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' • - ` . <br /> t P�r�ods that Le°der ioqm�es. �'he�nsurrace c�iei pm�►idin8 the ins�uaoce sBall bt chosen by BoR�wu subjxt w Lender� . <br /> app�av�l which sha11 na be�mnasaoahiy wetbt�eM. if BartoweF faiis co m�intain cover�ge d¢scribed a6nve..l.eader� - ` - <br /> -- - -. -• -Lef�der's optiosR ebl8in coverige to p�oted Lender's rig6ts tni��rapeitX�si acca+d-a�ice wtith P�S�M!= - ,� - _ <br /> � A!I insu�ance pol�cies and rrnewals ahatl6e Leederand shall inciude a standand masgage cfausc�Lender <br /> shalllwve.the right ta'hold die pulicies and muwaLc. If l.e�dsr�ines.Bortower shat!pc+'anptly g"►vc to I.eoder all rcceipts ` <br /> - . ` :of p�d premiums and�eaewat nopces, tn the evwt of ioss.Bamwe*shafl give pmaipt notice to the insurance c�rricr aed , . <br /> =t,ei�deG Lendermsy make praofo€Wss i€not made pr�nPdY 1sy-$on�uwe:. : - , - - <br /> Unkss Leodes and Bamwet oWtrwise aga in writing.insu�anc�proceeds shaU be apQlied w nstaation or repair of <br /> the ptnperty damaged.if the restaati�or npair is ecawmically feasi6le and I.enders serurity is not te�stned. lf 1he <br /> �storatipt or not econwnicaliy feasibte or Lender's secunry would 6e l�d.tGe iasurance pracceds sl�al!he <br /> applied w th�sums�ed by this Security[nstnm�ent,wt�ethes or aot then due:with any excess paid to B¢rtawer. If <br /> Bamwer abandons the_�rope�tY.or does noE aaswec veithin 30 days a�wtice fram L.ender that the insurance carrier has <br /> . offered w settk a elwn.ttxn i.endec.may coltect the insurance p�s. lxndes may use the proceeds to nep�air or resture <br />- �be Property or to pay sums secured by tUis Socurity Insmiment,wb�t6er ar nnt then due. The 30=day penod wiU begin when <br /> the notice is g'iven. _ " � <br /> `� Unless,l,ender wd Bomawer otheryvise agnre in writing,any applicativa of pmceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> -- postpone tUe doe date of the monM1Y PaYments cefeued to in paragraphs i and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If <br /> -_ under Qaragraph 21 the Propecey is acquired by Le�er,.Borrower's right to any insurance poGcies and procecds iesulting <br />--=- from damage to the Pcopertg pnar to the acquisiuon shaIt pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secared by Wis S�urity <br /> —. - Instrumrnt immediately prior ta the acquisidon. <br />- 6, Oe�paucy, Presetvatloo. Mainteaance And Pnotection'of the PropaRy; Borrawer�'Loan Application; <br /> Lea�fiolds, Borrower stialt occupy.establisl�,and use itie Ptoperiy as�orrower g PnaCtpal�idepce within su[ty days aftei � <br />-_�• �•; ::.the sxecutiar of tbis Seeurity tnstrumem aiid shall continue to oeeap�.the p�,��ecty as Boirawrr's principal msidence for�t . <br />-��- �''ieast one year after�the date of ocenpancy, unles.c Lendee athecwise'ag�ees in.writing, whicfi consent;shaA na be <br /> = ..�:;.�unrcasonably.withheld.or unless extenuating c�rcum.stances e�ist whict�aie beyond Borrower�conael. Boriov►�:shall not <br /> - - . .:'.s�estrop.damage or impair the Pt+npercy,altow tha Ptapeity to deteriardtet:qr commit ws+ste on the Ptoperty. •Boitoi4er shall . <br /> be in default if arty farFeit�ne action or proi�eding,whether civit br ecimmal,is begun that in L.ender's good faith judgment <br /> could n�sult[n forfeiture of thc Praperty_or od►erwise materialiy impair.the lie�created by this Security lnstrument or , — <br /> _ � Lender's security intec�es� Borrower may caQe sucT�a defauit and re"mst3te;av�provided iit paregcaph! cansing the action - � <br /> or proceeding to 6e dismissed with a niling that,in i.ender's gaod faith d'eteisi�inatiop;precludes forfeiture of the Borrower's <br /> fnterest in the Ptaperty or other materia! impairment af the lien created by this Securiry (nstrument or Lender�security <br /> interesL Borrower shall atso be in default if Borrower. during the Ioan applicarion pracess. gave materially false ar <br /> iaaccurate iaformation or statemen�s to Lender tor faited to provlde Lender with any materia!infarmatton)in connectian with = — <br /> ' the taan evidenced by the Note, inctuding: Dut not timited to. rep�sentatians conceming Hurtawer's arcupancy af the <br />'��;, cr Anperty as a principal residence. If this Security lnstrument is on a leasehold.Borrower shall comply witb all the provisions <br /> �� of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Proper[y,the leasehold and the fee titte shall not merge unless Lender agrees <br /> ta the merger in writing. . . <br /> ' . . ?. Y►+otection of i.ender'.4 Rights in t1K Propert3. It Borrower fai}s to perform the co�enantti and agreements __ <br /> . contained in this Security�men� or there is a.iega! proceedi�that may signi�cm�tly affect Lender's rigi�ts in the __ <br /> Property(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy.probate,far condemnadon or forfeiture ar to enforca taws or regulations),then � � ,_ <br /> � ' Lender may do and pay for whatever is necessary to protect the value of the Prapeny and I.ender's rights in the Property. �- <br /> Lender�actions may include paying any sum.s secured 6y a lien which hAS priarity over ihis Security Instrument,appearing �,�?����' <br /> � - in court.paying rearonabte attameys'fees and entering on the Prupeny to make repairs.Although L,ender may take action �i;;{a°.�::�;`:_ <br /> �' under this h 7.l.ender dces not have to do so. <br /> P�B�P '+�=`_����:.: <br /> ' . � Any amounts disbuned by Lender under thi.t paragraph 7 shall bewmc additiana!debt of Barrower se�ured by this _;:�: �.-;:_�,,. <br /> � Security Instrument. Unless Borrawer and l.ender agree to ather.temts of payment.theye amoums shall 6ear interest from the ;':_;�,.;,:�`.-- <br /> date of disbursement at the Nate rate and sha116e payable,with intere�t.u�n natice fram Lcmder to Borrower reyuesting {•�--r:,;_-- <br /> payment. <br /> & Mortgage In,cusance. If Lender reyuired mortgage in�urance as a canditian of making�he toan secured by this <br /> Security lnstrument,Bortower shall pay the premiums rcyuired to maintain the martgage insurartce in effec� if,for any - _ <br />_ . rea�on, the mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses�or ceotie� to be in effect. Borrower sfiall pay the , � -� <br /> • 'z• premiums required to obtain wveragc substantiully cyuivalero n�the mnrt€age in�urance previously in effect. at a co�t , <br />- , substandaUy equivalent to the cort to Borrower af the martgage insurance previau�ly ia cffect.fram an altemate mangage ' � ' <br /> insurer a roved b Lende�. If subtitantiall e uivalent mart a e insurance eovera e is nc►t Available.�orrowershaU a to �;:�'���"�a�c"',. <br /> PP 9 Y N s F S p'y . 1,,. . <br />� Lender euch month a sum eyual to anc-twelfth of thc ycady mortgage insurancc premium bcinb paid by 8orrower when the ��;:r ;��;:�r <br /> ' insurance wverage lapsed ar cc��.�cd t��Uc in cffcct Lendcr will:�ccepl..use and retain the�e payments as A lass rescrve in lieu ' '�-�;' <br /> ' of morlg:�ge inxuruace. l.oss reservc paymen�c may na tanger be rryuirc�.at thc option of Lender.if mangage insurance ��'•��•� <br /> _.:.i.;�- : <br /> . coveragc(in the sunaunt and for thc per�al thut Lcnde�rcquirc�)provided by an inrurcr approveci by l.ender again becomes �. ,.t; <br /> s avnilnble and iz abtained.Barrower shall pay ihe prcmiums rcquired ta maimain m��ngage in�uranre in to providc a , . i <br /> ' ��� loss reserve.until the requirement for mortgAge insurance end�in aca�rdanrc wilh any written agrcement between$urrower �'��''" - <br /> , and Lender or appticable iaw. � . <br /> � . - 9 ltespection. l.c.nder or it.r:�gent may make rca���nvhle entrie�utx�n and in�pcction�of the Praperry. L.cnder tihall • • <br /> � give Borrower natice at the time af or pri��r to hn intipectinn�pecifying r��awnabte c:�utie for�he intpeciion. , <br />" )�� 10. ['aqdemnatiun. Thr pr�ced�aF:my uw�rd or claim far damagcs.dircct oi cumcqucn� cc�nncction with:�ny <br />,; � ,_ . <br /> Singtu f:u¢ily--i'nnnic Nndl�rcQBir�lac t'�1F(1R�f l�ti'fNC�1P:Y1'--l'i�il„nn Cuar�cmt. 9/90 �pucr?u(I�rru¢r�� • . <br />, , . .Y at. IRtI�Wl"�PII�IIMiV FIQIII�.IIIC . . , . <br /> TolNnrr 1:a0 UtNA�:;�f►lY,i!q�7 VA1t rIfF7�1t•11:f1 ... ' <br /> a � - <br /> -- .. __ '�t�a�'���_ :; �.. : , <br /> .,.�.�:. <br /> .. - _... <br /> •— l�"""'"'..,�.m._.r_, ..__ ..._. ._ .. . .. . _... . _. .... ... ._ . . <br /> , :i,t _ . ' � � � . , � � � - � . . . . . . ' . ' . � . ' " . <br /> ., � � �` a � .. . . ' �. � . . ' . . . . . . . � � .. , .. . . <br /> '. -..-.. . . . � � . • � <br /> . a .._• - .. • . _ . . . . . <br /> -'°-�•:�r'+ ' <br /> , .'�.�+;'�;,.5;. ... , . . ' � , . � : . • <br /> , R_' • . ' . 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