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<br /> p,ymdKS�q,m Wo�ue.requirea;�t d�e opdon ot t.�oaer,if m�u�oc�a�{`�n mc�aaa fex tlie perioa� . �
<br /> . -dMt,Iaader teqiu�e's).Prorided by►�o i�mua�Ppr�vcd t►Y i�ad�t a�►baoors av�ilaDfe ao�is o6niuod.Bocmwec�11 pry
<br /> t�p�pnivan�cimd to miiaqiQ matE�c�sar�nce ia d'fat.or tn p�vide�loss resene,until tbe c+equic�emeK for arat�c
<br /> -- .— — �- _-_- - - - ' -
<br /> �: : , • �un�ce mds in acroc+�a4x�vtth aay vvritien�grameet betwcan Bormwu and I,e�i or appii�ble�taw:
<br /> !I�edM�.Eeader or its ageat m�y aake�e snhies upon aed incpaxioa4 of tbe P�oputy.LerWer sl�ll givie
<br /> goRV�er nntia at the time of or prior to an iaspectian specifying�asanabte cause for thc inspation. " .
<br /> . . !��Co�is�.The�c+oodd�s of sny a�rud a claim for doaawges,diroct or at�l��. in coeeeaiion with aay
<br /> .',eond�tiqn�otber tddng of a�ty put of thc Pmpetty,or for taai►vryanoe In lieu of condemn�tion.ane bece6y assigned and '
<br /> sIM116e pi�to i,endec: ' . . ' � - ` � •
<br /> In tde zreot of a tatal taldng of tde Pivpetty.the pmooeds sl�all be applied w the sums secuiod by this See.vrity Iasnum�t.
<br /> ` �het�er a aot thm d�.witD aay eaoess p�id to Botmxer.In the trau of a p�tia!taldng of the P�operty in�rrhich the fais
<br /> ma�lcet vai'ue of t6e ptopetty,iinrtiediattly befa�the laking is apral ta or gnater thsn th�amount of the snms socurad by this
<br /> Sa�ity Iqs�ump�t immediatetY befo�e the t�tiag.unfess Borrower and Laider aWecwise agree in writing.thc smm secuied by
<br /> - ihis Socyrity,Ta�trwp�at shall 6e tedwaod'by tbe amonnt of tAe pt�u000ds mi�itipliod by tbe,fflllowing fi'action: t� the to�al
<br /> amotuK ot tbe s�c saanod immediatdy before the taicing,divided 6y (b)drG fai�m�rl�t valae of.tbe Pcopercy i�+++!��!y
<br /> befone t6e taldng. My b�shalt ix paid to Bomower.Li the eveat of a partia]taking of tde Prope�ty in whic6 the ftir
<br /> - m�rird vilue of the Fropeety irtunodiateiy befoce tLe tairing is Iess t6an the anwunt o�.the snmg secaned immedia�tely befote the
<br /> yiting,unksc Bonuwer and Lcader ut6etvvise agnx in writing or unless�pplicable law atherwise provides.the pioaaeds sl� �
<br /> be 9ppliod w the snms secuiad by this Security Inshument whether or not tLe sums ate then dua.
<br />_- If tLe Fropacy is ab�rdoned by 3ur..iwer,o��f,after�oti,-e by I.�-�dec to Borrower th�t the coademnor o�s:n�ao
<br />- _ � ax�td or seulo a claim for damages,Borrower tuls to respond to I.eader adttiin 30 days aftct tbe date die�ce is�.r�-em;.
<br /> _" - I�nder is�tbotizod to cdlect and apply ttie prooeeds.at its optioa,either to trstotation or cepair of tbe'P�apeity or to the�
<br />_` socuied by this Saa�rity Iasaumen�,w6dher or na then due. ''=:;'�- .
