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<br /> periods�h�t I,ender�aWu�es.,1Lt i�u�ce c�urier pcor�dinE ti�e in�ura�i�Y sb�l}be chQsett by Boabwer sYbja�t t0 Let�d4r's . ' ,
<br /> .ap�rovai wfiicfi sbq�ll eot be w�b1Y withheW. IL 8attuwec i�iis to mairmin covrtage describe�l above.l.endec u�ay:ac ..
<br /> t.erdet s apt(an.obWn covs�tyte to protcct Lender x rigMs in�he FropreRY in ti�cwrdancr wah praar�ph 7.
<br /> - � Att inwr�nce i!nticks and renev�rals,sii�E1 be�cceptabt�to l.snder nnd�ha}1 ipcludc a ctandyrd m�xt�age cl�use. Lender
<br /> - . shalt have the ri�ht ta IwW the polieies�nd nenewals. If Lend4r caiuias:Brnrrewe�s1�li grompty 8ive to Lendrr aU�ipcs -
<br /> ` a�p�id premiums and renew�i notires. fl�the event of tass.Barmwer shall give prampt�tue to the insurance c�rrisr and
<br /> t.�nder. t�n►der inay autce puof of toss urat mnde Prori?P�1Y bY&xrower. ' -
<br /> U�ssL�r aud gunpwu otlyerwLse a�aCe in.wnting,insurrnce pr'oceeds shali he applied to restor�tion or c�pair af
<br /> . �{�C�o�E�ty d�maged'.if tl�e t�estaration or repair is eca�anically feasibte and i.ender�s security is twt ads sh�lI be �
<br /> ` . �sta�t�oa or riep�ir is rot ecatomicalty fasbk or 4en�s�ty w�ld t+e iessened.�he insuraace pr+oc _
<br /> applied to ihe sums secuied bq this Secw�ity tnsnvmen�wt�ether or not ttx�t dne.with any exc�s paia to Bomnwe� If
<br /> • �mwa�ba�Rdons the Fio�erty,or'daes not answer within 3a days a notice from Lender that the insurance�caaitr h�s
<br /> offercd to seule a claim.ibea Lender may colkct the insu�ance procads: L.ender may nsa the procceds to tepair a►,��
<br /> � t!K p�opeYty arto p�y sums savaed by tlus Secarity IruhucneRt.whr�ar or not d�rn due. 7'Ix 30�day periad wril!begin when
<br />- the�is given. ��i�of eeds to rinci shall not extend or
<br />_,; Unkss i.encler.and Barower otherwise�SOe in writinS.anY aPP� P� P � ts. if
<br /> -- p�one ttl�a due due of the monthtY paYments nfemed to in parigraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymen
<br /> _'�` undet pa�ygcapb 21 the PropertY is accNired by l.ender.Bomower's right to any insur�nce policies and proceeds resulting
<br />��_ from dan�8�to the Pmpeity prioi ta tAe sequis�aan shaU pasg w Lendec co the eatene of che sums seeared bY this Security
<br />,~,-::. InswrrKnt immedistely priocio thc acquisicion.
<br />:°::'; f. O�ac�y Prese�r�fion. Msinunance and Protedion of the PropertY; Barrower's [.oAa Applicatiaa: —
<br />�,:;; �, g��y,���py,�bUsh,apd use tNe property as Bomnwer's principal residence within sixty days after
<br /> � tbe execmion of this Sewrity Insuument aad shall continue w accuPY��Pert3'�B6nOwer's prencipal residence for at
<br />-��= least.aae year aRa ttie date of accuparlcy, untess Lender othena+ise agrees in writing..which consent shaU not be —
<br /> _-�'` unc�eason,Wy withheld,ar rmkss e�tenwting circumstance texist which are.t+eyund Borrawer's coatrol. BorroBow`e�rw s1iaA ` -
<br /> � .. desuoy,dunage or impair tlie Propercy.allow the P�ope�ty o de�eciorafe.or commit waste on the`Pmpeny.
