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<br /> _- �-�'=,� �- - _, �_-- _ . . . ..-,.. . �., ,. . � ` � -' � - - �! -�ir����.!- - ` _ .�-
<br /> . �. _ . . _ . ' . ��� . � �� _ . . . � .
<br /> -,'I�OG�IIiEt�W[R�ail s6e impmvemants now or tiaa�'ta eca.'eed ua the pmpeny.an�alt cisemeats.�ppurta�. - �
<br /> an�fuctuKa tiorv or I�afta s put of the pcoperty. All�epialrements and additioa+shaU aTso 6e cavaM by tdif Secu�►t� .
<br /> —_ `.tnsommeni. All of the fa+egdng i4 rcfa�w la th�s S�naity Ias�unmt ag the"P�opetty.° � _ , ; — -—; . .
<br /> � , � $ORROYVEEt E70VENA,NTS tNat 8a�mwer is tawfully seised of ihe euate beneby conveyed anA hu t6e dght to g�it � .
<br /> �u�d conrey tbe P�ope�ty and�t tbe`�mpe�ty is�mencumbered.exapt far encumb�ances of recad.-Bosrawrr wan�nts apd
<br /> . 'w�l defeod geoeratty die titk w tbc Pmpe�tx against all ciaims�nd dem�ncts,subjxt w any encu�nbranas of recad .
<br /> THFS SE:CURTFY 1NSFR[iMENf cumbines ueifo�covtnants for ns�aon�t use and nan-unifoim�coven�nts witA. .
<br /> � . limite�va�iatbans by;jiuis�dietiun to eonctitutc a unifam soeuriry inmttmetu covering zeal pivperty. ,
<br /> UNIPORM COVENANTS. Bamwer and i.endFs covcn�nt aad agnoe aq fopows:
<br /> I. At��t o[Pri�cip�i ad Lta�at:Prepy�t s�d I.tte Cbsrie� Bamwer shatl P�nPUY P1Y whe�t due the
<br /> principal of ard inte�est on the debe tvidenewi by t6e Note and�nY i�WY!��?4,d late chuges due under tlu Nate.
<br /> 2. �luds tor'li�ses a�d J�ra�eG Sabject to applicable law a to a wnttaa waiver by I.ender.Bormwu si�all pay w �
<br /> � � l.ender ao tAe daY�Y P�►Yments ue doe o�sder the Note,unW the Note is psid in fuli.a swn("Fiutds"?far:(a)Y�Y
<br /> taxes and assessa�a�ts which may atwin{rriority over this Security Ltsuurr�ent av a tien an tfie P�operty:ib)Yearly kasehotd
<br /> - _ payments a gtound ta►u m the I'lrope�ty,if any; (c?Y�Y ��r properry iastuance pcemium� t�.Y�Y fload.
<br /> -- , i�umce pr�s.if any:(e)Y�Y�SaB��P��if aay;�ad(f?�Y�D�Y��bY Bomuwer to
<br /> -�~ � Lmder.bs zccocdaace arith the pmvisions of puagraph S.m lien of the gaymeat of mortgage insurance ptmtums. 'fl�'e •
<br /> =-.ri items m calkd"Escraw Iteros." �.ender may.at any time.colloct and 1�Id}'vads in an amoartt not tu exceed the maximum
<br /> -_ - �uat a�IeMer f�a federally ielited maitgage ioan may require fa Barower�s escrow�coant under tbe federal Re31
<br />_- Estate Seulement Piooed�aes Act of 1974 as amended fiom time to time,t211.S.C.�Z601 tt s�q.("RFSPA").untess another
<br />- - . .;� ;• hw,thai appties to t6e Piu�ds sets a les�r auaunt If so.LendeF inay.at any time,coltect aad hold Funds.in an amamt nat ta
<br />_ - , � eaccee�..t6e�essa anwant i.ender may estimate d�amom�t 4f Funds due on the 6asis of curm�t�ata and neasonable . --
<br />- - �of expep�ditat�s of fatiue EsCnow Itenis ardfierwisa in xcordance wit6 applica6le law. . =.;�'. . _
<br /> . "!7n fiurds sLali be held ia an insdtutiae arhose deposiu ane insura!by a federal agencY.ins�ntality.or ecuiry .
<br /> u
<br /> ('including Le+dcc::�f�.en�ler is such aa instiwHan)ar in any Federal Hane Loa�c Banic. Lender shall ap�kyr the Funds w iiaY ,- —
<br /> � the Escruw Item§:�-�.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and aPPlyiag the Fvnds.anauallS`ar�atydn8 the�crov�' .. .�,,,
<br /> �;.:�•1 acca��ar verifyuig the Escrow Items,ualess i.ender pays Borrower inter+est on tbe�'uuds and app?�ica6le taw pemuts �. vr.�.—
<br /> _ , l�ender to make sucL a charge. However.Lender may requit+e Barrower to pay a ane-time'charge for an iadependeat�eal ���
<br /> - - — ----�.��rrg�i�b�r���ra�r with this to�.imless aggrca�ble laiir pm�ides�i�envise. llnte"ss an. .' . ��,�-�'
<br /> : _ ..,
<br /> ` .. ` _ _ _ --agroement is made or applicable law seguires i�rt+eresi m be paid.Lender s�ratt irot be mquired to pay Bottowcr any isit�t at �
<br /> iro
<br /> ,.: eamiaSs on tbe Fa�r�cts. Sarmwer az1d I.cnder may agnee in Writing.however,that i�rtetest shall be paid at the Fiu�ds:�.ender - ��'-
<br /> ` sliall give to Borrower.without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and dei��cs t+�tS�e Funds and the '. �.�_�'
<br /> � ���� piupose for which each debit to the Fu n d s was m a d e. T he I�an d s are p t e d g e d as a d d i6o a a f securi�fai a l l.sums s e c u r e d i ry ; ����::_-
<br /> � �.:.• .. .
