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<br /> a'� . �iIVITH ali the impovements uaw ar iKreafter ecected ae the property.and all�ats.a�ppuzten��xs. � .
<br /> �` aad fixwzes now ar den�fter a{l.vt of tt�e property. All replacemeats and additions shali.also be covered by this Sewricy
<br /> ���.�- -- -- - . . . �� . __. .'.._` _ _..__ _.
<br /> �=--.--�_=°- -_------ {nsuu�aet��-�!10€tls�fareBom$is:r.furt�tQ{�t�hes SecuniY_instrutt�ent as the P!topecty.' .. _..._ � -——-
<br /> ,��� - ,---_-
<br /> ;�_�;� gOgROyVER CpVENqNTS tt�at Bam�wrr is ta�wfuliy seised of the estate hereb�r conveyed and has the right to gtant
<br /> ���� aid conveji ihe Ptopetty.aed that the Ptvperty is unencumbered.except far encumMaaces of cecord. $ormwer warrants anQ .
<br /> vrili defend gene�alIg the tide w il�e 8rope�ty agaiact atl claims.and demands.subject to any encuiubiances of�+ecord. �
<br /> -� 'i'HtS SFCIJgpfy.INS7RIJMEt�1T rnmbines tmifarm covenants for natianaf use and'nast-unifoan covenants with �
<br /> �� limited v�iatioas by jutisdictian to consutute a unifomt securiry insuument covering mal property. —
<br /> �.:,`. -. � UNIFORM COVENMi'i'S. Borrower and ixnder covertanc and agree as follows: _
<br /> -`f' , l. P7�yment of Priscjpnl and intvesh Preps�ymeet aod Late Cbarges. Borrower sha11 prompdY paY when due the �-
<br /> - � principal of and"mte�est on i6e deD�evidenced 6}r tfic Notc and anY prepayment and tate charges due onder tGe Nwe. _
<br />.... . �r Z. Fiieds far'IIu[es sed I�sarasc� Subject to applica6le faw or to a written waiver by t.endcr,Bamnwer s b a l l pay to �_
<br /> _ �,¢nder o�fhe day mapth{y pay�nts are due undcr the Note.unal the Note is paid in full.a sam t"Fpnds")for.(a)yearty __ _
<br /> ' taues and assessmeats whicb may a¢tain priority nver t6is Secariry I n s p u m e nt as a lien on the P r o p e rt y.(b)Yearl y teasehotd ��'-°_-
<br /> PaYments or graund r�nu on the Froper[y, if any: l�) Y�Y'Gazard or property insurance piemiams: td)yearty ttood f._�_�--�-_
<br /> ` n �-_z���
<br /> ., f�� : . insurance p[emiums.if any: tc)Yearty mortgage insutance premiums. i f'at�y:a n d(�anY Sums PaYa bte b y Borrower to . --_— _-
<br /> �:cnder.in accordancc with the provisions of parag�aph 8,in lieu af the payment of mortgage insurance pcemiums. "1'hese ��;,,,�.�
<br /> �� � � �
<br /> - -:��. items acc+caUed"Escrow Items." Lender may.at any time.caltect and hold Funds in an amount nut to exceed the maximum , ,:1 F„��
<br /> . .���,.. .. -,H.;� --- -
<br /> � a�r�onnt a lender for a federaliy rclated mortgage foan may requ'sie for Bo r r o w e r's e s c r o w a c c o u n t u n d e r t h e f e d e t a!R e a l ,,..,r�;�
<br /> - �',��_ . .
<br /> °;_;.�._•., Estate Setttement Pmcedures Act of 1974 as amended from time to wne.12 U.S.C.§2601 et�seq.("RESPA"),unless another r���:`_"";___--
<br /> �,��..,:.�, .:. . - :'�°<<?�'.�"�
<br /> ,-z. � - taw d�at applies to the Funds sets a tesse�r amounw If so,Lender m�y.at any time.wUect and hold�nds in an amoont not ta ..;.,�,�:,-__
<br /> . .�. ��x:F:,._•_�;:: . exceod ti�e tes.se�r.amount.. I.cnder may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of cument data and rea�onable � t.:, >_; ,.
<br /> '��'•�`• ` : esnmatgs of espondinues of future FscPbw Items or in6erwise in accardance with applicabte taw: -
<br /> ,�:��` �' :::` 'ihe�mds s1�aU be held'm an instiwtion whose deposits ace insured by a federal agency,instrumentality.�or entity ,�
<br /> � - �:t��• . ("u�etuding Lender,if Lender ic such an instetution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shail apply the Funds�o pay . ..� ':�.
