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<br /> � ` �' paiods drt L�nda�eq�es. 'tUe ie�uanoe arrier Pa�►i�t6e insucanoe shall be cdc�by Bo�Owe*s�ibject b t�enaer�. � . .
<br /> . appr�ava��fiich�fl not be wre�p�aasDtY whhhetd. If Bactowa hils i4 maintain cavrraEe described a6ove.l.ender asaY.�t ,
<br /> �S s optio�obtain coverage to prolec,K La�dec3 rigbts in the Ptapetty in,�ccor�nce wqh p�a�pk 7. , .
<br /> _ ---�—�-� s3t�tkiss�l�desstanda��atEaB�slsuts._�.�der .-:_—
<br /> sAaU hwvc the d�ht to hold the poiicies�od ienewals. it`Lender nqc�i[es,BorcaF���P�W�Y B�ve to Letider alt ieceipts�.��
<br /> o�paid poem�ums an�!renewaI�ohces. In the event of loss.Boirower shati give prompt i�otice w_the incur�,�e c�irier�nd
<br /> I.ender.,l,ender mry maice poc�f of bss it not made p►omptiY bY Bor►'owat .
<br /> lJnkss L�eoder�od Bomov�er aherwise agnee in writing.insu�ance puceeds shaU be apptied w resw�tion a sepair of
<br /> - the pto�ty danused.if dic�sstaauon Qr iepsir is eannomipfiy fe�'bk and Le�der's�ecuricy is not ksseaed. ;�f t6e-
<br /> � � iescaruian or�ep�ir is rac econon�iwUy fea4ibk or,Le�der's secority would be kssened.the iiauru�ce pm��ah�il be
<br /> applied w.the sums securod by t�is Secarity[n�mrn�,v�hether or�ot.Nar duc with w�y eaccess p�id to Aamwer. If '
<br /> Harowa ab�ndoi�s th�Ptopeny.or does not answer witliin 30 days a notice front L.enEkr that t6e insur�nce caRier has
<br /> oHercd w senk:ctaim.d�rn�i.ender mry cutfoct the insuru�ce p�oceeds. Lender may us�the p�oceeds3u iepair ar t�estore
<br /> tbe Ptoperty oc w psy sum�s secuned by this Secutity Ir�sO�ument.whetlter ar tat then due. The 30-day petiod witl be�in whai
<br /> ,. the notioe is g�vrn. <�
<br /> Ueless Lender and_Bsmower aheiwise agnee in writin8.�nY aPPtiration of proceeds to principat stnll aot extrnd ar
<br /> _ _ postpone the dt�e date of the mantMY PaYme�u nfemd to in paragraphs!and 2 or clm�ge the anxwne of the payaients. If �
<br /> under puagnph 21 the Ikoperty is acquimt by�.BoROwer's right to�ny in.wrance policks ard proceeds rewitinB
<br /> fmm da�nage to the P�ope�ty prior to the acquis�pon sltali pw�ss m l.endcr to the excent of t�e sums secuied by dus SxuritY
<br /> insocammt immcdiatelY Prior to the sPquisition. . �
<br /> _ � �ce�c� pir'eaen'atfos+ Maiate�asce Asd Protection o� tbe.Properly: BorroRer's I�au Apptieatios;
<br /> � . �.•Baaower shall occupy.establish.and use tlx PlvpertY as Boriower's principal�ssidence within siaty day�after
<br /> tlu eaecution of this Seeurity insm�meoc ad sball cauinue to occnpy the P�ope�ty as Borsuwer's priacipal ns�dence fa at ,
<br /> -_ least one.year after the da�e of occupancy. unless Lender otherwise ag�+ees in writing. which cansent shap na 6e �
<br /> wu�easa�b[Y withheTd.or unkss exunnating c�r�a�ns�sces exist whicir�a�+e i�eyond Sormwer's controt. Borrower st�al!nat
<br /> -- destiay�danage or impair the Prape�ty.allow the PtopeRy to dearior�+oG.a commit wa4te on the Pruperty. Bor[ower shail
<br /> ::::$� be in defautt if aay forfeitare action ar pnaceeding.�whetder civ�or ctimu�al.is 6egun that in L.ende►�s gaod faith,'rydgme�n
<br /> - cou1Q result in forfe'rtoce of the property or otherwise materiaity impair the lirn cRated by this Security tnsuument or
<br /> '- �i ' L,ender's security interesx Bortower may cure such a default and reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18.by causing the action
<br /> ix piooeeding to 6e dismissed with a ruling that.in l.endcr's good faith determinatioa,prectudes forfeiture of the BQrrower's
<br /> �:.`� � interest in the Ptoperty or othec material impaim�ent,of the lien c�eated by this Security Instrumem or Lender�s secariry .
