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<br /> _ �� � ' � . : T � ' ` .
<br /> -� NoxUru�c�t�����o�taAaapee�faio�s: _ �� . T_
<br /> < . �Aeairr�tlrC�.�'!�M�r rYi�s Meiet t�Di�rwier p'i�e_te aooei�eMiea f�lo�rs� . , .
<br /> . • �[Ma��i4s'�'�itari/'wrMtiatYaS�o�rkl��wtA�t�t�eferbatsdeeaioi�erl�ra�'a�Y�3a�iY1 '°`rt .
<br /> ���. = .1n.�Y�e 1�*!�'�M a�).T�e.Mlee i1Me wee�:w eLe ida�ar ere aetia.esj�ice�w�e�ee e�s � ,
<br /> �••���4e)silei�lea�eM�90i�titd�letk�foeis�sbH�ezewer.lyrwl�iditl�ieta�twttiee�� ,
<br /> �it�ltYtl�ifi�e�se�etiti�iita�aelrefaeedKile ai1 - �-�a-�rsi�s� -- � - --
<br /> � s�e��i b tW S�e�eit]��i■i:a�e oElie Pepleet7•11`e iotiee duU lrrttier ida�Haeroeer o[ttia r4�t b ` . .
<br /> < �ble albu a+oodeialiea ai ttie ridt to irht a oart setio��o ai�t eie�e�a of a ieladt as aq odra
<br /> - iekreaESaaoaateaeodaat�a��le.Itt�eielwitissotc�e�asar�etasttie�eqeeiBe�Lt�e!otiee,I.e�ier �_
<br /> - at il�N�i��U►��Mf�V eru ot aq w�.e�re�►s ttit.Sear�ty L�t*�w�wtti6rt t�i�tl�er
<br /> /e�i a.i�s inaf�e�r�at�k a.�aa�aeia oene�ta��ittei b a�ieab�1�I.eMee tlau ie a�tittei to ` �. � -
<br /> a1Met aII�ea t�e�re+�i t�Mewi�tl�e eseiies l�odiei��a H�ii Ma�lU 1�'.i�d��t�ot li�[td to,
<br /> r�irathe�e�a'teesa�i�ods�[Bdee�tie�. �
<br /> It rie�swer ot a�k i�inoicei.?r�ee idt ranx�:adks d aeh�lt ir nd�caatY ia w�1 a�Y Met ol!!ie.
<br /> Pro�at!is ke�ei�rt daU�c�ier dweti�oeiee i�t�e�wer�ti9��lsw to Bar�owet a�i to tMe -
<br /> et1�a�*sMS Ne�eeae�b s�N�ia 4+►.�ta ttie t�e ee�r�i til�iieatile law,Tr�tee sla�i!�e wNk�ott�e ot'
<br /> �Me to tk�aser at it t�e�ner�raeriiei�!a!ltied�ie iaw.Tr�e.wiHo��t iewW o�Ho�rbwer.�IaU se�tie
<br /> Ytp�ert�rat�lk arctio�lto�ie ri�lest6W�ratti�t�ea�i�oe a�ioies tl�ete�su��tieYOtia ohdie i�
<br /> ak�riars�Is�i�a�orierT'rNteeie�a�w.Tiwte��aT�o�e��dlora�,Y/reelottYePin�ert�b! .
<br />- ,�ilre aro�ee�eat�t tlra tlne_aM�Lioe of�s7�riowl!�aia Leeier or ib�aiPa a�►��
<br /> - ��1.�4wos� •
<br />-= : Upa reaijt al Nysa��ot ttie Rioe Ma►Tmta�1aiU iel�a to tie Ania�Treteds ded�aoneyirt tie.
<br /> _- — h+s�ett7.�e ncifais i�tie Tr�ee's ieei�Yll ie tr�bda ettia�te ot ttie�1�ol rie�is�aie�a. ---�
<br /> - Test�ee�YH s�l'ttie M�oeeeis ot tre�de ir tie tullm�i�ceier:W t9 dte:�e�es uftie ssk.irct�3(�.6Rt�ot ii�itei - --
<br /> -- � `fo;Tra�tt�'i tees�ii�a a�it�al�7 a!ltia�e taw arii�riiiwiie�a�ys'tee�{�)�o ait�s�enrei y tWs See�tty --
<br /> = i�a�i(e)aqacce�tot�e�esso�or�erio■ti�id!r��oit ... � . _
<br /> = ZD I.t�wtv i�Parado�.Upoa acederation unda paraaraPb 19 or aD�ndQniaeni�afthe�roperty.Lender(in —_
<br /> - ' peison,6y agrnt or by judiciaUY aPPointed rxeiver)sI�6e eatit2ed w enter upea,talce�s�sidn of aad manage the -=-.
<br /> _ Property aad to co11e¢t the renu of the Propecty utcladi�ag those past dua My rams cnitected by Leader or the roceiver ���
<br /> shall be applied flrst to papmedt of the ca�ts of maasgeaient of the Praperty and c.aitocuon o�'rents.Inclnding,but not
<br /> _- ---- - = - ---�imited�o,teesiti�'s fees,P*emiums�n�eivds bortdsand reasonable attortie�►s'fe�,3ud shrn to the sums secured by _ �""�-.� _
<br /> _ t�.sSdcar�ti►Instrumen� � �� _
<br /> u
<br /> ^ 21.R�oo�i�eya�oa Upon payment of`�U sums secuned by this Secnrity Instrumait,La�der shall requeat Trustx to ;�- -
<br /> - rer�anvey the Property and sball svrrender this Securiry Instrument and a}1 notes avidaicing debt secured by tbis Socarity. ���-
<br /> Instcatnent to Trnsta.Tnuta skall reconvey tba property without warranty and vrit�huat eharge to the person or persons _^
<br /> .. k�Ity entitkd to i�Such perso;t or persons s1�aU piy pny rocordatlon costs. �- .
