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<br /> —_- y- ° - . , -- if-�xnder required mdrt�r us�tuascr as a.oondition of mat�iag the losn.xwred-by_thu Sccwity Jnswm�eet._--�- �_-----,----
<br /> Borro�rer shall y the prmmiums r�quited to maintain the insurance iu effect aptil sucfi tizrn as ciu roq�a�ent for the ��
<br /> - insuriuice tem�ira a in accord�r�ce�rith 9aruare�s and,Lsndee`s�vritten a�riement or appticabk lsw. ' . ��
<br /> . . � I�eatie�: Lender or its aseat may make�ra�sonable entria upon and ir�spQCtions of tbe Pmperty.Lender << .,__�_..
<br /> - priar nsPecti PecitY 8 � _
<br /> _ _ _ = sbslt�ivcBorrdwarnotice3tttbemneaEor taani ona in reasonabkcaustfortheimpec�ian. �,; __ .._ ___ _._
<br /> - . � ! CAMaw�tia�. The pracoods of any awrard or ctai:n for damagcs..direcc or cuasoquentisl.ia can�ection with �--:,,::==__
<br /> - = u►y oondemnatioR a aher t�iCin�of any past of tix Propecty,a for conveyancc in lieu of candemnatian.�ure 1�erebY �;�.�;
<br /> �ssipud and sh�U be p�id to L e n d t t. �. ��`�`�,
<br /> - Ia tbe evmt of a toal takin;of the Pmpercy,the proceeds sl�alt be applied to the sums secure�by this Security • ����'
<br /> Instrument,�vhetl�or not tl�m duG�vith an excas paud to Borrowa:In the evmt of a partiat WunB of tLe PropectY.
<br /> unku Borro�ver ard Lerider othenvise ytee in�rritina.tix sums socut+ed bY tl�is�ocurity Insdruaxnt sha116e radu�xd by - �����
<br /> the�ma�nt of the proceeds mWtiplied by tbe folb�viaa friction:(�)tbe total amount of the sttms seiwred immedi�tely �° `°"°�_-`"=�
<br /> ,.:. �_=_ —
<br /> b e t'orc t h e t�i c i n j.d i v i d e d b Y(b�t h e f i i r m u i c e t v a l u e a t't u n m e d i a t d y b e fort the taiciu g.M y Ealanceshall bt ;�._
<br /> �f�Y ����_
<br /> - - paid to Barrower. �:;_—�°-
<br /> - If tbe Property is a�UY Boarnvu,or�f.aftei notice by Lender to BorroWU t1�at the condemiwr oRas tQ �-�-___----°
<br /> mske sn�iwaM or set'tk a ciaim Yordam�ges.Borrower faits to re.apond to Lenda witbin 30 days aftu the dau the notia iu "-�:��'�"'��-
<br /> t:µ� . �. . �
<br /> '��;. � gven,Le�der is wtharized to FoUect aad spply the proceeds.at its option,atha to ratoration or r of We Property or � '����:3�=--�
<br /> � ;.,•.;.�.
<br /> - � to the snms secuTad by this Security Instrwnait,Mhett�eror aoe thrn duG .
<br />• - Unkss I.a�der aad Borra�ver otbeF+vise agrae in wiitina,any application af procads to prineipal aie�U aot e.�trnd or
<br />. . postpone the due date of thamoruhlY payments refernd to in pa�xaraPhs 1 and 2 or change the amount o�'apcb paymrnts. �..� -_.
<br /> 10 Horrowa Not Rdea�Foriwara�ce Hf'I.e�Nat s Wahes. Extension of tbq,time for ps�yment oc .,:t,.:.��=,-
<br /> - modiSqtion of amortiution of the swns secured by this Secority Instruinent grant e d by L m d e r to any s u c c e s s o r in - =..
