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<br /> . ` `. caiaar.w�on o�aAer e�kiaj oF.�r P�rt of t�e PtQpaty or ta+caqvty�noe in�uep ot cadenw�tjon..�La�ebx.�i�nea■w
<br /> r�Wf1K p�id a Laide� . � � � � • `
<br /> . ln 16e avmit of�totat Wci�g ot ti�t�coperty.`the proc�eeds s1aU 6e �ppfied t�the sums secured by,tbis�Sec�rity
<br /> ` ° �a�aw..w�e�oc na dia►b+e.wiU�any exc4ss p�id ro Burnwec- in t�e event of a pa�tial hicing of We Prap�ng iR-� �-- :-
<br /> - which d�fdr mad�et value ot the P�ape�ty immcdirkty Qefa�e the tat�L�g is aquat to or gieater than the amoiuu ot�e sums. _`.
<br /> ` �ecu�ad by�is Securiry'Instrutnrnt immediatety before the Wdng,iuikss�urrower and Lender otbnwise agrce in wtiting, .
<br /> � . jl�e yt�n�secured b�r tluy Secu�y lnsttortKnt ahall be�educed by the atnaurt af the praceeds muhiptkd by thc fdlowina -
<br /> _ -
<br /> .,f�aeiioo: W t6e talat�muunt of tNe sums secuied'immediateJy Ixfae the t�lcing.divided 6y lb)the fair muket value of the '
<br /> Ptopnty immediately beface the t�iciPB- Any 6afance.shalt be p�id-to Barnwu."In the event of�wrtial.takirt�af the -- - °_
<br /> Ptoperty in whicD the f�ir m�rtcet w�h�e of the Ptoperty iQU�diuetY before Me alting is,iess tMm the anqunt of the snms ,
<br /> secu�ed iim�odiatd�6efoR thc:tairin�mkss BonPwer and Lender aAerwise agree in writmg o�unkss applica6le 4x
<br /> otl�etwise p�vviiles.the proaeds st�li be�pplied to the sums sa.�urod by this Securiry Instrument whether or rwl tNe sums�a
<br /> tAeo.du�� .
<br /> . If the Ptopetty is abuda�ed 6y Bamwer,ac if,aRer notice 6y Lender to Hotrawer that the candrnuior offers w matce
<br /> m s�vand or settle a claim fordan�ges,Bomnwer fails to zespand w t.encler withfi 30 days atter the da'te the i�otice�is given;
<br /> . . . �l.ender is wthorixed to colka ard appty�the piacKds.at its optiart.eitfrer tQ restoratian or cepoir of tbe P�aperty or to the .
<br /> stlms socmed by this Securiry itut�unta►�wfKdKr ocnot then due. ` . . . .
<br /> ' Unlw L�ender and Botrowes otherwise agree in writiag.any'application of pcocecds to principat shatt not extend ar�
<br /> � postpon�d�c due d�te of the mont6lx ptymkats�efer�ed to i�►paragr�ph.a t and 2 or change the aa�ount of such paymrnts.
<br /> - , � 11. �oetower Not Rdeased; Focbear+�ce ey Leedec.Not a Ws�iver. �,�r�•+�+•,�•'of tlte timle fot payment or
<br /> modification.of atnortizatia►of the sums secu�ed by itus Security Insuuraent granted 6y Lendcr to any succGSSOCin interest; ,
<br /> . of Bortewer shall na opente to tekase ttte liaDiliry of the origiral Borrowu or Bormwer's successrxs in intet�.ct.Lende�;:...
<br /> sAall not 6e rcquaed w commence Q�uvxdings against any sncce�or in interest.or refase to eactcnd timc for WY!�.-�'�t•
<br /> < otbnwise modify amarti�tiat of tfie.sams so4vned bY this Security Instmmeai by�eason of any demand made by the��i'.�,
<br /> Bo�rawer oc Ao�mwer's sucoessors in inte�e.ct. My fabear�u�ce by Leader in execcising any ngM ocremedy sh�tl i�t�{'b�E'a';' -
<br /> ws"rver of a procfide ihe eae�ise of any right ar nemedy. � , ;:.. �
<br /> '12. S�aenars a�d As�i�u Ban1A:Ioiqt�d Several Li�t1:Co:�eers. 7?�e covenanu anc4 agmme�►ts.of�s:;�.
<br /> Secwity Insttutuenrstial!bind and benefit the successors and assi�zs uf tiender and Bortowes.subJect to th�pmv�siats of `.