<br /> this Secotiry Tnstrumen� . : -`� ���
<br /> . ,�' If the Funds hetd Isy Lender exceed the amounts pemuued to be held by appt��:�taa, Lender sdall accoura•to . - �--
<br /> Borrower for the eacess Punds in accadance srith the requirements of applicable law. If the araomnr of the Funds heid by �'��"�---_
<br /> ;. . Lender at any time is not�rient to pay the Escmw Items when duc,Leader may so r�otify Boaowec in wtiang,and,in =—
<br /> � sucb case Bormwer shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to maice ap the deficiency. Bomnwer shall make up the � �a
<br /> deficiency in no more than tweive monthiY PaYme�ts,at l.ender S sole discretion. �=���- =_
<br /> U p o n p a y m e nt in full of all sums secured b y this Securi ty Instrumenl,Lender shall prompdy refund to Borrower any �"""�'T�;�___
<br /> a Y�' Funds heid by 1.ender. If.under paragaph 21,Lender shail acquire or sell the Property.Leader.prior to t h e acqu isition or "�: •:�;�;�;;��; ;
<br /> _ sak of the Properey.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acyuisition or sale as a credit against the sums '���,
<br /> . � _�• secured by this Securiry Instrumcnt. ' -
<br /> , 3. Applia�tioa o�Ppymenta. Untess applicable law provides otherwise.all paymenu received by Lender under • • -:-
<br /> ' PuaSraPhs aPP� Y Pr'�P Ym 8 • PaY t.•�. _;_•,-
<br /> 1 and 2 stu�U be l�ed:fust.to an a ent Char ec due under thc Nate:second,to amounts able under �= �r.:
<br /> , � parngraph Z;third.to intencst due:founh.to principal due:and lac�to any late charges due under the Note. ,
<br /> 4. Cl�ar�; Liens. Borrowei shall pay all taxes.acsessments, charges, fines and impositians amibutable to the .. _
<br />" '' ? Ptuperty which ma}�attain priority over this Security Insmtmen�and leasehold paymenu or ground rents.if any. Bo�rower • �
<br /> - shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on •
<br /> ,/'��';j�,', , tlme directly to the person owed payment. �ortower shail promptly fumish to Lender all notices of amcxe�ts to be paid under ,
<br /> - this pu�gtaph. If Bomnwer makes these payments dimctly.Borrawer shall prompNy fumish to l.ender receipts evidencing :
<br /> , the PaYments. � <:
<br /> �. - Borrower shail promptly disch�ge any tiert whicb has priority over thls Security Instsr�:.�r.t untess Bortower.(a�agrees ,.� ;'. ,':z.
<br /> �:��.' in writing to the payment of the abligation secured by the lien�n a manner acceptabie to Le�;(b�a�crtesu In good faith!he . ' .•:�r��r.�-
<br /> � `��'`'�'� lied by,or defends agalnst enfacement of the lien in,tegal proceedings which in the l.ender's apinioQa apetate to vent the •
<br /> .�:.,,.�'• :� .s:
<br /> .':+;;:-.r.; enforcemen�of�he tien:or(c)secures fram the holder of the lien'an agreenxnt satisfactory co l,ender s�bordina ag the lien . ',�;,;;,,
<br /> � � to this Securtty Inswment. If Leader determines that any paA of the Property is subject[a a tien which may attain priority �.-•.:i,?F;�;i"`.
<br /> .. --' ovet this Security lnstrument,Lendes may give Bonower a notice ideatifying thc lien. Borrower shall satisfy the�ien or take `:''r,���;+�.
<br /> -�"� a�e or more oY tde actions set forth ahove within 10 days o�'the;eivin�of notice. �f<����
<br />_-._.,,.__.
<br /> --- —
<br />`��'T , �+ - � R�rd�oe�'roperty Iasunact. Borrower shall keep the improvemcnts now eaisting or herzafter erec[ed on IIle — •
<br /> � a';''-��• • Pto msured a inst loss b fire.harards inctuded within the term"ex[ended covera e"and an o�Yer hazards.includin •
<br /> �. • �.r-�+,`' fK�Y Sa Y S Y 8 I
<br /> ti floods or flooding.for which L.ender requires insurance. This insurance shall bc maintained in the amounts and far thc
<br /> �.
<br /> ;a::.; •
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