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<br /> � �OfiVAWA8I.ECONSiDERATION,Trustarircwocs6tyyranls.trl�nff�rs.canv�ysindssfinnstoTruslN.INTR118T.WITH PQWERQF SALE,
<br /> fonh�b�nNilands�eurltyofB�n�fieiarY,ur�d�rsndauDj�ettoth�t�rmsandeondkionsofthisTruffONd.th�folfowlnpd�fe►ib���atprop�ey.
<br />- Ioeat�0ln �i" Counry.N�brasNs:
<br /> - Lot Seven (?). Block Three (3), Brentwood Subdiviaian, G�aac! Islaad, Ha],]. Conaty, ,
<br /> = Hebraska. �
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<br />-n'� TOOETMERWITHallofthstollowinp,whethernowownedorhersafteracqulrad;ronts.profits.royalpa�.Incomsandoth�rb�nNHSC�rlvNtro -
<br /> th�r�ai property:all leales or aubleasea covering ths real property or any porliontharaol;all intsiests,aat�ts or otha el�im�,both In law and i �
<br /> aqulty in ths rsal propsRy:a11 homast��d exemptiona which are hersby rsts�seA an0 wa►ved;atl easem�nts.ri�ht�•of-way.l�n�ment�.
<br /> h�redltam�nte;all oil andyaa riphlsand protits,watsr�ighls:�tl rlghf.tltleand(nterestof Truator,in andtoanyl�nd tylnpwithiniheriqht-of•wayof
<br /> any atnst or hiphway aEJoioinp the re�1 property;any an0 all bu�ldings,tixtur�s:Improvemsnta,and appurtenanc�s now or h�r�aflu erected
<br /> thn�on or btton�tnp th�nto.(h�rein nterredto ss"ImprOvamenY'or"tmprovement�"j:and any anA al!awards m�ds totthstakiny by�minent
<br />• domaln,or by any praee�ding or purcAaee�n t+eu thereof,of ths wholeo►any part of ths rsal properly.Ali otths forepoinq atat�.propeHy and
<br />, lnten�t convayea to Tru�tes herein coltectivety reterrod to as the"Praperty"•
<br />- t �a►Ths psymenl ot Ind�btadness evidancad by Tru�tor'a note o�puarantee�"Note'y dated -Atl�Uat 7. ' 1g..�1, _
<br /> - ° +n ths prrncrpat aum ot �orty—Five.Thousand 00/lU0 ** ** +t+f � ** ** �* �°'� *'� *� **- � *� *� ootbrs
<br /> ' tS 45iAQ0'00 � � '�'� � � � f.togetherwitbinlerestattheeateorratesprovidedtherein,andthepNneipalandintuestonaey
<br /> � futurs advanees evld�need by promiasory notaa or guarantbes etating they are seeured hereby,and any and all renewat�,moditloationa and:
<br /> extenaionathereof,both prieeip�t and interestbeing payabteln accordaneswiththster�!ssettortbthbreln.which bythiaceterencs iamadeapart
<br /> ', '�;,r' �; haraol. � ,
<br /> � _ (h)The p��formanc�ot eub agroemen!and covenam ot Trustor haiein eontained:and
<br /> . te)The paymenf of any aum or sUm!of mOney which may be hereafter paiE or advance44y tAe Beneficiary under 1he terma of ihis7rust 0eed.
<br /> . - together witb inte�est thereon at the rate provfQed in the"NCte".
<br />