�F. .� K - _ t�� N_�-. : - L. - �. . –' ` ' � _ ' " _ _ _ .. _.._
<br /> "_� . . _ . —(_'_ - _ (� •-z i-C -------R� j S` _ — �_ _^ _ ' _. __ — � �–
<br /> ^.�"f� ' :i`. ' , `_ �� � . � _ �� � +. ` � �.. � � ' ` —_—'-- ^_ '
<br /> — - -------� � , � - , . , . .
<br /> _i.-�� � _ �� � � _ � - . -- - � = -- -�- � � ��91- 105���� _ � _
<br /> � , , t.MYIENT OF nMiC�AL ApD WTEl�.1T.Trustor ahall D�PW WY whett dus ths Pfinc�paf o1�iW interest on tM indd'rtrt�dr�tss�+AdMaO by —
<br /> ➢ 1hf NatR�nd al!athst Cls�rO�s and teas as P�orided U the Noh.�1nd tlfe prin�ipal of aJid iMensROn anY FuNte Mvl�ncts�cutad by tMS Tnnl f)Md. v�
<br /> . ,_ _ - - 2 91Ai�iAN1Y O�TIiE&TruaWs b fi�vtaNy aeized and poasesasd of+Dood snd inQei�iWa title and astats to fM Prapue5t M�ea1F.ooa�eaye�and . - — - --
<br /> _ ^'� < ° has!hs riyht to�ant ana eanwy ths Praprrry;lhs Prc�party b itee and cfsar of a0 fiens at�N�cumD►ancas e�ept fi,sna nar of racor0:and Tiusta wfll ---
<br /> - wartanE and.dp(And tM titlR to ths Pra�rtY ay�inai all Cfelms end d�rtlanQs � _
<br /> �_�_ , , �-°"
<br /> '�� ` 3.NAINTEIlANCEAlACO�t1A1�ICEWITHLAMfS.T�usu►rah�UkesPtheProperty mgoodropairandeonditionandahallnoteammitwasteaP�it. �„-- _
<br /> - _- �ment a defeciaration ot tAs Raperty and ahail aomPhf��P�a#ar�y teass if tAis Tnut Deed ts on a M$atwid.No improYem�n+iwr
<br /> or fNreaRet ereCted upan tAe Properh ah�bs aitered.renat�ed ar demoli9tled v�ithaut tAe prior wtitten Conserit of BensficiarY.?rustot shalt eomply witA �_�.� _
<br /> eN�aws.arc�naooes.rogWatians.cavenant�,caiditians au�d restrictions atfecung ths Prape�ry and not canmit.autter or psm�it any act to tie done in a' :' :.;�;.__
<br /> upon f�rPmPertY in violalion of atry law.ar�tlanCe�Ogutation.cavenan4�IdiUOlt or restriCUon.Tntstor shallcomptete q r�tmrs P�omP�M��80�' . � ;
<br /> i wattu:s�n7kemanne►an!lim�ws�n�tanthePropertY�AdChmaYLed�magedordestroyedandPaY.wMndut aNciaenstortabarPedateedaa�dmate�+aJs �
<br /> � •.�� , . ... -
<br /> j �* ltrisiisf�eClitenDfi7F and far anY afte�aGOns.ifiereot . ; . ., .��"'�-
<br />� e f . 4:/tS1�lANf�'iriBlOr.dTifSe�se,'vYilftitamlautvritlti:IS�OrsaPD�V" t�Y�`+�11.��+��'�YIIHIreapsc�temessnPro�emdntsandD�t�E � ��` --
<br />-' s�,:ti�.�. ��, " �pr�par�;�or�,t�ly�g qie ptopetty,against►oss 6y,frca.1'ighating.iornaQO.a�x3 a�perils and hazards covered by s4nQsd e�mended coYerage in0a0e�►ient, � ___�'
<br /> ' r�' � in an amouM equal to at leaat ane dundced percerrt(10046)of the tull repl8cemerA value thersot and lnsirence against such olher huards and in sueh ��.,',``t Y��°-,-,
<br /> ' " �'` art�ound as is cu�mmarity c�rtied Oy owners and aperators ot simila�properties or as BeneTiciaryl malt�Niro tor i�prqtection.Tru�tor wiN camply wifh ;-r;,:�-
<br /> ' c.:`' a•�' wehdhMnquiternsntsas8lnlfiCiarl/may/ratntlmetotnnefequestforthsDrohcdonbllimutanCSWtlNinUrasttaittls/espsCtiM�D�.Allintura�tCS ' �"' �=�� _
<br /> poNci�s malntain�d p�usuant to th(s frust Osed shall name Trusta and Bsneficiarlt es insured.as th�ir�ap�etiw lnt�rests msY spp��r.and psoNd�that .-
<br /> � aMn.w noc�na�tion ar naoific�tion wiaiautu taast 15 day.priaw�en naificaHonbTnaf..and ern.Neian��+raau►.sw�+rau►anc.in,aaa�no.
