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<br /> --- -- _� , - - - � _ � -- � � � �- � . -- � -- ---- --. . _ _. .. _.
<br /> _ __�� � � � . � : : � � � - -_ .� . - g�;�_ I�524 i_.� - _ - �
<br /> � ,s.H�i`«r rt�c!L�a� Hor:o�rer�i,.n i�p the_i�ro��►��B.a ne�e�e�ema ca u�e .
<br /> �y 3awced a�ic�1ou aY f�.��uded:arithia t6e teim`exteaded Qoveca�e �md my otl�I�s,��L .
<br /> �oads or ttooa�o�,_fa aLic6l�aider caPi��.This;awnace sl�t be m�i�ined ia the a�uou�ts�oa for me pa�iods
<br /> . dut��Ier rapiies:'I`�i�c�siecPmviding t�e�cc s1taU be.c�bY-Bo�mwer.subjat to.Leade['s9�pp�ral .- --
<br /> Mhieh sh�tl not be unceuoroblY*dtl�eld.Tf$oROwer�Lc to m�iatain oovers8¢described�abp�►e. i,eoder maY•at Isnder's �
<br /> ��n omrps���o peutax Ls�es•s ri�hts in tbe�Property ia�000�duuo with paragaiph 9. �
<br /> Atl iasun�noe PoliciGS�nd ieoew�is shall 6e soa�tabte to i.ender md sh�li iaclude a staodaid mostg�$e sl�use. 1�eader
<br /> s1W16ave tbe right w tnW the poticies aod ieaewais.If I.ender�sqaires*BOrrowu si�il pr�ptly giv�to Lendesatl t+�+ccaptg af - .
<br /> ,p�P��°'�eu�ra!°°d°es.1n the event of la�s.Bo�roaer sl�li give piompc aoticc to the insunncx carrier aud I�euder. .
<br /> �I.eader msl►m�lce P�oof of loss.if aot m�de PromptlY by Borrowec.
<br /> Ualess l�eader aad Hamwer athawise a8c�ee ia writin8+iaca�aoe Pe�c�d�sha}i be applied w�stor�tian or nep�ir of the
<br /> p�p�Y d�8ed,if tbe reswration or ceg�ir is oconou�ically feasible�nd I�ender's securiry is na lessened.If the catoration ar'
<br /> np�ir is not 000nomicallY Ean'bie or Lender=s security would be tessenoa,�tLe iaw:aooe pnocaeds sbaU be apptiod to t6e sua�
<br /> aewted bY this Socari�Y Imdum��wliether or nat tixn dne,with�t►y eacass paid to Bormwer. If BoROwer�b�adoat the
<br /> �'nP�KY+or das not answu within 3Q days a meia from[,eader that the insutance c�rrier Iws offered to sdtie�la�m,a�
<br />=` Leader msy ooUxt tbe iasurance proaeeds. Lender may use the proceeds w etpai;or cesto�e the Pmpecty P�Y� .
<br /> - axu�od by dus SecaritY Iastrusarnt,whether or aot thea due.'17�e 30-day paiad an'tl begu►wAen the naoive is given.
<br /> -' Ualess Lender and Bomnwec atherovise�oe in ariting, ai4Y aPPlicati�a of proceeds to piincipal stiail not exm� ot
<br /> Y�y�s s 1 amd 2 or cha.-�t�e�mout�t of tbe paymonts. If
<br />_- . . p�pone the dqe dAte of t�e monthl nfemed to in parag�ph �
<br /> e
<br /> ' aader p�c�gra�h 21 tl�PmpenY is acqui��by Itader.BonuwEr's dgfit w a�insaran�oe.poiioi�s�d Frocads.{�esulang from
<br />- _ d�a�sge to We P[opeity�rior w the acquisiaon s t�a l i pass to L�e o d e r w t h e e x t e m o f t h e s c m i s secdrod b y thia Socuri t y IasttumeM
<br />_;_� i�edi�lyi.pcior.ta tlie xquisition. • . . ` .
<br /> �'- L.O�b�ic9.P�na�°°+��aad Ptatediaw oi f6e Prapert9;�a�s�u�s i.ow AppBdtbo:I�o�dr.
<br /> {� , , as Bor�e�s cescdence�within sixty days atter the exavtion of
<br /> Barmwer's'ftaU a�pY,est�blisb,aad use ihe Ptnpet'ty p�P� .
<br /> - - this Se�utiry Inmumeat and sAa{l cantinue to occupY thc Pt�OPe�Y ac Boiiroiaer's principal tesidence for at least one year after
<br /> tbe d�te o�o�tipancy�vn2ess Lender otherwise agrees in writing,ar6ich odnseat shall not be unreasonably withheld.or unless — --
<br /> — - -- -extenuating��exist arbich are beyond ii�srrower's aoatro}. Boic+nwer shaIl pot desuoy, daataSe or irttpair t1�e' �:-
<br /> - -- - �.:
<br /> Prope�ty.ailow the P�opetty to deterioiate.or wmmit waste on ihe Fruperty. Tiarravrcr stsaU be in dcfault if aay forfeittsre � .