<br /> - intaat of Borrower shaU not operau to retease the 1i�bility of tlee originAl Borrower or BorroMer's succes4ors ia interas�. . � ':.:.`.�:`. '•_
<br /> - - I.ender ahaU not bt raquired to commeace praceedings against aay successor in intaest or refuse to extmd time for � � —
<br /> " p�yment or o�henvise moditjr amortization of the sums secured 6y this Sceurity Instnunent by reason oPany demand made �� -�
<br /> a:z'..::'' .` � bytheoriginal8onowerarBorrowcr'ssuccasoisininterest.AnyforbearancebyLenderinexacisiaganYriBhtorr�me�r � _ .-� =-
<br /> � - _ - - - - • - ,_ - _
<br /> - --= slsatirsatbe�arasver�arprecl�idzthaexac�ssol'any�igh[arrrmedy:---'----- - - tr___:._.. a
<br /> L � �
<br /> -- 11. Srcc�as a�d ANit�Al�Hap�JotMt aed Se�erai Idabilibr:Co�si�ers. The soveaants and agreemenis af , _ --- --
<br /> �`_:�.�:�' this Socari Insuumrnt shall bind and beneRt the successors and assigas of I.e:nder and Borrawer,subjoct to the provisions �--:-.-
<br /> ••"'`"'�'' : oP paragrap 17.Borrower's cavmants an d agramrnts shall be joint and severat.Any Borrower who casigas this Socurity ��:�-
<br /> ' Isstrument but do�s not execute the Not�(a)is co-signing this Security Instncment only to mortgage.grant and com+eY „ �=`_
<br /> . - :��"�,�,:� ` that Borrowds interest in the Property under the temis of this Security Instsument;(b)is not personaUy obligated to pay ,�� . •'_"�
<br /> . the sutag secured this Socwity Instrummt;snd(c)a that Lender a�td any other Borrowet may agra to estend, :�� -
<br /> �� '��. ��;,;,� iaodify.forbear os make any accummudatians with regar�the terms of this Security tnstrument or ttte Note whhout . -_ �'_�;�
<br /> ;;_: �_.s� that Borrower's Conser�G '� .'_
<br /> F�'j.�.;`.• �, i� � nse� If thc loan secured by this Security instrament is subject to a law which sets maximum to�n` ' • ;'�:::_-_
<br /> ' -'t:Y� � chuges.and that law is fmally interpreted so that the interest or other toan eharges collocted or to be collected in _:"
<br /> cannection with the loan excad the permitted limitst then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount . . . . _
<br /> �;;,,�; .�� ��: , : necessary to reduce the cl�arge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collectod from Borrower wtuch eucadod .. , � �� � _'
<br /> - ,�,��;;*,: � permitted limiu wiU be refunded to Borrower.Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the pdncipal owed , , . _
<br /> � ;_;;:;;• under the Note or by making a direct payment to Borrower.If a rePond reduca principa�+the rcduction wiU be treated as a � � . -j-
<br /> '. ;;�-,`. tal r YPt�Ymentchar •
<br /> • :,.,�._•., part p epaymrnt without an ge under the Note. � �
<br /> �• °• • !3. Le�islatton AfYectin8l.eak�s RIglts. If enactmens or eapiration of applicable laws has the e�'oct of; ,;;
<br /> � �'`r' � ienderingany provision of the Note or this Sccurity Instrument unmforceabte according to its terms,Lender,at its option. , - •=�.::-_
<br /> -_;-�� ; may reqvine immodiate payment in fv11 af all sums secured by this Security Instrument and may invoke any reinedies • ' .�
<br /> - - � •• t� permitted h�paragrapb 19.IFLender eaercises this option,L�mder shall take the steps specified in the second paragraph of f ;;-.•
<br /> '.,. �agraph 17. t. . �.�.
<br /> :: . :�• . � '�-�N.�;
<br /> r`�; .,��.,:�:;., 14. Notka. Any Aotice to Banower prov�ed for in this Security lnsttument shall be given by delivering it or by i: �:j,,, .
<br /> ��?`c _ mailing it by 8rst class mail unless applicabte law requires use oP another method.The notice shall be directed to the � . --
<br /> ' ,,..,�,, P r o p e r t y A d d r e s s a r a n y o t h e r a d d r e s s B o r r o w e r d e s i g n a t e s b y n o t i c e t o L e n d e r.A n y n o t i c e t o L e n d er shalf be g iven b y ! . ,',�ft`y. r
<br /> �. �'�±' :, ::�.
<br /> -•,.��� , flrst class mail to Lender's address stated herein or a�y other address Lender designates by norice to Barrower.Any notite .,.
