. .. . _,- _ . . �... -E-rn.:
<br /> , �. .,:
<br /> `.��__-
<br />.-._�- - - . -.,._ _,,.-� .
<br /> • � � -_ � �. ..' . , _ : . _ . '�. ` : t��.� 1�_�'��3,'.. � :
<br /> - -- --`�ioa Q al�a sakies of,ary-p.re ar�Me.rwpa4►•a taaonvex�ee N�a+a�oonaeiw�io�.a�e r.R�!►�!'�� :
<br /> � slrl4be p�id 10 lie�dtr. . ` � ` ` � ` '
<br /> - in Wt�cve�t af a total f�.of drc Aopaty.tbe piaoeeU�-'i�ll be appliei!tu ie�iecwea0 l'+y��!► ` - -
<br /> - —istnuaeat:wl�dheta:not d�o-d�.-w�th sngeavas paid to.Bormw�er.Ja�t_eve�af�pwti�l tati4�af tha Prapaty:iu.
<br /> •`�vl�icJ�the ta�mt�ioet value c!�'the Pi+ngetty immcd�a�eiy ixf'ae dk takin�is equW w a p�ea�er daa d�e ainoiNnt�ot drc�i .
<br /> sxue+ed by d�is Securityr lnaanunent inaaedi�cly befoce drc�qkinj,unkss Ba�rower�ad i.ender Qd�awise apee sr wr�t�, . ` ' '
<br /> �e suas socunea 6y�his sa�ity rm�+nw�t.s�il 6e iedn�cea by the�mounc of u�e pcacoeda>,naltipliea bY the rdbai�. ._
<br /> � {rxtion: (�)the�tan!amouat af the sams sectiued immediaie[y bFfooe d�ntinB•di�'idoQ hy tb)the fairmtket'v�e�E d�e • ..
<br /> - -- .�.�y iuunod�a�tg trefan�e�tS.-AnY b�iaurce sladi 6e�d i�Bo�rower.� Ia th�eamE-a��E�dal.t�IcgK o�l d�e- --.— .- ,—
<br /> prcpe�ty ia vrhick'tfe fair mxket�slna of"the Pmpe�ty immodLtely befor�t�t�kt�g is iess d�m'tbe.�rnount ai the nnas �
<br /> sectuad inrnedia�etY befa!e tbe qkin&uolesg 8ormwfs and l.rnder otberwise �ee in writia�or uokss'appticable 1�► � .
<br /> ql�erwi�e p�vvides,the pncroeds shsfl be applied to the su�secu�ed by tf�is Se�wity Tnstn�ment whedkr a�ot the s�mss ate �
<br /> . � . tl�a dut. . , . � .
<br /> 3f the Ptoperty is abamdoned by Ba�mwer.a if.aRet ootict by Iet�derio Ba�ower d�t tbe aondertma�dfees to nWr� �
<br /> _aa awatd ac senfe s claim for dam�ges.Bortower faiis w�espaad to i.a�der within 30 dsys�the dMe the notice is aiven. •
<br /> � i.e�ter is�wt�o�i�to coikct aod apply tbe p�+noeeds,u tu opuon,either to restor�lion or tepau of tbe Arape�ty ar W dre
<br /> swns seeurod Dy d�is Secocity tnsnomen�rvlx�er or na d�en due. .
<br /> Uokss L+eMer and`Bormwa athrnvise ag�ee in wriw�g,anY 9pplicatian of Pm�eds w P��P�shalt mt eactrnd ar �
<br /> ;�tpone the dae d�te of tUe tnonthlY Pa�refecred to us{rar�gr�s 1 and 2 or changa die�no�mt of such paiya�ents-
<br /> -;..:�-, iL E�row� Nd� � By ,t�x�d�r,N4t a�Wsivec .:�ension of the tur�e for payma�t oc
<br /> - - �6og oE��nortvatiam ii�;�siu�es.3e`ciired Hy��sSec�uitY i�#�a��Sr�n��"��tO�fi'�O1r�!0�'�
<br /> _``� :'�E$orcowa s�tl.noc qpx�`s�t te��i�e 6s[+ilie��s6�e origa��t�a.osf ec�s�sors in inteet�t:eada -
<br /> �-; =',�mt.5��red to�e.�oc�-t��;��'_����a�i�ta estrad ume fa;pac�� . . •� .
<br />.}��=`�. : ��ri�t�a�o!r�i�a�tJx�suaess���;�s'`",�curitY.F�E6gce�ioia�iEariv�ie�audmdeby't�.aigimt
<br /> - _ � .8uimi+�erar�a�ra�rx's:sao�...�t-,t��uF�;`.Attg�:�����}i�ornmedys8a]{nottre`a _ ,
<br /> �. '�:rma cf a p�,c��ot�csp d�;�a�sereral r,i�;co-si�pers:'IUe cuven�ts ana�gvanena of uus ..
<br /> � 12. S�nan�si�Ea���t
<br /> Spcnrity Tnst�ent shall bind and beneFt�iae successas and assig�iff Lmder and Boaower,subjece to th�proYisions of .
