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<br /> � ` In �he evenrof o caal�ahing ot the PropenY• tlie Pmcce�ir sh�li be upptied t�tt��:uttn+a�urcd by tfiis Scctui y .,
<br /> ' � Inspyment:whn}�er or na thrn due,with�y excess pafd ta�arrawer. to fhc evcnf��f u partiat�wking aY ihc Nruperty in, . •
<br /> wvhicM thc f�tr martcct vafue of tAe Prnpcny immcd'aicly br&xc.the rok�ng is cquut to or grcater tha4 ihr nmoaat of[ha sums
<br /> seclued�y this Securtty Instnsmcat immedia�ely Ncf�re the talcing.unfess Bomowcr and I.cndec othcrwi�e agrcF in writing. •
<br /> _ tbe sums securod by this Securitp Insnument�h�ll be reduced by!he amount af th�pnn�dy muitiplicd by thc following ,
<br /> � . ftactiun: (s)thc caal amount of the aum9�ecured immediately before thc tatcing:Qiviited by(b)tha Frir markct vatue oP Fhe �
<br /> Yroperty immediatcly befixe the taking. ,Any batac�e sli�lt be paid to Bon+awer. in die event af�put'rat taf:ing of thc -
<br /> prc�petty in which the fair mattet value of the Property immediately before tfie takieg is ltss than the amcxtnt of the sums .
<br /> sa��ed immediatety 6efore tt�e tal�ing.un�ess Barower aad Lendcr aheiwise a�rec m writing a untexs applicable law
<br /> ��,ise p�uvides�the pmcxds sh�il be 3pplied to thc sums secured by thi�Security Instrument whether or no�ths tiums are ,
<br /> tt�een due. -
<br /> if the p�opeity is aba�doned by Borrower.ar if.after notice by�Lender to Borrower that thc condemnar offers to Enake
<br /> an awatd or settk a claim for damages.Bcxrower fails�o resP°nd to Lender within 30 days after the dafi the notice is given,
<br />' Lxnder is swthaized to colkct and apply tde proceeds.at its opnon.either to restoration or,cep�ir of tHe Praperty a to ti�e
<br />=r� sums secured by this Sectuity Instrumen4 whether or not theA due. . '
<br /> ` (inkss L,dader aud Borrower ott�rise agree in writing,any application of p�nceeds to principai shall aot eztend or.
<br /> :�_,� postportie dx due date of the monthlY PaYme�a referred to io parag�aphs 1 and 2 or ch�nge the amount of such payments. .
<br /> � . 11, Borrower Not Reksqed: Fbcbe�anc� BY l.endeE Not s► Waiver.' Exteasion of the time for payment or
<br />��' modification of amoRization of the sams secured by[his Security[nstrument.granted by Lender to any successor in�nterest —
<br /> of BaTawer shall not operate to r+elease the liabitity af the original Barrower or Bocrower's successors m interes4 I.ender
<br />-= shalt not be iequired W commence pmceedings against m�y successor in is�terest or refuse to extend time for payment or —
<br />_d�,:_ ot�r�rise mod;fy amoitizafion af the svms secuted 6y this Security Insuument by�n of any demand made hy the original �_
<br /> `°' Ractower oc Barsnwer's succes:wts in inteces� Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any ngbt or remedy shaU not 6e a ��-
<br />�,�
<br />. �aiver of or pnclude the exec+cise of any rigt�c or remedy. �-
<br />`�`.: 12. 5ueoes�ors aod Assigns Baand;Joint s�nd Several l.fabUity;Co-signers The covenants and agreertients of this -
<br /> ���` Security[nsuvment shatl bind arid benofit the successms and assigns of i.ender and Borrower.subject to the.ptov�sions of __ _
<br /> paragrapb I7:B�ower's covgnants and agrePnients sha11 be joint an�seve r a l. Any B orro we r w h a t o-s i g n s t h i S Secuti t y ��_.
<br /> _. InsuumeCtt�bucdoesirot•exe�m t6e Nae: (a)is co-signing this$ecu�}tns�ument only to mortgage,grant and canvey that ... � :I=
<br /> — - unati obl' ated4a thesums. � � .•b
<br /> Sorcowcr s uttese.ct iR the Progeny under the tertns ai ihic 5ecdritji insuume��fb)is itot pers Y t8 PaY � �:;._. �,.�;,.,
<br /> � � � � secured by this Security Instrume�and(c)agrces that L,ender and any other Borrower may agiee to extend.madify.for6ear •r �-t
<br />�•x � ' � �`- or make any acaommodatibas with rc�d to the te�►s.of this Security Instrament or the Note withaut that Borrawer's �k=��.,�-
<br /> � �z conseat : � ' ;'� -
<br /> 13 I.tian Cdarges. If the toan s�cu�d 6y shis Security inxtmment u subject to a law.�vhich sets msu�imum toan ._;�� :._
<br />� ; .t charges,and that law is fmaliq interpreted so ihat t�e imecest or other toan charges collected or ta�e ca(tected in connecuan� �__
<br /> • witb the toan excecd the pennitted limits tben: (al any such loan charge shall be reduced by the ari►nunt necessary to reduce
<br /> , �-., the charge to the permitted limN;and(b)any sum4 atready coltected from Borrawer afiich exceeded permitt�d timits will be �__.'
