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<br /> � `TcicE'i�lFR Vvm�au we improvemaus aow �i,ereatrere�.yed a a�ddiHo�s6�u�it.wyee�" dns'�__Sec�t�c.�"Y' . °
<br /> " aod futuc�s aow a�er a part of tlia poperty . � _ <
<br /> ._ Ia�ent. M of the foKgang Is ieferrW ttr iat tpi�Savrity Instraaknt�a t6e"FtvpMy"; ._ ;
<br /> �` � ------ =80RROWFR COVBNANTS ihu Boimwet�S lav�y seued of ft�e�-�ebY oa�veyo�an�has di�r��►t tcf�**• - .
<br /> � - md canvey thr Pta�pMy atd that d�e P�perty is wKncum6�nd.e�uxpt fa encumbturcGS of�cord. �o�mwer wuiants md -
<br /> rviU defead ga�ratty►the 6tle ta tbe Ptoperty against ail cUiims aad demandp.subjxt ta any ericumbrances of ra.�ocd., .
<br /> TIiIS SECUItI7'Y INSIRUMQST combines unifam cova�ants fa aaUonal ase and nai-unifam covemnts Mnth < .
<br /> . �d variatimsby juhsdiexian io constin►ta a nnifonn s�surity msCnttnen�coYainB�p'�P�nS'• • , � -. .
<br /> UNIPORM C�VENI►NTS. BoROwa aod Lender covtn�at aad agt+te as t'oUovr� . . � when due the `
<br /> � i. P�jwe�t d PrLd�l awi I�;Pnp�J�nt s�d La1�e CYtrtes' 8armw`er sh�U P�'omP�Y P�Y
<br /> I = principai of aad interest on the debt evideaced by_the Note and anY P'�PaY�►t a�d lau cdar8es due urder the Nate. ,
<br />_ ; — •i I�1�Ms tK'13�ies si Iawac� Subjxt to ppplicabfe taw or w a wriuen waiver_by l.ender,Baruwer sl�al!pay w
<br /> L�der as�the dsy moothlY WY�ue due�nder the Note.unul the Not�is paid in fuQ,a sr�m("FuMs"�for:Ca)Y�Y
<br /> ; qxes aad ass�eats which may attain priotity ov�t6is Sceuriry�t as a lien oa tLe Propecty:(b)Ya�lasemld
<br /> _ p�yuwo[s ar ground rents on tf� P�ape�ty.if anY (c)Y�Y�a P��'�Y's�-"'�=p�mituns; td) Y�Y fl�,
<br /> . + inw�e p�naiams,if any: (e)Y�Y�f��1��•��and(fl anY �P�ri�bY Bomowa w
<br /> "_.� � t of e insurat�ce pmniums• Th�s�
<br /> l,mder.in a�cc�dance with t1�e povisians of parag�aph 8.in liw of the payman , mo�t8a8
<br /> ° � items arc callod"Ese�ow Ictms.".Laider may.at aay time.coltect aad tald Fwids sn an amount nat to excad tbe muimnnt
<br /> j ' amo�nt a M�dec far a f�decally rel�tod moctgaBe loan may tequiae for Bamwer's escrow srcount under the foder�l Real
<br /> F�SWte SeWement ptoceduc�es Act of 19�4 as ameaded itom time to wne.12 US.C.§26bi et srq.("RESPA").unless another
<br /> � law t1�aE applies to the IinWs sets a�Iesser amoun� If so.Lendec maY,at ang citae,collect and hotd Cvnds in an amouat not to
<br /> � m
<br /> ' � excoed the lesser artaunt.' l�endes may estimate tbe a�nn�nt of Fands due aa ES►e basis of curcent data aad �nwsaabk
<br />--,}'� estimat.es of expenditures o€futune Escrow Items orothawise in ac � with applirable law. -
<br /> `` � 'Il�e Fa�ds shali hc held in an a�stim6oa whose deposits ar�iasiuod by a federal aSencY•insttumenia[iry,ar e�aritr
<br /> � (including L.end�.i�Lender is such�insaaHon)oc ia any Federal�ne l.uan Bank. Lender siwU apply the Funds co PaY
<br /> � tUe Esc[ow Iterns. I.a�der may not charSe Borrower for holding and�thc FLnds,"-anaually analyzing the escraw �
<br /> �- i accoont,or verifying Ibe Fsccow�Items, untess Ixnder PaYs BoaoAec i�r:�:pr►the Fundc ac�appl�cable law permits �. _ .
<br /> Lender w make such A charge. However.Lemter may reqnire Borrax-�ss 6�ay.a oae-time chazge for an independent real
<br /> `T- � : estate ta�t nP'��8 servIce used by Len�er in connection with ttus toa�,u�ies��pplicabte law pcnvides oiherwise. Unless an ' _�--
<br /> ,. �..
