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<br /> , �cundtma�tiaa ur aRher talciag of any�pmrt of t6ie Ptepekty.or fix canvey�u�o�ie`lieu af cademnation,a�e heabi!usi8►�d?nd ,
<br /> `s2w1!be paidtoLc�tdes. . - ` ` : `. �
<br /> - -- • L . - o.. .�..�, ..:�6�._�ru��ten. �iM.nnv_watc chatl dY.__aYr�trlit�F_LO_[�iG �tF1ll�S��tl!!S$�11[lCy.-- — - '
<br /> . . , ais-iuc c�via►v�o�irn.a p••• r '�• r
<br /> Ia�tu�txn�whether or no4 ttiea dne.wiW any excess paid w�ortower. Isi the evrnt of a parti�l taking of thc ptoperty i» �
<br /> Wt►ich tl►e fair marlcet value of the Propercy.immedutelY befa+e the taking is e9ua(to or greatrr than the�nwunt of the sums _
<br /> `,securcd 6y this,Security In.atrument immcd�auty befa+e tl�e takieg.unless BamaWrer and l.ender utberwise ag�ee in writing, .
<br /> � � the siuns secuml by this Sscuriry Tnsp'utaent sha11 be t�eiluce8 by the antamt of the proceods mu�tiplied by the fdiowing <
<br /> fracuoir. (a)tNe wtai amount of th�sums seaurd imme�iately befaE the raYing.dividod 6y itsf d�e f�ir m�ricet vattie v�tfte -
<br /> Ptape�ty immediateTy befae tba tal4ng. Aay baiance s�al!be paid to 8orrower. In ehe event of a parti�i taiting of t6e. �
<br /> praperty in wtiich tix fair mxrker vafue ot the Property immediately before the t��►8 is tesa than the anwunt of tUe sums•
<br /> secu�ed immediately 6eforr the saking;unless Bormwer and Lender othon�irise a�rc it►writin8 ar�+rnless applicabk taw
<br /> . otf�i,�se prov;aes,a,e proceeds shatr be apptiea co u,�e smns secmea bythis seauity lnswmer,t wliettxr aF not a,e su,ns ar�e
<br /> .tben due � '
<br /> � If the Pruperty is abandoned by Boimwer.or if.after notice 6y Lecider w Borrower t6at the cortdemnor affers to malce
<br /> • an awud oc�a ctaim for damages.9orrower fails to nspond to Lender within 30 days after tke date dx notioe is given,
<br /> -- • l,e�der is uu�fo�z�w coUect and apply the prooeeds,at its option.either to resfaration or repair of the P�operty or tQ the
<br /> - _- . sums savrcd by this Security Instnuner►t,whetl�er or not then due.
<br /> -- Unless I.ender and Borrower od�erarise ag�ee in writing.any appiieation of proceeds to principat'shall not extend or
<br />'�_-3:. ,
<br />_- • postpoa�the dua date of the manthly payments tefeaed to in parag�aphc i and 2 ar change the amaunt of such paycnents. �
<br />— 11. Barr+u�rer 1�tat.Rete�sed; Forl�yrana By I.ender NM a Wiuver. �xtens�on of the time for payment or
<br /> �= — modificationof amortizatian of the sums savred by this Security Instrumerst granted by Leader to any successor in inoercst ,
<br />==`�; of Rixmwer sMali not vperate fo�lease the fiability af the arignat Borrower or Bamwers svccasors in intenest.I.ender
<br /> ;� sha1��ot be iequiiul to commence procetdings again�t any successor io inte�est or refase to extend time far payment or
<br /> .�,,.c`: , athervvi.se modify amoRizatiQn of the sams secuned by this,Securiry instrument by reasoe of any demand made by the orig�nal
<br /> ''n�_• ;Bortower or Bamwer's successots in interest. Any forbeacance by l,ender in exercising any righc or remedy shall not be a
<br /> -_ waiver of or pnxlado the exen�jse of any right or remedy. '
<br />- ,A.i i� Suoces�ors aad Assigos 8ound;loint and Several Lia6ility;Co�signees. The covenants and�greements of this __
<br />- ` Security fnstrument shall bind and benefit the succes.sors and assigns of Lender and Bor'rower.subject to the provisions of
<br /> - pa�agtaph !7,Basrowers covenants and ag�ements.stiall be jaint aud several.Any Borrower who casigns thts Security =_
<br /> Insuument but does not execute the Note: (a)is co-sig�ing this Secarity[nstrument only to mortgage.srant and convey that
<br /> Bacrower's interest in the Propertp under the temu of this Security Instrumen� (b)is not personalty obligated ta pay the sums =_ __
<br /> � . secured by this Secwity Tnstrument:sutd(c)aarces that LeQder and any other Barrawer may agree to extend.madify.forbear --v—
