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<br /> cqdenmatiuo or alxr tating�of iu►y Put of dro Pmperty. y � .
<br /> � �`sha116�p�d w l.ai�er. � ` ' `
<br /> [o t6e'tvau of a totai qking of the Ptoperty.tbe pc�6cads st�1i iae aPPliai to t6e stuny s�cuted 1►Y tbis Secunty ,
<br /> . „ . ���f�.�t v�����t� y exo�ss_�t to Bt�nrwer. !n ti�e eveot of a pattial taking of the'Property in
<br /> � �,� cmmediatei bePo�e t�e faking is equ�t m ar�teruan:`na a.��,�;r::;.:..��,...«..
<br /> . ' secucsd 6y this Security InsdrumCnt immediately before the talcing,nnkss Bortowe�and Lender othenY�.se agne�n writiug.
<br /> . the sums secund by this Securicy Instnima�t st�ill6e ted�ed by.t1�e am°°nt�af the prooeeds multiptied by the folbwieg
<br /> fractiots: (a)the total amw�M of the sums secured immediatety befot�e the taking.divided b�i(b)the fair maricet vatue of ttte
<br /> � priipeity imntcdiatety befate the taicing. Any bel�et shall bc paid to Bcu�owec In thc tvurt o£a'pactial taking af the
<br /> ptopaty u►which d�e fair tn�cket vaiue of�he P�opertY immediate�+6efane the takiog is less th�n tne amonnt of the sumc
<br /> - secutrd immaliate{y befae the taicing.unkss Bartowu aad Lender ott�erwise agtee in writing or unless'apptipbk(av►�
<br /> otherwise provides.the pcoceeds sE�ail be app6ed to the sums secured by this Securiry fnst�ument whethe�or not tfie sums aR .
<br /> t6e�►d�e. . . ,
<br /> -- ��g�X�s�by Bos+�wer.ar if.after natice by Lendes to Bomnwer that the condemixx offers to make
<br /> --- � an award ar seak a claun for damages,Bortower fa�'is w respond to Lender within 30 days atter"the due the notice is givea.
<br />.- �.ender is autborized to colkct ani3 appl�the pmceods.at its opnon,eitber to nestaration or repair of the FtapeRY or to the
<br />_- ` sums savred by this Security Inshument,vrhether or aot then due.
<br />°:;='' Unless Lender and Bonowet otl�ec►aise agree in wrieins,an}applicauon of proceeds co principal shal!no[extend or
<br />_=-}. � postpane the duz date of the monthly payments refe�t�ed to in paiagra�hs 1 and 2 or chsutge the amonnt of sach paYment-c. ,
<br /> � lI.�Borrower Not Rdeased: For6earanct By.i.eade�' Not r Wah-er. Extensian of the time for payment ar
<br /> .T.�1 mod�cadon of sunorti�ntion of the suais secured by this Securiti�finswmrnt grrrited by Lendes to any successar in intec�est
<br /> _ of Borrowec shall not operaee to tetease the liability of ehe ar��a1 Borrower or Borrower's successo�s in intenest.I.ender
<br /> shall not be requimd to comrt�ence pmceedinSs against any��n interest�r+efase to eutend time for payment.or .
<br />- - othecwise modify amortization of tig siuus secured by this Secarity Instrument b}�eason of any demand made by the ariginai
<br /> - $otTawer vr Bamwer's su�cessors�r"niesest Ar.�foclxaraace by l.ende�in exe�ising any right ar nmedy sbap nat be a
<br /> _ waiver of or precltxk thc exe�ise of ar�y ag6t or cem?edy. .�rav�����nts of this
<br /> ' 12. Saooesewrs a�Assi6ns�Jai�t aod Seva�s/L.inbUity;C.a�.
<br /> Secarity Instrument stfall bind and be�efit the successors and a�siSns of Lender and Bomnarr,subject tn the provisions of•
<br /> , paragrapt� 17. Bor�ower+cavenams and agreements shall be joint and several.My Bocrowzi who co-siga+this Securiey _
<br /> Insnument but does nat e�ecute the Note: (a)_is co�signing this Security Instntment only to mortgag�grant and convey that
<br /> ` Borrower's interest in the Properry under the terms of this Secority insKrument; (b1�aot persdrtatiq o6ligated tapay the sums
<br /> _ secured by this'Security Instrumen�and(c)agt�ees tl�at 1-ender and any ather Borrower may agree to extend madify,forb�r
<br /> `�. � ar make any accommodations with regard to the temis of thi�Security Instrument or the Note without that Borrower4 . .