<br /> � ":'.����� �' , provided fot in this Security Instrumeni shall be deemed ta have been given to Borrower ar l.ender when given as provided � . . . �`''`;:�`_'�
<br /> ';;ti�:;:�>f`:.. in this paragraph. , . . . .
<br /> .�'��``" ' 13. Goteni�g 1.tw;Stferab�'lits. 7'his Ses�:r:ty lnserument shall be govemed by federal law and the law of the ,`'�`'. ,. .
<br /> '� '-�s-`:�:` : jarisdiction in which the Yroperiy is Iocased.ln the event tAat any provision or clause oP this Security lnstrument or the i •
<br /> � � Note conflicts with applicable law,such conftict shall not affect other provisions of this Security lnstrument or 1he Note � , ,
<br /> ' ' • , • �.� • whicb can be givrn elfect without the co»Rictiag provision.To shis end the prnvisions of this Security lnstrument and the i
<br /> �. �� _ . � � . Note are declared ta be severabte. ; •
<br /> - � ' 16. Horrower's CoDy. Borrower shall be given ane canformed copy oP the Note and of this Security tnsirument. �
<br /> � • � 17. 7Ya�ufu ot the Property or�Beeeflciai lnterest 1n Barrower. If all or any pari oP ihe Property or any ;
<br /> � ' interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneflcial interest in Borrower is sold or tr�nsferred and Borrower is not a natural ' ,.
<br /> �. person)without Lendet's prior written canscnt.Lender may,at its aptinn.requite immediate payment in full otal!sums j
<br /> ' secured by this Security lnslrnment.HowCVer.this option shail not be exercised by l.ender if'eaercisc is prahibited b} 1 .
<br /> � ' federallaw as of the date oPthis Security l�strument. ;
<br /> � �� '- -' ti'Lender eaaeises this option.Lender shali give Hnrrnaer n���ice oPaccelrration.The.notice shall ptovide a yeriod �
<br /> ;�,. � ' of not tess than 30 days from the date the notice is dellvered or mailed within which�nowrr must pay all sums secared by ;
<br /> � thls Seetuity lnstrument.lf Borrower fails tn pay thesc sums prior to the expiration of this period.Lender may invoke any �
<br /> � . ��''r' - remedies permitted by thisSecurity Instrumentwithout furthcr notice ar demand on&�rrower. f .
<br /> 4' "`-`"'` "" " Is.Borrower's.Right to Rsiastate. lf&urower meets cenain cnndition�,�ormwer shall have the aght to have : •-
<br /> - '°� - -� - enforcemmt of thu Security lnstremen!discontinued at any time pri�r to ihe easlier af:(a)S days(or such other period as • _
<br /> '. ' .. applicable taw may speciPy for reinstatement)before sale oi the Propeny pursuanl to any powet of sale contained in this '
<br /> • Security lnstrument;ar(b)entry of a judgment eeforcing this Secutity instrument.7'hosc conditions are that Borrower:
<br /> . ' ' . (a)pays Lender all sums which then woutd be due under this Srcw'ity lnstrument and thc Note had no acaleration .
<br /> • � . occurred:(b)c�rres any defaWt of sny other covenants or agreements;tc)pays aii expenses iacunrd in enforcing this - '.
<br /> ' � ' 5ecuri�y lnstrument,irtcluding.but not limlted to,teasonable attorneys'fees;aad(d)takes such acNon as Lender may ,
<br /> � � re�sonabty req+�ire to assure that the lien oi this Secutity Instrument. Lender's rights!n the Property and HorFOwer's �
<br />-_ °--._,�; � � =�- - __ __ -- -
<br /> - --- o�f�aation t�psy�he sttms secarrd bp.this Se�oritY�tashvment sSralf ccs«fistue unchaage�. ttgc►n scinstnteracn! Isy ' ----
<br /> ' ' • . Borcower,thts Security Instrumene and the obligations secnred hereby shall rcm�in fully effecNve as if no acceleration had • :
<br /> � aceuned.Hawever.this dght to reinsute sh�ll nat apply in tfle c:ue of acceteratia»under paragraphs 13 or 17. • �
<br /> , . .. _ . _ . . _ _ . . -� .
<br /> �f �.
<br /> . . i
<br /> : �
<br />