<br /> ` wNh th�prwi�iam iof p�apr�ph 6 Mr�ol.Trwta shall aNiwr to B�nrriciarY tM alpinal OWkirs o/Inwr�and rwwwafs M�nof a n�no capM�01 • �'�
<br />. ' • :.wel�paicf�s arb r�n�wsts Ih�cwl.Faitur�to fumish such insuru�e�Ell Trwtor.a r�w�k�s nqutnd hM�unON�MII��tlw option o18�NciuY. .: �
<br /> "� : con�tltut�a d�lwN. � �
<br /> . . ;4 . , �4 --
<br /> • f { �r • 6.TAXEf�ANES/IAEl1Tf ANOt�1Al10El.Ttusta ehaN WY al{taz�.al�nsrtNnts and dM►chuqN.Inch�de�wflhoul�imitMion.flnN rfd inposMwn� "_
<br /> - �Ittlbut�tftattwPra{twryandMa�etalopaymentsayraurMnnbrMarry,Wfa�NNwn�b�com�d�Nnyu�t,Trwla��tiWtramptt�rturni�W.dlnHklW ' _ , _ : �
<br /> _ -- - a(lnotkslotu►►antsdwunaartnilparag�ph.andrntt�aewntTrufiashaltmak�prymw�tdincfiy.Tru�la�f►allprompNyfurnial�faB�rtNicii�yriCilpi� � . T�_ , �:- —
<br /> � �• wid�nclnp such paym�nls.Tructa ehall pay all tsxe�and.w�urt�+ts wfi�cb enay 0�IwNd upon B�nN�cNryl'��ntNKt hKNn a upon this T�uft OMd � �} .
<br /> • without npaA to any fiw thit may b��nacta0 impa�(np p�ym�nt of tht whot�oe any put thN�of upon!M BMNlciary. � �-
<br /> ' ��,. . 6.AOOlT10NAl LIENb AND MIOTECTIOti OF lIENEfIqARY'SlECURRV.Trusta ehalt mak.a�i a+rm.nrs or�n�s►en and w+nc+vai ana wym«+rs • �;�
<br /> � of anY WMr cha►pes�tNS ana�xPMSes contract«f ta Os p�ld W any sxlstkp a�ub�4►�n�I�anholda a Wn�fw�Iary,und�anY�xistinp a su6Nqwnt . �
<br /> . . rtwrt�a miat deed b�fa�ttw date th�y are Qalinquent a in dNau�,and D��WY MY and daeharq��ny�nA atl WhK N�ns.claim�a chv�ls whtch : T=„�"'
<br /> may jeop�rdize ths sswrity pranted herefn.lf Trustar faila to make any sucb payment a(�ils to p�Aorm any ot ths eown�ntsand ag�ert�ents oonWn�d •�
<br /> - In this 7nnt Dse0.a th�Nots referted to Asraln.a in any pIa a subsequant trust d�ed�a if anY�ction a procsedin�is commanc�d whicA materisly _—
<br /> ^ ' atfects Beneliciary a intersal in the Preperry.inetuding.but nat limited to.eminent danaln p�ocsedinps,pocseding�invdvinp a decedent,ffOtiee of iaW . . �—
<br /> � �a.� _� bf►Ttuues.noticeo}defautlhyTrustee.mat9aBeforeClasuroacdon.aHTrustatailstopayTnuta'sdebbgensralryastheyEsCOmsAue�thenBefleftdar�l. • y,;a'_=`�-
<br /> .: -''� . , a18e�fiGa►!r'soptlonanOwilhoutnoGcetoordemandupar►TrustaandwithoulteteasingTrustafromanyobfi�tlonhereunder.maymakeavchappe�rancss, - --_
<br /> • F • Cishurse such sums and take such action as is nocessary to protect BeneHciary's interesti inctuding,but not limited to,diebursement ot reasonabb ettarney's � '�'
<br /> - fees.payment,purchase,contest ar compromiso of any encumDrance,charge a lien,enby upon the Property to make repairs,or dectaration ol default • �_
<br /> under thisTrtut Deed.tn the event that Trustor ahall fail to pracure insuranrsor to pay taues,aaseasments.a any oNer chargesa to make any payments � --
<br /> �=�= � to arty exisiing a subsequent lienhdders or existing a subsequent benaficiaries,Beneficiary may procure such insurance and make such paymem.but •
<br /> '� F�;�;�--� . ahall nat bs obliptM to do so.Arry amounts disbursed by Beneficiary pursuant to thls Paragraph 8 shall became additional indebtedness of Trusta secured . .
