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Deed of?msc-or Se�s�rltyr poed ttbs-- - -- <br /> �•Seemi�r L�ua�eot'9•at tba aana s,If,,,�,E„I13soa�in�Z`�saAec3i'"�A�-�11asoBnfO1�`us��'i`�` <br /> Rnt Nota piie"Kote'�to`.�'�..4P..a • ' ` . <br /> .......»...................»....... !! ., <br /> ' .�Ld�ii�#:.:».:.::..........:. ` :..:. ...'(tbe"t�wde�'j af tbe a�maa due snd coveria;ttje propettY dt=cribcd�n <br /> ` Q�e Sewdry I�nument aad iocated a� .... ' � • _- <br /> , ,. Il iisst 15tb Street, l��aad Isiand,.Nebraska............................ r- <br /> . ..:..........».....�.......... ............. . ............................. _ <br /> ...... ........ .......... <br /> � ." � . !�r��1 . <br />._, . ^ TlIE NO'I�CONTAINS Pt�V13101�&lIi.LOWINB FGR q�1ANGES`II�lTHE.iNTEREST RATE . .. � <br />:=;; . AND TNE MO�tTHLIf PAY�1T.TH�NOTE LIM{TS THE AMO�JNT'i!�80RROWER'S ' _ <br /> �' INTEREST RJ1TE CAN qiANGE AT�1NY ONE TIME/1ND THE MA1q11UM AIt�E'�HE BOi� -- <br />� HOWEA MUST PAY., : . � � . - ' — <br /> - �-_ <br /> Aui�rriot�ut CovrrtAM�.Ia ad� tBe'c.aved"nnts�nd s�eaaeats m�da in tha Seauity Insdmment,Bonowrcr . �����.;_- <br /> ud Laider l6i8ier coveaaat ud agree as foilows:-::' ` . . _ - . �'-�� <br /> ' v.�.-� <br /> �A. IN'�BRTs.ST RA'!'�AND MONTNLY PAXM�i�iT�HANGffi� � ,' . �.-;���.�, <br /> - The Ido�g ptov'jdes foc aa iaitLi�tere��of....�..S�Q.....9C:"fTie Nou piavides far cluuage�ia the interest rata u�d � , _���T: <br />-- !be moathtY P�?'�►�s folbws: , . , ' � _ � °>`.�_ <br /> �� 4. II�ERLSr RATS��ND MONTIILY PAlfMENT CHANGI�S . ` . , , � ':"��s�' <br /> ..�. - (�)�� • ; :. , - <br /> :.. ta � <br /> ,,: . , <br /> :. �,` , � _. � '�'he Inte�at r�tte I wlli pay ewy change on t�e fust day of.i:::��l�at...:...........:. 19..�?and oa that dsy" �' <br /> „� _ -- - - _ - <br /> . <br /> . "- -. : 'EYBi�(....��.`...:.:...........t6ercattor.ECICIS i1.1tC OA tSr�11��21tj'�AtCiqi tBIC C90I�Ch!!tlneT6/xIIOd�"Chi�ge DAU.,' - - <br /> (B)Tbe Jahs : . ._ � :. , � .:, <br /> ' . ' �eginniaE wIW tha fuat Change DAte, my imerest rate w�U ba based on aa 1Ade�c. The •`L�dex•• is tbe waWy <br /> , averase yldd on Udted St�ta Tc�e�sury sxu�ttles adjusted to��c oo�t matudry of.�.. yar�s�, u ms�de available � .,;� t <br /> !4,:.::_,�-'�``' <br /> . ;� by�he Federal Reserve Boasd.The m�t r�ocentlnde�c figure ava�abteu of the d�te4S days 6efore each Change D�tc is cailed � {� -r t-,�=�;- <br /> � the•'Current lndes:' `. '�.•-�; � �: <br /> If tha Indea is ra.longar avsu'Iable� the Notc Hotdcr wili choose s new indox whtch is bascd u n com r+bie k=a�`-� <br /> P� P� �r;_-:.. <br /> ' latotmatfon.�c Nac}iotdcr wfll giva mc noticc of this choicc. `_ '''`'�`' ' <br /> ' � ,` (t,ry t�icuVtlon ot Cbanges ���,,/� .- <br /> ti"u ` `-� _- <br /> t..,;'�,.-.,. <br /> :;�>-�,.. , <br /> � "� '�" '= Befare act� ge D�te.the Note Holder wUl calculate my new intcrest rate by adding....:�:�� , - �� � � �� <br /> .., ................. <br /> ...- . ,. <br /> �� • c_ ...{!�.'�...�.�.::. ........... peccentage points(.....�1.:��P.:96)to the Current Index.The Nou Holder wiU then round the .. ' . '' <br /> � .,: <br /> ��� � : , nsult ot this addltion w the nearest onaeighth of oae percentage point(0.125�).Subject to the Itmtts ataud in Soction 4(D) � <br /> ?