<br /> :�:_ Ualess lrnder and Borrower dhervvise agre� in writing, any apptication of pmcads w principnl shall not eatetid or
<br /> �-�7 postpon the due datt of the momhly payments r+efernd to in paragraph.s 1 ab 2 or change the amount of such payments:
<br /> - - ll.Ba�t[o�r�Not�elessedi Furbeatan�+e 8y I,eadec Nat A Wpiv'er._F,xteRsi4n of the time for payment or tnodification
<br /> - --- - a€snwrttt�fian af thc.san►s secored h�;this Seeusity-i��,••,��c g�auted Iiy Lenstes ta any succes,u�E in inter�st of Borrawer sbalt--- -- - ---
<br />• -:__�:�
<br /> = .:� not operate to release the liabiUty of the ortginal Borrower or Bom�wer's sucoessoss in inter�st.L.ender shall not be requirad Qa `
<br /> commcua pro�adings against any successor in int�st or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise madifi�,amortir.ati�n
<br /> -� of the sums sxttred-by this Securny Insaument by re�on of any demand made by the ariginat Borrowe�:�Borrawer's
<br /> �ssors in inter�st. Any forbeacance by Lender in ecqar,.-�sing a�ry right or�dy shall not be a waiver of or p�rieclude the
<br /> . eseaise of any right ar temedy. � .�'. .
<br />:.; .'" 12.S�ooesats and A�Bound+loint and Seva�l I.iAbi6ity;Co-s�ts. Tf�e covenanu ar�d agreements of this
<br /> - : Sewrity Ia.�tuaent sha116ind and 6�nefit the successpcs and assigns of t.endet and Borrower, sabject to thc provisions of
<br /> _. �graph l7. Borrower's �venants ar�d agreements shall be joint and several. Any.Bonower who co-signs this Security
<br /> Lngnurnent Iwt does not eaeaue the Notc:(a)is co-signing this Security TnstrumeuE only to mortgage.grant and oanvey thAt
<br /> Borrower's uuerest in tl�e Praperty under thc terms of this Security lnstrument;(b)is not personally obligated ta pay the sutn4
<br /> . secured by this Security Instrumenr,and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to eatend.modify,forbear or
<br /> . maYe any acoamrnadations witJ�regatd to thc terms of'this Security Instrument or the Notc withaut that Borrower's consent.
<br /> � 13.La�n Char6es.If the laan secured by this Securiry lsutrument is subject ta a taw which sets maaimum loan charges,
<br /> " and that law is finally iante�r:eted so that the interest ar uthet loan charges mllected or to be oollected in connection with the
<br /> loan cxceod the pemutted l�its.then:(a)any such toan charge shall be rcduccd by the amount necessary to r+�duce the charge
<br />' � to the pertnittpT fimit:and (6)any sums alrcady collcctcd from Borrower which exceeded permitted fimits aill i�c refanded to
<br /> Borrower. l.endes may choaso to make this� mfund by reducing the principa! awed under the i�fote or by making a diroct
<br /> � . payment to Borrowes. If a refund reduces principal. the reduction will bc trcatod as a partia] prepayment without any
<br />. y�rep�yment charge under the Note. '
<br /> 14.Notloes.Any notice to Borrower pravided for in this Security lnstrument shal!be given by delivering it ar by mailing _
<br /> ,. it by first class mail unless applicable luw tequires use of anather methad.The natioc shaU be directed to the Property Address =
<br />- .. or any other addresv Borrowcr designatcs by notice ta Ixndcr. Any nwice to Lendor shall be given by iirst class mail to
<br /> . '' I.ender's�ddi+ess slated herein or any ather address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> . Searity Instrument shall bc dcemcc!ta have bcen given to Bonowcr os Lcrfdcr whcn givcn as provided in this paragraph. _
<br /> 13.Go�verniug l,aw;Severability. Thi�Sccurity Instrument shall he gavemed by federal law and the lacv of the _
<br /> jarisdiciian ia which the Property is locatcd.in tht cvent that any provision or ctausc oi this Security Instrument or the Note ;
<br />,.. - -- � _
<br /> _ _ —1 CO11-111CC9�f+1t11��1iC�DII.`PdW:5IIC1f contliCT'.slrelt noi�rtCCt omCr prvvicitms oi inis Sc�vrily jnsitw�t�ti vr i0rc isvto wbin'i�uui u�
<br /> I� given effect without the canflicting prOvisinn.To this end the pmvisians of this Security lnstrument and tho Nate ane declared
<br /> �p be severable.
<br /> 16.Borrower's Copy.&inower shall t+e given orac cnnfom�ecf copy oi'the No:e and of this 5eeurity lnstrument.
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