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<br /> � • � �rW�t}�v�►�oc�Y ior rei�temau)b�a�e s�1e of the Ropacy p�awo�tQ�ny povva of s�i,e�d�mis :
<br /> --- -_-- ----$��►�oF(b�a�[of s judgmenc eafawrri 1Ns- -— Ia�rwnau._Those condi6ong ue tia[Barowa: (�) -
<br /> � -
<br /> . - pays Lasdet aIl sums whidt thea waatd 6e due uader this S�ent`aod�Nd�e as-t�tw a�6s�1__ __
<br /> occv�N)�aay def�lt of any ot6aroovenwts or agroeme�(a?WYS�1�!ezpenses inrutred in enfo�ciag this�ocarity
<br /> _ • IasOn�o�i�t�diag,.ba�aot limited w.reasonable attarneYs�fas;aad(�t�l�.s snch utita�as Iander may tasa�nabty
<br /> ieqai�w assure tliat t�e lien of thi.s Ser�uity insor+m�a�t.��eader�s rig6ts in tLe Pmpaty a�rd Bormwer'�obligatioa to pay tt�
<br /> swas��ecu�M by tlris'Saurity Iostcumatt sbaU t�oatin�e u�aoged• UPon�in.�,hy.Boao�a=this Satiuity. _
<br /> -. Iasuument and the obli�sataed tiaelsy stnll r�n�in►fnliy effective s�s if�o acceleratian l�ad occuRed. However.tNis. :
<br /> � rigbt to teia�tate s�aU na apply m the ca5e of acoelaatian underparagraph 19.
<br /> � 1! Sak af Nate;C�a�e.of Loai Serrker. The Note or a partial dntenst in the Note(toged�er with tlris Savdty _
<br /> � lasaw�t)maY be soidme a mae times without pria naice w Bonower. A sale may cesnit in a change in the eatiry
<br /> � :(known as the"l.o�n Serviar")that collacts monthtY PaY�tc dua�mder tl�e Nde aod t6is Securiry Iactrumet�t. 7'6ere aTsa ,
<br /> -- msy be oae ar mone cDaages of the Loaa SeEVicer untelued to a sale af tha Nwa. tf tBeca is�chau�ge af the Lou►Servica, ,
<br /> -- Bonowet vv71 be�iven writteu notice of the clwtge ia accotdaooe with paragiaph 14 abova and appticabk taw. Tlre ndice ,
<br />— w�I snte the a��ad ad�ess of the new Loao Se�viaer aod tUe addcess to which payments sGo�ild 6e made.The notice'will
<br />,,.`'' also ooetaiu suiq atberinfarmatian raNi�od b3►aPPlica6te law.
<br />_�� 2� Aat�io�s S�tascn. Borrower shaU not rause ut pe�mtt tLe praenct.use.disPosal,stora8e•or�+etease of any
<br />���� Hazallo�i�sy,S��u6ss�nces on ar in,4he PlopertY. Bamwer shall not do.:nor attow anyone tlsc m do:anything�ffecunE tl�;.-
<br />:.:�7G;'� — FI�ILy{W�LS IFI YI�OII��F.��L1w. Tt�e pra�ding iwo seatsaoes shall nar a�pply to t6e pcesencG ase;�.--. . .
<br /> =-=� storage on tbe�Ptopetty of sm�ll qoanuries of H�ardous Sub.sta�tcts tttat are geneialtY re�ogaized�o be agpropriate to ta�ma� ..: —
<br />-�t.:`-` nsideatial uses and to msmtenaace of tiie Pmpecty. .. . ..'.' .