<br /> . � :-r-!`�t - . _
<br /> � the Fscrow Iteu�s. l.ender may not charge Borrawer fQr halding and applying the Funds.annualty analyzing tite escrow
<br /> . � ..#_ ` • accoant,oc verifying the Esccow Items.unless Lender pays �orrower interest on the F�snds and aPP)icabie taw permits . . _
<br />. . ° - • l,e�Mer w mak�such a charge. However,�des may cequine Borrawer:.tapay a oae-time Charge f.or an inde�endent real . .. .y,�_.._,. =
<br /> ��} �'� - estate tax reporting service used by Lender in connection with this loan,untess applicabie law pruvides otherw�se. Unless art . � , , � �'"
<br /> : ��•'�•_� � ,�
<br /> �. • agreement is made or applIca6te law requires interest to be paid,Lender shall nat be required to pay Borrawer any interest or ��:_,.i..�:.;: <�-
<br /> " �� � • c,�nings on the Funds. Borcower and Lender may ag�ee in wnting,however,that interest sha116e paid on the Funds. Lender :: .�
<br /> -;�;,;:;��:.,�.; .
<br /> ` _ �;��� ;� shatl give to Borrower,without charge,an annual acconnting af the Funds.showing crediu and debits to the Funds and the :r;,:• ..�- � �
<br /> ._ . n c�ras ade. The Funds are le ed as additional security for all sums secured by �,���
<br /> .:• �` . , � ,,; Pucpose for which each debit to the Fu ds m P dS - ,= . --
<br /> ; .,{�_: ' � this Security Insrorument. , '��=�-
<br /> If the Pubds held by Lender exce�d the amuunts permitted to be 11e1d by applicabte iaw.Lender shall account to •< ,�'_�
<br /> '" Borrower far the excess Funds in accordance with the re�uiremen�s of applicabte law. If the amount of the Funds hetd by , �Y�-"'—
<br /> e; ..'-��. ' � .�'- . ��.:ender at any rime is not suffrcient ta pay the Escrnw Items when due.[.ender may so notify Borrawer in writing.and.in _
<br /> .•,. such case Borrower shall to I.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Botrower shall make up the ::�
<br /> � - � deftciency in no more than t�welve manthly payments.at L.ender's sole discretion. . -.`'�:�1
<br /> • ` Upon payment in full af all sums secuced by this Security Instrument.Lender shall prompdy refund to Banower any ' : . . :':��::'�.-
<br /> : : J � Funds held by Lender. If.under paragraph 2I.Lender shaU acquire or se11 the Property.Lender.ptior to the acquisition or �: . : ``;°;{':�::
<br /> ^ •,r;:�c. :�` .�� sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lcndet at the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums � - . � . }�;
<br /> � • secured by this Security Instrumen� ' � • • "{
<br /> � 3. Application of Payments. Unless applicable law provides othenvise.all payments re.ceived by Lender under � • _
<br /> ' �" ' paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepayment chargcs:due under the Note:second.ta amounu payabte under ;;;=_
<br /> , _ • paragraph 2:third,to intecest due:founh,w princ�pal due:and lact,to any tate charges due under the Note. � � � . „�:._:
<br /> " - 4. Charges; Litns. Barrawer shall pay all taxes.assessmen�s,chazges.fines and imposiaans attributable to the � . .
<br /> .- ' propeAy which may attaio priority over this Security Instniment.und lea.tiehatd payments or graund rents,if any. Bonower ,
<br /> � ' , ' shall pay these obligations in the manner pravided in paragraph 2.ar ii not paid in that mar�ner.Bortower shall pay thcm on � . �"
<br /> �_.;i ,. time directly ta the person owcd payment. Borrowec shali promptly fumish ta l.ender all notices of amountc to bc paid under - { � _
<br /> _ this paragraph. If Boaower makes there payments directiy.8orrower shali pramptly fumish to Lendcr receipts evidencing � , .
<br /> �. ��;. � - .. the payments. � I .
<br /> , • ,,. Bonower shall promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry over this 5ecurity Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees �
<br /> . • in writing to the payment of the obli�mtion secured by the lien in u manner acceptable to Lender.(b)cantests in good taith the i . ,
<br /> • ';;' , . � lien by.or defends against enforrement of the lien in.legal praceedings which in the Lender ti opinion operate to prevent the i � �
<br /> � ' � enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder af the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subardinuting the lien .
<br /> •.� �• � to this Security Inswment. lf Lender determines tha�any paA of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain priority �� ' �," . ,
<br /> �x�`' ' over this Security Instrument.lxnder may give Borrower a natice identifying thc licn. 8orrower shall sattsfy the lien or take � �
<br /> one or more of the actions set forth above within 10 dayti af the givins of noticc. ' �
<br /> � 5. Haza�d or Property/nsurance. Botrower st�all keep the improvcments now exirting or hercafter erected an the • �.
<br /> � � • Property insured against loss by flre.hazards included within thc tcrm"extended wveragc"and any nthcr hazards.including .
<br /> . • . floods or flaoding.for which Lender requires insurancc�. 'fhis intiurance shal! be maintained in the amaunts and for the : • . •
<br /> �
<br /> , • . .. . �i•.
<br /> . � . � E'orm3028 9l9D lpu.ee2r�jh�w;�ee� .
<br /> ,:�::. . . . . ' ' .
<br />• . - , ..� • ' . . - • - � . - —.� .
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