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<br /> TOCiEI'HFR W1TH a!!IAe im�p+nYtm�nts riow.a he�attar erated an tDe propeny.iu�d alt e�.scrt�ents.aQparten�ncEs. `
<br /> • aod fixtuces aow at Neiaft�a p�tvf tbe�roperty--�►it r�taccmestts and addittoax shult also t+e covp�eA dy tl�is SecuritY _
<br /> — ' iastnanent. All of the forcgaing is rcfafed w in tl�s Securityf[nstivma�t ss IAe"Ptupeny:'
<br /> � BQRi�tOWER CQVENAh"[S that 6or�wer is lawfully seised of the esroto heceby conveyed and Aas the dght to grant -
<br /> u�d cunvcy tAe Anpercy and dsac d�e P�o�ecty.is�vmbc.ned.eaaq ta encumbrances of iecaN. gaavwer wan�nts 9nd ,
<br /> _ - - • w�defend�atiraitY�he ride co dse PropcccY a��sE a!}claims aad dert�d.c..sub,je�[o any encumbr�i,ces of cecad.
<br /> � T�AS SECtJRiTY INSIRUIV{EN'P comDines unifam wveaants for rtatianal'use and na�-unifain covrnants wi[h
<br /> — � limit4d vulatioos by jurisdiCCion to�tutG a uhifam security inst�ument covering real prnpertl+• � _
<br /> [,1NQ?URM'COVENANTS. Borr�uer�ci�l.ender c6venaut and agee ac fatiows: .
<br /> - — L .gY�st o�Prvcjpd a�1Merest:prePaYwe�t a�Late CYtr� 8ormwa shall pmmptlY P�Y W�1�� .
<br />-= Pri�P�of aadinte�+sest on tite debc evida�ced by tlia Nate aad anY PRP1Y�nt and lau charges due under the Nae.
<br /> � � Fuds tac Ta�[es ad Iwra�Subjoct to 9ppticabk law or to a�vtimn waiver Iry Le�tder.�iorrower shali paY to . .
<br />-- Lerider on d�e daY�Y MY�ts are due ander the Note,untit the Nooe is paid in full,a sum!"��)for.(s)Y�Y
<br /> tues and asscssments which may attain priairy over tfus Security instrument ag a lien on the PmpenY:(b)Yru19 kas�hold _.__
<br /> - _ pryments ar g�ound cents on the Property. if any: (c) YeartY hazard°r P�P�Y tnsuzanc�Prem�atn�td)yr.erlY itood
<br /> 8°u sams alsle Borrower to
<br /> ;asura�x�prcnuwns, �f anr.ce>r�r�sase insurance p�emiums.it any; and tt}at►y P�r �3'.
<br /> - Lender,in accordance arith the provisioas of paragraph$in Geu of the payment of martgage insurance p�m�ums. 'I1use "
<br /> items an calltd"Fsc�ow Items." I.ender may.at any time.copect and fald Funds in an amouat not to execed the maxannm
<br /> . a�twunt z lrnder for a fede�aity telated moctgage loan m�y isquite for Barower's escrow accaunt under the federal Ra�l
<br /> Estate Settkment Ptocedutes Act of/974 as amended fran titne w tane.t2 US:C.�t 2601 et scq.("ltFSPA'7,unless another --
<br /> taw tiiat applies to the Funds sets a iesser amoun� If so,Le�xfer may.at u►y time,wliect and hoid Funds in an a�naunt»ot to i-
<br /> -• excoed tLe l4sses amoun� i ender may es�mate the atna�mt of Funds dae on the basis of cunent d�ta aad reasonaDle �_
<br /> '� estimates of expendiUttes af futute Bscrow items or othemise in accordance vrith appticable taw. insdvmeniality,a eatity =_
<br /> - 71ie Fnnds shali he hetd in an instimtioa wduse deposiu ac�e insured by a fedeial aBencY. g�i—
<br /> (incit�di�g Lender.if ixnder is such an instiwtion)or in aery�ederal Home Loan Bank l.ender sdali appiy the Funds w pay .,,•.=;�`.-_.-.-
<br />�• •'`' the Fsc�ow Ttems. l.ender may nat charge Borrower far holding and appiying We Funds,annualty analyzing the escrow � Y,.�=•_
<br />_.__ accamt�oc verifying the Escmw IEems.unless Lcr�der pays Bomuwer interest on.[he Funds aad applicable 1aw permits -�t�_�::, :-
<br /> • r� � Lender to make such a charge. Howev Lender ma require Bo�rower to y a onefime cbarge for an independent rea] +r.�'>.-
<br /> . � ��
<br /> _:� - estate tax reporting senrice used by Lend r in cone�ection with this toan.unt�applicable law provides otherwise. Unless an ' � ,•.., : �:;_�
<br />' - :�'�. �`: agreemeat is made or applicable law requins interest w be paid.Let�der shall not be tequired to pay Borrower any interest or _;•..K:�;°_
<br /> ne
<br /> ' ��}j";''�• ' eamingg on the Funds. Barrower and LenAer may a�ree in wri�:however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. I.ender =
<br /> ;,�.�--_ . _
<br /> � ,_<, , .