<br /> - - be in clefault if airy forfeitu�c actiw�or P�nceed"u►8.wha�er civiE or criminai,is begun that in l.ender's good faith judgment
<br /> ' could resutt in furfeituie of the E'roperey or othe�wise materially ia°Patt ttee lien_created by this Securiry Instromeni ar. . - __
<br /> l.ender§secarity interest. Borrower may cune such a default and reinstate.3s provided in paragraPh 18.6y causing the actioa _- __
<br /> <: - - - ' - or.pioceediAg to be thsmiss�with a ruling t�at.in l�dec's ood faith detcm►inatiap.piecludes forfeiture of the Bomnwe�'s _-
<br /> the 1ie�cteaite�b'y tfis SecaricY fi�tran►enrar#z�ider3 seetcc�ty" _ i -
<br />,� - irnerest in tire Froperty os ot7tet�iiet-impainne►rt of_ --^� � __=
<br /> '•�• intecest. Barrower shall also be in defauit if Borrower, during thc loan.appticadon process, gave materiattyfalsz rn' ��.�,r_
<br /> :�, : �.• =-'��`�=-
<br /> • ��", � inaccurate infocmadon or siatements to Lender(ar failed to provide Lend�r with any material ipformation)in connection with _
<br /> --�.;� �* the toast evidenced by the IVote, including.6ut not limited to,representadons conceming Borrower�s accupancy of the ����°'__
<br />;�,.`:,:;,:;;• ptoperty ag a prineipal nesidenee. If this Security Insirument is on a leasehold,Bomawer shall camply with all the provisions �:
<br /> - of the iease. If Bomawer ac9�ires fee title to ihe Property.the teasehold and che fee title shall not merge untess l.ender agmes _ _
<br />�: , ,�:� to the merger in wrifmg
<br /> '� •- �, Brd�ctlon ut Lender's Rights ia t4e Propa'ty If Borrower faiLs to perform the covenants and ageements �,'4�� -
<br /> � contained'm this Security Instrumen�or there i.c a legal proceeding that may significuntly affect Lcnderw rights in the - -�_
<br /> • � Propeny(such�s a praeeedm8 in bankruptcy.probate,far condemnatian or forfeituce or to enforce laws or regulatcons).then v �_
<br /> " Lender may do and pay for whatcver u necessary to pratect the value af the Property and Lender's rightc in the Properry. _�.�,
<br /> � Lender's xtiar�may include paying any+ums secuced by a lien wbich has priority over this Security Insuument.appearing �,. .:r:�•
<br /> � in caurt.paying reasanable attameys'fees and entering on the Property to make repain.Althou�Lender may take ucuan _ ��,1�: _
<br /> under this panigrapb 7.Leader does not have to da so. -_ _
<br /> My s►mounxg dixbuncd by Lender under this paragraph 7 chall berorne additianal debt af'Barrower xecured by thiy _
<br /> '-i_ Security lastrumenw Unless BaRawer and Lcrtdrr agree ta ather tcrms of p:ryment,tl�esc amounts shall hc�ar intenht from�he ••.�K..,. � __-
<br /> ' $_ � date af disbursement at the Nole_rate and shall be payable,with interetit.upon noticc f'ram l:ender to Bormwcr reyue�ting - .
<br /> payment.
<br /> .. ,� 8. Mortgage lnsumnce. If Lender reqoired mortgage in!+urance as a cundilion af making the Ioan�ecuted by this _�.�i •,_
<br /> � -%� Security Instrumen� Borrower+hall pap the premiums required ta maintain the martgage insurAnce in effect. If,for:�ny .
<br /> ' reason. the mortgage insumnce wverage rc y u i r e d b y L e n d c r l a p s e s a r e e a s c s [o b e i n e f f e c t. B a r r n w e r r h�ll pa y the r
<br />. 'r premiums reyuired to obwin cavera�e substantiAlly equivalcnt ta the martguge insurance previously in effect.at a cotit . . _
<br /> {g.'�` ' substantially equivalent to the cost to Barrawer af ihe mongage i�5;urance previoucly in effeet.from an al[emate mortgage , �
<br /> _ ��_: insurer approved by l.ender. If subytantially equivalent martgage insurance coverage�s nat available.Borrower shalt pay to �-_�:
<br /> a. Ixndcr each manth a sum cyual to one•twelfth nf the yearly marlguge insurance premium being Qaid by Borrower when the -4+�
<br /> � .,t = insurance coveraSe lapsed ar ceased to be in effect, l.ender wdl accept,ure and retam these paymenGti us a lass reserve in lieu : -��__
<br /> ' �` � � of r�ror�age inyurance. Loss rcccrvc paymentc may no longer he reyuircd.nt thc optian of Lcnder.ii mo»gage inyurance - ,
<br /> •� �::.. crnea�Ye(in the amnunt and for�hc periad that Lendcr reyuires)providcd by an intiurer approvcd by Lender ngain bccamcs
<br /> ..., ._ � �: •: availabte and is obtained.Borrower xhal!pay the premium�required to maint�in nu�rtgage insurance in effect.or to provide A _ -� '.�' '
<br /> , :� . ,y?� loss reserve,until�hc requirement fcsr mortguge insurance ends in.rccord:+nce with uny written�greement hctween Borrowcr �
<br /> _ -' _ -�, ..,�. ---m►di.ertderaruppin:a'vleiaw: -- -- -- --- - - ---=��.---
<br /> cut
<br /> ' �' `��k�».,- ... 9 lnspecNou�. Lcndcr or itti:+gent may makc rcatonablc cntricy upon anQ impcctionx af�he Properly. LenAcr�naui E----,
<br /> . �1; �
<br /> �ivt Borrower noti¢e at the time nf or prior to an inspection specifying rca�a:�lbfc cswtie for the ins�xction.
<br /> 10. Condemnallon. The prnreeds of any award ur claim fnr damage�.ditect or cnnseyuenti�l.in connection with.my ,� ,
<br /> �,,,,=.., -� . •�:�: �'. .�:� ,
<br /> . ; " Singlc Farrity-•banair�tae/FreAdle N�c t�IfURN I�ti"iR!'Ni�"f•-1'ni:;frm C�ncn:ud. 9190 /��u.Kr��4 nt'�ier�+ ::i''.
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