<br />-3--� Bamwer sh�tl P�P�Y 8iV4 t.ender writtrn.nocia of any invesciga�on,claicn,demand.lawsuni or aber acaan hy any � -
<br /> ��'__ � gova�l or ngulata€y agmc�►a privata pa�ty involving the Pmpetty and aay Harardau.s Snbstanct or Fnvironmental ---
<br />_ .,�
<br /> -�:.F - Lavv a�whicb'Barowa has�ctual luwwlodge.. If Bomuwer le�ms,or is rwqfied bY �Y Bavemmental a reSa atorY
<br />`•^`�':'a aut�aut�+,;t�at any ta�wval ar other reu�iadon of any Hazaidoas Sabstance affecdng tUe Ptopecty is naes.�ry.Harower , , --
<br />...e,�F..i. '
<br /> ���P'�P�Y taice ail�mt�diai actioas in accordan�e with Environmental Law. -
<br /> As used in this par�apii 20."Ha7ardous Substances"are tbose substances defined as touic or ha7ardous substances by =-__.--_-
<br /> • " Envirnnmental Law aa�ttie foliawing substances: gasotine,kemsene,othe�'�bte or toaic peunleum products,toaic . ��4
<br /> . � pesticides and UerbicTd'es:.volab'te solveatc.niater�ats sontaining as6estos ar famiat�hy�.and sadioaetiva mateeials. AS . ' --- -
<br /> usod in thi�par�grap�Zp,^Fmvironu�ental Law"meazis federal l aws and laws of the junsdicpon where the Ptoperty is tocated ��-_`w=-
<br /> � �. that relate w he,�ItIR safety vr�tvi�eival,protecdon. • ' s-r m--
<br /> , . � NON-1JNIFORM COVENAlV1'S..Horrower and Lender further covenant and agree as foI[uWS: . _�
<br /> �` 2 L A c c e l e r a d o e;S e m e d k s. I.t a d e r s 6 a U g i r e a o t t c e t o B o r r o w e r p r i o r t o s c o d e r a t l o R fdbwi n s Boerower's. -----__-
<br /> ,. 6raic�ot auy cove�at c�r apzemeat ia this SecWrlty Imtr�a�eat tbat aot prior to ac+ceter�tbo under p�r�pb 17 ��
<br /> - , rdps spplieabk bw provtdes ot6erwise). '!'he notke slup specity: (a)tUe detaalt:tb)th�aetian rrc9aired to cure thee �---
<br /> defaWt;(e)a dst�aot kss tbAn 30 days trom the date the notke is given to Borcower,by whtcb the det�Wt must 6e ���_
<br /> curod;and(d1 ttiat tsilu�+e to care the defauN on or be[ore t6e date speaifkd in t6e�c�tee msy rank ia srccekratios ot ---
<br /> . . tbe soms stcarM by t1�Security la4trumeat and ssk of t6e Property. Tbe notiee shaN tarther ietonn Borrmree of �F�
<br /> .. t6e rig6t to niastate atCt�accekration aad tbe rlght to briag n coart frction to assert the noa�ten�e d a default oe ��_:_
<br /> � aey atber defeose ot Bo�owee to accekratioo aad sAla If t6e default is not aued on or betore tbe date specitkd in
<br /> ' ��� t6e nottce,Len4er at iis optbn nwy require i��ediate payment in tull dalt 9nas secured by this Security lnstrnment �
<br /> � �vithoat ta�t6es demaad and ma� imrotce the poWer oi sak and any otl�er cemedies permitted by appliqble law ����...
<br /> ' � � l.e�der slwQ 6e taHtkd to colkd aU expease.9 incurred in pursuirtg tde remedies pravided in thLa puagrnpb 21, :=°�'`"`-
<br /> r ioctudiog,6ut not limited to,reaso�w6k attorneys'tas and casts ot tttle evidence. ' ':.y •..c-.
<br /> ' ' I!tbe power at sak is invoked,Trusta shall record a�otia of default m each cunaty io which anp part af tbe -.� c. -. �
<br /> ' � property i�Iocated and slwll mail copks ot such aotke in the manner pcescribed by applicpbk taw to Borrower aad to '�`�=��• �
<br /> tbe Mher persoas prescribed by applicabk aw Atter 1be Ntne requtred by applicAbk Isw.7lvsta shAq give puMlc � . .-".
<br /> �� noNce o�sAfe to the person.4 and in the manaer prescr�6eA by Applicabk law 7lrostee,without demand on Borrower, - .
<br /> sball ae8 the PropeAy At public auctioa to tbe hi�hest biddee at the time anA place and ander tbe terais desigeated ia , •
<br /> ' � the notke o�sak in one or more pprcelg and in any order 71ru�tce determinea 7lrostee ms�y postpose sak o�all or any � .
<br /> , p�rcel d the Proptrtq by publk nnnauncemeM at fhe time and place ot aay prevlouslY schedukd sak. l.ender oc its • :
<br /> desl�ee msy purchase tUe Property at any sak. - .. .
<br /> • Y' `; Upoe receipt of ps►yment ot the prke bW,Teustee slwll delivee to the pnrchaser'ilrustee's deed conveying the
<br /> ' .� Property. '1'he recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be prlrtw tack evidence of the truth ot the sts�tements nwde thereto. . �
<br /> . 'l1�u�tee shall apply the proceed.s of the sak in the folbwing order: (a)to�11 costs and expenses o�exerclsiag the powee
<br /> . ,�'; . • -
<br /> � F: .
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