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<br /> - `.._.__.__� � . _ , - _ , . ... __ _ . . 9� _ 105241 :-
<br /> . , 't�OIiBl�wilU.n a�e.� _��o±:ar�eaitler,a�ee a.u�e p�opaey.,d`.n a�em�rs:�p�ta��•pa-. � -
<br /> . , f�es ww ar Y1e�ler a pet of tbe ptopeitY. /113 �epVoemeats md a�tio�s a6�1�a1�a be oovecod by t�is Sea�itS►
<br /> . ; �temmet.All ot We�is tde�t�ed to in t6i�Savsity Ia4te�mrat a�tbe'P�upaty�� . .
<br /> HOitROS1VFR ODY�[+TAty'F$.ti�t Batr�vet is 1a�rtLlly�ei�ed of the e�ta lieieb�►a�av�yed aad 6�s d�e iight to giaot and
<br /> — -oo�rey ebe pecpecty�d dwt Ibc Pn�patS►is�mmbaed.nxcept fot ena�mbr�oces of noaid.Bnrmwer warraatc ancl W►'il . -
<br /> � d�fmd Seeet�lig t6e dde'to t6e Pro�pe�ty asaiost all cWm+and ddo�ods.subject to�a�t eoc.�+imbrru�oes of nocbtd.
<br /> � � T�.S SECURITY�TSIRUMENPI'oomelnes�ifotm carenwta for mtionil use aqd non-uaifom�ooveauits ivith limlted
<br /> : �va�i�tioos by jar3�diet�to co�titooc a aeiform�ecuRiry in�uddeat coveriag iai pmpeKY• ; < . .
<br /> ` urmtowK oovExnrrrs.�.oa�mer��'����s���y�.y a�aue ebe �
<br /> ' lt !la��t d hYct�l atl Liteteihs AsPJ�e�t and tate d�Bes due under the Note.
<br /> pincip�l of aod interat on t6c dd�t evid�ooed 63►t6e Note and�ay prepayment
<br /> 2.l+ri hr T�ooes aW Lis�ra�oe.5bb.locc w aPPfi�bk is�or to a writun waivu by Lwder.Hormw�a shail pay m
<br /> i.e�ec os tbe day�moathly paymeots are due neder tUe Nata.aat�7 ti�Note is p�id in fu11,a sam("F�mds')for:(a)yearly nus
<br /> aod�ents which may�tain prbrity aver this Sa�uity Tns�meAt as a lia�on the Ympaty:N)Y�Y�P�
<br /> = 4r�aitd�tats a►thc Property.�f mY:(�)Y�Y�'�or pcapaty inwr�noe p�:(d?Y�Y�in.WUance p�+eanoms.
<br /> -= if�ny.(e)Year1Y�8�8��P���if wy,apd(fl�Y�PaYabk 6y Eon+nwu to Lender,'tn aa;ordaoce with
<br />"° �tm�s.These itea�s�called'Fscmw Itemc.'
<br />-�= the proviiwns af p�ctgc�pb 8,in lieu of the paymeat of mottgage iawr�ooe P
<br /> i'•'-� Laider mry,u+nY.time, oollut aod hoM Fundc in an aimuac mt to cxaod the maxinanw amouni a 1a�der fos s federaliy
<br />�-,;ti� �d mostSs�e la°inaY iu�uine for Bormwa's escrow x�ount nnder the federal Reai F.stace Seuiement Pro«dunes Act of �_
<br /> 1974 as aneoded fmm time to time,12 U.S.C.Sedi� 2601 d seq. ('RFSPA"),�ess aiwtber iaw th�t�pplies'W the Fuads
<br />�;��,* sels a kster�monnt. If ao,1�endei maY>�t n�ry time, ooUax aad hold Fi�nds in an�not w eacoed tGe tesser amount. _-
<br /> -�_ ypdec ma�r e�aute the�nanc of Fwds doa on tlfee b�sis of cvment dats�nnd cr�soaable estimates of expeoditares of futune . . _ -
<br />--- E.umw R�s as otherwfae in aoeo�daaoe wIth�plicable taw. ,
<br /> TLe Fwda ah�U be hdd in au instim6on whose deposits ane iasurod by a fedaal ager�,y, ias�umentality. or a�tiry
<br />_ (inclodina i.ender,if Leader is suCh an inatiUirioa)or in aay Federal Hane Loan Banlr.;i�ender si�ail aPPIY�be Funds to pay the �,-:
<br /> ' _ ' Fxrow Itemg.Leader may�wt charge Bonower for holding aod applying the Fuads,a�►naalty anatyziu8 the escrow acc�at,or
<br /> s Botmarer iatecrst ua the Faads aad ap��ica6le lacv,permits Ictider to malce such _ �..:._
<br /> vetdyiag 1be En�Itea�s.nakss I.ender WY
<br /> - . :�i#�ar�e.-Hawever,�r may requi�e�rrower ta pay a as�rime cha�foraa ind�endent tral estate tu tepoRing servioe�. �.`�f�l.!�t�_
<br /> used by I.ender in connoction wiih this 1o�a, unless applipble law pmvides Wheivrise. Unless an agtasnent is m�de or �,�
<br /> • appUeable law reqatns iuterest to 6e paid.l.ecdec shaU not be required W pay Borrower any intecest or eamings on the Puads. ... . �,i_-
<br /> : Bomnwee and Iender a�ay ag�ee in writing,however.that intecest shatl be paid on the Funds. I.ender sha11 give w Borrawer,'' ��<<_
