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' . . . . .�f. .. - <br /> . _.�I' " Lyc• . �- — �.J�. __ .___ . - _-_ .� ...�.�— � -_.— . -__ _- . . <br /> _ -__ • __ c .� . __ — �::.�^.�C.� "___ ' . . '__ � __-.- <br /> �.. - � - -:"-� <br /> _ .. ��� • � ' ( � _ `�}..�-� � - _ .._ . ' ' • � _ .. ... _"___' <br /> -.:�-r-[.� ___-_— . _ ____ � _�_-- _ - ' . . ". . - <br /> -�T. ,� _ _.- . . � : . <br /> --— _ _.�' l. ... .. . �_ , . . . � . " t ' ' -��! . ������ T . , , <br /> _ ` � . - I7.Trarfer�t ttie lt+�pa�ty or a eeodfeW�etad M esnswee.if alt or adY P�-����Y a�Y intae�E u�it ` <br /> is aold or traesfer�ed(or if a 6eoe£�va1 ia�est in Bamwa is sold or tru�cf�aad Hor�ov_yer is not a n�taral pason)witiio�t <br /> — � ° �, m�eot in fall of�tt surt� seated �y d►is <br /> — I,eoder•a prior�vriuen ooasaW, Ireader mi!►.�t its c�� immodiate Wy . federst law ag af the date . <br /> — -- --�ry�E.�vever,thisopnanshaltaotbc yLead�ciE�a�rciseis�mhihitad_6Y.-------- ---- ... _. . <br /> � , of this Sauri�y�• . . <br /> If l.eodrd u�tAis opcion.I.mdef si�all give Borrower notice of xaleration-The notice s6�Il provide a period of aat <br /> kss t�n 30 drys hom the daoe tbe notice�s delivecod or mailed virid�in wt�ich&tmowa pay all�saatted by tpis <br /> — SeCUrity[nsnumeut-If Bo�ro�.t�t'is to�y dxse sums prior w tbe expirstion of tl�is perio�,I.ender msy involce aay�anedies . <br /> — petmittod by this Sowriry Iaswineat witiwut furtLa tatioe ar demaM oa Bonowu. - — <br /> is. BoR+uwds Ri� Reit�tate. if Bocmwa metts cenain oanditions. Bomower sl�ali dave the ri�ft W l�ave <br /> eafoicement of tTtis Savrity Tns�umeot disoo�e�d�t u►Y t�e prior�°���r of: (a)S days{or suc5 atbe,�peciod as <br /> - appiicabk law miy specify fur ceiasntemeat)befone ssle of the Pmpetty potsaant to wy power of sale eoatained in this <br />_- Sowrity insuument;or lb�maS►�aludg�c�'0�8 this Se�vrity In�t.lUose 000d�tions u+e that Borrower_(a)Nys <br /> - Llader all sua�s ahid�thea waald 6e due uAder this Savtiry t�uormaau aad the Nate as if no�oceleratiwi 6�d aowrnd:(b) <br /> cates aay dofault of any atba aoveoaots or�(�j PaYs all expmsts in�red'm tnfonciag this Sxuriry inst�ummt. � <br /> incloding,but aot tuaited to,teasortAble attomrys fees:smd(d)takes such a�,tioa as leoder may ra�sonaMY�oquire w a�sate , <br /> ' tb�t the Iiea of this Security lactnunent, l�ajder's ng�s m the Propetty and Bomnwer's obligation to pay the sucac sxurod by <br /> - ttis Savriry Iastrumdnc sf�all oontiaue unchange�. Upon reinstatemeat by Bortower, this Securrty [nsaument and the <br /> ' :; obligatioas sowrad benby s1wU re�nain fulty effative as if ua acceteration t�ad occurred.However.this right to reinstate s6�11 — <br /> - - �9PPZY-in the c�.se of aocelet�on wder parigraph 17. widi this Security - <br /> 1!.Stk a!NotG�of I.oa�Savker. TNe Note or a pa�tiat intet�st in the Note(toSether ��=� <br /> �:,:. Insuument?uxY�SQ�one or ma�tia�es withait prior aattce w Bomnwer.A sale may result in a change in the entity Auwwn <br /> �h� � �s the"La�n Servioer")th�t ooltects nwnthly payments due andcr the Note and this Sewrity Instntmee�'il�ere also may be one _���� <br /> Jf or mote diaoSts of tlie Lo�n Servioe�ant+el�ted to a sale of tt�e thae is a chaage of the I.oan Savicer,Bormwer witl be .