<br /> _' f . ageement is�ade or applicable law requires ititetest to be paid,Lerdec st�aat 6e teqahtd ta pay Bamowa any in�� �. _
<br /> eamings on the Fvnds. Borrower and l..ender may agr+oe in wnhng,�owever,that interest shall be paid an the Funds. LeaBes �_,,,.�
<br /> ' ��," � . : sl�all give to Borrower;without charge.an annual accounting of the Funds.s�owing ciedits and debits w tl�ee Funds and ihe =_-_---
<br /> -i .; � . pu�pose for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are ptedg�as addirional sccurity for aii sams secured by - __._
<br /> — this Secudty lnshumea� • �
<br /> - •�`�- ' If the Funds held by Lender exseed tne amounts pem�iued w be held by applicable law. Lender shail accoma-to
<br /> Bormwer for the excess Funds in accc�danc�with the re�Nmemen[s of applicable law. U the amount of the Funds held Q�
<br />'y . N'~�`. Lender a�any tune is not sufficieni to PaY thc 8sczow Items when due.Lender may so no6fy Borrower in writing.acsd.in ��.
<br /> _ � f such c�se Ba�rower shail pay to Lender the amoant nec��sary to maice up d�deficIency. Bomawer stall make up the _
<br /> � deficien�y in no more than twelve montiJY D?Ymencs,at i.ender§soie discre6on. � _ -----
<br /> ^ i Upon PaYment in full of all sums sec red by t3�is Securiry Instrument,Lertder shall promgtly refund ta�o�wer any �.: ---.-_
<br /> ;�,�'.,��.� ' Funds heTd by Lender. If.under paragaph 21.Lender shall acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prior to flie scqaisitIon or ���:--
<br /> , i
<br />� :;{,;i`�"°,' ,- . ; sale of the Property.shall appiy any Funds hetd by Lender at the time af acquisition or sale as a c7edit against the sums _ °•��;
<br /> �''t�:iw'�� " ���t,l.
<br /> . ;�., � secured by this Security L�strument. __
<br /> ;��- _ : � 3. App1icallon ot Pl�yments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise,all payments received by Lender under _
<br /> •� paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepaytnent charges due under the Nae:second,to amounu payable under _
<br /> - paragraph 2;third.to interest due:fourth,to principai due;and last.to any lace charges due under the Note. . __
<br /> 4. Char�es; Lieas. Borruwer shall pay aA taaes, assessmenu.charges.fines and impositians amibutable to the . ,�
<br /> '��': property whicb may attain priority oves this Secunty Instrumenti and leasehold payments or ground rents,if any. Horrower _ v
<br /> ;;;:;> shalf pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shail pay them on . ::_•�
<br /> tim�directly to the persan owed paymen�. Borrower shaU promptly Pumish to Lender aU notices of amounis to be paid under
<br />� th;s paragraph. If Borra»�er makes these paymenGg di r e c t ty.Borrower s ha l l pre�s,p t ly fu mish to Lender recei pts evidencing �_ _
<br /> � - the payments. ,�
<br /> Barower shall promptly discharge any lien which has prioriry over this Secur�ty Instrument unless Bo�saa+er:(a)agrees . J
<br /> - in wriring to the payment of the abligation secured by the lien�n a e:�anr�r acceptable to ixnder;(b)wntesta in good faith d�e , .-
<br /> . lien by,or defendq against enforcemenl af the lien in.legal proc�dings which in the Lender's opinion aperate ta prevent a�se� _„ _
<br /> ��'+ enforcem.°nt of the lien;or(c)secures from thc holder of the licn an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordsnating the Iien , �
<br /> to this Security InstrumenG It Lendes determines that any part of the Property is su bjert to a lien which may attain p dorit y •
<br /> • _ ovee th�s SecUriry Instrument.Lender may glve Boaower a notice identifying/he lien. Bortower shall satisFy the lien or take
<br /> %,. , one or more of the�ction.s set forth a6ove within l0 days of the giving of notice. ._ •
<br /> X'�;�' ; 5. Hazud or Property l�ur�aca Borrower sh�ll kcep the improvements now exiser.�a or hereafter ere,cted on ahe
<br /> �'w~ •�,�;r.:;� PropeRy i�:sured against loss by fire.Ctazards includtd within ihe tertn"extended coverage"a��any other hazards.including . .�
<br /> �''' ' . . floods oa tlooding.fa�which l.ender requires insurance. 7i�is insurance shall be maintained in the a.�nounts and for the
<br /> _.�,;,, ���, Fore�3�ls �'!f lyage2u16Pr+Rr�l -4'- ---:
<br /> '•�-,y .;•' .
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