<br /> , �� witbnnt chuge.an annual axoanting of tLe Funds,slwaring credits and debits to the Fuadq aad the puzpase for which each': ��—
<br /> �� debit w the Fmds was mada.The Funds ace pledged as additional secarity for aU sums sec�red by this Socuriry Instrume�►t. � �:�-�
<br /> � If dte Ftmds beld 6y.Lender catoeed the amounta P�rmitted to 6e 6eld by apptipble lsw,I.cnder shall acarnsnt ta Borrower �-�
<br /> • fottt�e access Funds in aocordaaoe wsth tbe�Ninanents of appticable law.If the amount of tbe Fands lxTd,by"L'ender at smy ��
<br /> . time is nat saffcieaE to pay the Escroar Items whea due,l�ender may so�adfy Borrowet in writing.and,in sucb case Barrowec �c�_�
<br /> �: �_.� _
<br /> . �' shall pay to t.ender the amount necessary ta make up the deficiency: Bormwer shall m�lce up tGe deficiency in no more than -
<br /> � ��. twelve moathlY payments,at Lender's sole discretion. . - �� :
<br /> �
<br /> . , U p o n p a y m e n t i n f u l l o f a l l s u m g s e c u r e d b y t h l s S e c u ri ty I n s t t u m ea t�Lender shall pmui p tl y :efond to Borrawer anY �;w::: .�•�_
<br /> Funds held by I.ender.If,ander paragraph 21,Lender shail acquirc or sep the Prope�ty,Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale . �
<br /> "r of thc PropeRy,shall apply any Funds held by l.ender at thc time of acquisition ar sale ag a credit against the sum4 secuted bS+ : :��: ,:�_
<br /> thia Security lnstrument. • ;,�."•`.�. .
<br /> . . .. ;�a,•:
<br /> 3.AppNcatbn ot Ps�yma�ts.Unlcss applicabte law pmvides otherwlse;all payments receivod by Lender nnder paragraphs ...: • .._;a� _.;
<br /> �.; �._:��..
<br /> _ 1 and 2 shall be applied: first.to anY PrepaY���8�'due under the Note;seoond.ta amouata payabte ander paragraph 2. ,_ ,�:;;�;�.-�-
<br /> I"'•i:.;y,l��:-~�- �;
<br /> � ' third,to intenest due;faorth,to principal due:and tast.to any late charges due under the Note. ,+,,rs.,,�,�;,_..;•
<br /> °:(� 4.C6fu�ea;Liene.Borrawer shall pay all taxes,asscssmcnts.chatSes, fines and impositions attributable to the Property ,,:. ,
<br /> . �'�4 which may attain priorlty over this Sea�rity lnst�ument,and IeaseMo2a��ayments or ground reats.if atry.Borrower shall pay. � �
<br /> �'' tbese obligation9 in the manner providod in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower sTia}l pay them on time directly ,:, .: '
<br /> k to the peison owed payment.Barrower shall pmmptly fumish to I.cnder all notices of amounts ro be d tmder this ..;`•. '
<br /> P� P�• ��,;°- . �3°:=
<br /> � � If Bonuwer makes these payments directly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments. '�r':-'.;.':�~
<br /> .;�3�`�
<br /> � � Barrower aha}1 pmmpUy discharge any fien which has priority over Ihis Security Iastrumcnt uriless Borrower:(a)agras in `'`•�i'.;.- -.,
<br /> ' wrlNng W the payment of the oblig�tion secured by the lien In a manner aceeptabte to Lender;(b)contests in good taith the Ikn �.;,;2;;,,:•,.';:-�.
<br /> . . �� by,or defends against enforcement of the lien ie, tcgal Proceedings which ln the l.ender's opinion operate to prevent the �11t`'::;:: � _.
<br /> _�;�.;r-,�,.-i,_ �nforcement of the lien;ot(c)secures from thc hotdes of thc lien an agreemcnt satisfactary to Lcndcr subordinati�ig the lien to ';•.�::��
<br /> ..•_ .
<br /> .- d�is Security Instmment. If Lender dctemunea[�r�s any part - � - � •• —'-
<br /> - ot trtc Property is sabjr�W a iit�r w;u�E�ti.ag atiasri�::a:C�:.L':: -
<br /> , '�, tbis Socurity Instrument,Lendcr may give Horrowcr a notice identifying the Iten.Borrower shall satisfy thc lien or talce one or '
<br /> ' more oP the actians set forth aL�ve wlthin 10 days of the giving of notice. �
<br /> , t+ Farm 302a 9l9�
<br /> `' �` vays a o+e .
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