��-. <br />: �� .:. 8�veb wntten natioc of the change ia acWnda�xe with puag�ph 14 above aad sppficable law.T�e aotioe will st�e the aame aod f'�`` <br /> ::. addriesc of tbe new Loan 5aviccr ud ihe addt+esc to�tnents shadd 6e made.The notice ariil a}so cantain any other *~_ <br /> ' i .;�•` lpfp[Ili�lpD R'�11C��,3��1AbjCi�aW. . " ..- . �r:.�A'r. <br /> C <br /> . : , 2�.Haardo�s S�bstaecss.Bo�rower shall not ca�ue or peamit'tt�e�'i�ce. use.disposal, storage, ar release of any �'.'', .. -. <br /> Ha <br /> ' - � Ha7acdo�'Substanoes'an or in the Pmperty. Boaower st�aifl� nar a`�aw a�ryone else to do, anything affecting the .. .- -- _-- <br /> _ Pnopc7ty�at'ss_in.viot�on of any Envimnmeatal law.The�e:*aa�ing two sentences Shai1 not aPPly w thc p[eseuoe.use,or �_ - <br /> ,. <br /> • . . spnraae��`sc P�e�+ecar of small quamitics of Ha�ardous Substa.xes that�re 8enerally reaa�nized t4 be�P�'ffi� _ _ - <br /> _ _- �,�.`: �identi�!uses affi L�t�ainten�tac af tite Pmperty. ` � - — � <br /> '-�R�• Soisowu si�all p¢�r�t1y give E.cndet written natice of any investigation,claim,demand.lawsuit or other action by atry _ -. <br /> ;�a.�_., , • gavemmental or aegulatory ageu�y or private parcy involving the Propercy and any Hazardous Substarke ur Environmeatal Lsw . , � __ <br /> °-�zr=� of afiicfi Borrawer has actual lmowledgc.If Barrowcr tearns. or is natified by any govemmental or r�egulatory authority.that <br /> ��,`'�� ,aay remod�l or athec remodiation of aay Harrrdous Sutrstance affecting the PropertY is necessary,Borrowu shaU pmmpciy take • _i= <br /> .� al�Apoessary,�nodial actionc in aocordance with Emironr�ual Iaw. ' �- _ <br /> � _:'Y� .����: As usod in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Sc.'�s�tances'ar'e those substas�oes defined as tosic ar ha:acdous subs[anoes bY �� ..-:`° :..� <br /> ;�; _ �' . ' F�n v i i+a n m e n w l t aw a n d t b c f o i l o w i n g s u b s t a i t a e s: g a s o l i ri e, kerasene,�.flammable or toaic petrnfwm products. toxic � __ <br /> ' _ ;:�. pe�icides and t�erbicides,volatile sotvents,materiats contaiai�asbestos or fom�atdchyde,and radioactive materials.AS used in _—- <br /> . ;'� ' th�s p�arig�ph 2Q. "Envirnnmental Eaw'mrans federal taRS and laws oi the jurisdiction where d�e Property is,located that `° <br /> : '.�:' ietate toi�ealth. safety or environmental pnntoction. ~�'�.- <br /> � NQN-UNJFORM COYENANTS.Borrawer and Lcnder fuRher covenam and agres as follows: „ _ <br /> = 21.Aoada�tion;Remedks.l.ender s�wii give natice to Borrower prior to s�ala�tion follo�Bocroweel7 ank� � <br /> , � ot siay coveoaM or agt+eanent in tbis Secarity Ittsdvment (but tat priar to acoeleratioe ueder�Pb *: ';� <br /> -��` � sppiicabfe law provides otheewise?.'f'6e notice sUWI specify: (�)the defAWt.N)t6e actioa m�ai�d to care t6e defadt; , � � �: <br /> :•s . (c)s dWe.iwt k�t6au 30 days fs�oa�t6ee date the nottoc�S given to Horrower,by rvhki tLe defidt anst be wt'+ed:aad - .. t-.