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<br /> . . - � . � � �:- �1-- 105�3i -, -
<br /> _�- -- - -a u�«n.snw w a�rmsa m.�orcs n�s T�e oeea ana any o���y��ne�a.ser n.ra br ae�f�nr a r���n ama�a�
<br /> = as th�y ar�IItNr W tA�m may in tlNU�Dsolute dieaalioRd�termins No�eenedy herain oortfetrad upan a rea�cv�d�o Trustes a�Y�intMttl�,O,
<br /> - to b�axek�lrs ot ar►y atl�romedy herein ar by IaN pravidrd or permiu�d.6ut each daN a eumuhtire and sAaq be tn a0dtkrt b s�y o1h�r�madf►
<br /> �v�nh�Maxkranowaher�sd�re�dstinyallaworinequiryabye�lute.Ever�/Pow�a�w�dyPfOY��U�isTrustDs�dtoTnmtesaBsr�fi�y -,
<br /> or to�Atch�itl�etatlh��+�rtsaY 6e othetwir entili�0.maYDb exsreised.wrNaurentll►orh�depe�►de��riitomtlmsmmitsandanta!l�nasma�tbe�e�+e�
<br /> �xp�dient by Trus1M or Bene6ci�rY an6 e1 1he Trustar W tlu�extentt sucA�aebont� ��pxmitted��ta�n shWl bs oomtruad as proh�itlrg Bene(ici�Y
<br /> t�m ssetci�9 a d�C�r�CY I���^� ' - . —
<br /> . it.TRAIISFER OF THE PROPEtiTYt ASSI111PTIOM.M all a am►P�of tAe PrcpMy a interestthecein is aotd.tran�terred ccothe�ri�E�ey�0 ` .
<br /> ,:_3v�wil�+otrt Bw�sfwtiarY�s pria�itpn ca�sent exdudi�fa�the ere�tion oi a Nen or enewnbar�ce su�ordnate b tl�is TrraT�eeQ lb)�i tasaf� �
<br />-- •�:;::;2+g�apqsatiait'i�da�riiPwr the eeW�,ot s 7n�wAO is a Joirit��nt a fe1 tha Sant ot arry kasNww int�est of ttrse(3)Ye�s6c fdss+�l�ieh iloeiaiot � "�. —
<br /> - �'��.; '•�tiia arz aptidff�Mi f�anct'i icNoii is a Dreach ot tt�is agteert�en4 and 8enet'�ci�rY may.�B�r!►"s ap6on.d�ctare att t'.it sums sa�m+d Ay ;
<br /> -`- . -.`:;:1�is Tiiqt OiiMCF to b�[mme6atetY dua anQ PsY�•G���furd�e►.thb Tnut DeeQ may,at BsnefieiarlPaapian.be deelared ielrt�e�tel9 du�and
<br />_- . pear�bi�,iE(1)Truaoorisapartnaahipmdanyicrt�erastinthepuuie►shiplssatdara�ignedb!►a�l►mer�wh�tsoere►.a(2lifthsTn�LOrisaao�oratian _
<br />- "' snd a uaqafer of fhs majaity sto�c awnerehiP Intenst in the cWpaatlon occfra.a ths Tnuto►oo�paadon men�es in srry fam with andtwr corpantlan
<br /> _'-� a wMNy.6ww8ct�ry s1aD Rave waived sxh aptbn to accetarate if.Priar to ths ays.transter ac conveyar�8i�+�ficiuY ana ttw P�te wtam th� •
<br />. ~,::� Prop�ty h b bs sdd a►transterte4 re�eh a4ewrbnt ln wriNn9 that ths eredit of wch Persan(s satistaetaY to Bensfiewll and that ths inter�a p�yabN --
<br /> an tl�anM aeu�«�by ceda Tnut oesa shau oe at sueh race as eaner�ctary enaA nquest• � , —_
<br /> - 12�ERATIONtl�ONOEFAIJLT;NEMW�S:SALE.ThefaNurebylhsTro�tor.wm�k�anYWYmenta�p�form�nydthst�rtnandconditbn� --�-
<br /> d tlAs Tn�}t O�W.a Ih�brms a�d can�itian!ot iM Ncls.a any ren�wab.rtioA�(cal(ons a��I�n�bna tMr�of,a tt�t faflur�to mah�payrtNnt ol any '�'�
<br /> a1hK ind�bl�drMN.prwr a�ubW4umt W tMS Truat O�W.and a1c�x�d hy fhls prapMy.a ths d�Mtf of an�a rtwn Ttuftars shW 0��OrMC11 and �..'��,�
<br /> a.a�w d�.T�o�w.nd�n.a«�.r�cisry m+r o.crar•�afa�n�u,e m+�r o.c�.n a�u,na s.eur.d nnr.oy+mm.a�o.y aw.ne wr+��� �•�.�.