<br />-- ipteiest. Borrower shail atso be in default if Borrower. during the loan application process. gdve•materiaily false ar
<br /> inaccurate infannation or statemenlS to l.ender(or faited to provide I.ender with any material infortnatioria in connection with
<br /> the loan evicyenced by the l�ote.including.but �ot limited to.t+epr�esentations canceming Borrower's ceaupancy of the
<br /> • Propecty as a principal residence. (f this Security Instrument is on a leaseholQ Borrower shall compty with all the pravisions
<br /> • of the kase. If Bormwer acqnites fix title to the Progerty,the leasehold a�d the fee tiile shall nat me�e untcss I.ender agtees
<br />:;�_. ' to the merger ia writi�g.
<br /> `.,, 7. proteetbn o�l.ender's Riahts io the Propecty If BorroA�r fails to perfortn the co�enants and ag�+eemen�s
<br /> eo� in ihis Security Insnumea�ar ti�ere is a tegat praceeding that may sigai�cantty affaet l.enders ri_�lus in the
<br /> proeeedina in 6ankruptey,probate.for condemnation or forfeitum or to enfocre iaws nr regutarions),then
<br /> Ptoperty(such as a � .
<br />_ I.ender may do and pay for whatever,is necessary to protect the vatue of the Property and Lender's rights itt the P�operey-
<br /> ' i.ender�s actions may include paying any s+m�s secured by a lien which bas priority over this Security Iastrument,appearing
<br /> in couct,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Although Lender may take action
<br /> � under lhis paragraph 7.Lender dacs not have ta da so.
<br /> � Any amounts disbutsed by l.ender under this paragr�ph 7 shall become addidonal debt of Barrower secured by this
<br /> Security lnstnimen� Unless Borrower and Lender agree ta other terms oi payment,these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> � date of disbursement at the Nate rate and shap be payable,with interest.upo�notice from Lender to Borrower requesting
<br /> . paymen�
<br /> 8' Martgage Iasnranca !f�.ender required mortgage insura�¢��+a conAition of making the toan secured by thiw
<br /> � Security instrument,Borrower shall pay�he premiurr►�ti.requ�red to srra�rain the mortgage insunuue in effect. If.for uny
<br /> reasan.the martgage insurnnce caverage requ�red hy L�ender lap.r•es ar ceases to be in eifecl. Borrower shaU pay the
<br /> ' ' ` p�aniums mquired'to obtaia�coverage substantiatty eyuic•alent ta the mortgage in.surance previoucly in effeca.at a cast
<br /> • . substantially equivalent to the cost ta 8orrawer oP the martgage insurxqce previausly in effect.irom an alteinate martgage
<br /> insurer approved by Lender. 11'subst�nti�lly equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is noe availab'e,Barrower shAll pay to
<br /> � Lender each raanth a sum es�ua!to onc-twel8h of the ycarly mo»gagc inrurance premium beins paxt by Bartnwer when the
<br /> _ '" .insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effecl. l.ender will accept.use and retain thece paymerM-�aw a lass rr�erve in lieu
<br /> of martgage insuronce. Los.4 reserve paymentti may no longer be reyuired.ut the option of Lender.if mortgage insurance _
<br /> � coverage(in the amaunt and for the period that Lender mquirey)provided try an in�urer approved hy Lender Agam becomes =
<br /> ' available and is otitained.Borrower shall pay the premiums rcyuircd t�mainta�n mortgage insurance ia eifect,nr to provide a � -
<br />: ; , i loss reseive.ue�l�i the requirement for mortgage insurnnce cnds in accorclan��e with any written agreearent between�onawer
<br /> ,. ,�. ; and Lender or z,p�Sicable ia�,
<br /> 9 lnspeetion. Lend�.-a or itti agent may makc ceasonablc cntrie�upon and impections of the Propeny. Lender shall
<br /> - �ve Borrower notire nt the cw.^...of ar prior to an in.rpectic���pecifying rc�wnubic cau.e for the in�.pection.
<br /> • 10. Condemnatiat. fi:e praecds nf�ny award e�ctaim for damagev,direct or con�equential.in cannection with any
<br />_ '. � 5ingle Frmiiy..�annk�tadFnddie�tac U�IFI)RSt 1\tiTNC�tfi�7'--l:nifortn Cm�-�;mts 9!!� Ipuxe3 ujB puje.+� -
<br /> � y ' crrar�suo xu.weti+ya+m.tae.■ -
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