<br /> ,;' tefunded to 8arrower. Lender may choose to make thi.s refund by redacing ihe pridcipaJ owed undec ttie Note or hy makin8 a .���
<br /> dinect payment to Boauwer. lf a refund reduces principal,the reduciion will bc tmateci a.S a panial pnepayment without any ��'��-
<br /> e
<br /> ._�" prepayment charge under the Note. • .
<br /> _�-`yr_
<br /> _ 14. Notice�. Aay notice to Barmwer provided far in this Security lnstrument shall be given by delivering it or by � ,. .�
<br /> � mailing it by fint cl�.r•mail unless applicable law rcyuims u.se af another methad.'f'he rt�tice shaU be directed to the Property :i�-`.-�. .';
<br /> 3�;,,:. �. Address ar any other address Barrower dr,ignatev by uotice tv Lender. Any notice to l.ender�hall be given by first class :,:.,:, • . ._
<br /> �' "'.;. mail to Lender+addrers,tated herein ar aoy uther addr+esy l.ender designatcti hy nmice to Borrawer. Any natice pmvided for
<br /> ' in Ihix Security laytrument�hali be dcemcd tn havc I�een given[o Bormwer or Lender when given ati provided in this ..�,,„ _.
<br /> ._�.: paragraph. • , '.-, _
<br /> - 15. Gove�'ning Law;Severahility This Sccurity lnstrumcnt zh�dl be govemcd by federal law and the law �f the . „ _
<br /> - ��' jurisdictian in whicfi the Property iti located. In the evcnt tflat any pravirion or claasc of this Security Instrument or the Note __ .. _
<br /> conflicts with applicable law.such conflict+hall not affect oiher provisiam of thir Security Instrument ar the Note whichcan _
<br /> . - `'_:. be biven�efPe+;t withaut thc ronflicting prnvisian. Ta this end the proviyiom uf thi+Sccurity Instrument:�nd the Note arc '
<br /> ` declarcd ta be sevcrable.
<br /> ��-�� 16. Borrowee's Copy. Barrower�holl be given one confarmcd copy of the Note ancl of thiy 5ecurity Inytrument.
<br /> .,�.: :�.
<br />• ' • � , 17, 1lransfer o�the Property or a Beaeficialleterest in Rorrawer. If:�II ar any pan of thc Property ar uny interest in � ��•�'
<br /> it iti sold dr transferrcd(nr if A beneficiat inrere�t in Borrower is s�ld or trantifrrred and B�rrowcr is not a natural perwn) . � :�.;-'
<br /> . ' without Lender's prior written ronsent.Lender may,at it.r option.�eyuire immedi�tc payment in full of all sums xccured by +�.�'��•� '•�� :::�
<br /> � � ' this Secarity Instrumen� However.this option!,hal!nat be exerci,ed by l.ender it ezercise is prohibited by federul law a�of ;�,��•_i�
<br /> `#.• the date of this Security Instrument. ' ''
<br /> `�_ If txnder exerciseti this op�ion.l,ender tihaU givc H��rmwer na�ice af accefcration. The notice�hull provide u period of � '�`:?:
<br /> ' ° ` not lesc than 3(1 days from�he aate the no6ce is de�ivered ar mailed within which ponower r.t�s.E�y all�umy�ecured by this _ :'�;_�
<br /> - - e ..:-�.�:-- - Jecurity instrumenL -tt$tmmvcr iaij.t�pay sSz::°.e`.�:m�:Frsot to.the�!cQirnti�v►e�f 3hic p�::��d.Lender may invake any ._• _
<br /> " '.' ��+° remcdieti permitted by this Sccurity In�trument with��ut furlhcr noticc��r dem:md���CsecroH��r. ' � .�'.
<br /> ;;�;'�F�'� " 11{. Barrowtr's Right to Reinstate. if Horrocver mcets cert.�in canditia:�.. Barrow�-c�haQ have the righl to have .
<br /> + entorcement oi this Security lnsirument di+c�ntinued:�t any time prie�r ta�he eadicr��f: (aE 5 d�)'.It�r zuch�1her periai a�
<br /> :;;Sa,7, .��•�� , ..
<br /> U,��.r• Singlc kumty•-V�nak�tae�YcedAk�tx I;�IMIIRS/I��TRC�tF.�'1'•-1'niform Cn�cnanh 9rSi0 ipu¢e a u/b�iran�
<br /> . ,y�:�:it;.
<br /> _� _,. �.
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