<br /> _ .,3'" ' or make any accommodations witb regacd to the terms of this Secunty InStrument or the Nate without that Borrowers �-�.�-
<br /> .. coaseru. _= -
<br /> ' • 13. Loin C�arges. If the loan sccured by tAis Security Instn�ment�.5 subject to a taw whicb sets mauimum loan
<br /> � shacges.and that Iaw is finatty+nterpceted so that ihe interest or aher Iw�n charges coltected.or to be coilected in connection
<br /> � with the loan eaceed the pecmitted lemits.then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> ' •r, { !; .. . "the c�arge to the permittcd limi�and(b?a�ty.sums already coilected from 8orrower which exceeded permitted limits wilf he
<br /> refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose.w make this refund by reducing the principat owe�d undar che Note or by making a
<br /> , - direct payment to Borrower. if a refund redaces Qrincipal,the ieduction wiU be treated as�paicial prepayment without any �_----
<br /> pmpayment chacge under the Note. '`�"�'--�';.-
<br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Securiry In�trument shall be given 6y delivering it or by ~';:.�;�_
<br /> � mailing it by fin-t clacs mail unless applics�ble law requires use of another method.The nvtice shaU be directed to the Property .�:;��;>�,;
<br /> � Addc�ess or any other addresa Borrower designates by notice ta Lender. Any notice to l.ender shal!be given by first class �
<br /> - mail to LenderS addresti stateQ herein ar any other address Lendex designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for ��:� _,_.,_
<br /> ;:� c�_.'•
<br /> in this Securiry Instrument shali be deemed to have been given ta Borrower ar Lender when giveo as pravided in this ,__„-
<br /> :, � . �,
<br /> � p 15 Gaverniag Law;Severability. Thi�Security tnstn�ment shall be gavemed by federal!aw and thc law of ihe � � ' :, ;:•;�'
<br /> jurisdiction in whicb the Praperty is tocated. ln the event that any provision or clause af this Security(nstrument or ihe Note _y
<br /> - . ' conflicts with applicable law,such conflict tihall not affect other pravisian�af[his Security tnstrument or the Note which cAn
<br /> . •'-•�, he given effect without the conflic[ing provision. To Ihis end the prov�sions of thix Security lnstrum�nt and ihe Note are '••
<br /> declared to be severable. ��,t"�
<br />. � 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower xhall be given one confarmed copy of�he Note sind af this Security lnstrument. ..
<br /> 17. 7ranster of the Property or a Benetidal lntecest in Rorruwer. lf aD or Any pan af the Prapeny or Any interest in - -'=s=.
<br /> ' it is sold or transferred(or if a beneGciai interest ir� Borrower is wld ar transferred,and Borrower is na1.a natural percon) • ��f• �-.�
<br /> � • without Leaderx prior wriuen con.cenl.Lender may.at its option.require immediate payment in i'ull af all sums secured by ' .• �t
<br /> . ��� this Security Instrumen� However.this option shatl nat be exercised by Lxmder if exercise is prohibited by fed�rai taw as af �:��
<br /> • the date of this Security lnstrument.
<br /> . • - If[.endcr exercises�his optio�.Lender shall givc Bur�uwcr notice of acrelemtion. The noticc shaq provide A period of - -
<br /> � not tess than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrower mutit pay all sums secured by thiti •
<br /> �F�' Security lnstrument. li Borrowcr failti to pay thcse xumr prior to the expiration of thi� periad. Lendcr may invoke any ,
<br /> ' , remedies pennitted by this 5ecurity tn+trument without further aoticc or demand an Barwwer.
<br /> , �i 18. Borrower's Right to Relnstate. lf Boaower mects cenain condition�, Borrower>hall have�he right to have ,
<br /> enforcement of thic Secudty Instrument di�continucJ at any timc pri�r to thc carlicr��f: 1a15 dayx(�r such o�her periad a.r•
<br /> �� •"3;',� , Singic Family--tanek�faelFreddk Nac 4�IF(IRSt I�tiTR��tF:�7'--L'nifurm C�n•cnant� 9190 �p�iAC J o)n pi,te.0 ;. • �
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