<br /> � �,�te7'n�tee.Lender,at its aption,may frwn timeto time remove Trusta and a�ppoint a succesaor trustee ��-
<br /> toanyTrnsteasppointodhereunderbyaninsuumentrecordedinthecaiwtyinwhichthisSecaritytnstnunentisrecorded. ���_
<br /> Witbaat convryance of the Property,the successor trustee shall succad to all the titlG powrr and duties conferred upon -_---��__= -
<br /> �_
<br /> � Tnuta herein and by applica6le taw. ���'=�
<br /> 23.Reqoat!or Nodea.Borrower r uests that capies oP the notices of default and sale be sent to Barrowe�'s f���;�:�,�
<br /> ' . � �:.rK .��s.�-
<br /> ...�' -�-��.
<br /> • . � addras�hich ts the Property Address. '
<br /> ' Z4.Riden to t6is Securtty Imteamea�If one or more riders are executed by Borrower and recorded together witD T`�''�`'-��`
<br /> ::,�f•ti.:.�•:.=..
<br /> � � � this Socutity Instn�ment,the covenants and agraments of e�ch such rider shall be incorporatod into and shall amend and �_ " '�"z'
<br /> F. �. �_
<br /> sappkment the covenants and agaments of this Security Instrument as if the dda(s)were a part of this Security ,::_:��-�:��:-'
<br /> - ` Insttumrn�(Chxk applicabkboa(es)] ;�-
<br /> � _ ��b1e�It�der Q Canda�ininm Rider ❑2� Family Rader -- — =�,'
<br /> t r.
<br /> Lr►ri _
<br /> • �( �Orndu�ted Payment Rider ❑ Planned Umt Deve�ogment Rider � _�
<br /> . y. r�' '��.�
<br /> �r ❑�l�s� �s�fy� ' �t .'^_'.x�!'.
<br /> � ;�. y.�',. HY S[l3NIN(3 HELOW. Borrower aectpts and agras ta the terms and covenants contained in this Socwlty ' •:,;=',�:t���.
<br /> ' ��,/' '�� .����`_._.
<br /> Instrummt�nd id any rlder(s)eaecuted by Bonower and ncorded witb it. ' � '-_—
<br /> ;
<br /> , . �`'#-�"�:;
<br /> _ ' ............................................. . ......,............................... LJ����.�.��:��r+r�................................... ..�1. .:�,:� .
<br /> ' ��' Thomsa R. E131son ' ���
<br /> . . .`.'�.. «.... ) '
<br /> .�..................................................................................... . .�.'-��..���.��'�..' ... (S�1 ,
<br /> . , . _. ..
<br /> : . � •. ............. . ... . ..
<br /> , •��� � liza etb A. Elliaan "�"0�' � ,
<br /> t ..
<br /> L° ,{`' .
<br /> �, •= STATEOfi NEBRASKA. HSl�. Coanty ss: � � , , �
<br /> - V,;.•
<br /> �� On ihls Qth day af AVg13st .19}1 . befare me, thc undcrsigncd� a Nutary Public
<br />,- � - duly commisstaned and quali�ied Por said county.personally ramc R�homa� R. Eiliaon end � _
<br /> --- - --- E21ZS88th A. II12son, Huabaud asid wite .ta me known to br thc __ ,
<br /> ' idenNql person(s) whose namcls) are subscrlbed to thc Poregoin� insuument and arknuwlcdgcd �he cxcculion �
<br /> � � ehereof to be their voluntary�ct and dced. . .
<br /> .• • � Witness my hand and notarial scal at Qrand Ialand in said county.thr �
<br /> . • date aforesald. . � '
<br /> _ . . - - ,--'- � . , �;,/ - '
<br /> �:��.�-_=;� . . 7-2-g2 ��. `a,!1 :��. �
<br /> • ' ' - "�`� .; iE�ML riTMlfSbll�f� �
<br /> - .�:� . MAH('•AitET M.aun+� ' N�,�:��f r��n��� .... ;
<br /> , .• - ` �; My G�e{��,��199� REQi1�5T FOR R� NV�YANC� j .
<br /> _ _ .�:�.�t�.:
<br /> N� To TRUSr�e: - .
<br /> _ ,. . �
<br /> ��- . �,�yrAY'�-A..^l � . - - = - '#he nnde�signcc!is tfsc hotdcr vE stie�te ga aotesseceueclby th9s�c�t af t'rnxt.Sni@ nntr��r aul�w,tuuiher :., . -
<br /> �`���.<.�.��' with gll other indebtedness serured by this necd of 7rust.have bcen p�1d in futl.Yau:�rc hereby directrd tv canrel tiaid
<br /> i
<br /> �``� note or notes and this Oeed of Trus1,which ure delivereJ hereby.and to rrcome .with��ut�varr�nly.all�hr cwtatr
<br /> ��.:�t'• Y �
<br /> ' -•�r�-'�;-�`: � now hetd by you under�his Uecd uf Trust to thr person nr persons►cgalty cnti�led there►a.
<br /> - - -... _.. - - - -- . . - _ ._ � .
<br /> �� �:,.�:_� t.�•, ' - - . , .
<br /> , -: �, . l)ate: ......................................................... �
<br /> �, .
<br />