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<br /> . � �. � ,�p,Q„at wiu�sh.n mc ee��eas�a�lY.r�l�he�a. If a«toWa rails w mw�n��aacabea.uu.�e.�'�7.at . .
<br /> ` i endesls qxioe.obttin coverase to Pm�i.�i.eade�'s righs ie t6e Ptope�tg in adcc�d+�ece widi p�r�r�plt 7. � � ,
<br /> - � All imtu�ac�pdxaes�nd ret�evrais sda!{be ar�eptabk to t.endes�ad ah*U includc s siandacd maBga�ci�use- I.eadet. � �
<br /> u� B,qro�wer aWU panph►�ive.to 1.ender aU reoeipts
<br /> s6�U i�av�e the riaht 4o bot¢the Aolicia and�ne�va�s; If Lendec roquirea.
<br /> , `of pud pemiums and ieoewal not�cxs. L�t6e eveht of foss,Ba�iawa st�lf aive panpt ratice to the�asur�nce ca�tier.a�d
<br /> Lender. i�t�y nWre p�oof of losg if not m�de prnmptl}by 8ormwer. � � , .
<br /> ' -,_Uakss f.a�der and Bonower dherwise a�ee in writina.inw�nce p►ocads 3haU be apptied to iestaratiai a�+ep�ir of. ,
<br /> - � �tLc�atio�ar�ir�s 000nomrc�ity feas�e�l.ct�dcrs scc�uity�es awe-k.ssa�ed- If_�e-- - .-.—
<br /> �t�Yd�nat ecaiomie�lty feasibk ar I.ender's sa�uriEy wauW�e k.�sened.the i�uanoe pcocee�c ah�lt be
<br /> appUed w tAe sua�s secuKd by this Sccaricy tnuturt�ent.whether br`na.tLrn d�ie.with tiny exas8 pdid to A«�ower If : < .
<br /> ` Bartowa ab�rwfons the Pmperty.ar does nat�swcr within 30 days a naice�tnm Lender thu the insu�a►ue rarrier has � , .
<br /> atfa�ed to s�ttk s c1a�m;tt�at t�rnder may coltect t6e insurauce Prnoeeds-.l-rnder may use the qocads sti cepair at teltoa .
<br /> . tbe ptopeity or to pay sun�s sec�¢ed by tbis Security Iastriunent.wlxiNar ar not tlKn due. Tha 3aday p�riod will beEin w6ea .
<br /> th�notive is girea. � � ` '
<br /> Unkss I.rnda atd Barowa od�enxise agme in wtiting.anY applic�ion of Pm�e�ds t°ImnciPai slnll not extet�d ot .
<br /> � postpone die due d�tt af the monthly p�ytamts ref�ed ta in poragraphs t and 2 or change the anwunt of d�e pryntents..If .
<br /> w�der p�rsg�ph 21 t6e PcopettY is aequi�ed bY�der�Barower's right w any incucance polieies aud pocoods tesullmg
<br /> ��e w the�ropectyr prior to the xquisition shall pass W Lender ta the extent of the sums secured py ihis Sautity
<br /> In.mument inuoedis�tely Priarw t8e acquisition.
<br /> , , f. p�p� pre�oa+ Mai�te�ance and Protectioa d tde Property, 8orro�re�s La� Appi'icatiou: ,
<br /> � ����py,�p��,�d use tl�e ptoperty as Bamnwer's principal residegce within sixty da�rs after. ,
<br /> tbe e�ecatian of tbis Sqc�ity Insormr�eat an�l shaU canin�e to oocupy tis�FmpenY as Barrower's pnncipat iesideace for mt
<br /> �' kast one yar after )he due of accupancy..ualess Lenda otherwise agcees in rvripng, w6ich consrnt shalI na be
<br />_ �uueasa�bjY withheid.ar�mless acunuating cu�amstanc7es exist which ate beyond Iioimwer's cantml. Botmwer�il.not
<br /> deshvy.duni8�«�I�����Y•albw'the Ploperty w deteriorate,acommit waste ort Ehe Ptoperty. ,Borrov�rersl�all
<br /> _ be io defaalt�if aay fafeitw�e action ar pmcxodi�tg,wheth�r sivit or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith ju�gment .
<br /> - could resulc ia forfeitune of the Propecey ar orherwise ma[eriaUy unpair the,lien c�eated by tius Security Tnstrument or �
<br /> - l.ender's security urteres� Eomawer may�cae s'.?ch a default and ninstate�s provided in patagrapti 18,fsy causing the action
<br /> - - --- -- =>-c►r pmcxutiag m be dism.��_�itita titling that.�n l.ender's gaod faitfi de�renination,Precludes foa��a�re af the Bomawer§ . •.