� <br /> ' " t <br /> �. ,: ...',;� (�t�at lailw+e to caes tLe defayiE on or betoce the date specitial in tbe�e nwy rrsaN in�ooeterptbn of the sams .. �,r�- <br /> secmYd by t6is Savrlty Instn�nKM and sak of the Penperty. Tbe notia shall fu�tl�r iafosm Bois�awa�ot t6e r�t to , ,�� <br /> -'.- :. neins�te sitter sooda�tion aod t6e risht to briug a court action to assn!the non�sxista�ce of s.�elaolt or s�try d6er ;.. :_: <br /> - dda�e at Borrower to s�oaleeatbn aad sa t e.i!t h e d e tx d t i s n o t cu r e d o n o e b e f a�e!b e d s�t e s p e c i t i e d in the notice, <br /> ' � s : - I.ende,r,at its optiow,.�msy requlre immedisite}�Y�t in fWl ot aU sums seatrod by this Sa�urity I�t�vitboot '. <br /> ' , ` taetl�iems�nd sad may inrolce the power o f sa l c a n d any o t h e r r e m e d k s p e t m l t t e d b y a P P� i�rtclad�i�.bu1 not thmited <br /> - - � e�Ritle�mn colled a{I eaperees inatrred in pursuir�g t1�e temcaies provlded in this p�ra�ph 21, • < rti•.' <br /> :. : • ,. ._,�,f <br /> ` - : ' to,�+avorobie attorneys'[as�nd costs at Htk evidence. •�- � <br /> . � *�f,J..r.,;, I!the pawa ot snk is inroked, 'il�tee siall reoord A noNce o[defAnit ie eacb counh�ia v�tiicb any p�rt ot t�e _ . '` ��,.`�. <br /> f:��;�:;:'' Pe+uperty is locahd and shaU mail copks of s�ci notke in the manner prESCr�bed by Applkable trnv to Borrower�nd to �:,�;�- <br /> sc <br /> � ",��:- t6e Mht�.pe�son��SCribed by ApplkaMe li.v.Atter the timc requi�ed by applicabk law,TRStee s�all�ive poblic notia ��*�..r <br /> , ..�-:��-;. <br /> f r ,;�, � �,� ., of a�k to tbe person9 and in tLe ar�aner P�esc�bed by appiicabk I�w.T�teti wit�demand on Bore+awer.shall sdl .....,;,,: <br /> � i�, t�e Y t»p e R y a t p a b l i c a a c t l o n t o�f i e b i a h e s t b i d d e e A t t h e t i m e a n d p l a e e a n d u n d e r t h e t a m s d�t e d in the noNa ol � <br /> �'�[.,f�s <br /> }'•�::�.•.�,• e p�k in one ar ma+e p�rotls and in any ardee Trusta determitKS.Teustee may postpa�s�le oi all or any�ot t6e . . . <br /> . _t' �=_,:..�',;.::�_-.., Ptnae�ty bv nu61k announceuren/at the time aad ptace ot Any pnwioasly scheduted sate. Lender or its msy _ . ' <br /> r . - — aurch�e the Pnoperty at any sale. _ - - . _ ' <br /> .� <br /> - � � '. . <br /> :>' �:,I,'..� � <br /> ; �!;� Fam 30YA 8/90 � . � <br /> ' .' •. . vngo 5 0l e � � ' <br /> . 'i,A+._.,rt,'.`t . ,s <br /> 4 <br /> � . �. . i� <br /> �,; . , . . . . . . . . <br /> 'YZ � � • . . . . � . <br /> .• .�a• ..�.r. . . . ' . • . � . . . ' <br /> _ . . .. _ ' ' ' . <br /> �1 . ' ' � . . � • ' <br /> . . . . � . ' � ' . . l' � • . . . ' . . . . . .. . <br /> , .. ;'. . � � .,. . . . - . , :. , '' ' ' - ' . <br />' , �' _ . _ ;. • . ' , , ' ' • - <.. , � <br /> � _ . _ .:. . _ . r.. . -- - --�... .. _ _ <br /> . . �- .. <br /> . . _ . . «. . ., . . <br />