Propeny and Lender's righ�y in the Property. , ��}v�
<br /> � ':r�r=A'�� Lender's actions may include paying any tiums securcd by a lien which hay riorit over thir Security(nstrument.appeanng �
<br /> ' �>� in court.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entcring an the,Prnperty ta make r pairs.AUhougb Lender may tuke action ,: � � ��'�-
<br /> �� ' ;;;;;��:: �. under this paragraph 7.L.ender daer not have ta do sa • �'��
<br /> ' •r•'-�° � Any umounts disbuned by Lencter under thi�ti paragrnph 7.hall hecome adQitianal deht af Borrower secured by this : .�,_:.�.
<br /> - �`��x� Security Instrumem. Unless Barrower�and L.ender agret ta ather terms of payment,thcyc amauntti shal!be;u interest from thc �_-i_
<br /> •�''�_;�"�. ` date of disbunement at the Note rate:�nd shall be payable.witb interc�t.u�n natice fram Lender to Barrnwcr rcques�ing •s•�.�
<br /> �,.... ,:., . . -
<br />� • _=iac._•._.. P�Yment. , ----
<br /> r�,,i, �-. 8. Moetgage ln�cu�ance. lf l.ender required mongagc insurrnce:��a conditian of making the loan secured by thi+
<br /> : • 5ecurity Instrument.Borrower,hall pay�he premiumti reyuirrd«,muintain the martgage in.rurancc in effect. Ii,for any
<br /> �''e,'����: r�son, the•martgagc intiurance covcragc rcyuircJ by Lendcr lapur. oc ccu�r� u� be in cffcrt. Burcuwer yhaA pay the
<br /> . �,�,. ,.
<br /> � •�„ _.;?° premiumt required to obtain a�veragc �ub.rt:uni.�lly cquivs+lent ta ihc m��ngage imurancc prcviaurly in etfcct. at :�cast , . , . , .
<br /> � suh:.tantially equivatent tn the cutit to gorr��wer oi t1ic martgage inrurance previau�ly in efirct.fr��m an altemate murtgage _�,_:�
<br /> . � :�;: � invurer apptoved by Lender. lf tiuhstaotiapy equivalent murlgage inturance raverage i.n�+t t�vailabte.BaTrawer shall pay ta �.:;�.;..;
<br /> • �� :=� .:.
<br /> Lxnder e�ach mon�h a sum cyual to ane-twelf�h of the yearly m�mgage imur.tnce pmmium Neing paid by Rorrower when the t;
<br /> � , insurance coverage tapticd��r c�a.ed ta be in et'fect. I.ender wil!accept,utic and retain lh�.e paymenty ati u la�y re�erve in lieu ;;:::r�'�'���_�
<br /> . '�-.�'� of mortgage in�uraace. Lntis reserve paymentti may n��longer 6e requircA.at ihc option of l.cnder.if mar�g:�ge in+urance , . :,.
<br /> ' _ .�_�;�. � coverage(in thc an;aam and for thc periuct that l.ender rcquirc+l pu�vided by an in.rurcr uppravcd hy l.ender again became�
<br /> � availahle and is abtained.Horrawer�hall p�y thc prcmium�reWuircd to maint�in mc+rtga�e intiuu�nce in effect.or 1�>pn�vide:�
<br /> , .'';;,,�`,,,:, ��• loss rcserve.until the reyuiremenl fur morlgage in.urance end.in accardanc�«ith:�ny written agrcement hetween Hnrrower �: .
<br /> ' �� :':-•r, ' .md l.cndcr or upplicablc law. f ' �
<br /> ��.:`•;t::,; 9 fntipection. l.cnder or its ngcnt may makc r�a�cmabtc cniric+up�m and in�p��-tiunv��i thc Pu�perty. LcnQcr�hall t
<br /> ��=�,'�..;' • • givc�orrower nalice 1�thc timc of�r prinr U�an inti�xcti�m��x:cifyin�;rr.►�cmaNic r.iu.r for ihc in��nctiun. � ,
<br /> . 10. Candemnation. The p��xeed.r��f any award or cfaim fve d:�m;►Je+.direct ur runtequrntial,in cunnecti��n wilh any
<br /> • ' � �.. Singlc F.muly••►annic Nae�PnAdir�fuc 1'�IE"UNSt l��'C4t1�iF.�7'..l niturm t'o��m:+nh 9'911 //�urr i�,1��f�uc��i
<br /> . ' iRr.d I��tr.i�a.lnta.Form�.fnt.� , � ,
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