�' below,thl�rounded unouat w1U be my new Interest rate until the ne�ct Change D�ta. � � ' . <br /> 77ie Note Holder wlU then.detemune the�unount oi the montbly payment that woutd be aufficient to repay We . _- <br /> � � , unp�id priactp�l that I am e�cpected to owe at the Change Date ie ti�U on tha mat�rtty date�t my new Inter�st rate in � <br /> � � - tubstand�Ily�equsl piymenn.Tha reault ot this calailation wiU be the new amount of my monthty p�yment. � ,� -, <br /> -�=-� �� W)Um(ts on Interat Rate ChAn�es - <br /> �.-.. � <br /> � .• . '"�';� . Tha Inta�eat nte I am requtred to psy at the�rat Change Dase will not!�e greater thaa......:�Q.....9b or less thm .. • <br />.. �. . .4 ' ....�4,.5........lG.Thareafker. my interpt rate wilt ncver be i�creased oc decaaaed on aay single Ch�nge D�ta by more , '� � - <br /> � � ���;�. ' thain `f�xo (2) percentage poinu (....�...96) from my initia] note rate oY iatecest i . � • - <br /> ' 1 '`� have bcen paying for thc prucdMg tvirclve montha. My interest rnta wi11 never be grqter thaa...�..�A...9G. '- <br /> t; . <br /> • • � :�F`: (E1 EReetl�e Date ot Cban;a � - <br /> ='� � My new lntErest nte wlll become effecdva on each Change Date.1 wi11 psy tha amount ot my new monthly payment , <br /> � � begtnntn;on the lirst monthly pryment date atier the Change Date uadl the�maunt of my monW3y payment changea � <br /> Y;;� ��ie. ' <br /> ..,..:--„n�. ,. <br /> • r�- �y� � ' (i�NMia ot Ctwnge� <br /> " �n' '. . I <br /> � '4�+� � The Nota Holder will ddivcr or mall to me a n�ttce ot any chaagea 4n my interest rate and tha amaunt of my monthly � • <br /> :�`��°�� "' p�yment before the e(tecdve date ot any ch�nge.4'he notice w111 iaclnde iafotmatlon seqnired by taw to be givan me and h <br /> �'�:'� • <br /> ��".. - .- a t�o t ha t i Qe u�d te 1ep hone num 6 er o f a person w h o w i l l answer any qu e s t io n I m�y h a v e r e g u d i n g�h e n o N c e. � <br /> •..,.•. . � <br /> . ;��. "' 8. TRANSFER OF'I71E PROI'E1tTY OR A BENEFICIAL 1NTEREST IN BORROWER ' �. . <br /> . .Y . ,. Unffarm Cavenmt 11 of tha Securlty Insuument ia amended to read aa fol2ows: � . , <br /> - Tnnsfer oI the Propedy or a&nellcial interest In Borrawtr.lf au or part of t�e Property or any interest ia it 3a � <br /> � - - -'' sald ar tr�ferred(or?f a beneticia!intereat 1n Bonower is so2d os traasferred asid Bossawcr is aot a naturat petsany -- ---r= <br /> � �''�`♦ w�thout Lender'a prlor written caesent.Lender may,at its aqt�on,requlre ir.unediate payment in tiill of a11 sumt secured t <br /> . `-'•�:��t` by thi�Secudty Inswmea�Howaver,tt�a opdoe ahaU aot be exercised by B.eaQer 1f exerclse 1a proh3bited by federaal law <br /> � • '"'"' � ' u of the date of thi� Secudry InsWment. Leader alao aha11 aot exercise thls optlob ii (a) Borrawer causes to be ` <br /> ���'���� aubiaitted b Lender iaformatian requlrid�by Leader to avaluste tha intendeQ ti�nsterea as U a new lous wera being made ? <br /> -' ` ` � - to the va�uCerte; md (b) LtnQer resonabty Qeteehilaes Itmt�1:ender's aecurlry w1ll not be imp�red by tho 1o�n ' . .- <br /> � '���"'',�� asaut� on aad that the tlsk of a breach of an covenant or a eement in thls Securt 1nsWment la acee table to ' <br /> �.�.. _ . P� . Y Sr tY P <br /> � ';�• ' • Lender. � <br /> ' �. � , ; � <br /> . _�. <br /> ���i � • <br /> � L <br />. . ' . . .. '- ' � <br /> �. „ .�� . .. _ : . . <br />- ' �': _'. . : - ._ .. .. . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . _. . . . . . _ . _. . . ... . . _ . _ _ .. �_ - . <br /> - � . ��.T . <br /> . .,W,- �nni�sr���o�usrert�e�n nroai-stn�e tir�ay—tim�r.��enr.em•��u�re�+��wn�nt Form a�i�a�as � <br /> , m+ �' . <br /> _ .. ,.,, ;. <br /> �_ <br /> - � :� �:_. <:�t • - ,_ _ <br />