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<br /> 'j��(�.�m��fbC If{�'YEIOC�L qOW tK�IRCi�lt l�+OCtCQ Od I�IC pl0�[tyt.p1ll�C�dri�+�• ,. .
<br /> � �.�NRE31101f�D����t�f�fC p[OpQty�����t1ORS 5���i0�fG ObYG[��f�.�Y ,
<br /> �[11�L.�O�t�IC f'�$!S IEfE1ICE�FD lif 1�$CC011Lj1��S t�1E�~.
<br /> �- -- -- BORROWBR VENANfS tt�i Barovver is iswfully seise�of�e estatG�by soavcyod�nd i�i�ri:ht to graqt � ,
<br /> and oanvey tUe Rep�y�ad tiat @ie Pi+operty is�mencmnberecR exapt fa�umbtu�ces of r�eoad. SaQOw�was�nts aod
<br /> ' wiII defad�lly tbe dtic m t6�Property sga�nst ap claimc and da�n�.i,subjxt tn any eecumb�ances ot recaed.
<br /> � THIS SFCtJWTY_1NSIRLJMENT�amGines uaifarm covewnts for natiori�l use.and naaunifarin cover�tks widt
<br /> -- Iimited��ns 6yj�tim ta c�omtitutr s ua�fomt secutity intt�mmnt omreria�teil pru�erty, . . -- -
<br /> � . UNIF�}t�i COVBNAKIS. Ba�oWa and L,ea�def covenant md ag�oe as fdbws: • � - ' � �
<br /> r. r,�:�.�orr�t.or�.�.w r�rnwr.a�c�i.�cc�� ��sn�u�►y�r�a��
<br /> .. .pmc�p�1 ot.ea;,Ma�st an the ae6t ewdenad by d�e x«e�,a�nr P�rma�t ana I�e ch�es due wiaer the lvde. .
<br /> i lYrir tK'Ru�es�i I�a�Subject to�PP�icabk bw atoa�vnqen rvaiver by Lrender.Bon�owa�hall pay w .
<br /> � • , l.a�ler oe 1Ae d�y modblY P�Y�arc due wKkr t6e Nooe.wxil tb�Picte is paid in fuil.a swn("[�ia�ds")for.la)l�Y
<br /> saues�nd wess�ne�ts afiich may atwn p�iorit7►ova dus Securiry insuument as a lke on d�e Plropaty:(h)Y�Y�
<br /> � P�Y�s��'0Y°d�s oa tde Ropeity. if anY: (e) Yac1Y 6u�Cd.a�Y � P��ums:(d)Y�9�� .
<br /> � imur�nce pemiums,�t'anY; (e)Y�Y�S���t����y: aad E1?�Y�P�Y�b!►�a�o
<br /> �der.in acoo�d�nce with d�e povisims of pa�.8.in tieu of We payn�eat of aratSsae b�wr�ae P��s. '� �
<br /> itans�oe c�1kd"Facmw it�ns." Lende:msy.at�►y time.coTkct�d hold Fw�d,s in�amount na to exceed t6e�
<br /> au�ount a leoder far a fodera![y nlated naetgage la�o may ieqa�e fa Barawer�a r�nw�ccawt under the fedar�l Re�1 _ ..
<br /> ` Faate Settlemait Aocedtues Act of 1914�ameadod from time w time:12 U.S.C.4 2601 et uq.t"RESPA'7.�kss�notlKr _
<br /> - law tbu applies�o We F�ads sets a ksser artnmt If so.I�ender msy,u nny time,cdlxt and tatd Fiuyds in aa amouat mt W �
<br /> - — excad�tbe lesser aeiount. I.e�der maY �paate We aoajount of Au�ds due an the basis of cu�rait dua and reasoeabk
<br /> euim�tes of expendipuea of fature Escrow Items or utI�erwise m accadange with appticabk lxw.,�
<br /> 1Ue WMs sd�U be heW in an institativar whose deposits uo��d by a fedewl agency,iasuoaat'iality,a eatitY
<br /> S die F�s tQ pay •
<br /> (iacluding Lender.if l.ender is such nn insstitu6oa)or in�y Federal Hao�e Laati B�ok. I.ender slntl aPPjY
<br /> - the Esctow Itema. I.ende�m�'nat�1�arE�Borrower far holdmg ancl ppplyiag d�e FY�nds.miutally aaalytio�tLe escrvw
<br /> =, actount,or vedfy'mg the Escrow Items. miess l.ender paYs Bormwer interest on the tvnds �!applicaiik law pennits
<br /> -"��` � Lender to malo�st�ch a chatge. However,f�ndec may re�uire Bamwer to pay a orto-tinte eha�ge for an it�pendent ceai . -
<br />�.�,;,:
<br /> :– - - -.= �---eslatela�c�S service a.cedh}!I.en�i:inc�at���s_1�unless agplicable taw pruvides athe�wi,s�.Unie�aa .._ _
<br /> . J, agreement is made os appli�bte iaw nequues inr��st ta be P�d Lemder s6alt not be requit�d to pay Buiiawer any�nterestor.`
<br /> �_�� ` .euniags on the P�nds. Bomnwer and i.endei aiag agsee en writing,however.that iaterest shall be paid on t6e Funds. l.ender
<br /> "='-'' sl�ll give to Boaawer,withont charge.an annpal"a�ting Qf the Fvncis,showing credits and debits tQ ti��ds,and tl�e
<br /> - - parpose for which each debit to the Funds was�. The Funds are pledged as additional saurit�r�alI sums secund by
<br /> . . this Sccurity Insmimcn� : • .
