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<br /> _ _—.__�'_— ,�__" _ _'[• '_ ' '—__'_"____— _�' —__ "_-'_ ____--'—__—_____—'�—'_���_�R��.�,�_ _— —_
<br /> — — � � ` , � . -:C-:.�:� , ,
<br /> `cw�demnatiun oc other talcing of any pact of the Piropetcy.or far canve�ce in liw of condemnation.a�+e[ieieby assignod�uud . �
<br /> —' `sIiali De paid to Leuder. ' � , . ;
<br /> ���,�n� Q�n 4q� �g of� p�eKy, the pruce'e�'sl�all be applied`to the sums,secured by this Security.
<br /> ._= �--•- ��men1.whet�er oi not t[iea dus.with any exce�paid c�Borsower.in-tl�evrntvf a-Err,utiaf-taking o€ihe-,Piape:cy-in—----� ��—-
<br /> '� � whirh the fair market value of the Prope�ty immediately befote tAe talcing is eq�iai to or greater than the amount of[he s�uns `
<br /> - secuted by�this Security[nstrument immediately before the taking.tmtes4 Botmwer and Lender othenvise agree irt writing, .,
<br /> � the swns secured by this See�ity(nsaume�►t shall6e reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the following
<br /> --= � fraction: taj the tc�t�i�namt af the sams ucured immedistety befor€the taking.divided by tb)ihe fair market vatue of tke —
<br /> pmperty immediafeiy before the ta�ing. Any balance s6al1 6e p�id ta Borrower. [n�.the event of a partial taking of the ,
<br /> ' property in vahich tt�faic.matket value of the Pioperty immediately 6efore the taking is(ess than�the�amount of the sums
<br /> � � � secured immediately before tf�taking.unlesti Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or un[ess appHcable law
<br /> oti�enuise provides,the proceais shali b�applied ta�he sums secured by this Seruriry Tnsnument whether ar nnt We sums are
<br /> _:�"�- then due. � � , �
<br /> '-.+; I€the Pr+operty is abandoned by Borrower.or if.after notice by lxnder to Bocrower that the wniieauecx offets to make_ - .
<br /> - � � an award or seule a claim for damages.Borrowe�fails to respond ta l.ender within 30 days after the date ihe notice is givert,; .
<br /> �'�'� Lender is.authorized to collect and appty.the proceed.s,at its opnon.either to restmation or repait u€the Pmpeny or to the - -_
<br /> `f sums secured by this Security Instrumen�wttether or aat then due. • ` � �-
<br /> tjntess 1.ertder and Boimwer otherw�.se agee ir�writing.any applicauon of pia�eeds ta principat sl�a11 not eztend or -
<br /> . ".0 4..
<br /> ;R,,..;, postpone dte due date af the morrthly paymeau refeired to in paragraphs.t and 2 or cha"nge the amount of such paymen�ti. :
<br /> •��`�'�' 11. Bosro�rec Not Released; Forbearance By i:ender Not a:Waiver. Extension of the time for payment or �__
<br /> ;:;=:�x� mndiScation af amaaiaatian of the sums secvred by this Security insvument grac►ted by Lender to.any successor in interest =-_—
<br /> '°��`;'� af Borrower sfiaU not aperate to release the liability of the original Boriower or Bomnwer;s successbrs in interest.Lender _ �=__
<br /> �::----
<br /> . sluilt not be required ta cammence proceedings aga�nct any.successor in�interest or refuse to extend time for payment or r.,:_____
<br /> otherwise madify amortization of the sams secar�ci by tlsis SecuritY�nsErnment by reason af any demand made 6y the original . � _ ;
<br /> .,:,;,� � Barower or$orrower's successors in interes�. Any foE6earance!sy Lender in exercising any right ar remedy shal{aoc he a►• . , �,_.� e
<br /> ' � waiver of or pnecfude the exencise of any rigTit or remedy. ` � �� • � � . -
<br /> ••°'•` - �; • ' 12. Successoes and Asfi�n.s Bound;Joint and Several Liability;Co-signers. The covenaiifs aad agneements of this , �'-�� �-�:-_
<br /> s�•� �ecuriry[nsttument shall bind'and benefit the successors and assigns of Lendet and�osrower.subject ta the provRsions of �
<br /> __- _ . � . puagraph 17. Borrowers cctYeaaats and agreemen�s sha11 he joint and�ceveral. Any Borrower who co-signs this Secarity a;.�
<br /> '," t and come thai �`"��`� ` -
<br /> F �~': e;�•,� Insuument but does not execute the Note: (a)i�co-signing this Security Insuument only to mortgage,gran y ��=�-: - -
<br /> . ..��
<br /> __�;�.,r.` : - . Borrower's inte�est i�the Property under the terms of this 5ecurity Tnstn�ment: Ib)is not personally obligated to pay the sums � . _
<br /> E= �.�"� secured by this Seciuity InstrumenG and lc)agnees that Lender and any aiher Bomawer may agee to extcrtd.modify,forbear ` � .
