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<br /> ��,�ppicaeie la�i►nay`specit�►toF rein�3 6ntone sde bf We propaty p�nt b�og pa�`°E�°�.is�s- .
<br /> � See�ity�h+�ot`(b)�Y c�f��a���!��°�0f' �'M�coodinoas a1e<dnt`Bonv�rer: (s)
<br /> �l.eader alC wm's whicA Wee wouW be due nnder tbis SonaiEY L�+�e�t`a�tbe Nae�s si m accektMio�1�
<br /> e
<br /> __- _��n,��.�.�v defeuh��v+�iu_cova��r�(�P��.�t�s uieu�sd in�nforcio�6 dds Sacu�itY '
<br /> . �_,__..�.��
<br /> � Insa�o�o1.ieciuding.6uE aot 1imi�d:tp.��t�������3uch�ar�xnder-m�re,�east►�--
<br /> � requue b aswre th�t the trc�of this Secwityr t�trun�ent►l.eoder��in tAe F�penY aad Barowes�obiiptioo m p�y 1bc
<br /> euen secared �Y,tl�ia Securiry �t sdit aaHinae mc�nE'ed. UPcn � bY Boaowar, tliit Ser�ty ,
<br /> 1�aod d1t abli�600s secu�sd heiebY sbaU te�n�fvUY ef�'ectirr�as if no aocekratian dd occumed. lio�vtr,�this '
<br /> � ris6t to ra�te s6�liaot�pplj�io We ase af acalaaaba uoderp�h 17• � `
<br /> I! S�le d N�C��e af Lw Ser�iCer. The No�e or:par6al i�xenest in thc Note(togemet with�his Savsiry � .
<br /> Lc�ltmntent)msy be soW uoe ut mo��tima wid�out piat aotice to Bormwer. A s�k p�aY�suh ia a ch�og�in tde e�ily
<br /> (knowa ss d�e"ia�,seivioer"l dut wllaxs moathty.prym�enu due�maer th�Nae�d ttis Securiry insuumem. 7be�e also
<br /> may 6e aae a[mae chaages of dr Ldaia Se�viar artneb�ed to:s�le of the Na�e. U the�is a cT�nge of the Lo�n Se�vioet.
<br /> Boaowa M'Il be giv�wriliea notice af tAe ch�nge in ao�ad�►oe wIth p�ta�aph 14 above aad applic�Aie 1sw. 't6o nutice
<br /> vrn'il sqile d�e q�me�nd add�ess of tUe tkw I�oaa SetvicGr aod the add�ess t6vv6ic�1►payn�e�rs should be inade. 7be notioe vQill
<br /> aiso oo��taiu�t► at6Q mfann�tioo raWiced dY�PP�iaw• �ar relr�se of an
<br /> Z�Ha�ardo�S�ces. Barnwer sLall not c�ue or permit the presei�ce.use,disPosal.staa8 Y
<br /> HazacdaLS Sab�nces on_a ia the Prope�ty. Banower si�ll not do.aor aUow aayone eise to do.anythiog at�ecting the
<br /> - , Ptoperty tfiat is ia vidu�a of aay Envi�amna►tai Laa. 7Le p�cedin8 twa sentenoes sball not apply to the ps�aseuce.use.or
<br /> _ � sto�sge on tbe Ptopeny of s�oill quaotiues of Huardons Subst�ces tl�at are geaeralty ncogaized to be sppropriate w nam�l
<br /> . nsidential oses and to mainten�ace of tbe Ptupeny-
<br /> - � - Samwa s1aU pmmptlY Sive i.ender writtrn aotic�of any investigation.etaim,demyKl,tawsstit or aher actian b�►�Y
<br />- - • garemmental�ngulaturY ag�Y�P'i�P�Y�voiving the Ptopaty and any Haza�dai's��e a EnvimamenW�
<br /> [aw qf which Bamwer ha4 actual Imowledg�. If Ba�mwer teams.a �s notif�ed b}� an�r goYemmental or t�gnlatory
<br /> a�Oriry,Wat any t+emoval a atTxr renx�iation of aay Huudous Substau�ce affecang the Ptv�ettY u�xssa�Y•Barower .