<br /> wn.sl,.it nurnwa�n.ean.dw aes p�raw.with�wt a�s.nan�n�.a.muw.prot�l or noGc.o��qr iclna.aavid�w.Tn�1a►snax naM..i+y st.n�lo�► ��_
<br /> . tf�t b eut�iM Wtiuk W�or�arry naGe�ot dN�ult anA dMnind}ar qN miy W 4MLwnd to th�TruqM.Tt�ult�►.6�niHe+�rf1�Y dMivK b Ttw1M =.._
<br /> s�ftt�n d�ctuaUon ot default and MrtwlnO fw+W.Trusta apr�atb her�tsy pr�nb 1M1 tM TrwIM yhoN psw ttu porr�r a(f W o1 th�Woputy an0 —�p ._
<br /> if B�nNkiary d�cldN ths P�aperty is to b�sob it ahall Qeposit wilh TrustN tf�s Tmst ONd�nd tM Hot�or nof�s and�ny athK�urt�ts avid�.�i�D �:,9_
<br /> _ -_- �xp,nditurd a�cur�d he�WY.An4 sh�li deiiver to Trustee a written notic�ot d6fautt and�Nctian to eauas ths OropartY to bs wt0.orb Tru�tas.in tum. ':"�,�.� .
<br /> th�iF priparA�stm{lar notiCO ist tMt lastsE requi[ed hy law,tvhich ehall i�e duly fih0 fa fecar0 by Tiusi�. ---- - . --- — �`," .�-+-_"
<br /> (�). After ths tapse ot sucf►dme as may be required by iaw fdlawing ths record�tion oi Notfce af Defaulw pnd Notics ot Oefauit and Notice of ��*�`�_-
<br /> � ,. • S�le havit►p Qsen given as reQuired by taw,Trustee.without Cemind on Ttwtor.�fNdl aall ths ProP�Y•if not►e0e�mad.in'ane er mare ���y
<br />� pueels and in sucb ordar as Trustee may determine on the 0�ts and the dme and place dasi�tad in said Not(ce o1 Sale,at pubiic auction :�'� :`.; ..
<br /> . . .;'�i.�iv� a.-=
<br /> , r. according to taw. . -
<br /> ', (b) When Trustee sells pursuant to the powers herein.Trustee shall apply ihe proceeds of the aab to payment ot the eoats and sxpsnsss ot �,�y�-�
<br /> exerctsing the power of sale and of tAe sate,inctuding,without limitatian,attaney's fees and the payrtne�K of Trustee'a Fees incuned,wAich
<br />� Tnutee'a Fees shail not irt tha aggegate excee0 the foilowing�naunts bas�d upar the amount sscursd herebY a�d�emaining unpaid at ���-
<br /> �{'• the fime acheduted Ta sate:5 parcantum on the batanca tt+aeoh and then to ths items in subparagraph(c)in ths or�er there�'.af:ed. "'-
<br /> 4..�:il<�`�
<br /> rY�- ....�...
<br /> (ej Aifer paying tha items specfied in subparagraph(b�if the sate is by Trustee,a it ths saie is pursuant to juEkial to:ect�ure.the proceeds �'i_"�-.