<br /> x.tion or prococding.whethe�'c�vi"[+�criminal,is 6egun ihat ia L.eader's good faith jud�t cantd result i�forfeiture of the � -
<br /> ' .- property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrumept or I.ender's sesuriry interest.Borrower may --
<br /> que sucb a default and tein�tate,as provided�n ParaB�Ph 18,by causing the accion or proceeding to be dismissed with a culing
<br /> .'', . tbat, in I.ender's goad faith detecminatio�,pr�aciudes forfeitut+e of the Borrower's interest in the Ptuperty nr atlxr m�terial
<br /> ;mpai�n4ent of the lien created by.this Security Instmment or l.ender's secarity interest. Bon'ower sHall also be in ckfault if .
<br /> Bormwcr,during the loan appiicaEion pc+aeess,gave matecially false or inaeeurate infocsnation or staternennts to Lender(or failed
<br /> . ' w provide I.ender with any material infom�ation)in connaction vrith tAe toan evidenced by t1.�c Note.inclading,6ut not limited _ —
<br /> to.rePrese"tat�ons eoncerning Borcower's oceupancy of the Pcopeccy aq a prineipal residenee.If this Seeurity Insmsmemt is on a '
<br /> leasehold, �orcower shall camply with all the provisions of th�lease. If Borrower acqt�'ues fec 6tte to the Pnaperty, the =--—
<br /> leaxhold and the fee titte shall not merge unless Leader agrees to the merger ia writing. �:::
<br /> �,prot�ton ot Lender's Rights in the Propeety If Bonower fails to perform tfie covenants aad agreements cantained in
<br /> this Security Instrument. or there is a legal pruceeding tt�at may significantly affect Lender's righu in the Property(such as a "t;_-,�P1
<br /> '. • p�noo�iAg jn bankruptcy,probate.for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce lawa ar regulations),then Lender may do and �=-�:-
<br />,. . pay for whatever is necessary tv pratect the valuc of the Property and I.ender's rights in the Property. l.ender's actions may .!, ,_,;
<br /> .j . , include paying any sums secund by a tien which fias priodty over this Security Instnunent. appearing in couri, paY��B --__,
<br /> '. ��}e a��ys'fecs and entering an thc Property to make tepairs.Althaugh Lcnder may takc action under thi�paragraph `�,:�
<br /> �; 7.Leader does not have to do sa. .
<br /> � Any amounts disbursed by l.ender under this paragra�� 7 ahall become additional debt af Banower secured by this �.�.,::_,.
<br /> Secu�ity lnsttutnent. Untess Bonower and Lcnder agrec to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bcar intere�t from the' . '�
<br /> ' date of disbursement at the 1Vote rate and shall bc paya6lc, with iaterest. upon notice fiom l.ender to Homnwer tequesting ' �..;-,
<br /> � PaYm��• -
<br /> s i41w4gage Imueance•lf l.e�sder rcquired mo»gage insarance as a condition of making the loan secnred by triis Socurity
<br /> , tnsqument, Bonowcr shsill pay the premiums roquired to maiatain the martgage insurance in effect. li,for any reason. thc ' 1��.�;•,�
<br /> moltga�e insurance coverage required by Lcr�dcr fapses or ceases to bc in effect.Borrower shail pay thc prcmiums required to ,'
<br /> d�aazt coverage substantially eq�eivalent ta the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a cost substantially equivalent to the „
<br /> ._.:..._�. ;� -_
<br /> . � . --
<br /> -•-— _ —
<br /> _ , . - -�srm isorrower oi irre-muriy�ia»�=�►.e t.n.�:.::j•�.'J ic:�t'fzct.s:ets_°�-��•�!e_±nc+�!oa�P ina�rer aoprcwed bg_Lendet. --------
<br /> � =* substantially equivatcnt mortgage iru--urance caverage i�not avaifablc.Borrower shall pay to Lcnder each month a sum equal to , .
<br /> . �''' �` one-twelf�of thc yeatly mortgage insurance prqnium being paid by 8arrowcr whcn thc insurance coveragc lapsed or ceasod to ` ;
<br /> ._ ��;'{`.
<br /> - =' be in eifeci.Lcnder will acccpt.use and retain thesc payments as a loss reserve in licu of mongagc insurance. Loss reservo
<br /> . a � Fam 8d?� �ll0 ' _,
<br /> . . _ vag�3oie : h.',
<br /> `F,, t}',�`,-
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