<br /> , .�`_:��;�� 's ' or make any accammadatians witb regard to the terms of this Security tntitrument ar the Note without that_Borrowers __
<br />, -:�".;�:� '` ' cansern. : ... � —
<br /> ..,�y�'.. 13. l.oan Chs�tges. If the toan secured by this Securiry (nstrument is su6ject ta a taw which sets�nazimum loan „ f f;�.- -_
<br /> � , _
<br /> '���' eharges,und that law is finally intecprcted so that the interest or other laan charges coltected or to 6e collected in eonnection ,:, ;;�.:.�.,`•_
<br /> '``"4�" with the loan exeeed the permitted timits,then: IA)any such laan charge tihall be reduced by the amount neces�;ary to reduce {° _-
<br /> � � the charge ta the pennitted limi�and tb)any sums Aiready callected from Barmwer which exceeded permitted limics will be ;�,�-��f-i -
<br /> ;�x:._, _.
<br /> '�`. :
<br /> �"-�,' �„�., nfunded tq Borrawer. l.ender may chaose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed urrder the Nfote or by making a r�.__^._
<br /> �,��;�,+':` � - direct payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces psincipal,the reJuction will be treated as a partiat prepayment without any .�s_
<br /> ' � prepayment charge under the Note. . � �`"�'�" -
<br /> r�%`'��•. - 14. NoNces. Any notice to Bormwer provided for in this Security Instrumenc shap be given by delivering it or by •:;��`i
<br /> � , =,� mailing it by fitst ctas.�mail unless applicabte law requires use of anothrr method.The notice tihali be directed to the Property � � '•=`�
<br /> .� �r ;r�'�t Address or any ather address Bortower designates by naticc ta Lender. Any natice ta l.ender shall be given by first clasy. . �r�'�•�`
<br /> � ��• ° -;-^ • mail ta Lender:s address stated herein ar any uther address L.cndes dc�ignates by notice ta Borrower. Any notice provided for •
<br /> - - :-���.� in this Security ln+irumem shall he dcemed to have bcen given to Borrawer nr l.ender when given as provided in this . ,
<br /> �,, ` '°:`�;,-r� , p��ph. . _--
<br /> ' 15. Governing Law; 5everaisitity. Thiv Security ln.titrumcnt shnil be govemed by federal law and the law af the _
<br /> � �,=��'' }urisdictian in which the Properly ir IocAted. In the event that uny provision or clause af thi+Security lastrument ar the Note � _
<br /> ':�.._....
<br /> - . conflicts with applicabte taw,tiucb coniTict tihall nat t►ffect othev prnvisionti of tfiis Security ln,iniment ar the Nate which can
<br /> x "' 6e given effect without the conflicting pravisic�n. Tc�ihis end the pravitiian.r of thiti Sccurity Imtrumem anJ the Notc am , �
<br /> •,.c,.• .
<br /> � � ` �'f': � ` declared ta be sever�ble. � � " :�
<br /> � � - ' 16. Borrower'A Copy. �arrower�hall be given one mnformcd cupy af the Note and af thi�Sccurity ln.rtrument. , �:__.
<br /> '.�`' 17. 7lransfer o�the PropeMy or a Beaeticlal lntere.�t in Barrower. If alt ar uny part of the Praperty or any intcrest in _ � _:� .
<br /> � � r' �r�;` it is sald ar tran,f�rred(or if a bcncficial in"terest in �arrower is sold+�r trantiferred:mcl Borratver iti not a natural person) . ,.-'••�Y
<br /> . �.�-�,Y`,�•.; .
<br /> •� •• -- - _;;.;; withaut L en der's prior written canren t.L cn dcr m a y.a t i t s o p t i o n,r e c{u i r e i m m e d i�t c p a yment in full of ali sum�.secumd b y , •- ';�iiw,r;
<br /> ,,. ..r �_- •.,�Y: � .�e�;-
<br /> t� •�:.._ .�FL;..: this Security tnstrument. Nowever,this aptinn sha0 nat ix cxcrciud by Lender if exerr�.re i�prahibitcd by Pederui law as of �
<br /> � " �� the date af thiw Security Instrumcnl.
<br /> ' ` -� ' • ff Lender exercis�w this ap�ian.l.ender shaU givo Borrower aotice��f ucceteratiun. The notice�hall pravida s+periad of
<br /> . r��,'� . not Iess than 30 days from the datc thc nMicr is delivered�r maileJ within whicb Horrutivcr mu�t pay all sums�ecured by thiti �. . �
<br /> , -r,�, � Security Instrument. If 8onowcr fails tc�pay Ihesc sumti prim ta�hc cxpir�ti��n��f'�hiti {xriod.L.cnder may inv�kc:my .
<br /> ��- remediew permitted by this Security Imtrumcnt without funher notice in dcmand��n l3orrower. . . :
<br /> ,,ki,�..,_ : ,.; 18. Borrower'x Iti�ht to Reinstate. If Bom�wcr mcctz ccrtain cnndition�. H�mowrr •hatt have thc right to have •
<br /> � enforcemem c�f thiw 5ecurity Intitrumcnt discontinucd at any�ime pri��r ta�he earlicr�.f: lu)5 days Ior�ucb uther periad ar
<br /> f-
<br /> � ;�,•;'; . . . , • �� SitilrFamily•-Ynnnk!�tae«irddiv�facl:tilYUk�11�5"fRl'�1£Yf--l'nitormC����cn�ni, 9;40 Ipu���Jnfh/�d�rU �}.
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