<br /> =r:�_-
<br /> ' of sate shall be apptied in the faltawing order. �''*"`
<br /> :J. � . �,Iij};_.'i_-
<br /> • ;�•, � (1)Cost of any evldence ot GUe procureA in connection with such sate and of any�avenue transfer tee requ(red ta 3�e paid; ;: -x;, .;_
<br /> . .;;.:�:..:t (2)All obligations seCUred by this 7rust Oeed: •'_�`` �
<br /> ������ (3)JuNo►trust deeds,mortgages.or ather IienholQers:
<br /> 'k (4y The remainQer,if any.to the person tegally entitled thereto. : - - -
<br /> � ` ,; • 13,�pppilRMENT pF 8UCCESSOq TRUSTEE.Berte�ci��^�ay,han Gme ta time,by a written instrument execute0 and aaFw.swfedgsd by 8eneficia�ll. �
<br /> � �ailedto Trustor and recorded fn the county ar couaties ia vr��.�"i the Property is tocated and by otherwise complying with tRe���isions of ths applkaEb
<br /> •�' laws ot tne Siate o}Nebraska subst�tute a successor ar sc.;.essors to the Trustee named herain a acting hereunder. � , , -
<br /> . - ..�;�_.rr�: ��: _ � _. .... --
<br /> ::r t� ` ts,MIS�E�'IJONS.Beneficiary,or As egents.representatives or empfoye�.are authorked to enter at any reasonable tr.^e u�dn or in a�g saK ot ths „ . •. _
<br /> •• � Property tor fhe W rposeof inspecting ihe same and fa the purpose of pe�amirtg afir of the acts it is authaized to peROrm unAer�ferms of t`+oT�Osed. � : . , -
<br /> . � 18.OPTIOH TO FORECLOSURE.Upon the accunence of any breach and upon the dectara:cr+of aefaul!hereunQer,8�e`.c:ary shall havs ths optian -
<br /> � to forocto�e this Trost DeeO�n the manner provided by law tor the forectosure o1 mortgages on real ptoperty- , -
<br /> �.,;, 18.FOitEBEAi1Ai10E BY BENEfIC1A8Y CRTRUSTEE NOY A WAIVER.Any taebearance by Beneficiary a Tcuste�in exarcislnp any right a rsrtiady . --
<br /> �" tlersunda,a otherwlse attorded by apphcaD,e�aw,shall not be a wa�ver ot a preclude the exerCise of eny suc»r1gh1 ar renbdy.Likewiss.ths waiver
<br /> by 8enefkiary tx Trustee ol any default of Trusta under this Trust OeeQ ahall nai be deemed to bs a waiver of any otAer w Si^�itar aefaulta aubssquently .
<br /> ';• �Occurring. • -
<br /> : ::• .
<br /> ,,n�r ,, 17•OENEKICURY'S POWEH9.1Afthout afteeting or releasing!he liabitity ot Me 7�usta a any other peroon OaWe for tNe p+ryment ot My obfisatbn •-'�j:
<br />---•,,,_f, :'- _ ��^Q.,e��r�.g,..��y111�nrH aHaMmna 1h�a lipn m I�hA��n nl tMS Trust pefld unM eny partion of tM PtOpBRy.Bene}iC13ry tr.�y.kGm titnA t0 tim0 an0 '
<br />� ''' ' • WiCra�t na:ce et the request of one oi more Trustors.(i)release any person liabfe.(ii)extend a ronew the maturityr a aKer z.y ot the term�of any sucA ' —
<br /> r•'S•.''"•'.-'s+�l-`•��.�� pylig0tbn�,(lii)g►Ant OtAer indulgenCes,(iv)reiease or reconvey,a cause to be retedsed or recanveyed at any time et Ber9�Ciary'e oPfbn any parCel
<br /> '"'"`��'°"�'� or ali of the Praperty,(h take ar retease any othar or additbnal security tor any obugatbn hereln mentioned.(vi)make settle:*»hts a other ananyemeet� ,
<br /> , �,�Y.ti+`t�t�, •
<br /> ,,,_ti:�;, �- witb Trosta in retatbn thereto.Au Trustors shafl be Jointty and severatty obtigated and boune by the actions of the BenMieiuy a any one a mors Tru�ta
<br /> • aa atated In this paragraph.