<br /> , shall give to Borrower.without charge,an annual accounring o+�f,'�e�Funds.sbowing cr�dits and debi�S to the Funds aad tt�e .
<br /> _, - � , putpose far whieh each debit to the Funds was made. The Fuacis are pledged as addivanal securiry for all�ums secu�nedby _ --,,:;,;,,:�_`.
<br /> . f�;` this Securlty Insmiment. �r'°''`�'`:�"'�°`"---
<br /> : �;.. :-;,,..:
<br /> If the Punds held#ry Lender eaceed the amounts pertnitted to be h�Id by applicable law.l.ender shall account to �., �,�,��=
<br /> ' �.-, ;;;;.;��'=' � Borrower for the excess Tvnds In accardance with the requircments of applicable law. f:the amount af thc��ands hetd by
<br /> ` Lender at any time is nat sufticieat to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender may so rwcify Borrower in a�iting,and.in � ,r'�`'� -
<br /> � t-.� ;l such case Borrower shall pay to l.ender the amaunt necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower shaA make up the ,:,y�P?�r;;,`�__
<br /> ��.�:
<br /> , �;. :• •• '� ,. ° `
<br /> � deficlency jn no more than twetve monthly paymenu.at L.ender's sole discreuon. . �;:,;;�`=•
<br /> 4 �:_:..•.,; • Upon paymeaf(n full of all sums secured by this Security Insaumen�Lender shall promptiy refund to Boaower any '•- .:;,_
<br /> � �`�. ,. Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21.Lender shatl acquire or sell the Property.L.ender.prior to the acqu�sition or ,.
<br /> sale of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by l.cnder at the time of acquisition or sate as a credit against the sums
<br /> '� �' `'= � secured by this Securtry lnstrumenG .
<br /> . ;,..r.i. _
<br /> ,;_�;_.��, 3. Application ot Yt�yments. UnTess applicable taw provides otherwise.all p�ymenu received by Lender under
<br /> : '� parag�aphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first.to any prepayment charges due u�der the Note:second,to amounts payable cmder -
<br /> " ;��:;`,`�•`'r • paragraph 2;third.to iaterest due:fourth,to princ�pa!due:an d 1ast,to any la te c h arg e s d a e u n d e r t h c Note. . .. _
<br /> ' ''` - -� � 4. Charges: Liees. BorroW+er shall pay al1 taxes,assessments.cha.�es.fines and impositions attrlbutable to the _
<br /> i r��•• �� • Aroperty whfich may attain priority over this Security Instrumen�and leasehold Qay�ents or graund rer�ts,if any. Horrower _,
<br /> �` �':^•�� ' shall pay these obligauons in the manner�rovided in parasraph 2,or if rtot paid 9n that manner.Borrower shall pay them on . :
<br /> z .��'�:��:; ' time direcQy to the person oweA payment. Barrower shail promptly furnish to I.ender All noticcs af amaunts to be paid under .
<br /> ,;;_'����,.� this paragraph. If Bonawer makes these payments directly.Banower shali pramptly iumish to Lender receipts evidencing . �-
<br /> r. �:, v
<br /> . , �,�, •�.� �Ho�rrower shall pmmptly discharge pny lien which has priority over this 5ecurity Iastrument un2ess 8orrawer.(a)agrees • � �•
<br />• '<' :�-�>. �wrlting to the payment of the obligatian secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender:(b�contests in good faith the j ,�
<br /> t .,�.•�• �--�
<br /> lien by,ar defends against enforcement of the lien inf tegal proceediags which in the Lender�opinion operate ro prevent the � , .. .;,
<br /> enforcement of tGe lien;ar(c)secures Prom thc hoider oP the hen an ageement satistactory to Lender subordinating the lien � '�,;�;�_-•
<br /> �;�.' ���°� to this Securlry Instrumen� If Lender determines that any part of the Propeay is subject to u licn which may attain prioriry
<br /> �.,,,,;.,....�
<br /> *� ,'-,,;:�,;.;� over this Sectuiry Instrument.Lender may give Borrower a notice identifying thc lien. Borrower shuU satisfy the lien ar take
<br /> ' �. ' one or more of the actians set fonh above wlthin 1Q days of the giving of natlrc. :.
<br /> � ..� � 5. Hazard or Property la4uranca Horrower shall keep ihe improvementg now existing or hereafter erected nn the �
<br /> ` '�°'�``''� � PropeAy insured against toss by fire,hazards included within the term"extended coverage"and any other ha7ards.including i
<br /> . �.•�i,;.,i.;r�;:��� '
<br /> ��.�" ' 1loods or�loading. fot which i.ender requires insurance. 'i4�is insurancc shall be maintained in the amounts and for the �.• ',
<br /> �
<br /> _ k� � "� ,.`' rorm 3028 9/90 lpagP 2 njb yagtsl .
<br /> :;
<br /> �. . ..
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