<br /> . h nts ahatl be te u n�otica from Beneficia to Trusta►equesting paymem lhereot,ana shall bear interest Nom the . . ,.�, '��
<br /> " by thts Trust DeeA-Suc amou payab po rY ,.
<br /> • �• •��:�•:'<�: date of QisDursement aittr,,rate payable from time to time an ou�standing principat unCer tha Nota untess payment of Interest at sueh rate would beeonvasy .i�:;;'•`
<br /> :,.:�
<br /> �� •.�;`,�:�, ; '. toapplieablslaw,lnwhiehevemsuchamountsshallbearintarestatthehighest�atepermissibleunCerapplieabtelaw.NolhingcontaineQinffiIsPeragraph ' -�' ;.: e•,�,._.:,_
<br /> . .�E���°•.• •. 8 shatl requlre Beneficiary to incur any expense or take any actian hereunCer. � _ _
<br /> ' ;�%�`i . 7.ASSifiNMENT OF AENT8.Beneflciary shall have the right,power a��authoriry during the continuance of thls Trust Oeed to eollec.*r`s renU,issues „ , ' -
<br /> -�.� � and profrts of the Properry and of any personat praperty located thereon with a wlthout taking posaessian ot the property aNected hereby,and Trustor . . � ��"
<br /> �:�.. � hqreby absdutety and urtconditionally assigns atl such rents,issues and propts to Bene(iciary.Be�eAciary,however.hereby consents to the Ttuffior's ..
<br /> � collection and retention ot such rents,lssues and profits as they accrue and bacome payable so long as Trusta is not.at such ttme.in deTault with reapeet
<br /> °ti ° • to payment ot amr indebtednes9 secured heie6y,ar in the performance of any agreemant hareunder.Upon any auch Qetautt,B�neticiary may at u►y tlme, .
<br /> : :•� � either in pa�son,by agent,a by a receiver to be appointed by a court,withpul natice and wlthout regard to the adequaCyr of any aeeuriry tu;�e ind�bteQneas ' ..
<br /> :� . •• ' herut�ysecured.(a)antar upcn arta take possession of the Properly oT arry part thereof,and in its own name sua for a othervvise ealleet s.uets rsnta,l�,wes � ,
<br /> ' anC prafitg,inctudtrtg t;��e past due and unpald,and appty the same,less costs anC expenaes of operation and collecNOn,inefuding�eaaanabb atto►ney's . . _ :T ^,`
<br /> � ,Rz.' ��.,�_ . fesl,upan�y indebt�.ess secured he►eby,and�n such ader a�Benetklary may detxmine:(b)perfam auch ads ot repalr a pratectlon as m�;y�be �' .
<br /> -''�'�-*��,�. . � neeesaary or ptoper ta conserve the value ot the Praperty:(c�Iease the same a any part thereof far such rental,term,and upon euch candltians zs+is
<br /> ",•{:};..,. : .
<br /> . :.,,, .
<br /> • Judgmecsi may dietate,a terminate of aOjust the terms and wnditions of exist�ng leases.Untes4 Trustw anA Beneflciary tnereof agree otherwi�a in wrifmg, � �� �.
<br />•.. _ . • __�.,,-.<.�..-_-=-_- — -
<br /> . _. . t, -- __ _ ' ...... ..�..A rnd nen�n � nie �s al v1 wAw� OlTnnals6oA�ie�iafAP1 f?!n7web��R�34��$��T�!14?° –— .__ _:_._,
<br /> a��y -a�,�„K.as��ac►ara:tiss.:o.,�csc:�:a'.:t:tara,....c�..�r...c_re��_b,st:._tnet•�.._s.� .�- - -,- . ._ ,.._ � . . .