<br /> If the Fwds held by Lender eairer�d the arna�ants Pemiitted to be held by applicable Iav�:'7.,znder stsall account to"
<br />;,,`','. Bamwa for the excess Fands in accadance witb the s�quirernents of applica6te law. If the aaialmt of t�'�ds held by
<br /> Y;":° l�ender at any tune is not saf6ciem ta.PaY the Escraw Items whea due,Lender may so notify Borrower uc��8�and.in
<br /> ,-_ such case Barcovrer shaU pay ta Lender tha amount nrcessarY to mafce up ti�e�ciency. Boimwer sba°.3 sIIalce uP the .
<br /> � deficierwy ia no moce than tweive monttuy payments.at I.endet�s solediscretion. • "
<br />�'' � Upon payment in full of all suins s2cured by this Securiry��,��r shall prom�3�reftmd to.�ocrower anY
<br /> cure
<br /> . Punds held by l.ender. If.under pazagraph 21.l.endex shall acq�e or sell the Roperty.Lendes p�iQr tcs tbe ac4alsition ar
<br />� , sak of the Propercy,shall apply any Funds held hy Leadzr at tfis wne of acquisi6on or sale as a ec�it a�ainst the swns
<br /> ' *� secured 6y this Sccurity Inswmon� .
<br /> - 3 Applicatioo o�Ph�yn�fs. 1Jniess applicabfe law pro�vides otherwise.all payments.�aoeived by.Lender under •
<br />:��_.; ._ patagraphs 1 and 2 sha11 be applieA:fusc,to anY P�PaY�nt charges due under the Note:seco�d:to amamts Payabie under
<br /> paragraph Z;third,to interest du�fourth.w principal dae:and 1as�,ro any late charges due undea�Note.
<br /> ' ;, C��;Lieay, BOrrawe�s,°sail pay ali�axes,assessments, chacges.fines and imposidans ator�utable to the
<br />-_--. propecty which may attadn Qrio�tY over�sis Securigy�strument.and leasehold payments or g�ound nents.if any. Barower _ -
<br /> ` ahall pay these obligaa�r,s ia the ma.�a�s�covided��a�aph 2.or if not paid in[hat manner,Bortower shall pay them on
<br /> '• s • time directiy to the person awed payme�.�rs- �ormwer s5aI1 promptly tumish to Lender ail natices of amounts to be pa�A unckr .
<br /> ''�':�• ��,` this paragaph. If Borrower maices thes�g+..°ymeni.s directty.Borrower shaU promptly fumish to 4ender receipts evidenciag
<br /> the payments. . �
<br /> ' Borrower shall pcomptly discharge si►y lien wEt:�e►�hasti priority over this Secudty Insma�xnt tmless Borrower:(a)agrees
<br /> ia writing to the payment of the obligauon secured�ag ii�iien 1n a manner�cceptable to L.ender,(b)contests in good taith the
<br /> !kn bjr.a defends against enforc,ement of the lien i��•:gal proceedings which in the Lender A apinion operate to pnvent the _
<br /> • enfoccement of the tien:or(c)securos from the hotder of the lien an agreement sadsfactory to Lender subord�nating the lien
<br /> � to this Securlty Insuunxnt. If I.ender airr:rmines that any pari af tAe Property is subject to a lien which may aaain priorIry
<br /> � over this 5ecunty Instniment,i.eader m��give Borrower a naice idenNfying the tien.�Satrower shall satisfy the lirn ar talce
<br /> one or riwre oi the sctians set forth attc;�,v°+�thin 10 days of tho giv�ng of notice.
<br /> --- - • 5. HasArd or Prvperty lnsur� Barrower si►ali kccp the impravemeats no��e e.Kisting or hereafter erected on the .
<br /> property insured against loss by fue,ha�sds included within the term"extended coverage"and suty other hazatds.inctuding
<br />, flovds or flooding.tot whieh Lender r+�quires insurance. 71iis insutance shall be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> , .
<br /> Pat�3� !1!� lpaRe 2 rJb prtgtsl
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