<br />-- �P��Y tste all necessuY amod��1 actiuns in�with Fi►viro�mrc�at I.aw � � : .� =
<br /> =' -- As�ia tbis puagnph 20,"lLu�da�s Substanas"aie t6os+e substuices def��ed as ioxic a[dai�dous sabsWnoes bY -
<br /> ::� FAVir�auna�l Law aad the followiag substances: gasoline,.k�msene.other flainmable u f co�iic peuoleum Products•cozic
<br />_ , pestieides a�d herbietdes.volaale solven�s.macerials canhaining asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioaaive materiats. As
<br />- : • ���g p�p�Z(�^g�vironateat�l Law"means fede�al laws anct laws af the jarixdiction wAtte the ptoperty is tocaud -
<br /> .-�,- that�elate to health,safety or eaviionmental pmtection. . ,
<br /> ' NON=UMFORM COVENANTS. Bomawer and l.ender further�°veaant and agrce as foUows:
<br /> _-'� 21. Ai�oekratjoa;Remedies l.eader siaD give aotice to Borrowtr Pr1ar to accekcatina tdto�vi�i Barrowsr�
<br /> ���•'' brescb d a�covea�mt o�a�reement io t6is SecaritY I�stt�nnKat(but aM prWr fo aaoelerstjos usder para�p�17�. .
<br />.:�.�?S`.:y-
<br /> ,. ,�r: �spqicabte rsR pns�es aber+risi e). Tre noHce skall�ecif�: (s)tbe aera�lt;te)we actia�nn�ired co c�ne uk
<br /> :• ,.: defaai�(c)s dNti iot Ie�tl�e 30 dsys fros�tYe date t6e wotioe�givea t i�the��sa�It i��aoo�eknH�o�d, �
<br /> awedi s�d(d)tYat tai�tto cace tUe deta�lt o�or befor+t t�e date specitied ,
<br />.<;-.$ t6e soas�bq t�5atrit�'I�nL��trun�t�sak o�t6e Property. TYe aotioe shaU f Wrtder iafona Harro�eer o� .
<br />'<1•;A•",•'�. �1!���[!�t!�'l�K�sw���1!�t!O�i l"YYI'���OA�A�tbE o0w'�!�'!'0�S�l�i�10� . .
<br /> ,� � - tl�e sotloe,i.e�dtr at aption nay�req ire immMlate�Iymeat'in ia 1 otaU aua�c sa�red by�tl�is Seco�ity[���t
<br /> '; �vitUoat fhrt�er demaMt and msy iavdce t6e poWer of sak aod aay W6er remedies permitted sy applicabk bw
<br /> � :� t.eader shal!be entitkd to cdlect all acpenses iecurred in parsutog tl�e remedks provldM t�th�a par�pb 21,
<br /> inciudiag,but not limitti�to.reasonsibk attorne's•tees nad costs ot titk evidenca —
<br /> If tlie power at sate ts invoked,7lrasta shall rscorA a notk�e ot detaull in eacb county in whkb aay paA o�t6e —
<br /> o e
<br />- praperty b IocAted and sNall nw�copies oi sach notice in the manaer presc�ibed by applicsDk la�r to Borrawer aad to
<br /> the dl�er persoit4 Preseri6ed by applicabk la�v ARer the time requlrM by applicabk law,Trn�ta sdsA�ive p�blic
<br /> notke ot ank to the persaes and io the mnnner presccibed Dy applkabk Is�ws 'I�u.�tee+without denw�ad oa Borrmrtr,
<br /> sraH sdl the Pfoptrty at pablic auctioe to the big6es!bidder at t6e time And piaee sund uader tUe tmns desi�sated in
<br /> � the notice oE sak in one or more parcds and b any order'Ilrustea determines. 7lrasta mny postpone sak o�sll oe a�y
<br /> :;:,,;• parcel ot tl�e FropertY bY Public aeeoox�ment at the time aad p[ace ot any previously sd�sdukd sak l.endee ot ft� _
<br /> ::;;:"". desigaee ma3 purchase t�e Propertp at any sala =_
<br /> - � Upoa receipt of pAywmt ot the peke bid.7lrastee s6a11 d�6ver to the purchaser Trusta's deed caaveying ti�e _
<br /> p��y, '��aitafs Q tbe'ilrustee•s deed shall be�rima tack evideece ot the trutb ot the statemenfs mAde therein. _
<br /> .: 71►ustee s6a11 aPP�Y t�W'��°�the sAte in the folluwtng arder. (a)ta pll costs and expenses ot exercising tbe powe� _
<br />�� .. . . , -
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