<br /> — ----- intercst in the Property or ott�ec's�satcrial imp�ainaent of the liat cnated by this Secunry�nstm�or�TenQers-securny:-=--�`
<br /> �: ;n«�st, g��wer sAall atso 3�id default if Botrower. 6uring the loan applicatioo �Cess. gave matecially false or
<br /> J�{ {nxcurate infortnation or state�to Lender(or faited to g�+nvide lxnder with any marer�.�I iIIfo?�rauon).in connectia+t wlth
<br /> • � the�oan evidenced by the Note, including.but not limited to, representations concea3��.Bofrawer�s occupancy of the �
<br /> property as s principal residence• If this Securiry lnsuwment is on a leasehold,Borrowec�cuscsgly with all tfie provisions
<br /> = of the kase. If�orrower acquires fee titie to the Pmpercy.the leasehold and the fee title sk��;not ct�e untess Lender ag�ees
<br /> " to the mecger in writing.� ' •
<br /> - = 7 p�brt of Lender��6ts in the Pcapeee� If Barrower fails tv per+�crrm�f+re�o�enas�ts and aa.�men�c
<br /> - cantained in ihis Security,Insordmeab o�tiiere is a tesat.}sroceeding ihat may si�r.a�tIF-��l.enders rigi�ts in the
<br /> Property(such as a proaeeding in banhuptcc.probate,for condemnation or forfeiture�to�eafor�e fa�s ar regolations):the� ,
<br /> ban
<br />: Lenekr may do and pay for whatever is neeessacy to pmteet the value of the Property and Lbrsct�'s.r'sgbts in the PropeRy.
<br /> I.en�kr's actions may include paying any sauss,secured by a lien which has priority over this'Security Mstrument,appeanng
<br /> in court.paying reasanabte uttorneys fees and entering nn the Propercy to�nake repairs.Although Lenckr may take action
<br /> under this par�grnph 7.Lender dces not have ta do so.
<br /> a
<br /> Any amotmts disbutsed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall hecome additional debt af Rorrower secured by this
<br /> _ . Securiry lnswment. Unless Bonower and Lender agree ta other temu�f paymen�these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> -"-b date of disbursetnent at the Note rate and stiall be payabte.witt�interess,upon notice fram I.ender to Barrowet reyuesting a
<br /> •';•:' payment. _
<br /> -, g� Mortgage lnsusaaee. 1f Leadec rzquired mortgage insurance a.4 a conditio�af making the loan secured by�his
<br />';P�t��, Socurity insuumen�Bosraw�e�shall pay thc�remiums reqaired to maintain the morrgagc insurance in effec� [�for any
<br /> : �f�: re�soo, thc mort�are insu:ance coverage re�uited by Lender lapses ar ceases to 6e in effect. Barrower sha9�}�y the
<br /> i�:�.�� piemiums requirad ao o'�:ai�s coverage substant�ally equivalent to the mortgage insurance previoa.�ty in effec�. at a ca�t . _
<br />__ substantialty eqni��.��:�t tu the¢ost to Bomoa�er of the mortgage insuran�previously in efFect.fra�an altemate mortgAge .
<br /> insurer approved b}��.endei. if substantially equivatent mo»guge inxuran.e coverage is not available.8orrower shall pay to �
<br />_`;;�,$ Lender each rhvnth a sam equal to onc-twetith af thc yearly mortgage insurance pmm�m being paid by Barrower when the
<br /> -- insurnnce coverag�tapsed or ceased to be in effect. l.ender will accept.u.r•e:u�d retain c�:.se payments ac a loss reserve in lieu
<br /> ;;�;;-- — . ` of mortgage ir1�u�'aace. Loss reserve paymcntc may no longer bc requircd.ai the ogi?dn of l.ender,if mortga�ge insurance
<br /> -- --- soverage(in tit�a�noum and for the penod thai l.cnder rcyuire�>pravided by�n in�uret apprnved 6y Lender a�ain becomcs
<br /> � availuble and is obtaincd.Borrower shall pay tht premiums required to maimaro mortgage in�urance m effect.or ta pravide a _
<br /> ' bss roserve.unlil the requirement for mortgage insurunce ends in accardance wilh anE.vruten:�greement between Borrowcr -
<br /> -•- and L.ender or apPiicabte faw- �
<br /> : 4 9 lmpection. Lend:r��its agcnt may mukc rca�onabtc cntrics u�m and incix;-tions of ihc Property. Lcrfi:r.hall
<br /> � give Borrower notice at the ciMr of or prwr tu an inspecti�m��xcifying rra.unahle cautic fUr thr in�pection. �
<br /> , 10. Condemnatiat. 'I'�ne prcxeect�uf uny award�r rlaim far damagcti.dinct or canseyuenrial.in connection with any
<br /> :� �ry , E•-;
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