<br /> • .��;: �'Y 18.ATTOi1NEY FEEB.C09T8 AND E%PENSES.The BeneUCiary ol this Trust Oeed is entitled to the payment cf auaney'a feee,costs and expen�s •"
<br /> . �,;� .. . as pravided tn this Trust Oeed,except as othenvlse prohibited by law. .
<br />- � ','`� � 19.NECONNEYANCB BY TNUSTEE.Upon written request of Beneficiary and upon payment by Trustor ot Trustee's tee9,Trustee aha11�eeonvsy to ,
<br /> ' � '�' " �� Trusta,a lhs peraon a�persons legally ent�tled thereto,w�thaut warranty,any poflion oi the Propertythen heid hereunEer.flecitai�In sueh recanveyance •
<br /> :.�,.�. . .
<br /> • =,_�;•_. . • ol eny matters or fatts shall He conc►usrve proot ot tne trmhfulness thereot.The gtantee�n any reconveyanee may be deseribed a!the peraon or person�
<br /> , ' • • iepflly sntitled thereto". .
<br /> `'.�•:. * . .
<br /> , , ,. �� " 20.NOTICEB.Except tor na[+ces,aemands.requests or other commun�cat+ens requ�red under appi�cable�aw ta bs g�ven t�i another m�nner.wMnevK •!'
<br /> . ° _..,,,...._ 8enetkiary,Ttustw or Trustoe g�ves or sewes any noNCO pncludmg.wnhout hmitat�on,nodce of delautt and notke of eate).demandl.requesb a atNer .
<br /> � . '�.�tl� tammunieation w�th respea to this Trust Qeed.AdCh SuCh noflCV,domand,rppuest.ar othe�communieation shall b9 in wAting end shatl be eHeetive enly � .. .
<br /> �: e° -� If ihe aame is dehvered by persana�serwca or t�mmted tnr earfti�ed ma�t.pua�aqe p►spa�d,addr�ssad to the adCress as sei tarth at the�eginnmg of t�is � _
<br /> _ .�_;, . Trost Oeed.Any pa�ty may�t any t�ma change�ts atldress for sucn not�ce9 by Cet�ve��ng or mculmg to the other party hereto,as ator��d,a nouc�of i ,
<br /> ,,,��� such change.Any natice hereunQer shail6d deemed to have been grven to Trustor or 8enelicrary.when glvei►in the manner desi�ated herein. �
<br /> i
<br /> `� . 21,t�a1JEST FOi1 NOTICE.Truslor and Benehc�ary hereby request a capy of any notice d}datautt.and a copy o1 any notlee of sale ttiareunder�be i •
<br /> � � � m�iteQ[o each persae who is a pany hereto at the address lor such person set to�th�n ihe Nrst paragraph af thls Trust Oeed. �
<br /> _. � , ,
<br /> �' ; . 22.GOYfJi!lMrO LAW.This Trusl Oeed Shall be governed by the laws ot the State ot Nebraska � . •
<br /> -_----- - - _-- - - 23.SiiCCES88AS Atii�l�SSit�iS.ihts Trust OeeG.and att t��ns�soad�icns�sd obt�attoas l,eer�s.appiy�tc asM 1rts�re to tt�e benetrt ot and MnAs. �_._.-_.__-_ -_-
<br /> all perties hereto,thelr heirs,legatees:devisee9.(�ersonal represeMahve9.suttessora&nA asslgn9.Tha term geneNeiary"Shall mean the owner and
<br /> , �. . ' holder of ihe Note.whether ar mm�amed as BeneLc�ary herein. •
<br /> • . E
<br /> • F
<br /> t; . '
<br /> .. . .. . -- . . . - . . . . _ - . . . . . ._ � .
<br /> , � �
<br /> _ � �X,� �. _ . . . . . . . � .
<br /> .. . } � .. .. _ . __. _ . . . . _ � } _. .
<br /> . . . ' . . •• ' . i: '_
<br />