<br />- , consen�. —'
<br />:r;�.:.� t3, l.oan Charges, If the loan secured by this Security Instcument is subjeci to a law which setc maximum€oan
<br /> '' .�� cl�arg�,and that law is finalty interpretecl sa that the interest or other loan charg�eaQected o�to be colle.xcx�in eonnection
<br /> • with the laan exceed t�6e p►,'amtted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shalf be reduced by the amount necessary to mdncc
<br /> , - the charge to the pc�mitted limir,and(bf�y sums already collected from Borraxer which eaceeded perrnitted timits will be
<br /> ' nefnnded to Bormwer. l.ender may choose ta make this refund by reducing t6e grincipal owe�us�der the Nate or by making a
<br /> , ; ':� direct payment to Borrower. lf a refund reduces principai.the reduction will be ueated as a part'sal pcepayment without any = ______
<br /> : •prepayment chacge under the Note. _�—"�
<br /> � 14. Notlees. Any notice ta Barrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by detivering it ar�y � �_
<br /> mailing it by fir�t class mail uniess applicable law requires ace of unother methad.The natite shall be directed to the Roperty � ,
<br /> • - Address or any other addres.4 Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender sha116e given by first class ���=___
<br /> .�'' ' mail to L.ender�address stated herein or any ather address lxnder designatcs by norice to 8orrower. Any notica provided for •���?�"'' �_
<br /> - 's in this Security Instrument shull be deemed ta have been given to Borrower ar Lender when given ac pravided in this . .�._.� 'y
<br /> . � P��Ph• . - -
<br /> _ '• "��:=.1::=-
<br /> !.� 15. Governin&l.Aw; SevemAility. Thi�Security Instrument shall be govemcd by federal law s�nnd the law of the �: •::-:r..
<br /> °` jurisdiction in which the Praper.y is located. lo the event that any pravision os clause of ihis Security lastrument or the Nate L:�"'..
<br /> • conflicts with applicable law.such contlict�hall not affect other provisioas of e�is Security i�strument or the Nate which can <.�.�-,—j�,�_
<br /> . be siven effert withaut the conflicting pravitiian. To thi�end the provision�of thi�Security Mstrument and the Note are ,. _..
<br /> .. ;r;.. declared to he s�wcrable. ''..
<br /> - ' 16. Borrowe�'A Copy. Barrower shall be given ane canfurmed rapy of the Note and of thiti Security Instrument. �' �;�-�',7 R.
<br /> 17. 7lranskr ot ihe Propeety or a Benetldal lnterest in Borrow•er. If all or any pan of thc Propeny ar any interext in .
<br /> �: - it is sold or tran.vferred t��f a beneficiai interetit in Burrawer iti sold or transferted and Barrower is nw a natural penan) _„_
<br /> � � " wittwaa t.enderti prior written conscnt.Lender mpy.at its option.ra{uirc immediate payment in full af afJ tiums secured by `�`
<br /> . 't: ' =�5L--
<br /> � �h;s Sz;;arity lastrument. Hawever.this option tihull nnt be cxcrci�ed by Lender if excrci+e ic prohibited by fcderal law ac af -
<br /> �. the dace�f this Security Instrument. . ' •' �
<br /> . • '�� If Lender exercises this option,l.ender�hall give Barr��w•er notice af acceleration. 'fhe notire tihall pravide a period of •
<br /> not lesw than 30days€com thc date the natice is delivcrcd ur mailed within whi.'�Barrower mutit pay all sumr sccuted by thi!� `
<br /> . �; �; ?�; 5ecurity Instrumenw tf Borrower fail� to pay the�c.ums prior tc��he expi:a:ion of this pedod. Lcndet may invoke any r: �
<br /> -;,�,� remedies permitted try thi�Security tnstrument with��ut further nmicc�,r dema�.�on$orrnwcr.
<br /> � 18. Borrower'.g Right to Reinstate. li Barn�wer meets cen:+in conditianv. BonowEr yhAll have the right to have
<br /> enforcemcnt of this Security lnsrrumcnt disamtimrcd at any time prinr ta thc carlier uf: (al 5 days(or such othcr perial a.e •
<br /> ..�, ,
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