<br />; � • pravlded in saia promissory note or change the amouM of such installments.The entering upon end faking possessian of the Prope^yr,tha coll4etion � •�
<br /> • � of such rents,issues and profits,and the applicatlon thereof as aforesa�0,snatl no1 waive ar cure any default a noHce of Eefault hereun�er or lirvatidate •
<br /> � any act Qone pursuant to sueh notice.Trustor afso assigns ro Beneflciary,as further securlry fa the per(amance of tha obli9atlona ssCUred hereby.a1r ,
<br /> • -. - prepaid rants end all mon�es whicb may have been or may hereafter be depoaite0 wlth said Trustor by any tessee of tye fir��ty,to securo the payment �
<br /> . 01 any rent or damages,a upon de1au11 in the performance olany of the provlston9 hereot.Trustor agreesto dellver sueb�ents and deposits to Beneflciary. �
<br /> � Delivery o1 written�otice o!Beneticlary'e exeretse ot the rlghta granted herein,to any tenanl aceupying saiA premH�es�hell be suHieienf to requlre said ; .
<br /> . tenant to pay rent to the Benetciary until turther not�Ce. ! . . .
<br /> �
<br /> • 8.CONOEMNATION.If titte to eny part oi the Property snall be taken in conComnahon proteedmgs,by righl of eminent domaln w.similar action.ol .► •. '
<br /> "' � shall be sold unEer threat ot co�demnahon,al!awards.damagea and p�oceeds are heteby assigned and Shall be pald to Benetielary who shs118ppty � . .
<br /> ' euCh awarde,damages and proceeds to the sum seCUred by th�s lrust Oeed,with the excess.if any,patd to Trustor.N Trustor reeetves any notice a ; ' .
<br /> � ' ' othe��nfamallon regarding such actions or proceedmg9.Trustor shall give prompt wntten not�ce thereol to Benehciery.Beneticiary ahall be entttted,at ; �
<br /> • • ' its optlon,to commence.appear 1n and prosecule�n�t9 own narne any such acUOn a proceed�ngs and shall ba entitled to make any compom�ae a aettfement � ,.
<br /> in eanneetian with any such action ar proceedings.
<br /> i � 9.FUTUHE ADYANCEB.Upon request ol Trustor,8ene8ciary at Benehciary's aption.pnor to reconveyance ot!he Proparty to Yruatoh may make �
<br /> � . � � - tuture advancea to Trr�stor.Sucb future advances,wdh interest therenn,shall be seoured by t1rI9 7rust Oeed when epldenced by�rom�ssory notes stating � .
<br /> � that sald notes ars seoured hereby;provlded that at no time shall the secured pr�ncipal and future advancea,not inctuding sums advanced to protect �
<br /> ' • the securi.y.exceetl'xo hundred pereeN(200%)of the original pitnetpat am0unt9 SeCUretl hereby. ' .
<br /> 10.8Ef1E01E9NED4�JCCLUS1VE.trusteeand8eneficiary.andeac~o�them,shallbeentiUedtoentacepaymentandpetfolmenceo.'a�}rindebtednes9 •
<br /> , ' �� ar obligaUans secur�G r�areby and to exerclse afl Nghts artd powers:.��ax lt�i9 Trust De�d or unQer any ather agreement executed In va*:�c:,an rterew�!s • :, ,
<br /> • . or any laws now a rer�aRer in tnree,notwithstane:�g scme or a��o•^:s such indebtedness and obVgatians seeureQ hereby rnay now or tm�ea�'t��e , .��
<br /> � otherwlse secured,wt+ether by mortg�ge,nust deeG,p:zCge.tien,ass�gnment or otharwise.Neither fhe aeeeptanee o1 th,s Trust Oeed nor its entorca^r�-: .
<br /> ______. _..--.'—{�--_ . W11BlR�i'OyCdUffdCIIOffOfpU(SU3rtti6lrt@pOWBfOfS3t80►bth8►pOwe►shereinCOntair�t.5fialtprajudieaorirtarryirrarttter8lf5ct'f1U9t868Gt$en6fiCe2d'g's-._.. �:. :-_---�_..____.�_
<br /> Nght to realue upon ar enferce aey othe�security now or hereaiter hetd by Trustee or Beneticiary,it.being agreed that Trustee and 8eneflclary,and each �' . .
<br /> , � • �
<br /> . ' i�. �
<br /> . � ' i�
<br /> . •`.. :�.-. .. _'. . _ - - - . - _ . _ . �€ - - -
<br />