<br /> patagr�ph 17.Boaowers covenants and agreements shall be jait.�.:�d several.Any Bortawer who co-signs this Security
<br /> _ . taslnnnentbat does nat execvte the Note: (a)is co-signing this Se::�.�ty in��i unly.ta mortgag�gantand conv�y tliat -
<br /> Bamwer�s inte�est in the Ptoperty under the temts of this SecuriryJ:�rumern: tb'}is not persanaily abhgated tu pay the-sunu.-�-
<br /> sceuied by this Stcurity Insunmen�and(e)agrees that Leader and any other Borrower may agra tn extend.modify.forbear �
<br /> or make,any xcammodations with nga�d to the terms of this Security Inst�urnent or the Note withoaE that,Botrowa's
<br /> consen4.
<br /> . 13, Ltws C6ae�es. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject tn a law which sets mauimum foan �< ,.
<br /> ..charges.aad that law is fmally iaterpieted so that the interest or aher loan charges cbllected or to 6e collected'm connection
<br /> with the laan escad the pe�eued limi�.�tun: (a)any such loan charge shail be reduced by the amoum neas.saty to rcduoe '
<br /> the charge tsx the pemitt�T�a��,�i aily sums alre;ady collectc��ivm Bornower which exceeded permitted limits will 6e ., .
<br /> • refunded to Bomnwer.�a�i:inay cltaose to make this refund by'aeducing the pfincipal owed under the Note or by making tt �
<br /> dizect payment to Boct�'er.:.�f a refi+nd reduces principal,the reduction w411 be t*eated as a partial prepayment wnhout a�ty
<br /> P�Y�t charge undec�Note.
<br /> 14. NMias. Any notice to Barzower pmvided for in this Security Instr�snent sha11 be given by delivering it or by ,
<br /> mailing it by first class mai!unless appa:ablc law requires use of anbther method.The notice st�a!Q be directed to the Property
<br /> Addmss or any ather uddr�s Borrower dexignates by notice tn Leader. Any notice to Lendes�.hall be given by fr�st class
<br /> mail to L.ertder's address stated herein or any other address l.ender designates by notice ta Borrau�er. Any notice provided for
<br /> � in this�Sectuity lnsaument shall be decmed to hace t+een given to Bomawe�or Lender when given ns provided in this
<br /> P�B�Ph• �
<br /> � 15. Governing Law;Severabil(ty. This Security.lnstnc,ment shull be gavemed by federal law and i�s taw of the .
<br /> � jurisdiction im whici►the Praperty is tacated. In the event that a�y�ovision os clause af this Sa�riiy lnsttumeni or the lote .
<br /> � conflicu witb.apQlicable law,such contlict,shall not affect other�:ovisions of this Security[nstrument ar the Note which can ,.
<br /> be given effect without t�e conflicting provision. To this end tl�e provisions of this Secuaty Ipstrument and the l�ote aie
<br /> declazed to bo se'verable. � .
<br /> 16. Borro�rer's Copy. Borrawer shall be given ane conformed copy of the Note and of ihis Security In.mumen�
<br /> 17. 'iiranster ot the Property or a Beneflcial Interest In Bare�ower. If all ar any part of the Property or any interest in
<br /> it is sold os uaasferred(os lf a beneficial interest in Barrower is sold ar transfemd and 8orrower is rrot a natural percon}
<br /> without l�cadea's priar written consent,I.ender may.at its optian,reyuirc immediate payment in full of all sums secured by
<br /> this Secmity Instrumen� However.this option shall not be eaercised by l.ender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of
<br /> che date of this Securiry(��trument.
<br /> ' If i.e�der exercises a�:is option,Lender shall give Horrower notice of acceteration. The•natice shall pravide a period of
<br /> � 'ricst tess c6�a 30 days fc�m tLc date the noGrc is delivered ur maited within which�arrower must pay all sums se�ured by tbiq
<br /> Secaiity[:�tiriimen� S Hortowcr faiis to pay tAcsc �ums prior to the expiration c�f this period. Lender rtmAy invake any
<br /> remeciies Qzm�itted by t:�is Secutity(rsss,_•*�ument withaut further naticc or demand on Borrawcr.
<br /> 18. Sqtrower's Rigttt to Retnstate. lf Borrower mects certain conditions. Bonnwer �hall have the right ta ha�•e
<br /> . enforcement of this 5ecurity Instrument dlscontinacQ at uny time prior t�the earlicr c�f: (a)S days!or such other period a�
<br /> Singtc Family�•fiaenk 3iae.Fred4ie�1ac t\1FORN I�STRI"�1B�T•�Ui�iforro Coven•rnl� 9JlS fpuge J olApu�etir
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