<br /> p�ragraph I?.Borrowet's covenants and agraements sNali bc joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security
<br /> Instcumeot but d�s not e�ute.the Note: (a)is co-st�ning this Seeurit�Instrument only to moRgage,giant and canvey that-
<br /> --$onnwer's m�ertst�ihc.P�perty"w�derthe cerms uf thLc Secunty�{6�is-aot perso�raliy obiigate�S to paY tlse�r�ss—.�_---�-_
<br /> s4cured by this Security lasuumen�and(c)agRCS that Lender and any`other Hortower rtuy agree to extend.modify.focbeu
<br /> , a m�lce any xcommod�tions with regand ta the temu of this Securiry[nsnument or thc Note without that 8arower?s
<br /> consent. • � ` • �
<br /> 13. l.oat Cf�MYea. 1f the loan secured by this Securiry [n�trument is subject to a I�w which se�s maximum loan
<br /> ch�,wid thit law is finally interpneted Eo that the interest or ather ban Charges rotkctod or w bc w�tacted in cnnnection
<br /> willti the lo�n exoeed she pem�itted limils.�hen: la)any such tc�an cDarge shrll be reduced by thc amoudt aec¢ssuy to rcduce
<br /> the ch�t ta the pem�itled limit;su�d(b)su�y sum.s alre�dy collected fcom Borruwer which eaceeded petmitted limits wil{be �
<br /> nfundM pn garuwer. l.ender may cl�oose cc�make this rcfund by reducIng sbe principal owed under ihe Nae or by m�lcing�
<br /> dircct psyrt�en�to B�xrower. If a rcfund reduces pdncipaf.the rcduc[ian will be tccated�s a pa�tial pcepayment withaut any
<br /> prepxymrnt chuge under tire Nwr.
<br /> ' la. Natica. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be giveri by delivering it or by
<br /> maiting it by fmt class mail unless applicable law rcquires use of�nother mett�od.The notice shalt be dirocted ro the Property
<br /> Add�ess or aay ather address Borrower designates by notice to L.ender. Any notice to Lender shali be given by first class
<br /> mail to Lender§address statuf her�ein or any other addre�.c Lcnder designates by notice to Bortowcr. Any notice pcovided for
<br /> in this Secudty Insuument shall 6e deemed to have been given to Bortower or L,ender when given as provided in this
<br /> � ParaSraPh• _
<br /> 15. GoverninE l.a�v;Severability. This Security Instrument xhall be gavemed by federal taw and the law of the
<br /> jurisdictio�in which ttk Property ia tacated. ln the event that any provision or clause of this S�uriry Insuument ar the Note
<br /> , conflicts with ayplicabte law,such confiict shall not affect aher prov�sians of this Security Instt�mient or the Note which can
<br /> , be given effa�t without the.conflicting�uvicion. 7b this end the pmvisions of this Security In.n�ument and the Note are
<br /> doclared to bc scverable. �
<br /> 1�. Borrawer's Copy.Barower shall bc givcn one conformed oo�}r af the Note and of this Security lnstrnment.
<br /> 17. 71ra�fer ot tl�e Yraperty ar�BeneRcial interesl in Borro+ver. If all or any paA'of the Prqxrty or any intenest in
<br /> it is sold or iransferred(or if a beneficiat interest in Borrower i�saJ�f ar transferred and Bamwer is not a naturpl person)
<br /> a9thoac lander's prior wtitten cansertt,Lendcr may.at its option.r�oire immediate paymenl in full oi all sums secured bg
<br /> ' �;s Security Inswment. However.this option shall not be exerci.�6y Lender if eaercise is proriibited.by federal taw as of
<br /> � c'Se date of this Security In.strument.
<br /> tf Lenckr eaercise.v this aption.Lender shall giv�Borrower notice of acceler�tion. The notice shall provide a period of
<br /> not less!lratt 3�days irom the datc the notice is delivered or mailed within which Bortawer mutit pay all sums secured by this
<br /> Sccarity I�raumen� If Hoaower faits to pay these sam�pdor to the expirution of this period, l.cndcr may invoke any ,
<br /> remedies[�rrttitted by this Security lnstrument w�thout fuither notire or dcmand on Borrower. .
<br /> 18` liorrower's Ridhl to Reiastate. lf Borrower meetti certain conditions. gortower shall have the right to have
<br /> enforcement oi thiy Security Instrument discontinued at any time prior to the eadier of: (a)S days�or such other periai as
<br /> � Singtc F�mily—�aenie Maelireddk Nac UtiIFURS11Vti7BU;fEtiT••t�niform t i�vcn�m4 �!!� I/xrRe 0 oJb paRSSI
<br /> - - ---- -. ..'rii.3�..r_:.e ----- -. ._ . . _�,.`'—.'�-'— .',r.'.,'�„ ��_ �'.:a:s�anscw:�-:��."�+.+r•a.�__-.-,�.- ---
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